if prince Uuprrt Dailp rectos UB. Saturday, January 24, 1948 SBBBff For Spring! An Independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Hunert , .R communities comprising northern and central British Columbia lAuthuriyed as Stcond Class Mail. Post Oi(ice Department. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday bv rruice Rupert Dally News Ltd., Sro Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. AHUNTER. Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director MEMBER OF CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS t CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION Oltncnnrnimn.. . rtti. r.J, ouootnu-llUB KATES w.T." JLTV.'0?: 7r Montn. esc: ' Per Year, $700: mfas, i.1 Otul "iy U f Iff i - By Mail. Per Month, 40c; Per Year, ti 00. true foundation can It provide a secure foundation. Since mankind needs a religion, many unscrupulous persons have tried to beguile people by offering a substitute foundation. We should heed God's ad Printed Jersey Dresses All Sizes and Colors Doubtful Blessings SATURDAY SERMON monition and remember that there is only one foundation up- on which a successful life can be built. That foundation is Jesus Christ. ' ONK FOUNDATION By Rev. E. Soiland. pastor St. Pauls Lutheran Church II BLACK CREPE SKIRTS WITH NEW SIDE DRAPE ALPINE SKIRTS ALL COLORS - SIZES 38 TO 44 DIRECTORY Srvl4- hi nil rlMrclii- ill II u.m. ami ::! p.m.; miihIiiv m IhhiI at J'irl.l rweiil tftw ilitmn. (MII ICIV ( t'l IIKIlKAI. 4th Avp. W at Dtuisniulr St. Holy Conitnunltm H:3U a in. Ku-idttv Kr-lHMl i ito pm. Rwtor: Basil S. Frcirkter HA., HD (HI lie 7:U) ,7 T "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Christ Jesus." I Corinthians 3:11. Theme: One Foundation. Foundations are very inijmrtant. They determine the salcty of the. buildings which they support. Engineers say that the foundation is the most important part of the building. When the foundation is resting on firm and solid rock it will support a building t.f considerable size and weight. It may In; of interest to not.- that in Chicago a noted mfh.!r.rHSaid .Vu panting them the desire of e the foundation would have to ,nU to JnM chrjfjt First Presbyterian Church Fourth Avenue East Rev. Allan M. MeColl, Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Organi.st hhst hi"iit 6tll A VP K at YoliliK flt Minister: Hev Frt-ii AntrnUuH (Cire.'ii 812) SPORT JACKETS for Ev( ry Ta I.ARC1F ASSORTMENT OF PRINTED HOUSE DRESSES ALL COUKS AND SIZES A k Ik Iff1!1 IN.-T l'IUNll IIHIW 4th Avenue KiiHt (Green 6HJ) So tall uiT QU in 111 building UUX1U1U Uk hiW and massive structures, the builders sunk shafts to rock. AININt I 1 1 mansei Order of Services SUNDAY, JANUARY 25. 1948 Anthem by Junior Choir. Sermon: "Thou Art Thou Shalt Be." Sunday, 12:15 Sunday School. Sunday. 7:30 p.m. Evening Ser vice. Sermon: "The Divinity or Christ." The second article in the Arms tie's OppH Cathedral Church of St. Andrew Rectory: 542 Eighth Avenue UPSTAIRS IN STONE BUILDING IIHT IMTIII 6'f 61 h Ave West Mlnlmer: K, A. Wllxoii. M A (Gri-en 6I3 llll. XhlTI. thikii: 321 6Ul Ave West Pa.stiir: Paul A Burlier (Oreen B20 KU.VATIOV AKMV Frawr Street, CO : Capt Earl Jarrett Dirortciry f:iuss 2 :to pm. Sunday Srhml 3 (MJ p.m. (Wark 2(JU, West With the solid rock as a footing, the buildings did not sag or settle. Some buildings are not built on solid rock. The Tower of Pisa for example has settled Blue 733 because of its insecure founria- The adjourned Congregational Meeting will be held in the Temporary buildings mav not Church Hall Wednesday, Feb. 4. USE III at 8 p.m. SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 8:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer. Sermon Subject: "Lessons From the London Blitz." 7:30 p.m. Evensong. Sermon Subject: "Toe II." 9-10 p.m.