ME THEATRE Prfitfc. Hupcrt Daflj r?ctos JLtrj. S.iuii-rby, January 24. lO-l'S CFPR R Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle In a bar-room that changed Its locale from the Bowery to thr Yukon as the turn of the century approached. But It Was pleasant corn, as intended, and the bar-room atmosphere was emmiscences 'Subject to change) Don't Take Chances! By w.J. 1 Reflections I 11 Rl substantial. - Master of ceremonies Vic Dun can, a gay blade With a pun and a harmonica. Introduced the performers with savolre-faire T)..lli! S I'"""" ----- KATTjKUAY-P.M. 3:30-NBC Symphony Oreh. 4:30 Here's lo Rmr.unee 5:00-Tea Dance 5:30 P4ier C.'t,Ut Fresh salmon in January German and a Frenchman. Th? would be hailed as a luxury in latter remained in Rupert the :ien. iu,urs of entertain- -most parts but no excitement rest of his life, cultivating the ' has been noted in Prince Rupert longest and noblest moustaches 4 iw" " nivlit when the LittleiWrMn the occasion required. ever seen in capitivity. imum preseniea i roll ir,. ! It's taken as a matter of course j or perhaps viewed with a ' yawn. But if the fish, of dis-i tinguished appearanee, in a . , , ,Ki ;i revue befer i-i i' ' V'hy take chances on ruining your ear in Winter when a good grease job NOW will prevent serkms trouble. j, ihe Civic ten WELL ESTABLISHEL So well are laws of heredity established that, trivpn nnrp Third Avenue window yester- 4:30 Music for Sunday 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Music In Three Quarter Time 0:00 CBC News 6:10 The Old Songs (i: 30 Familiar MuhIc 7:00 Stage 48 E:00 Readers Take Over 8:30 Music by Eric Wild 9:00 Cassics for Today 9:30 Vesper nour 10:00 CBC News 10:10 -B C. New. 10:15-Canadian Athletes io:3ti--Prelude to toinnlght 1 1 :00 Weather ahd sign orf ann MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8 .15 Morning Son 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 'J: 15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:5!) - Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 1 10:30 - Roundup Time 10:45 --Scandinavian Melodies II 00 Elevenses 1 11 :15 -Reminixcen , 11:30 Weatner Forecast the .,,., ifial it was The show opened with a burst of nostalgic soiig "The Bowery," "Daisy Bell" and "Sweet Adeline" un by John Currle, Clifford K n u t s e n Lorraine Youngraan and Marie Lavigne while a jaded barkeeper polished glasses. day, could have been displayed ' gtrains of m, gPneticl.sts know cj mi- anywhere down east, it would what strains their progeny will be. 5:45 Spwts coili e j 6:00 CBC News 6:05 Recorded 6:15-Museti" Time 6:30 Inside Siory 6:45 Accordhi!! to Record 6 : 50-Recorded Interlude 7:00 - Sons Festival 7:30 Orian Mu.sic 7:45-This week, Wp'. 8:00 -Sat. Nit'Ht Serenade 8:30 -Old Time Khythin 9:00-Saturday Nisiht Danclm? Party 9:30-:iiamter Music Trio 10:00 - CBC News 10:10 - B.C. News ,.)i..rt of the 1,'nmP. , .,n formed credlt- it' maintenance of t is the yard- nicnt. then the it inu'ht be marked ; have had an exclusive position, j picture of where it was caught, j photo of man who captured it, ; sprigs of parsley all over the ! place and a freshly shaved j guard posted nearby. BOB PARKER LIMITED Box 38 FORI) -MONARCH DEALF.R Phone 13 Lois Thompson, Nina Younij-man and Maresa Windle turned STRENGTHEN COPPER Addition of two per cent beryllium to copper hardens the metal and increases its tensile strength. out as a tap-dance trio, and Of the multi-that threaten ,.! I'"1-1 later, bolstered by Monica Holt uHut. ur and pro- I j by ag a oaring can-can quar j As if foreseeing a day when ' nearly every other man in Can .1 .' ,. .1 in.iilV tette. Perched on the Reniiiiw (il Hie wcr.