r a - Ptfncc Rupert Call? !3cU)S Saturday, May 14, 1949 Local News It HOTEL ARRIVALS njal Cedar Sidewalls ems . . . W. H. Brett, candidate for reelection as Member of the Legislative Assembly, sailed last riight by the Coquitlam for Mas-sett Inlet points on a campaign 3 Announcements E te with undercourse and nails llf'f'niTlinMftiTMM'tSt'MMitinriSM'IlIT'nfHlll!! sfn'HTniHIIfTnTinilflfl All advertiarnmuai rnui column WlU be charged for a I nil montn at Stt casta word Prince Rupert H. Rindal, Vancouver; A. Mc-Phail, Sandsplt; J. J. Hill, Vancouver; N. Bentley, Vancouver; D. G. Stenstrom, Vancouver; C. McKinnell, Inverness; E. Mc Charles O. Rimmer, after trip, spending eighteen months at ' Tranquille Sanitarium, has re- Mrs. J. A. Findlay, who has turned to the city with health been a visitor ln the city for the largely restored. He and Mrs. past couple of weeks, sailed by Rimmer have taken up resid-1 the Coquitlam last night on her 50.i it ) 96.55 v- jit rta d-al al a or h- Cash for old gold. Bulger'g. Moose whist drive and dance every Saturday night 8:30. Mrs. A. T. Parkin sailed last night on the Catala for Klemtu where she will pay a visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Snell. St. Peter's W.A. Bazaar, May 12 SLACKS y Cedar Shingle ence In the Seaview Apart-: return w ner nome at Masses mcnts. Je No. 3, excellent for sidewalls Miss Monica Holtby arrvied S.O.N. Smorgasbord, May 17 Presbyterian Missionary Tea, Church Hall, May 18. Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kcrgin. Card Party, Catholic School Come to the S.O.N. "Smorg- home this week from her studies That appeal ... to lare Donald, Vancouver; T. E. Johnston, Ketchikan; R. Lien, Ketchikan; J. L. Watson, New Westminster; G. Upson, Vancouver; N. Berlahno, Vancouver; H. Sl-ford, Vancouver; N. Chadwick, Vancouver; H. S. Stevens, Vancouver; Mrs. W. J. Davies, Queen Charlotte City; H. L. Hinchliffe, Vancouver; H. P. Estiins, Prince Seven members of the publicity committee of the Women of the Moose met this week at the aas-Bord" Tuesday, May 17 at the University of British Col-Banquet and Program 8 o'clock Umbia to spend the summer va- Dancing 10:30. Everybody cation with her Darents. Mr. and $5.95 all men who are con Hall, May 19, 8 p.m.. home of Mrs. Reginald Hugh welcome. Admission $150. (115) Mrs. A. L. Holtby, Dunsmuir St. M & McCAFFERY LTD. scious of style, finish and quality. wnson. Alter the business , , . tJ session, a social period was en- Dr R" Large returned 10 . Mrs. J. S. Black of Prince Ru-Joyed, delicious refreshments' the clty yesterday after a mo ' Pert was re-elected third vic- H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. May 24 is Kinsmen Day-Queens, Parade, Sports, Dance, Grand Prizes. trlp to Terrace and Smlthers to present 0f the British Colum-' c,eorBe: Mrs- C. Hencirick and accompany, in his capacity as bu provincIal command of the ' 'amily, Ketchikan; B. Schlegel, Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 20,' Krltztown, Penn. district deputy grand master, jtho provincial grandmaster; T. Olsen, Wales Island; R. Campbell, Vancouver; J. Groves, Vancouver; J. Berry, Hazelton; H. B. Thompson, Prince George; Canadian Legion's Women's Auxiliary at Victoria this week. Mrs.. C. R. DcKergommeaux and Mrs. Harry King, who have been in the city this week for Mrs. W. S. Kergin. Sonja Ladies Tea 'May 28. j United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nickersoii, Borden Street. George H. Ellis of Vancouver, on an official visit to Masonic Lodges. Making the trip to bcing served by the hostess. Moose Haven film to be shown Sunday I p.m. in the Moose Temple. Everyone Interested welcome. (It) Prince Rupert Baseball Association general meeting. Civic Centre, Monday 8 p.m. Team representatives please attend. (114 Mr. and Mrs. W. Townsend, Smithers were also Jack Bulger, Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. E jinl K pyll ln dvanc. Pleue refrain tram taipouuln Corduruoys $8.95 Chalk Siripes 11.00 Grey Flannels I word per Inwratm, minimum cum, too. Bind Huvlow; r. R. E. Benson, Thomas Woods and the Music and Drama Festival, A. S. Nickerson. Those making left by last evening's train on the shorter trip to Terrace, and their return to Terrace, returning Wednesday were D. C. r Thank, uesio noviiw, runrrw nnucca. mutiu r nd rneiwement Announct menu: ta. . . . . ...... a v r-wi "ill ti" n r . i . n Lutheran Tea and Home Cooking, June 11. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 17. I.O.D.E.' Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. SPECIAL LiDriJrt x , uuuolici mivyjh Dr. L. M. Greene returned to LOST AND FOUND MOTH E You Saw It In The News! Ycltatzie, Masset; T. F. Grant, Vancouver; J. Taylor, Edmonton; F. Storey, Edmonton; Mrs. J. Sass, Salvus; Mrs. E. Storey, Salvus; E. J. Bader, Prince George; Gorge Wilson, Smithers; Dr. G. Fiddes, Hazelton; W. Hamilton, Vancouver; J. Burtt, Hazelton. Stevenson, Frank Skinner, W. D. Vance, George Dibb, C. H. Eikins, Tip Nicholas and A. D. Ritchie. Ir.and Mrs Da v- nce jovce Rtn-slie Drive Vic- the city on Thursday from Smlthers where, ln his capacity as president of the Coalition Association of Skccna riding, he presided at the convention on UNWANTED HAIR REWARD for return of small string of pearls and locket with the inscription D.A.M., June 12. 1937.. Apply Box 516 Daily News. . tf WANTED Experienced wool 13.50 TO 19.50 at Royal juuucu aushtcr. STAMP COLLECTORS "UOVKHVMKNT 111(1011 AIT" Notice of Application tor it ( lull LW-em-e Notice in hereby given that on the eleventh dav of June next, the undcr- Wednesday at which Hon. E. T. SALE presscr or one willing tn lnnm We have a very fine selection ! I nwanted lialr erailli-atrd from the human body with Huro-I'clo ol nl limit, the remarkable rtl-rovery of the age. haco-l'elu kills the roots of any hair! (H) I.OK-lil I K I AltOKATOKII S C7!l (iranviile St., Yam-outer. B.C. Pin Stripe Worsteds Union scale. Apply Dcanc's Kenney, minister of lands and I signed Branch Number twenty-seven -wuhui.y wcancrs. (114) forests, was renominated to )B SALE n Advertise ln the Dally News! You Saw It In The News! ncrt neatly vo. - I oi tne Canadian tgion. unusn tm- hS wallet contest that riding at . the forth- . pire Service League Intends to ap- WILL person who 15.00 in stock. Also F.G. and Scott Albums, etc. Come in and look them over. KEN WILMOT 718 SECOND AVENUE Linzev npnr Seal Cove. which disappeared Irom Civic coming provincial election. nict. $700.00 cash. turn papers at least to Box mie Fuur. Her- 1475. Advertise ln the Dally News! ply to the Liquor Control Board Jor a Club Licence in respect of premises formerly kituwn as No. 3 Officers' quarters, a two storey frame construction, approximately 196' x 38' with addition 80' x 6' and situate upon certain lands describ (It) ! Plain Tone Worsteds Goocl conniuou. Cash $2300.00. occupancy. REAL ESTATE FOR SAL!. m:h Ave. West. ,d bath, hot water ed as ( 1 ) Part of Waterfront Block E of the subdivision of parts of Lots CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Notice to Motorists FOR SALE 4 room furnished house close ln. For particulars Phone Blue 909. (to ascd n vcran- ar. $3700.00 cash. 13.50 Gabardines 14.25 TO 22.75 rnt: A 4 caom REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Ai rented at h. $000.ou in 251 and 1992, Range 5. Coast District, Map 1965; and (2) Lot 1. subdivision of Block 3 of Waterfront Block E as shown on Map 2028. containing approximately 2.903 acres. Prince Hupert Land Registration District, ln the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member r. FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Special DcLuxc -Dror Sedan, can be Inspected at Rupert Motors Ltd. FOR SALE One single bed, 3-mirror dressing table and chair $12. two desks $35 and $6. tri-lite $8, carpet pad. 3 heaters $4, $6 and $10 thousand watts, chairs, Jardlnicrs, tools, etc. 855 Borden Street. Hf) .erincnce. ruurm $10,000, terms. FOR