J-1 affairs with a little co-opera- camera Instead of a gun Is jJtlnc? tfllplti Dafl? tion. . I more popular around Francois Saturday, May 14, 1949 Ray '' Lake just now, this being May Reflects . . . Built and used originally by Instead of October. The birds CONSERVATIVES WARNED Labor. , Mak-administratloii the United States Army as an PPW K1 co-operate. Many members of the. .Conservative the acquaintance of a fea-Avenue, and Reminisces building on First . . . thered lier should Provide (Continued from Puge One) party had been Jubilant there now appears every liifptih nf tho nmii hin- a kick the bloodless kind. over sweeping gains In thi3 Yesterday was Friday the Prince Rupert folk are visiting changed into an apartment election of members to the weeK's oorotign council 7 elections thirteenth, yet no block. So states J. T. Gawthrop, House of Commons. and confident that the one mentioned It with overseas, many having relatives in the Federal government serv- About a month hence, polit The Conservatives have won ! landslide to the right foreshad-1,85 a significant look. in Britain or on the con- ico, who was In town earlier in Ically speaking, a movement of 4,c,93 seats at stake In owed their return to national The sun shone sweetly, no car tlnent. Even to those who have . the week. He should be close will be under way that . has a the 420 boroughs of England government in the IG50 general bumped us In the region of the not, the experience U of value, to the facts. No one disputes military sound, although it has and Wales, gaining 785 from election. The returns show a pericardium and the post office the reality of a housing short ) nothing whatever to do with steady stream of anti-Labor oo aia not contain a lawyer's Travel does not make anyone soldiers or soldiering. It deals victories In 420 borough councils letter. On the whole, the date an International authority bull exclusively with provincial pol- It Is an order, and lt says: Involving 9,7&2 candidates was reasonably decent. it helps In the understanding of shooting wild geese with 1 ltlcs. It consists of three words. "As You Were!" for 4,693 seats. '' ' ' ' ' 'I (Ml mm mm , AppKKC:iA'l ED Mis. ejns Munthe, regent of Municipal , iod.e, ri-'-eives from Lt. Cdr. J. D. McRae, commander uf H.MOS. Chatham, a scroll' sent by Hon. Brooke ! niinM'T uf national defence, expressing appreciation (Van Mecr Photo) ,w 10 D E.'iiwar work for the Navy. 9 'r&r,,-s m n IKCE RUPERT DRY DOCK TENDERS SHIPYARD addressed to1 QEAI.ED TENDEIt.4, 9 ;PBUIIJJE15S AND "Tender for Burfuce Treatment. Btnl-thfirs Airport," will be received up Ui 12 o'click noon. E D S T.. Tuesday. May 31. 1U4S), for surface treatment ol the existing parking apron and laxi Btrip and certain aras of the exLstliig runway at Smlt.hers Airport. Mmithers. B C. and bra. Oas-cini;t trx aim ""J " Welding Kisi'S ' , t ' - "I , ' 1 YR0N t. JOHNSON - f t.St'y ,5 mji 1 ' Pr.milr ol B.C. f P ' ' ' ' 1 Plans. Rperlfirations, labfjur conditions, form of contract and ten lAUSTS UN SAWMILL V :, HON. HERBERT ANSCOMB ( Minister of Finance and der formfc may be obtained on application to the Chief Purchasing Apent, Department of Transport, Oltuwa. Ontarto. or from the Dist NINO MACHINERY V'.'fr--. ..'..'j - I . ' 4- -i 5 rict Airway EtiKl.n-'-r, Department of , ' L- I Transport, co District Controller, Air Services, 119 Pacific B!d(? . Van- V AVAILABLE couver. B C. upon receipt of an ac cepted clieque made payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada for the sum of (10 00. Till clieque will be returned upon the return tjf the plans and specifications in good condition. s In war and peace -for eight years British Columbia has prospered in the hands of a Coalition of the Liberal and Conservative parties. Your Coalition government embodies the best policies of both parties and their representatives. It has been the. best government in British Columbia's Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque on a chartered C anadian bunk equal to ten per cent ( 10", I o fthe tender price payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada, which cheque will be for letted In the event of a tenderer re entire history! fusing to enter Into a contract on the ! LOOK FOR THE EW RED AND bn.su of nil tender. If called upon to do bo, or failing to satisfactorily 1 complete such a contract. Cheques of unsuccessful tendemrs will be returned. Any tender not accompanied by a security deposit a described will i not be considered The Department does not bind j Itself to accept the lowest or any WHITE Greater British Columbia development than ever before has been achieved -social services public works, education, public power, municipal help and other programmes of an outstanding nature are in effect. Your Coalition government stands on its record of achieve- ment and promise. It offers itself for re-election so that it may continue its sound. ' administration of British Columbia's affairs. ID SEAL LABEL tender. P. T. COLLINS. Secretary. Department of Transport. Ottawa. Ontario. May 7. 