AIR Prince Rupert JDaHp Octo Thursday, December 2, 1948 Local News Items... TO Van... WEDNESDAY AIR FLIGHT DELAYED Held up at Sandspit by bad weather, yesterday afternoon, Mclntyre. a . ; uuon Bill Wednesday's Canadian Pacific Air Lines flight returned at 10:30 this morning with passengers Don't Forget Tea Friday, December 3. display of handcraft of Miller Bay patients from 2:00 til 5:00 at Moose Temple. (283) TIMELY ANNOUNCEMENT! A very fine assortment of Cruiser Jackets are 'available at Acme Clothing. , (tl) A JANTZElj mall and express. , The outbound flight today was reported to be on time. Sweati Just Arrived . . . CEDAR BEVELLED SIDING 4", 6" and 8" widths Z per 100 fsm $14.00, $17.00 and $19.20 FIR FLOORING 3" Edge Grain, Kiln Dried per 100 fbin . . . $18-00 S ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. COAL LXTMBEK - BUILDING SUPPLIES mm r&d!li' S.O.N. Whist, Dance and refreshments, Friday 8 p.m. (284) Canadian Legion Auxiliary meeting, Thursday, 8 p.m. Election of officers. (283 Members of the Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, are requested to attend regular meeting on Sunday, Dec. 5, 2:30 p.m. (28) Mr. and Mrs. George Milton and son arrived in the city on Tuesday night's train from Skeena Crossing. Mr. Milton is here to receive surgical treatment. . Junior Red Cross sale, Borden "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" FOR yocj CHR1STMA TRY PACIFIC MILK SHOPPING Ll! DI'I t Afr PHONE 116 t'ADtATC 0 .virtus ,.ilh Fine Botany Wool In fir TODAY u"uu 'ue; also the p. wool Worsted PuliovM Wilkin's Relief Fund Patterns. SONS NORWAY PLAN PARTY Plans for the annual Christmas party and dance were discussed at the monthly meeting of the'Sons of Norway lodge held Creamy rich Pacific Milk can be used In so many tempting ways ... In your cooking or as Street School, Friday, 2:30 p.m. Home cooking, candy, pyrex-j ware, aluminum ware, plants. I (It) Special meeting of Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council will be held Friday, Dec. 3, at 8 p.m., Carpenters' Hall, Frasi.T Street. All delegates please attend. Secretary. (284) TWO ELEMENTARY TEACHERS LEAVE School Board accepted resignations of two elementary school teachers at its monthly meeting last night and accepted an application to fill a position left open by the resignation of another teacher i month ago. Resignations were received from Miss Mable Gall and Miss Laurie Hart, the former of the Grade Three class at King Edward School and the latter of the Grade Four class at the same school. Mrs. Bertha Gray of Vancouver was apoplnted to fill the position on the Conrad Street staff left vacant by the resignation of Miss Adela Haugland, All three resignations are to be effective at the Christmas holidays. SLEEVELESS PILLOvJ "It's quite a surprise seeing you without a hat, Gormley, I had an idea you were completely bald." Brushed Wool, Fine and Cablestltch In Mrs. M. Matthew $ 2.75 In the -lodge hall last night. The a beverage youH find It economical and convenient. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed hptwpen'Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Blair.... 2.00 by Mrs. J. T. Kasper. A box of lunction will be held ' Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Irvine .... 1.00 ui-r erne at. candy, raffled by the library meal. committee, was won by Mrs. B. J. Bacon. Bride Is Honored By Women of Moose In honor of her recent marriage, Mrs. Mary Reld of the Moosehaven committee was presented with a silver deposit bowl at a meeting of th Women Centennial Rebekah Lodge .10.00 Soroptomist Club 25.00 Anonymous 50 A. Friend 50 Christmas and New Year's at a date still to be set. About 30 members were present at the meeting which was under chairmanship of Presidential Deane. Following the' business session, cards and refreshments were enjoyed. Pure Wool Worstedj NEW BROWNIES ARE ENROLLED Three Are "Flown" Vn at