Tl.irty.F; Rlx nrov,,..: Tfl' MAKES PLEA (Continued from Pae 1) PRINCE RUPERT YEARS AGO BREAKING UP GREAT NAVY Prinrt Rtiprrt Odilp rectus Thursday, December 2, 1948 LETTERBOX is 0wen 'or today was as large as it had ewr been. Their increase was ths largest of any racial group in A !ndpndn( daily newspaper devoted to tn upbuilding of Prince Rupert tuil til communities eompnsine northern nd central British ColumbU . (Auiborized u Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) bRETT PLEASED Daily News: MR Editor Twenty-Five Vears Aro Imminious Fate of Once Proud Nipponese Fleet J. F. Duthie .Seattle mining' beteen th't in Canada th annual rate being I was greatly Interested . . . ... .. . ' "" u: SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier. Per Week. 20c; Per Month. 75c: Per Tenr. 8 00. By Mail, Per Month. 50c, Per Year. 5 00 III: your editorial of November 24,' 1000 to 1500. KURE, Japan -It takes nours i promoier, ouugnt ine Fiddler BUl vyors. ..o walk around the docks and Creek gold property at Doreen,! -ee what used to be the Japan- j 125 miles east of PHnce Ruprt,' A weddln ( e Navy now the biggest Junk lrom Dempster Tredway He " Buiua ,,,., with respect to maintenance of Speaking of his own particu-j the Skeena River Highway. lar line of work. Dr. Moore ex-' It is obvious from your crlt- plained Uiat neither law or icism that you have come to treaty Imposed any responsibil-lealize that the actions of gov- ity upon the federal govern- j eminent are not always based nient to furnish medical services planned to begin immediate de- Mf,Elwce The Misled Dean and Hi velopment. Mia Astoria pile on earth. There it is the rustgd, barnacled remains of battleships, cruisers, carriers, destroyers und submarines which only a few years ago set out to conquer half the world. Alderman Theo Collart urg.-.j brother that more consideration and at- tentlon be given to newly arriving immigrants. In a speech to the Rotary Club he told of h's on the welfare of the people to the Indians. However, there but rather at times on political had been an alarming situation expediency. More power to you, among the Indians, particularly Sir, and it is apparent from in regard to tuberculosis, and the news in Wednesday's issue it had appeared a human duty of your paper that your efforts and a matter of self-preserva- and those of others are bring-; tion that something be done The metal of the once proud : ' Si 1 .ships now is being used to build j own experiences as a farm immi- grant in Alberta. pots and pans and farm imple about it on the federal scale. The j Department of National Health! had, therefore, embarked on a; ments and mechanical toys. By a humiliating twist of fat, former ottlccrs and seamen who sailed and fought these ships are obliged to do the scrapp'ng and breaking up. They are be-iiU torn apart, plate by plate. Among the derelicts are th ing results, at least in the way of promises from the Minister of Public Works. With reference to my duty in the matter, which you suggest in your editorial referred to and with which I agree, I submit. Sir, that it is somewhat discouraging to have the Member of a ;- f It was reported at the monthly meeting of the school board that Borden Street school was almost ready to re-open after repair work which cost $4,300. at Kure secretly, all under cover. But the vessel did not last long. Eleven torpedo hits fin- j Yamoto, the biggest batuesnip I ever built. Beside the Yamoto, program of-preventative medical service with the objective of eradication of preventable diseases, not only in the interests of the Indians themselves but of the population generally. The doctor proceeded to outline the expansion of medical services among the Indians. Today 20 large hospitals were being operated in Canada. Whereas 10 years ago only 50 Indians were receiving treatment, in sanitaria, today there were 1700. j neighboring riding, especially j when that member happens to be a Cabinet Minister and whose Britain's Vanguard, America's ', ished her off soon after puttln5 low a, and Germany's Bismarck to sea. Three hundred of her would be dwarfed. She was built, 3,000 complement survived. constituents are also vitally interested, rap one severely on the knuckles for daring to suggest that this stretch of highway should receive better attention from the Department. MOTHER 248 POUNDS, BABY 17'i POUNDS The vital statistics of Conway, Ark., were given a bulky boost when Mrs. Ira Z. Hackler. who weighs 243 pounds, gave birth to this bouncing baby boy who tipped the beam at 17 la pounds. Other strange figures go on the records: Elmer Paul, the baby, in question, Is 24 inches long. The father, Ira Hackler, Is a brickmason. 