-i. , ,l iii the Ions: near il Onll. mahogany bar. equipped 10:15 Aranou Ii.Jn microphone, Lorraine' 10:30 - Harry Janu s ii il prior to the with Cement Gyproc Plaster Lime Roofing Material Shingles and routigman sang "Harvest H:00-Weather l,v .some as me Moo victor Duncan and Hazel ' q i.,i.h T:i. v in'- v. Moore as nu.a.iu- dance 6uH luvc-lorn Cockney, ada would be packing a gun, Prince Rupert's first Rifle Club was organized not long before the outbreak of the first war ' Chiefly in the interests of local security, as well as patriotism, i the site of the range was picked along the shores of McNlcholl Creek, across the harbor. A wise j precaution! It was much better i to destroy a squirrel or porcu-! pine iii the wilderness than nn ci in iii fiiti la I.S nave long suspected, Dangerous Dan Mc-Orew was not shot, he was stabbed. At least there was no gunfire In the Malemute saloon I COMPLETE LINE OF BUILDING SUPPLIES ! LUMBER OF ALL KINDS I COAL ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. ! .,,,,1 Jim Sabourin as G..-.-ii.-ir-et. her nun in the com-o Mi --Thumb." Both ' ; and Mr. Sabourin , jnih rtion and ges-MiMwient honesty to .', (;:,-, l! verbal sparrina KUNDA - - A M. 8 '!8- Ci.n.-r-rt Album 9 00 BBC News find Commentary 9.15--Sttngs and Suuers 9:30 Harmony Haibour, Hal. 9:59 -Time, 10:00 B.C. Gaidcnir 10:15 Just Mary 10:30 -The Way of the .Spirit 11 :00 Cm; News 11:03 Capitol Reports, ou 11 :30 Religious Period -Tor. f.M scare someone to death in Prince Rupert. 11:31 Message Period 1 1 33 - - Recorded Interlude 11:45 - Ethel and Albert P M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25-Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Int. 1:00 The Coicert Hour 1:30 -Afternoon Recital 1:45 Cooking Sjchool and Commentary 2:00 B.C. School Broadcast when the lights went out last night. But then. It was billed as pantomime, so maybe Rob-j ert Service had a case, after all 1 1 Aj the ballad was unfolded by narrator Jim Sabourin, the dire i ..r .i the author had restrained and love -eie in PHONE 111 PHONE 116 .effects of a woman's unfaithful-i Since earliest days, Prince Rupert has never lacked the service of barbers. There was usually competition. A little capital was needed, of course, to start in business but the figure .-, tiirr.-ted by Mrs. ness became evident to the audi- j ! with others in ence- The Lady Known as Lou ; Mrs J. S. Black, J'" down her drink long enouch - fir-ice Brow i to 'nsPct the corpses and then i (the curtain went down. LARGE POPULATION waiS by no means prohibitive. Java, with an area of 51.000 Pa(M were scraped- whiskers .-lit. GURVICH & SON Cont i actors BASEMENT FOUNDATIONS OUR SPECIALTY LAND CLEARING BOCK WORK TRUCKS For Hire PHONE 32 or RED 511 SIXTH STREET farce "Oood Cast as Dangerous pan Mc- Ml square miles and a population trimmed, hair clipped, while' New York Pniiiiarmunic Orch. Chtircl f the A:f Mo.-ical Frourain CBC News John n!icr I!' ,)ort,.s Weed-end Review T B A. Weather Forecast. 