-Fellowship Hour. Preacher, all day The Rev. Gilbert Williams of London, England. Special Offering for Canterburj Cathedral Fund. W 3 duiKiey valley The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. E. Jarrett Corps Officers. T. ftl l.ti I 1 1 1ll K.tV 6lh Ave at McBrkle St Pastor: ?. Rullimd Black Mini XT. I'l.TIK'S (M,, V Seal Cove Arrhcleacon hi. HiMhnn Sunday school II Oil in EvenliiK Prayer 7 .10 p in. I Blue 8J7I l-OMMI MTV SI MM V M lllHH. f ast Knet Hull. 2 AO p m. hi TONIGHT, 8 p.m. need a solid foundation. Those which are to last need a firm foundation. Houses built on sand will settle. Those which are built on insecure soil will also requii" special care if they are to endure. We can take the lesson from experience in building and apply it to the experience of our lives. Our existence is to continue forever. Because of that fact, we must have a secure foundation that is solid and which will endure forever. That foundation is Jesus Christ. COAL AND SAVE Talks for Teen-Agers. 11 a.m. Holiness Meeting. Subject "Inward Purity." 2:30 p.m. Directory Class. 3:00 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Gospel Meeting, in charge of the Corps Cadets. "A Life-boat Service" REGULAR BAPTIST (FI'MIYli:Ttl.lT) OK lODE Hull- -6th and MrBrkle Plione 300 WE ASSUME that the political system that does the most for its citizens might be said to be the system that is best for them. It is on such a premise that the advocates of communism, and even the advocates of some of the paler shades of the same thinking, have based their claims. Under capitalism, they assure us, the worker is wickedly exploited, while under the leftish way of thought, all benefits accrue to the worker and producer. . Under our form of enterprise we have to admit frankly that the worker hasn't always been wholly satisfied. He has said so with frankness and determination, and with very considerable effect. Under the Soviet system 'he has appeared satisfied or, if not, for his own good reason, he has kept his dissatisfaction to himself. But, possibly thee silent or satisfied communist workers avouIO actually have been a lot better off, even as vaguely dissatisfied workers under the system in ow land, defective as it may sometimes held. Some figures provided hv' experts of the notably honest and dispassionate New York Times relate wages and prices in a common denominator of what an hour's work-effort will buy in Russia or United Slates. I Here are a few items. The Russian worker will labor ?n hour and ten minutes to earn a pound of white bread. The American will secure it in 7 '. minutes effort. A pound of sugar will cost the Russian worker 2. hours work, the American will earn the necessary price in 51 ' minutes. A dozen eggs will cost the Rus.sian just short of five hours Vork, a pound of tea will require ten hours, and coffee a little more than 14 hours. For exactly the same items, the average American worker will Work, for the eggs, 38 VL. minutes, for the tea 35 and for the coffee 22" minutes. The same difference applies in other commodities. A man's worsted suit will reciuire the work-hours of almost four weeks; his wife's cotton house dress means four .days work. The American will work three days for the suit and a little short of 2' .'. hours for the dress. AND COLDWELL AGREES IT WAS A SERIOUS WARNING that Mr. King I sounded Tuesday night about the threat of the "new and terrible menace" of Communism in aiming at global domination by the setting of a totalitarian system no better "than what would have existed had the German Nazis won the war. ; Possibly no further comment on Mr. King's denunciation on communism may be needed than merely to point out that Mr. Coldvvell, the C.C.F. leader, has expressed the hope that Mr. King's statement may contribute to a better understanding by the people as to the seriousness of the situa- L:P.P. BACKS C.C.F. THERE IS NO particular surprise at the withdrawal by the Labor-Progressives of 'their can- didate, Bruce Mickleburgh, from the Saanich -election. The L.P.P. has found a C.C.F. candidate. red. enough to suit its taste in Colin Cameron whose tendencies toward the extreme left are well enough known. At that Harold Winch, knowing, of course, that too close affiliation with the Communists would alienate a large part of the more moderate Socialists, is not making any official acceptance of the Labor-Progressive support. Meantime in staid old Saanich, the Coalition is probably not worrying very much whether or not the C.C.F. and the L.P.P.'s get together. Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of cJ I Ramptininc nil,-.,. f , A t i , ,.i ., Illustrated Message 1 ut...v ...in wwi, i i I.MU lutl LIOI 1.. COnVOyS. ( .. telerl Pimnln c,,m,.lim h;l,l lues,, 7:30 p.m. Home League. Wed., 8 p.m. Soldiers' Meeting. Your l-alfr can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES Sunday, January 25, 1918 lie cried - Lord save me."