i : ftOVlNCVAL t L1BRA.RY P337XX3IAL LIS3A7.Y, eUs SJH. .c. onnEs? pnuqs Dai7y Delivers NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHOHE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Ku pert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL. XXXVIII, No. 113. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, SATURDAY. MAY 14, 1349 PRICE FIVE CENTS YlL iter On Road toad Meair n RUPERT LITTLE THEATRE PRAIRIES NEED Floods Feared if Warm Weather Spell Keeps Up SOAKING RAIN OFBEil StMUK PLAY of Winners In Music W . 111 m Temperatures Above Normal and Moisture Below B.C. Fruit Looks Good Hood conditions alone: the Skeena and Bulkley V Drama festival Here ' 1 rivers are becoming an increasing possibility as the e of the second Prince Ilupert and Dis WINNIPEG Soaking rains are water levels continue to rise unuer me unyeuuo extremely warm weather in the interior. ' ' Renorts from un-countrv overnight tell of water ir,d Drama Festival last night the cups, medals were presented to the various the drama adjudicator, Mrs. Audrey the Immediate requirement of practically the .whole grain growing area of the west Since April 1 temperatures in the three prairie provinces have overflowing the trans-provincial highway near Telk- la pulidey; ' ' ' - - ' . I 4 , Ii iiii,, him l'y''; mr.fiiiMafc.t " ' .'....,--vl.- JL.r .. - wa, Z6M mues east oi rimce vu- l of Education senior play was lt prince unpen, Association fr it-". Aggression Is Invited Storm In a Pliiliu Johnson pert with the pcobpect of an even greater rise if present temr peratures continue. Along the lower Skeena, between Terrace and Prince Rupert, the river level is within two feet of the highway surface in many places. The river has come up more than six feet In the last week and recorded a two-foot rise on Friday. Myru Chappie, anged from 4 to 8 degrees above normal while precipitation has varied from 15 to 100 percent below normal. During the past week no rains worth mentioning occurred except at Dauphin and Swan River which had Just over one-quarter inch. Elsewhere, except in southeastern Manitoba and the Peace River, soaking rains are required as high winds have evaporated topsoil molr.ture and subsoP moisture reserves cjo not exist. Some soil drifting has occurred, arrcsK was ad- WASHINGTON DC. (? The BERLIN SELF-RULE BERLIN Great Britain, I'nited States and France today approved self-rule for ;,nitliy Kcehn for .,;iy B-lair in "Moot Slip won the Fisnermen's Co llation cup. United States Department of State said today that the pres-en defences of western Europe arc so weak that they "Invite military aggression." The Department said the United States "must assist" in rebuilding these defences wUh the first year's arms aid program of $1,130,000,000. trophy fr the ;tor was given 10 j shu played Mor- Vast quantities of snow still remains on the upper mountain slopes of the interior and, If lt melts quickly, observers in the up-country centres see every possibility of a flood of as damaging proportions as last year. TraveJlers arriving in the city by car last night said that the water level In several places between Terrace and Kwinitsa i3 only two feet from the top of in "Storm In a School croup the principally in central and west-j ern Saskatchewan and east-j central Alberta, according to the weekly crop report of the Department of Agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. Good progress Is being made in seeding of all crops. In Manitoba, planting of sugar beets western Berlin under limited Allied supervision. The Germans are given direct administrative control of the western portion of ihe city but wide supervisory powers are reserved for three western commands. REDS NEAR IN G SHANGHAI SHANGHAI Two Communist wedges today plunged closer to Shanghai's heart. Thunder of artillery resounded throughout the