12:00 1:30-2:00 2:30 2:33 - 2 45 3 35 4.00- :i. saw Cathie Grew was Gordon Carlson, the Caroline, talk man, Lady Lou Dorothy Keehn, Alfred, played by "Man from the Creeks, Al For-nut of his sleep man; Lady Lou, Dorothy Keehn; j G iNcoe out of bartender, John Currie; Rag of 57.800.C03. is the most im- casaul conversation was built up portant island in the Nethr- with tne barber himself now and lands East Indies. ( tnen contributing a few timely . remarks They have been f re- iMTPPFsTivr, ?ttidv quently known to do just that. Musical P'o!;nnil Music In Nature Fossils are neirified remains Brother Moody, now retired and the first. There are those who ,.r i.,,o ,,r ti, ii living living in in Minneapolis, Minneapolis, came came with with ! in a yawn-time nine reasoning, ibb'-d chairs, the :i full svmpathv 'l IJXIIUI til 1 Idl.-) blldb 11VCU time Kid, Mrs. J. S. Black: gamblers, Clifford Knutson, and Robert Irvine and narrator, Jim Sabourin. i The recitation bv James Sa- in some past period of the earth's history. James Ham. Andy McNaui;hto,i and Arthur Welch. say he was No. 1. Other daybreak arrivals included a colored man bourin and the piano playing George Go-id and For Fast Service on Transmission Belting write or call PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Wholesale Distributor Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd. 712 Second Avenue Prince Rupert DoilKlas the door by Allan Forman were excellent Macaulay presided at .m; Alfred. '. Caroline" was i Hasil s. Prock- straight out of the ' Gay Nine-tii had its setting features. . and usherettes were Mrs. George I n a m e d Montgomery, whose PROVIDES REAL ESTATE .. daughter attended Prince Ru-The United States bureau of pert's first school, located back standards has a machine that in 1908 or 1909 at Second Av-simulates the effect of as many enue and Seventh Street. And as 43,000 footsteps, to test rugs, there were two more a portly Mrs. Willa Ray acted as promp- Brown. Mrs Dongas Kerr. Mi.-a ter for the evening and prop- Joyce Nowak. Miss Dorothy erty men were Harley Lewis.' Keehn and M. s MacCu'.lum. 1C 3 C m COMFORTABLE Mm iassest vanimes nim Meim's and STURDY ! CHECKED SPORT i SHIRTS All-Wool Regular Price $9.85 SALE PRICE $5.95 Wear you've evcir seean! This is your Opportunity to make your Dollars do Double their job OUTSTANDING! TOPCOATS Pure Wool IMPORTED TWEEDS All Sizes, Styles, olors KKC1XAR TO $37.50 SpSiS $16.95 LUMBERJACK SHIRTS Pure-Wool Regular Price $9.50 SALE PRICE $6.5(j SQUALL SHIRTS -Wool Plaids . Regular Price $9.95 SALE PRICE $6.50. SEVERAL KINDS OF CRUISERS AND Mi X VERY POPULAR BAL BOX AND TUDOR STYLES KERSEYS, All-Wool-New Shipment 10 PER CENT OFF!! h it 9& 'Mi DRESSING GOWNS Silk and Wool ri to siT!r CUT TO $9.50 WORK SOX IT RE WOOL Regular Price 75c pr. Sale Price 2 for $1 Whitlock HOSIERY To $1.25 pr. SALE PRICE 95c J WOOL BLANKETS 4 Pair Only REOI LAK S22.50 GOING AT $16.95 DRESS GLOVES Lined and I'nlincd I P TO S1.73 SALE PRICE $1.65 SCARVES MUFFLERS TO CLEAR 95c $1.25 SLIPPERS n- to S3.. 95c to $1.95 SWEATERS ! ! SWEATERS ! ! EEVELESS SWEATERSup to $3.65 ,rom 95c to $1.95 -AID SWEATERS pSular Prirs tA Af (' CRUISERS Reg. $1 2.50-SALE $9.00 CRUISERS Reg. $9.75 SALE $5.95 WINDBREAKERS Checkered, Pure-Wool. Reg. Price $1 1.50 SALE PRICE .. $7.50 WINDBREAKERS Up to $7.95 SALE PRICE 95c to $2.95 NAVY BLUE MELTON JACKETS i Plaid Trim, Lion Brand Regular Price $7.50 SALE PRICE $4.50 WHITE SPORT SHIRTS MADE BY P1IILMACK AND I'EK LEY'S Regular Price $5.25 SALE PRICE $3.95 BELTS Up to$1.25-for 65C SUSPENDERS To Clear 50C SALE PRICE $3.95 TIES Reg. $2.00 for $1.00 Reg. $1.50 3 for $1.00 RCK PULLOVERS 'lar Price Jn SALE PRICE $3.95 Am COME IN AND SEE THESE AND MANY MORE SPECIALS sale price $3,95 (SILOTIHIIMS STTCsMRIE ME JUMBO SWEATERS-To Clear $3.95 ND-KNlTTrr curciTCDC 633 Thi ffd Ave. sale starts Monday, January 26, 9 a.m. PHONE 359 su,"ri fceJI9 .50 Sale Price