-Mutt. 14:30. 12:15 p.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Ciospel Service. (Prayer-Praise Testimony -Speaker:: Topic: Mr. G. K. S. Klackaby "I)1VI1M I.OYAI.TIF.S-Wednesday 8:00 p.m. -. Prayer Meeting. Friday, 7:00 p.m. -Junior Youn? Peoples. Hearty Gospel Singing. v; l'KK4n thi: oin-riMi riik.iov l.WIt ACT Iiili-llliill to Akply Nirtlic of In IVIkwa. R.C. LI MITE their hopes of eternal lit;e on the good that they do. Good works are excellent in their proper place but they form an insecure foundation for eternity because God does not grant , us eternal life on any other basis than the forgiveness of sina through faith in Jesus Christ. Sometimes we meet those who build on the fact that they belong to some church and reel that it will be the means of NOTICE In Land Recording District of Prince Rupert and situate commencing at a point on high water mark on the West side of Rivers Inlet about 1 20 chains Southwest from the South East corner of Lot 204. Ranne 2 Coast District. lake notice that Nelson Bros Fisheries Limited of 325 Howe Street Vancouver. British Columbia, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at a point on hitfh water murk on the West side of Rivers Inlet thencr 20 chains Southwest from the South East corner of Lot 204. Range 2. Coast District, thence West 10 chains, thence South 10 chains, thence East to high water mark to point of commencement and containing 5 acres more or less. The purpose for which the lease Is required is: Pishing Camp Site. JOHN A. CLARK. Agent for Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. 32S Howe St Vancouver. Ft C. Dated January nth, 1H48. Staked December lth, 1H47. , .jr. i ?. V 1 s r 2 To all members of Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association. Interim payment cheques on Salmon and Halibut are ready for distribution. Please call at Cow Bay Office. I'M NT K KITKHT ISIIMtMKVS CO-OP SPECIAL OFFER FOR ONE WEEK STARTING MONDAY, JAN. 26 The Tax is Off at Sanson's O THIS WEEK ONLY WE WILL ABSORB THE TAX-YOU SAVE 25--YES! !i OFF THE REGU LAR PRICE ON TAXABLE MERCHANDISE. O SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES ON ALL NONTAXABLE MERCHANDISE. (111 GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding a Specially Phone RED 561 P.O. Iiox 721 SILEX SETS Cream, Sugar and Tray Regular 514.95-SPECIAL 10. PIONEER OF AtlCE ARM COTTAGE CIIEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN OA IKY Tour Dally , ALL-WEATHER SERVICE CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS $1.75 to $2.50 each-TO CLEAR, each $1,5 INCOME TAX Return Prepared 8e K. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave (Near CFPR) PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SHIPBUILDERS AND ENGINEERS ODD LINES IN VASES, PLATES, BOWLS, etc HALF PRICE James Calvin, Well Known Prosperlor, Passes Away James Calvin, a miner and prospector from the Alice Arm district, died in the Prince Rupert General Hospital this morning at the age of 71. He had been in hospital for the greater part of the time since coming to Prince Rupert from the north on December 16. He was born in Aleean County, Michigan, in 1870T and came to British Columbia 38 years ago, prospecting in the north. He was unmarried. Iron and Brass Castings Electric and Acet3lene Welding Hollywood Cate PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST I'P-TO-DATE EESTAl'RANT OPEN FROM 4:0(1 P.M. TO 3:30 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN FOB OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 SPECIALISTS ON SAWMILL and MINING MACHINERY SPECIAL PRICES ON LADIES' AND GENTS' 15 AND 17-JEWEL WATCHtf 10 OFF ON ALL FLATWARE-THIRTY SETS TO CHOOSE FROM o EVERYTHING AT A DISCOUNT o REMEMBER TO S-A-V-E AT and had not relatives in Canada. For many years Mr. Calvin prospected along the coast from Prince Rupert, using a rowboat In his work. Grocers - Restaurants - Camps 1 Xy Oeen "07 x , i i I EGGS OF QUALITY Direct from Cloverdale Hanson's ewellers year around supply, shipped 3 I weekly from Vancouver. HI GH CURRIE I P.O. Box 131, Cloverdale, B.C., .LJi