lense city. The battle is raging within twenty miles of the city. Bri-' ons have been given final evacuation warning. All Americans who wish to leave have .left. f-d by the Music Wiriaiion for the DREWS AT HOME-Gcorge Drew, national leader of the Pr(?jessivf Conservative party. Is shown enjoying a quiet evening at his Guclph, Out. home on the eve- of the federal election campaign. Hi re h; reads to 'his two children Edward and Sandra, while Mrs. Drew sits on the arm of his chair. (C. P. Photo) MAJOR BREAK IN WATER LINE the highway, while further east, married to Booth ii School for the ,1 Cloudburst" by t. directed by Mi;;s will be almost completed this' the Bulkley has ben rising for several days and has overflowed C.N.R. ORDfRIi'G Five Block of Residents nil Fourth Avenue East Cut Off in Farly Morning week. An Increase of 10 percent In wheat acreage Is indicated ior Manitoba with Saskatchewan and Alberta showing a 5 per I :: TODAY'S STOCKS j (CourUry S. n Jnlmstoit Co. J,t,d..' 'man won l he cup I Its banks onto the highway at one place near Telkwa. Thermometer readings In the DIESEL EHG'.NES Residents of five blocks o cent Increase. Total oat acreage Qrttit V a re r i e t riot V 1 tto hfian a v Fourth Avenue East were cut junior actress for :,rc a., Mrs. Mary .M'ibur.'.l." junior actor, Mel- shows Utile change while barley 1 tremely high and bright sun- F.1SLLR GIVEN VP off from city water supply without notice early this mnrnin;; Is down slightly and flax great SOCTHAMPTON Gerhart shine has turned the mountain- ly, perhaps 40 percent. Lisler, No. 1 Communist, tlee- si.cle8 into roaring cataracts. 1 . 1 it.. : . e 4 .. . 1 in the Okanagan prospect". MONTRI.Ar, Tliu Canadian National Railways lias placed orders -in --Cma-ita for thirty- rlsht new die si lrt li ciric loco-, here by E A. Bromley, vice-pres- idrnt in cl.'ir;'" of purchases and a tores for the .V.'tim. j B Bevrmi't I! )!.; . Buifalo Canadian Co)4,At Smelters Cooweat Dnilda K'i! 'i;;t E'vst. SitHivan Vancouver Hayonni' ! Bralorne B. H. Con Cariboo Quartz Oni'.rer.s ltidley Ma-cut Pacilic, Eastern , .08 i 9.15 .03 . tm 117 03' i-.24 .00 for, the fruit crop are excellent. Cherries show the heaviest blos .(warded the cuplaUcr a major break had occur-.jal of Mr. Jones red In the main Just off of Mc-Uw Lovr-Lurn.".J Bride, about, . 4 .a,m, . A torrinJL rv by the Depart-j bursting through the surface of i ai.ui for the best the street, poured down McBride awarded by ad- Street for a couple of hours be ..: ..... .18 .U',4 1.05 47 63 2.48 som on record while apricots will be heavy in fresh and liht in canning varieties. Other fruits Archibald Nominated Giant Yellowknife 5.80 was taken . oft the Polish steamer Batory here today by Scotland Yard agents on warrant from American authorities. The captain of the Batory yielded up Eisler after having at first said he would take him on to Poland. CAPOT WINS PREAKNESS j PIMLICO. Mil. The Preak-ness was won today by Capot. xhioSt. Andrew's uii'ir Choir, con-1 indicate a heavy crop in pros pect. fore the line was lurnea on Waterworks crews then went Into action to di up thirty feet of street to a depth or four feet In order to Ret at the break and An order fur eiyliteea 72-ton dicsol-electnc tocoiuotlves lias been awarded to the Canadian General Klectric Company. For ..mwn",! CITfic" 111! Pllilff Kfl- 33 .17 06i2 :. ,08 .20 God's Lake Ha id Rock Harricana ... H 'va Iloseo Uls were also work in the ? hi'" good C.C.F. Names Former Mem make repairs. It was cxpecieo 1'eod Oreille 3.KU Pioneer. 