63 years old. It might be added that Dr. George Harrod. the country doctor who brought Elmer Into the world. aaaaaaa Miller Bav at Prince Rurjert. Rev. Dr. Hewlett Johnson, Dean of Canterbury, VERY because this is a democratic country and everyone can have his say, has been going about expresLfc the opinion .that Communism, as they have it in Russia, is a lovely thing and that earth might be nearer Heaven if we only had a little more of ffc " The peoole of Russia probably do not want war. Neither do thejjeople of Canada, the United States, Great Britain nor any of the other democracies of the world. They "have an ajbsolute horror of war, its bloody sacrifices, the prodical waste of it. Russia is a despotism. If we have a Mar it will come from despotism, not from communism. Nine-tenths of : the world's w:ars have had their geneses in the -minds of despots. ,"f the armies of despotism, those Red armies, tood on the opposite side of the English Channel and attempted to cross, as they have done in some countries which, have fallen into the Soviet orbit, would the Red Dean, kindly, generous though gullible he may be, stiil tell us that communism is a Christ-like thing and these people were trying to conquer the Island Kingdom for thegood of its inhabitants? Would he still proclaim 'that this was the coming of a new era, the supreme hope of man? .Let us assume that all the Red Dean says is true and that Russia is a comfortable country to live in -and work in and that people can be happy there, then why doesn't Russia lift the curtain and let .others see jthe way men live under Communism? Then why unle'ss the Russian rulers see danger in it, are Russian women not permitted to leave Russia to join the English husbands they married during the war? Surely all ihe great newspapers of the world, Socialist ones too, cannot be misrepresenting Russia. Editors are sometimes mistaken, reporters may misunderstand but, if the bars were down, we would knovhe-truth about Russia. The simfuVfact is that the world does not know . . .. .. .... , . M ' Vvi t nwoc i i T i .-. L T It is more than passing its capacity of 153 patients now strange that' Mr. Kenney mied with 50 awaiting admis-has effected a complete about- siorif was but one of these hos. face in the matter and is now pitals Constantly endeavouring throwing his full support be- t0 mprove equipment along hind the people of this com- modern lines, the Indian medl-munity in their efforts for bet- cai service was now saving lives tcr treatment from the Depart- from what had formerly been CvM ment of Public Works. Can it fatal regarded as diseases, at MARRY TRUMAN be that there is difference "Mr 1 any tne me time improving the AiV as to who makes the represent- ooni .to v,oi.i. ENJOYS HOLIDAY GEORGE DREW Leader Progressive Conservative Party will speak Thursday Night 1 DEC. 2 ON THE SUBJECT "The Nation's Business" Station CBR- 8 P.M. P.S.T. Progrsvt Conswvatiw Party ' ations or could it possibly b of the Indians, particularly KEY WEST, Fla. President that the results of recent by- through controlling the spread Truman during his recent holi-elections in the Province have 0r disease. " t day In Florida, smiling broadly, anything to do with the change Dr. Moore commended the in- strolled unexpectedly into a of attitude? i terest in the Indian problem pressroom at his vacation head However. Mr. Editor, regard- whlch was being taken in Prince ' quarters and to three pool-less of who gets the credit, I am , Rupert. He spoke of the ami- playing photographers put this more than glad to see that cabie relations between the De- query: -Whose behind the 8-there has been a change and partmnt of Indian Affairs here ball?" He wore a fishing cap, an that we can look forward tO on the Princ Rnnrt r.nnoral mon s.-uirt shirt anH haH a ri He said he had better treatment in the way of j Hospital from the financial walking stick, roads in this part of the Prov- j standpoint. After all, of course, just dropped in in t a sap if pvprvnn. ince than we have received in the natives were an important was comfortable. -If not." he the past. economic factor in thiscommun- said with a wink, "I'll give them W. H. BRETT, M.L.A 'ity. There were things which' the devil." the community could do to help vn ui Hua uui van me average ivus- sian understand the differences between racy and despotism. He has never known freedom. "Some day the sun will shine through the darkness of Russia. What the Red Dean now sees throusrh ' noi l tne Indians and the depart- The Swedish scientist Alfred . ment. i Nobel, whose trust fund rro- Arms Building For Living Quarters Dr. Moore was thanked for vldes the Nobel Prizes, was the Don't let yourfi! : disappointment Or naw have Uwrn ir. Christmas maillnj. VANCOUVER Tenders are i his address by Dr. R. G. Large inventor of dynamite, being called for the conversion' wh0 that every effort! - me uuiKeneu misis m despotism may become a reality. It can't come too soon for the peace and sanity of the world. of the former armament build-imat 00111(1 be made to makel ing at Prince George airport for , lruer and ller citizens of the nauve- people w as aeserving tl I sfaff living quarters. Bids will. close November 10. the interest and support of the citizens. President O. G. Stuart was in the chair and Dr. J. D. Galbraith. medical superintendent of Miller Bay Hospital, was a guest. CAUSES OF DELINQUENCY BESNKR BLO: WINNIPEG Social workers Next Wednesday night there! will be an evening business es-j sion of the Gyro