1B49 ;ii- J Aiis. Get Results, in tut; Daily .News v. (114) - Here are the principal features of the Coalition record: - 2ft SOCIAL SERVICES British Columbia is the most progressive province in social welfare old age pension are the highest in Canada. British Columbia was the H0SPITAU2ATION Worry and anxiety of hospital bills has been banished in British Columbia. Hospitals hove been adequately financed there is no further need for public assistance. USD t&EAR COUNTS ; "it 7t Co to your outdoor Job .weart.it l.tM'ki Work Boots and you're all act for toiiftli going underfoot. Their mo'iKlure-reslaiant leather will help keep youf fevt warm and dry in all WW v. mm (f" -If. -'j Vr--i?..-c. weathers and you can count on them for rugged wear and lonft-laslinft comfort. I'M R ily find a ryl 'VU ir.-.A lounras '1 '1 to auit ynu at your eckic dealer's. first to augment federal old age pensions. TRADE INDUSTRY British Columbia is Canada'$ third ' largest industrial province! Your Coalition govern ; ment set up the British Columbia research council : brought the Columbia Cellulose Company here interested the Aluminum Company of Canada in surveys totalling $2,000,000.00 and a contem- ( plated $300,000,000.00 expansion program in . British Columbia. Your Coalition government has an industrial and trade representative in London a Regional Development division" of the Department of Trade and Industry. j 1 FLOOD CONTROL Under the Fraser Valley Dyking Board the emergency progromrne is now, 55; ;; complete. $6,000,000.00 has already been pro- vided by the Provincial and Federal governments. MUNICIPAL FINANCIAL AID Your Coalition government has greatly increased its contribution to public - services maintains all hospitals and contribute one-third of new buildings costs has the best school system in Canada and pays half the cost of new buildings and equipment contributes more -, than any province to the teachers' superannuation , fund. ROADS A thirty million dollar highway building programme is underway 350 miles of main highway will be paved this yeorthe magnificent Hope-Princeton highway will be open by labor Day the Pine Pass Highway will open up the Peace River district of B. C trrus bringing another section of the province into land communication with the coast. EDUCATION British Columbia now has the most advanced' educational policy in Canada its schqol teachers receive the highest average salaries. Vast Improvements to school buildings and equipment have been made half the cost of new schools is paid for by the government school books are provided free up to the 6th grade and rental for , romincl amounts up to grade 12. PUBLIC POWER Electric power. from Government plants is supplied in 20 districts from Duncan, V.I. to Dawson Creek, Peace River. Power development at Campbell River not only serves the people of that district but has assured the establishment of new industries uch as pulp and paper plants at Alberni, Nanaimo and elsewhere. Hi - if , f jrv-v ' 'A . -ii nsMMHMaaMMiiBsi ft m ' m , sr 1 1 i mm QUALITY WORK BOOTS THESE ARE JUST A FEW OF. THE PROGRESSIVE MEASURES TAKEN BY YOUR COALITION GOVERNMENT FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. TO CONTINUE THIS PROGRESS AND UCUVE THESE INDUSTRIAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL BENEFITS, RETURN TO OFFICE 1 7 '"A" M. ROYAL PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Price $87.50 to $97.50 THE EFFICIENT,. BL'SWESLLIKE ADMINISTRATION' OF THE COALITION GOVERNMENT. ELECTION DAY-WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 ftATtmtvr.. iVJ . 1 F'X(;Hlt-F()RM KEYS 1 A;!C MARGIN 1 STN)AI) SIZE KEYBOARD 1 XrAY, spi:i:dy SPACE BAR " I II If U l 1 1 i - l!iur-nwwoon AMn SMITH-CORONA PORTABLES mm ALSO AVAILABLE rurjiisnea oy me priiin v"MIWIM ..-..... X