II I' I t IT SCHEDULE OF MIXED BOWLS Schedule for the remainder of ' Playground Work ! Is Complimented Among many complimentary references heard of various ; Civic Centre activities at the 4JP From now on, month by month 4 liHinrc Uiiycrt Daily rectus UO. fiaiiiiil.tv, Juiiu.Hiy 2-1, lt-iu Classified Advertising CtMAlflPdv 2c per word per Insertion, minimum rharee. 50c. Birth Nntlcef, ftoc; Cnnld of Thanks. Dcnth Notices. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: ti. Joe Louis In Decline Has Not Taken So Much Punishment During Career By WHITNEY MARTIN j annual meeting of the Prince the Mixed ' B" Bowling League I Rupert Civic Centre Asocia- is as follows: ! lion Thursday night was one in . FOK SALE HELP WANTED FOR BALE Household furniture, reasonable. 201 3rd. Ave. Above Noble & Wick. Call after 4:30 p.m. NEW YORK 1 APi We wouldn't care to uo on record saying that the best way to promote clear, quick thinking is to regard to the work of the staff Triple xxx vs. biowhwcxxk cougars in connection with the super- vs. b c. Packers, mm or mis vs. uc-vision tPr1'"ts- of Gyro playground - acti- , . -o , jvbruarv 1 Couuars vs. Browii- vities during the summer W(H)ds Mlss or Hlts vs c Y o.. iiami- montlis. Speaking 011 this SUb- trs vs. Ideal Detergents. Triple xxx B c Pl"'kt'rs- 1 ject was J. S. Wilson who fell vs . :, . ,. , ' February 8 Triple XXX vs. Island- that the work in this connec- fra Wt.a, r.tlTt(ents v. B.C. Packers. ' tion was among the most valu- Miss or Hits vs. coutturs. cy.o vs able undertaken under the Civic , i"'' YOUR WAR SAVING CERTIFICATES can be cashed! vanity go about tapping yourseu 011 F'OR SALE Single bed; the head with a mallet at regular intervals, but we don't be- table; night table, cream col nrerl: rink table; 2 table lanms HERE'S A NATURAL New Patented tool multiplies man's strength 31 times. Sell retail outlets. Needed by autoists, farmers, lumbermen, builders, garagemen, transports, public; works. Immediate deliveries. Attractive sales proposition. Palcoseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall. Ont. WANTED Mill hands. Apply to Johnson's Sawmill Evelyn. B.C. (23i Book of Knowledge, ideal for , neve Joe Louis' apparent decline 1 February 15 Miss or Hits vs , Brownwoods. CY.O. vs. Couaars. Ideal Centre ageis. fist Hauler has anything hiuh schniil students- scatter- as a to do with head punishment ho J ed rugs. 433 11th Ave. East (22) Determents vs Triple XKX. Islanders v. U C. Packers. February 22 B.C. Packers vs. C.T O., Brownvools vs. Ideal Detergents. Islanders vs. Miss or Hits. Couuars vs. Triple XXX. February 29 Triple XX vs. Islanders. B C. Packers vs. Brownwoods. V. YO vs Weal Determents March 7 Biownwoods vs. IUand- Native Hoop Tourney Here XlIE payoff on War Savings Certificates has begun. If WORK WANTED MIDDLE-aged woman will look alter children evenings Phone Green 588. (tf) you are among the thrifty people who own War Saving Certificates, NOW is the time to look, rhern over, sort thc5' out by months and as they fall due, endorse them and mail Ctt'ir'l oc L-c-riK-l tti til' K-I-L- if P-rif A I Second annual native basket- r. Triple xxx vs. cr.o. couBar , , , vs. Ideal Detergents. B.C. Packers vs. baU tournament for the north- ur hus. em nr.. rhnmnlonshln will bp March 14 Cougars vs B.C. Pack- has taken in the ring. j We think it is a natural de-! cline with advancing years, com- i bined with comparative inac-1 tivity. When -you come right, down to it. Louis has taken little punishment for a man "who has' buen fighting as long as he has. ; The big guy has a vast ex-' panne of jaw and cheek, an inviting target indeed. Also, he doesn't take a punch there any , too well. Yet he has been knocked out only once, when Max Schmeling gave him his FOR SALE Large Coleman heater. Handyman Home Service. (221 FOR SALE Best tourist camp site in city, directly at head of Conrad St. and 11th Ave. Area 100x165 ft., with city water, street light and prepared parking space. Apply Geo. B. Casey, 1122 11th Ave. 29i viv.iv 1 IMV.VI I'll iti. tMvrv 1 VU II 1 &11 ivtll, J CTl CO 11 r.x. . k.. c 1 c .... . 