Club followed! by a sta party at the home of the President. ; here contend that th follow cum ing are prime contributors to juvenile delinquency: 1 Comics, trash magazine and movies. mum 2. Housing, especially over crowded living quarters. CONTRACTS m mm a a aar i 3. A sense of insecurity In the home. and 4. Desertion and divorce among parents. BUILDER 5. Maladjustment, unhappy and unwanted children, delinq uent parents, excitement and LOWEST itwt....l nbMf . , . . fe PRIv.ES HO UDMU . . , 7 living dangerously. INDIANS AS CITIZENS THE DIRECTOR of Indian medical services for Canada, here from Ottawa, addressed a local service club yesterday on the work coming under his jurisdiction. The most interesting part of his address came when he digressed to discuss the relationship of the native to citizenship and the possibilities of his taking a fuller and more responsible part in the community. There is much in what Dr. Moore said with which we agree and which, in our humble way, we have ourselves at times advocated. It was interesting to hear the doctor sav, and if anyone knows from personal experience it should behimself , that there is no child "brighter or sweeter" than the Indian child, but somewhere along the way, he continued, something is being missed in the Indian policy that does not tend to develop that child into a responsible citizen. Dr. Moore, reasonably, made much of the point that it was the wrong policy to segregate the Indian. In other words, there should be acceptance of the natives an acceptance that would be much the easier if it started from the phase of childhood. There has been too much paternalism in the Indian policy of this country. There has been too much exploitation. As a result many of the Indians and it started probably somewhere in early childhood through the way he has been handled have acquired the worse things rather than the better things from association with the white man Hut, in spite of the white man and the weaknesses of Indian policy, Dr. Moore trulv enough pointed out that there have been Indians w ho have made good and become just as fine and responsible citizens as any white man. Unfortunately how- el-!)uma,ny have fallen alon tne wayside from cnnclnood. ; As the doctor suggested, the question of the In CONSTIUTTIi ALTEKATIO Daily news Classified Ads get Quick Results? TENDERS Floor Sanding A Sped ) ft m! i P.O. GRKKN 561 Commodore ( rll 4 v'i 1 1 receive our serious dian is one tnai can well thought. v Sealed tenders marked "Tenders for Purchase" and mentioning Proposal Number will he received by the undersiened up to Noon Friday -December 10, for the following: Proposal No. 1 Westview School situate on Atlin Avenue. ' Proposal No. 2 Isolation Hospital located north of Fourth Avenue East. Proposal No. J Building situated at the corner of 2nd Avenue and 7th Street. Under Proposals numbered 1. 2 and I. the purchaser must undertake to demolish and remove the buildings and restore the site to the satisfaction of the City Engineer within ninety 90 days of acceptance of the bid and such bids must be accompanied by a certified cheque in the amount of One Hundred Dollars $ a guarantee of fulfilment of these conditions which sum shall be forfeited to the City if the conditions are not fulfilled. Proposal No. 4 As an alternative to Proposal No. 3 bids will be accepted for the purchase of hots 1 and 2, Block 23, Section 1, together with the buildings located thereon. The residence located thereon has been condemned by the City Building Inspector and cannot be occupied until it has been repaired to comply with all City bv-laws. It Us estimated that this will involve an expenditure of $1400.00 . Tenders for Proposal No. 4 must be accompanied by an accepted cheque in the amount of one-third of the total tender, the purchaser to undertake to pay the balance in cash on acceptance or in two equal annual payments with interest at five per centum (5" i per annum. COMPLETELY Bettor Than Best Food andSorvice: Phone IT for Sd-0' The New Improved ".On Man" r David On Third Ave. Power Chain Saw V AAOt MMIK M I CHIROPM? S7AUFI ELD'S Hushes. i -52 BesnfrB'1 I Tested in the woods, this lightweight tool is proving its efficiency under all sorts of conditions. 4 H.P. Air -Cooled Motor. Flywheel Type Ignition. Automatic Recoil SUrting. Ball Main Bearings. 26 inch SMS 3 inch $315 f o b. Prince Rupert Sales Tax Extra if applicable PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE In countless Canadian households the wearing of Sranfiikl's I'nderwear has come to lc something of a tradition, d:iring hack forty, fifty or sixty years. Jt's not surprising when you consider that Stanfield's has Ix-en known than sixty years as the underwear that always firs smoothly and com fort a My . .".Is always soft,' warm and durable . . . and never shrinks. A-k for Sranficld's in your favourite type combinations or shirts and shorts, in a wide range of styles and weights. Phone . ,0 30 am- W or any tender will not necessarily be The highest accepted. 1264) ,712 Second Avenue P.O. Box nz Phone 632 D. THAIN, CMy Clerk. nce afti-ruoou"-