3.30 Premier Border 021 Privateer 17 Reeves McDonald .90 P'-no Sheep Creek l-O Sjlbak Premier M .Salmon Gold H' Spud Valley - -08 04 Jacknife .38 service would be restored by late , wjml r.1uH ,,)iy ,in, ,0 ,.arry afternoon to the residents of the , o(jt f-lw Idllway U) area who were caught as tncy; . nu)tiV(, w,.r opera-rose with no water for any pur- province. Jotiet Quebec Second was Palestinian, and third, Noble Impulse. Ponder, winner of the Kentucky was fifth. under 12 years, vTsommoaux, Ter- Wi'Iit 10. Lorim .09 Lake Howan ber to Contest Federal Seat. Harry G. Archibald, member of Parliament In the last House, was chosen last night by a nominating contention of the constituency C.C.F. Party to contest Skeena riding in the THE WEATHER Synopsis No break in the current spell of warm dry weather is in sight. Temperatures are expected to reach the eighties and low nineties again over the southern interior and the mid seventies along' the southern coast. Isolated thunderstorm activity Is expected to occur again this af .08 .17 .12 Lnpaska Little Long Lac Lynx pu.se. The only recourse was lor unshaven and breakfastlcss men j Twenty lfi'Ki h p. (Uest l switeh-nf Hie house to uet out the pails ; in., locomotives have been or- June 27 federal election. and kettles and transport water Oils Anp.lo Canadian Atlantic Calmont C. & r. , Central I.educ 3 9.") .71 .3H D.00 .02 from other parts of the home riered from the Montreal Locomotive Work.-.. They will be, as-i signed to service at various terminals across the country. j The two orders bring , thni number of lieei locomotives in! ! Vr. Flora Melvin, . under 12 years, t'TCimineaux and Terrace. Murray Boas. Murray Boas and ""'Wiim was Riven rs and aelrrsses Russell Morrison. Home Oil H Merenrv 10' 2 city. Last year a similar break occurred just a few feet cast of todav's but at a time of day when the residents could be Uiven notice to put in a reserve Midseu Red Lake 2.90 McLeod Cockshutt 93 Mowta 43 Negus 2.32 Noranda '. 53.75 Louvieourt' . .. 11 Pickle Crow 1.92 Reereourt 04 Vi San Antonlon 395 Senator Rouyn 353,4 Sherrlt Gordon LIT ' Steep Rock 144 Sturgem River I6V4 Silver Miller 39 Fraser River Is Dangerous Rising to High Levels As Unprecedented Heat Wave Continues VANCOUVER lh Turbulent Fraser River was close to the flood stage today and emergency patrols are on the alert along could be Mr. Archibald's name was the only one submitted and, in accepting the nomination, he said that, after representing this constituency for the last four years, he was fully aware of ths responsibility and honor being placed upon hint. If elected, he declared, he would endeavour to use the experience he had gained to further serve the voters of Skeena federal riding. Convention Chairman J. B. Black read letters of appreciation of Mr. Archibald's service supply until repairs made. Oka Ha Pacific Pete . Pniieess Royal Canadian . South Braeait Toronto Athona 2 30 2.8a .27 Vi .on u .la .13 .11 ternoon over the southeastern section of the province. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy, clearing about mid-day. Clear tonight and Sunday except cloudy in vicinity of Dixon Entrance. Scattered fog patches tliis morning. Winds northerly (15 mph )in exposed areas and light elsewhere. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Sunday Port Hardy 43 and 65, Mas-sett 40 and 54, Prince Rupert 40 openit;"ii on C.N.R. lines to a total of Kl of various types consi.liii'j; of yard switchers, mad switcliei J and road locomotives. The 72 ton locomotive:; are of a class which can be operated in Kinr units, each of 600 h p. or FISHERMAN PASSES AWAY Auniatiue nie U:j miner, a fisherman on multiples of two or more this coast for the last 30 years, , in the 250-mile dyke system. Under cloudless skies, with sunshine sweeDine the valley, the river 'wnne Langrlde ! Hitlis. 0 the east of ' '"K Cup," Roy Pd a Rift, of flowers r,"r- Mrs. Chappie. M'J,li left on to-w Skideale Inlet lbp stationed with 'Flsons Co. fjr the units. The twein.y swucnum locomotives will each have a r died in hospital here at the ac of 82 He had been a resident for I starting tractive el fort of bli.