1, r...:c ...:u u.. . . WORK WANTED Young couple , desire work out-of-town as cook and cookie. Experienced. . Apply Box 304 Daily News. (25i uji iiiv. luii iavi v.uin. ii lain v,vuii n.4a ni ut iLIll lu J Otl Q due course. But here is another suggestion,.. played here in the Civic Centre gymnasium on March 3, 4 and 5, Indian Agent F. E. An-field said last night. Arrangements for the three-day series have been completed with the Civic Centre authorities. This season's play-offs will see eight teiyns competing, two more than last year. The new teams AGENTS WANTED FOR SALE Gilnetter, length 28' breadth 7', depth 3'; powered by 7 h.p. Vivian gas engine. worst beating- . You can toss out at least half of Louis' bouts as affairs in which he unk no punishment, whatsoever. In most of the Value approximately $550. Willi Have the Royal Hank of Canada do all this "office work" and sorting for you. Save yourself the bother of searching out the SALESMAN WANTED by Dominion-wide firm. Earn upwards of $100 per week. Commission basis. Apply Box 303 Daily News. (21) el's. Ideal DetcrKeius vs. Miss or Hits. I Hrownwixxls vs. Triple XXX. Island- ' ers. vs C Y O March 21 Islanders vs Ideal Determents. B C Packers vs Triple XXX. Miss or Hits vs. C.Y.O.. BrowuwwKi,. . vs. Cougars. March 28 Cougars vs. Miss or Hits. ! CY.O. vs Brownwoods. Ideul Deter- I Kents vs. B.C. Packers. Triple XXX vs Islanders April 4 Ideal Detergents vs. Triple XXX. Islanders vs. BC Puckers. C. , Y. O. vs Cougars, Miss or Hits vs. Brownwoods I April 11 Cougars vs. Triple XXX. I Islanders vs Miss or Hits. BC. Packers vs CC Y O . Ideal Determents vs. Brownwoods. I Aoril 18-CYO vs. Ideal Deter-Kcnts. B C. Packers vs Brownwoods. Triple XXX vs Miss or Hits. Couuars vs. Islanders. ' April 25 Miss or Hits vs B C Packers. Cougars vs. Ideal Detcr-genLs. Islanders vs. Bruwnwood.v Triple XXX vs C.Y.O. May 2 Islanders vs CY.O. Triple XX vs Biownwixxls. Cougars vs BC , v ill be Massett and Hartley Bay. right pieces of paper each month, endorsing them and niaili others he took mile more mar. .Teams which took part last yea; consider taking small machine lathe and drill press as part payment. Phone Red 3C7 daytime, or Blue 548 after 6 p.m. (21) them off to Ottawa. he would in his training camp were por. Simpson, Metlakatla, You can't say that Johnny , Kiikatla. Kitiir.aat, Kincolith. WANTED Paychek. Lou Nova. Gus Dora- Greenville and Aiyansh. WANTED TO RENT Furnished SAFEKEEPING CHARGES FOR WA Sty. INGS CERTIFICATES, INCLUDING AUTO MATIC REDEMPTION WHEN DUE or partly furnished suite or j small house. Married couple with no children. Call Rupert Hotel, Room 73. (20) : FOR SALE New and Used Fur-j zio, Jack Roper. John Henry, niture. Hardware and Office Lewis, King Levinsky, Schmeling Furniture, etc. New articles ' me second time around Billy Gurneys Kitchen Ranges, Book-! Conn the second time and sev-cases, Chests ot Drawers. I eral other abrupt victims cause .1 House Desks, Dinner Sets, j him physical discomfort. Winner of last year's native tournament was