SALE 4 Room Bungalow near McBride. Basement, rental property at rear. Immediate occupancy. Priced for quick sale. 4 small wartime houses in good condition. I six room house on 6th E. including oil stove and heater, 3 lots, immediate occupancy, very low priced. For these anil other property see .rticulars. R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ft. Gas Boat. 5 of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonable quantity of liquor for personal consumption on the premises, and entitling the Club to purchase liquor from a vendor and encine. $4aU.oo Gi netlcr or iCP' ITT i,r,TlMii'i' .ib, y ARMSTRONG AGENCIES at Chandler & Cowgilll PORTRAIT PORTRAIT RTIinTO STUDIO I ,e iiuiton, mac' , I to sell by the glass the liquor so pur- FOR SALE New and Used Fur-Lv,M . i. m..,w.r. ,i ,., fr 307 3rd W. or Phone 342. (ti) niture. Hardware and Oflice consumption on the ciub premises TOR RENT Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Section 35 of "STREET TRAFFIC & PARKING BY-LAW 968" reads as follows: ''It shall be unlawful for any person, being the owner or having charge of any vehicle, to allow or permit the same or any animal or animals attached thereto, to be stood or remain standing upon any street within eighteen feet of any fire hydrant, or within fifteen feet of the building line of any street intersection, or a greater distance than one foot from the curb, or in any other position than parallel with the curb. Provided that nothing herein contained shall be deemed to prevent any vehicle remaining stationary up to the property line intersections of streets at lanes." The Police Department has been instructed to enforce these provisions rigidly. THIS APPLIES TO BOTH PASSENGER CARS AND CQMMERCIAI VEHICLES... ,e H. V. THAIN, City Clerk. fixtures. uuucivmvTu ijiJt -1 m accordance with the provisions oi writers. Radios. Bedroom the Government Liquor Act" and Suites, Chairs, New Floor COV-1 the regulations promulgated therc- cring. Press Irons, Runs, Din-iundcr ner Sets. Paints, Cups and) Daied at Prince Rupert, B.C. this Box 1820. Prince (Hi I iwm house 238 carlv occupancy. , . balance casvi particulars, 223 1 15 A-l condition. FOR RENT Furnished suite, nice, clean, and warm. 1H2 Park Ave. Green 224. (115) FOR RENT Sleeping Room." 801 Borden Street. (tH baucers. ei-c. ror p '.'A hotn day of My- 194B- see H.U. uknh uur. v,u. i 1 1 -xi on Durncr CANADIAN LEGION, B.E.S.L., Branch Number 27. tPhlllp M. Rayl Becretary-Manuiier. (132) (DRAIN Black 324. FOR-SALE m7 - '48 Ford Coupe. Low mileage. Phone Red t;92 alter 6 p.m. Ul FOR RENT Furnished Rooms, 843 9 Ave. West. (118) carmine closet. Ocrorcsl Crosley Phone Black FOR RENT Room. 527 8th Ave. 1)2 7th Ave. W. w. (114) ACT" "UOUUNMKVr I.UjlOK (1151 FOR SALE 1 bedroom suite, sewing machine .dining loom . . , i r v. u 'il.. (Section 27) laoie ana cnuus. nwt ,,., ..r t, ,t for consent to j! model Mof- - WANTED WANTED IMMEDIATELY u . . ..... .. . ... 808. I milMrr HI rirruin iiiif ... . ... . Un;o, $235. Dun-'.ncttc table and Room and board lor working OR oale Practically new Rlll oihrr prrmiw. Lubrication - Will Save. You Money and prolong the life of your car. Just call 791 We will gladly pick up your car and return it promptly. SERVICE HOURS 0 Week Days 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sundays 1 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. BOB PARKER'S ufiiin Kii'rmiiu hi:- . . . - t-.-. ih .r i nn ia .,,.., men. also infield, radio, i nrttpr'a drum complete Wltn noum ni-reoy Kivcn vim u.i nimodations. centrallv locat Red 448. 1 113)1 Rears and Shafting. Chain eleventh day c.r June nrxt. the uiuu-r-drive SliiOOO- 6 h.p. heavy , slRned Intends to apply to the Llquoi . hp. Bilges & Hni.v Fasthone nclne. $150.00. jne. Phone Red ed for some men. Please apply t Box 519, Dally News, stating i rate for room and board and for roo nionlv, also location. I U16 j Sheriff s Office. Court House. ( H UUII-rti Ptmu t,,.,..