- -c 4 of the city Pioneer Home was born 000 pound:;, and an; w au;" " c,v. iitm Deceased and 60. CONSERVATIVES is boiling to higher levels andl the gauge at Mission was expected to reach the minimum flood mark of J8 feet by today. J. B. Carsweil, chairman of at Troecen. Norway, and was j the pnvent fleet now in service married. There arc no known ! at yard:; and tei mnnib alou V from many parts of the constituency ranging from Atlin to Ocean Falls and as far east as Burns Lake and Endako. At the conclusion of the convention, Mr. Archibald accompanied by W. H. Brett, C.C.F. candidate, sailed on the Co-quitlam for the Queen Charlotte Islands, where they will conduct a week's campaign. I the iH.UU'l-UUR' (JiiriH. relatives. the Fraser Valley Dyking Board, BEING WARNED 4 said today that there was every confidence that flood conditions could be met but he added: "If t LONDON '0? The Conserva tive party, buoyed by one of its t1 4, few major electoral victories the freakish weather continues, however, for a long time any over Labor since 1945, was cau HOLLAND TUNNEL thing may happen." tioned today by Its followers The heat wave is In the sixth IDEAL CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY j'te employees, wish to announce that wc- have appliwJ to J36 International Laundry Workers Union,, to acainst Dlaclne too much em .: A day with temperatures in the nineties in the interior, levels phasis on the national slgmf icance of the results. l J wheh are termed unprecedented. A spokesman at Conservativ - . headquarters said his party had administered "a very sev 4 41 BEING CLEARED NEW YORK W Bulldozers scraped through deep zero and matted wreckage today to clear blast-seared Holland tunnel for Its daily load of 46,000 cars and trucks. A big truck, rolling towards New York with a cargo of chemicals, had blown up yesterday. It spewed lire and poisonous gas through 300 feet of traffic-clogged tunnel. The ,1 6 ere defeat" to Labor in Thurs U.K. Taking Rejoin (lee Unio day's 'borough elections but he said this does not ncessarily mean that the trend will be re B.C. Salmon peated In next year's general id of- Wc alao takr lhi oMo,l,.nil v to express our rcRicts at (Continued on Page 5) VANCOUVER 0! Fisheries Pr sinrw 1 1 lL the I Union l,.;n ms as well well Urr8"icere apologies to hoth as our ckv r tor ni,r l ..-.l.j 1 -.rhlrli nu.te unintentionally Minister Robert Mayhew announced today that the United tunnel Is expected to be ready for normal operations by late this afternoon. The damage may total $1,000,000. No one was killed. i nl i. Sllrk . 1 an unpleasant controversy. Kingdom had placed a $20,000 order for British Columbia lumber and salmon. uiisundcr- TOUAV'S SCORES American Philadelphia 8, New York 5 National St. Louis 4, Pittsburg 3. LOCAL TIDES jCalie now, that our actionhacl been catisnl by n2 of Union procedure during our meetings.. ONTARIO'S NEW. PREMIER-Leslie M. Frost, who was elected leaner of the Ontario Progressive Conservative party, was sworn in as premier of Ontario Wednesday afternoon. Premier Frost is alijwn here as he signed the paper of office at Queen's Tark. (C. P. Photo) Sunday, May 15, 1949 3 Exhibition Football J J PRESIDENT'S ' TEAM VS. f ? VICE-PRESIDENT'S TEAM ? $ SUNDAY, 2:30 P.M. J 1 Everybody Welcome The salmon order will total $3,000,000 to $10,000,000 and will cover the sale of 300,000 to 400,-000 cases. Details of prices and species are to be worked out. The lumber order will be the first half of 1949 and will total around $10,000,000. EMPLOYEES' COMMITTEE 22.1 feet High DISREGARD TIME Clocks are seldom given as wed 18.9 feet Coal is a source 01" vitamins, sulfa drugs, rubber, fertilizer,'., paints, insecticides and 2:44 15:53 9:28 21:30 1.6 fee H. SCHMIDT G- SHADE Low ding presents in China, where It. SUDEN 8.0 feet they are considered bad omens