Kincolith. George Robinson, secretary of the B.C. Native Batsketball Association said today that a meeting of the executive has been lor each $5 Certificate . . Packers. Miss or Hits vs. Ideal IKter- I . ij Mc . Jli . Kc . iil ..HAS In fact, you can count on your canecj by p.uii price. $10 ioo loo Hara'i what you do: Hring all your VCar Savings Certificates which von lue at home or in your safe deposit box, to your nearest Renal Hank Hr.incli.'e ill put them in our vault for safekeeping. k A the Certificates fall clue, we will Cash them for you and deposit the full face value (which includes interest) in the .savings account of the registered owner, automatically. If sou have no account with us, we will open one for you for this purpose. Th cost of this sersice, including safekeeping until your Certificates mature, is low, as the following table shows. Of Poll tsciits. Mav 9 -Cougars vs. Brownwocxis. the or- m1ss or Hit vs. CY.O. Islanders vs. here Ol'. local Detergents. Triple XXX vs B. British India Rugs, Electric Double Hot Plates, Cooking Utensils, Hardware, etc Slightly used reticles Ches- Simpson, president of ganization. to be held fingers the bouts m which no was hurt. Schmeling the first time, of course. Tony Galento FOR RENT FOR RENT Four rooms furnished. 336 Oth West. (24i FOR RENT 4 room furnished house. Apply 2161 Seal Cove Circle or phone Blue 461. (20' February 3 to arrange the draw M!v ,6llTriole xxx vs. inlanders. illSS Of the competing teams and Ideal Detergent-s vs. BC Packers. If your f trtiliCJits are already lotUrd nk Aliss rr Hrs r'T.s vs. t ouars. t i.u v. Brownwoods. terfield Beds, Radios, Type-i hit him a couple ol roundhouse writer. Clothes, Logging Boots.' whacks, putting him down once. Rubber Coats. Other useful but we don't think Joe was nun articles al reasonable prices, anywhere but his feelings. us for ju keeping, we will arrange lur Ukv automatic redemption, at dcscrilwd tt, at a nominal c harge of s per ( eriitict, attend to other details. HOCKEY STANDINGS National League W D L F A regardless of the face aluc. FOR RENT Two-room furnished apartment. 801 Borden St. (25) Air Armluhlol Have you any good furniture SCTEMELING-WAIXOTT lor sale?. See us, it will pay GAVE WORST BEATINGS I 1 92 92 you. B.C. FURNITURE CO., Billy Conn slapped him around Toronto .... 18 10 9 116 Black 324. 'somewhat in their first meeting. Detroit 19 8 10 121 ROOM Am) HOARD Y PtS 4o 46 37 37 34 21 ROOM AND BOARD $43 each ' Buddy Baer sent him sprawling New York .. 15 FOR SALE-Simplex Engines : out 0, the ringi but it was more Boston 13 double; $48 single. Sleeping 7 15 111 123 9 15 101 101 8 16 87 92 2 24 116 152 i;2 iu oi n.r. iui L-uuicu, ou tu Taml Maurieiio tag- ;)f a pUin Montreal .... 13 185 H P. Marine tiraigni or rt him (me oocl one and jel- cYrrn 11 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS LABOUR-SAVING SERVICE. IT IS AVAIL AILI TO YOU AT ANY BRANCH OF THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA i rooms for rent. Table meals I I .' Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street I (tf)l PERSONAL 'I sey Joe Walcott gave him hi.. . Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. worst beating next to that disri Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE m,t hv cmelm- l Y IS TUt - ift (t) i WORKS. HOCKEY SCORES Paciiic. Coast Oakland 7, Vancouver 4. (Only one game scheduled). IF YOU HAVE an Alcoholic ,',' problem, contact Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 276 Daily . News. (tf) FOR SALE Planer. Mc.Gregor-Gourley 6x12, complete with belts, shiplap, flooring and square heads. Price $500.00. Smithers Lumber Yard, Smi-thers, B.C. (20) THE ROYAL BANK OF CANA M AC METAL WORK LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL n.ATrs. i Only in the first Schrnelin-? and the Walcott lights was Louis what might be called beaten up. If a man who has -oeen knocked out just once, ai:d taken oniy one other beating, is so affected that he loses his cc-ordination and ability to think in double time, we hate to think what could have been happening to some other lighters who are listed in Nat Fleischer's ring record book. PRINCK Kt'PF.RT RKANCII PLUMBING Installations and r- repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) FOR SALE 1939 Cab over engine 1 '2-ton GMC Truck in good condition. Terrace Machine Shop and Garage, Terrace, B.C. (20i .v.v.---. .mW.:::-.:; PACIFIC REPAIR LOST AND rOl'ND lightweight There was a CHENILLE SPREADS, $4.89 Manufacturers' clearance first EllKlgMfJ named Henry 'Kidi Briere, foi : FOUND Two keys on string by ., Wrathall's Photo Shop. Own-" er maV have same by calling quality for double and single I instance, who was knocked out WHEN IX TERKACK STOP AT THE TERRACE HOTEL For Convenience and Comfort HOT AND COLD WATER IN ROOMS Spring-Filled Mattresses 19 times in three years. And bedj in beautiful two-toned W0 lot CONSTRUCTION ITS 'T'. at the Daily News and paying I . for this advertisement. (tf)j LOST Pair of glasses in redj ' case; urgently needed. Phone j Green 902. Reward. 20 1 1 colors, worth double the incc. Money refunded if not satisfied. Sent COD. plus postage in Canada. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Shenbrooke St. W., Montreal 18, Que. WtMIIMi M(IIIM. III! IKK Mo rtlltx, I I 1.1 I It II IIII1M Its, At I t M I I.I AM K. t.ll WIO-PIIOSO tEleculc v Hpruu:i 11 Uollli' Appli.iuii'H 326 2nd Ave. West Red 307 light heavyweight tagged Billy Beauford who was kayoed 13 times in 22 bouts in a year. On the other side of the picture are able gents such as Willie Pep, who has lost only one fight in his career, that a decision to Sammy Angott, then lightweight OST Silver chain with bluej ' Dendant. at Gvro nartv. Phonp!FOR SALE Hi 5th Ave. East. 3 WE DO IT Your Remodelling, Addition. Repairs? Finishing given prompt attention Our new Wasop Rock Drill and Floor Sander at Your Service CALL BLUE 610 I'.O. Box 651 Prinre Ruprf. IT IT'S MADE OF WOOD WE MAKE IT Red 920. (21) blocks from MeBride. 4 rooms champion. And Ray Robinson, and bath. Full basement. ; with nnlv a decision lost to Jake FOR THE BEST IN Al'TOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . ' See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER $3500. his rerord. to Loui.s, it Lamotta blotting Getting back (2) 7-rooms house on 5th Ave Li v t 7-- I i v ' f - i East, full basement, furnace. 1 wms lopic.nl that a fellow who Chev. Trucks U.M.C. Trucks Buick Oldsmoliile Chevrolet Ponliac ... MACHINERY FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern , and up-to-date type National ' Portable Sawmills manufac-. . tured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, . ' B.C. (tf) Mr. and Mrs. Mirks Welcome You At AH T fireplace, garden. $4200 cash, ,s as easily hurt by a punch to $4500 terms. tne head as he is. and yet has (3) 6 -room one storey hous? been knocked out only once, with excellent view, on Gra-j hasn't taken too many on the ham Ave. 2 lots. Glassed-in iUg ' porch. $4000. j MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. FRASER HOUSE riionp Blaek 823 711 Frastr SCHEDULE 0 BASKETBALL Two Sailings Ter Week for VANCOl'VF.R VICTORIA SK.ATTI.F. (4i 5-year-old, 4-room house 011 Alfred Street. Very good lot and modern floor plan. Only $2800. (5) 6-room house with 3 lots on Ambrose Ave. Full basement, good view. Only $3200. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Spring ex-... animations. Write M. C. C. " Civil Service School, 301 En-" ; derton BUlg., Winipeg, LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERRLTD. PHOTOGRAPHY llnvitln nit. f. I.-:..,: League basketball schedule for tin remainder of the si ason is as follows: 9 Lumber Ianufaclurors January 24 Savov vs Itrownwoods, Logs, Pole and Piling i.i. . I Bo Me Hi vs Fashion. Rough and Dressed Lumber TERRACE Port Edwurd : j Hmli School. 1 1 vs Merchants. Stones vs January 27 Co-op vs Savoy. Ho- ) Depends on the Kind o-lee ' It Gets. Com r.,H cnt s acti Me Hi vs Morgans. B5 Taxi vs Stone, Sweet Sixteen vs Hif?h School. EnlaiiriR, Picture Framing Chandler and Cowjfill 21 G Fourth Street Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. DAN'S SERV" Agents For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. I'hilco Radios Willard Batteries FOR SALE Cream enamel oil-; burning stove. Phone Blue 611. i 1 (tf) I FOR SALE-Imperial wick oil burners, and one full-size! brown steel bed with spring-filled mattress. 740 Fulton St.. I or phone Blue 849. (It)! STATION January 31 Brownwoods vs Co-op, ) Fashion vs Port Edward. Merchants 1 vs Bo Me Hi. Hii,'h School vs Gyros. ; C Peh. 3 Brownwoods vs Savoy, ! I Morgans vs Fashion. B5 Taxi vs Hiuh j i School. Sweet Sixteen vs Peoples. jf Feb. 7 Savoy vs Co-op, Morgans ' Tuesdays, l:3t p.m. Coquitlam. Fridays, 12 midnlRht. Catala. STEWART and A LICK ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND I'ORT CLEMENTS January 9, 23 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS January 11, 25 vs iviercnants. no mtr ni is run ward, StoneR vs Gyros. RUPERT MARINE REA FOR ruK SAT ftALt, E i 2 fivp-ineVi live inch veiclr wick op 01. 1 Feb. 10 Co-op vs Brownwoods. Filsnlon vs M(.rchants. ovros vs 65 burners with tank and stand. 'Taxi. Peoples vs High school. One kitchen tahlo oiip eoneh i Feb. 14 Savoy vs Brownwoods. (J. CLAUSEN & SON) we lame Listings Of . . . RCiATS! mo c a w on sU ARTtt rocking chair. East. one Ave. 1472 6t.h (It) Port Edward vt- Mornans. Fashion vs Bo Me Hi. Hlnh School vs Stones. Feb. 17 Co-op vs Kavoy, Merchants vs Port Kriwnrri. Stone vs 66 Taxi. HiKh School vs Sweet Sixteen. TRY Rex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISnES OUR SPECIALTY BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISIHNG Tfi0 FOR SALE Hudson Seal coat Feb. 21 Brownwoods vs Co-op. .Size 36-38. Coat needs about Morgans ve Bo Me Jlf. Port Udwcra Feb. 24 bmwnwooda vs savuj, $8 repairs. For quick sale, $25. OPEN A.M. TO 2 A.M. ' TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett'f, Waterfront) Box 548 f h0,e Cre 3 Phone Black 712, evening. Reupholstering Repairing Our Specialties TRICK AND ATTO CT'SHIONS REPAIRED AND RECOVERED New Upholstery Materials LOVIH'S BLl'E SIS 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) Prompt Attention Given to Outside Orders ASK ABOUT , CREDIT TERMS morning or (20) FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Anent Third Ave. Phone 568 vs Fashion. Gyros vs Hih School. Bo Me Hi vs Merchants. Hiuh School vs Stones, Peoples vs Sweet rtlxlecn. Feb. 2B Savoy vs Co-op, Fashion vs Morgans, Port F.dwaid vs lio Mi III, Stones vs rS5 Tixi. SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Try a Classmen Ao in The News THE WHOLE TOWN'S 99 CRAZY :LJ