- for Veterans' Club Licence Number ; 661 . Uucd in resix-ct of certain pre- , mises situate at 314 3rd Avenue WcM.. (116) ric automatic hot ' CITY O F P K I N C E KUP K R T Noiico Ite Curlew Blue run PlrnmMlH WANTKI) KCWiiltl. PllOnC NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Prince Rupert. British Columbia.! Link-belt Speeder ShOVClS,1 upon lands described as Lot 16, Block: Cranes Draslines; Adams 20. seciton 1. Map 923, and beiim: wndition. Inquire, 413 or call al t3U otn w. uji 6. Seal Cove, or ... .".i..i Road Graders; Llttleford Bros, numbered three and four, and aon WAN'itu-wuitft a p u Box. 1756. Prince m..i Ti,n Rnari Maintenance nd ei'ht respectively, jtuico n.u or u.iu.y .-in,m; j (11SI, nurse " loii "V r r.i r,.,i ion mil evening, riiuiiu ivu-u iuu.- UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Second and McBride or PHONE 791 Five horse uowcr wtboard motor, Jed 411. 11131 WANTED Woman to do light housework and look after 5-vear old bov week days. Pnone hlur 12R after 6. HI) pert Land Registration District, to certain premises formerly known Bf j Na 3. Officers' Quarters, a two sUirey frame construction, approximately ; 196' X 36' with addition BO' x 6' and j situate upon certain lands described , l.i 11) Part of Waterfront Block E ol j the subdivision of parts of Lots 2ft I j and 1992, Kanpe 5. Coast District, j Mbp 923, containing approximately I IcCSary Peerless 1 c a 1 and wwim -..... . , Equipment; Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grapples; T L Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders lor Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Portable Centrifucal Pumps; National Dragline Scrapers and Buckets; National A 1 Steel Gasoline HoLts: Nat iona Portable Sawmills: National Rotary Screens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Ltd., Vancouver, B. C. 'Ul Blue FOK AL,r-o room uu.w w cuiulition, For Construction (114) Alterations Repairs l.tll AVC. W., OCCUPilin .f u"i- $1800 down, balance easy terms. For particulars, 223 8th Ave. E. ill" l:c ton panel. Tlie CurTcw By-Law directs that: under the age of fourteen years "No child shall be 011 the streets of Prince Rupert after the hour of -ight-lhirty o'clock in the evening; during the months of October, November, December, January, February and March, and after the hour of ten o'clock in the evening during the months of April, May, June, July, August and September unaccompanied by their parents,, or other " proper guardians, unless for some unavoidable cause." Commencing Monday May 16th. the siren located on the Bcsner Block will be sounded at the curfew hour and this By-Law will be strictly enforced. II. V. TRAIN, City Clerk. ts See Jim Mc- See Taxl. (113) HELP WAWTfcU 'W (iimntitv scl- mvi p wanted Maids wanted 0 618 of an acre, as shown on Map 1065: And (2 1 Lot 1. subdivision oi Block 3 of Waterfront Block E ai shown on Map 2028, containing approximately 2.90.1 acres. Prince Ku-pert Land Registration District, in the Province of British Columbia. Dated at Trincc Rupert. B.C. this 10th day of May. 14B. CANADIAN LEGION, B.E.S.L. Branch Number 27. (Philip M. Buy) iear cedar shing-bundlc. Phone 41. (1161 PERSONAL GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, '. Floor Sanding a Specialty 5 if Red 561 P O. Box 721 for kitchen and ward work. Salary to start $81.00 per month, less $30.00 per month maintenance. Unliorms provided. Apply to Miller Bay Indian Hospital, Prince Ru-pcrt. B. C. (U1) j'-wl trolling boat PFRSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES PKr goods) twelve samples for 50c postpaid In plain scaled in-f wrapper, catalog noi Novelty Co. 3. fiillv eouiuued. wire. Apply 5(10 1743. (1161 Secretary-Ma nuKT. (132) Dent. PR. 'V Major St.. Tor-1 Pint. Klio, , rtn chev. Pick HELP WANTED Applications will be received by the cor fir . Phono niiie J36. (114i MOORE'S Ladles Wear Sale will ennt.inue until May 31. ui ft. Oillnet boat in CDiid contl lion. You Buy it - We Deliver it METAL TIOilA Builders and Contractors NOTE New Roofing Paper. Ued, Mineralized, 3-pl.V special, roll l B.C. FIRNITI RE CO. (121) Jls. Box 517, Daily Home Appliances (114) poration ot tne vnm Terrace until noon. May 1. for position of Municipal' Clerk Hours 1 to 5 p.m., state salarv expected, references reouired. Duties to commence May 25th. .,.fil May 25th. (U6' WANTED immediately. Reliable lnnisckeepcr. please reply Yulan" 36' troller. f Quick s:ilp I Iwn. PLUMBINO - sta'B'T aAnid Repairs. SHEET MMi' WORK Tar and Gravel Hoofing. Lctourpeau & Sons. 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. un t Moorrri at. New ' G. Viureck of P. union. (113) statiiiK salary, expected, mis. Gordon 1.. Llltic. c'u.Y;i , YOU CAN RUN A numn njnuti m Mercury Sedan Little & Son Ltd., .la., tusi. with our ,,r help. helD. Canad (113) itsa. B. C. AT THE B-Y MARKET YOU CAN BUY THE FINEST OF FRESH MEAT, FRESH VEGETABLES AND QUALITY GROCERIES. JUST CALL RED 441 luck sale. Phone' (113) j Canadian garlcn Kindergarten Institute, 301 Enderton Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Apply (tf) WANTED Taxi Driver. 112 Taxi. McCliirv Ranee FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS 7wt T.rT?n U7aiH' MilidS fit (113) WAFFLE IRONS $12.00 TWIN WAFFLE IRONS $16.95' SILEX STEAM IRONS '.. $23.50 G.E. AUTOMATIC IRONS . . $9.95 to $12.50 j G.E. HEATING PADS $.95 ) G.E. TOASTERS $9.93 to $14.93 ELECTRIC CLOCKS ....... $6.95 to $1 1.00 j STEAM RADIATORS $11.00 to $18.00 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. Prince Runci't Ocneral Hospi- r11," indR run ui Apply i. t Miss enc tie Ji PHONE 24 Dobbie. matron. wTrHib-Woman to care for four-year old and c(ok meals three days a week. Blue lbJ. W miles. Phone or call at 704 5th ttf) l8 Clievrolersc-V Kood condition. 'Wlprt c.j,, i, .. Box 423 (Formerly O. D. Haugen Grocery) . 869 Sixth Ave. E. , J 222 Second Ave. ......." Competent HELP WANTED kflnn nlnrlf IT must, be able to Rotors. (tf) -Plvo acre tracts BESNER BLOCK m f . $475 each. New jjrilONE 210 B PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. STEWART, B. C. mi ONE MAN POWER CHAIN SAW PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 P For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reserevations Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Vth "vc acres land. . cash, balance on l' l 111! e nnrlh .F use typewriter ana imve . , ledge of Rcneral olt ce routine. Applv in writitiK wU..u""; cations to Box 515 Daily News. THREE Sun routes open, one in section 2. two down tn. Apply Terminal Lunch. Phone U1 640. W00DB0SS. i!B.C. (117) JOHN H. BULGER DPTOMETR 1ST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 1. . ' r?t , 1 IT5 acres. 31. nnHpr I (inn : , ' WANTED Younn man to work! si 0j)T1: v pIpm.i "Ule Irom he h connec-,.C.9V Dronerl.v fine as minor saicsnmn ... clothiiiK store. Box 521 Dai y News v AGENTS WANTED n OF TASTY MEALS AT THE E&ex (Cade Chinese Dishes a Specially CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN WILL CUT MORE WOOD, MORE EFFICIENTLY CHECK THE EXTRA FEATURES OF THE P.M. Recoil Starter . Weighs only 35 to 37 lbs. Swivel Carburetor Parts and Service Readily Easy to file teeth on the job Available Made in Canada. Frice 26" cutter bar size $295.09 Price 32" cutler bar size $315.00 (plus sales tax If applicable) FROM .. PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY ,H0USE 713 Second Avenue P.O. Box 772 LIVE-WIRE SALEbwbiN handle new line of oHin(!. Paintd Ties. Sensatlona Uf. sellinit Item. No special con nectlons needed. Sells on sight to consumer. Oood v inK assured. No compct tic n. iuis FOR SALE Large Safe, fire and burglar proof For particulars see B. C. FURNITURE CO. NOTIONS Second Avenue opposite Erlnce Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn. to S:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders to Oriental Art Studios, 20-7 St. Timothee, Montreal. Qut--bec. U1 - You Saw It In Hie News! U1 v. rc m.u.ij. , -aerton Bldg., (h)