Meeting of Second Prince Rupert Pack Colors and Two-Tones of the Moose held last night in CARDIGANS Emil D'Isoz of Budapest, has discovered a method of photographing a conic or cylindrical surface on one plane. the Moose Temple with Mrs. Thomas Glenn, senior recent. In 811k and Wool, Fine and Worsteds in Piah, TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! Schools will close on December 'the chalr A donation of $10 Grey, Teal and Wine. 17 and re-open on January 3, the Board was advised. was made to the Women's Coordinating Council for the Pioneers' Christmas dinner. Winner of a lucky box draw was Sylvia Johnson. An album, raffled for Christmas cheer for the aged at Moosehaven, was won May we suegest ii Shop Early hie Announcement All advertiseivttifB o tma columu will be charged for a lull month at as cent word New Stock of 8w. Seven new enrolments and the "flying up" of three Brownies into Girl Guides featured a meeting of Second Prince Rupert Brownie Pack Tuesday night at Conrad Street School with Mrs. Alex Haig and Mrs. E. T. S. Moore in charge. Miss Honora Silversldes, -the district commissioner, Capt. Mar-jorie Anstey and other members of the Girl Guides' Association of Prince Rupert and parents of the Brownies were in attendance and were duly welcomed by Mrs Haig after which the Commis- rtffiniofoH of Vi a Dnrnl- is complete In sizes colors. im4i j u pel wura pet uiaeruon, minimum oiuuge, 6m,. birth nolle fcOc: Car da of Thank. Death Notices, Funeral Notice, liinlu) ' nd Engagement Announcement!: 2 Bt'EClAL. DISPLAY. DOUBLE PK1CE inni!.. ,vi tut Using Is payable In advance. Please reXralu Iruin wwiuuiuii United Church Bazaar, Dec ember 2. Fl'NERAL NOTICES Bridge, -aisz and Crib, Dec 2, Catholic School Hall. FOR SALE FOR SALE Leather Chester-. field and chair, modern design, as new. Phone 348. (2841 Social Service W.O.T.M. Tea, December 3. - COMADINA In the citv. Monday. November 29. 1948. Alex, ased (i6 vears 8 months, be-, loved : husband of Mis. Anna Comadina of 711 5th Ave. 'West. Requiem High Mass will be sung by Father F. J. Ravner s" Church of the Annunciation at 9:00 a.m. Fririav. De- FOR SALE Practically new Gurney kitchen range with mem. Queen oil burner. 633Tatlowi Brownies enrolled were Rena Street. (283) i vt- .w,,., CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway Hall, December 4. S.O.N. Whist Dance, refreshments, every Friday, 8:00 p.m. St, Peter's Faa Bazaar, December 8. St. Peter's Y.P.A. show "Fan cejnber 3rd. Interment to follow in Fairview Cemetery where pravers will be said by Father O. P. Mohn. B. C. Un f'9,R SALE Best location in 'Edith and Elaine Garton, Geor-bSsiness8' fully eqautd,T'na Ferguson and Bonnie Mur-, corner lots. 2 large warehouses i doch. Moving, Paikinj, CrJ Shipping and Otii dertakers in charge of rr-'Ill, at me OaCK, One CapaDie ; Aller After tho tne "flvino Il'm8 UP nr." cere nprp. of hnlriina nn tnn nf flru,r nri tasy," St. Peter's Hall, Dec. 10 Cartace and Slot feed, the other 75 ton bale ! mony, Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby, CAMERON In the citv Monday and 11, 8 p.m. LESSON EASY November 29. 1948, Mary, aged 60 years. 11 months, beloved hay Apply C. Morris. Box 81, president of the Prince Rupert Smithers. (285) . : Girl Guides Association, pre- FOR SALE Lot on 2nd Ave. confer! tho nouj friiirips Annp For Complete, Rclia: Efficient Service, Concert at-Lutheran Church; Also uiiaueuaiieuus lumoer. Friday, December 17, 8 p.m.. Moose Christmas Tree, Sat Delnor Frozen Foods Make Better Meals Lindsay's Card Cheap. Phone Red 165. (284) wire of Mr. Percy R. Cameron of, 315 2nd Ave. W. Rev. Basil S.. Prockter will conduct services at Grenville Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m. Friday. December 3rd. Interment to fol urday December 18, 2 p.m. sharp. FOR KENT & Storage Liml Oddfellows' and Rebekah low in Fairview Cemetery. B.'FOR RENT 2 room apartment Cor. 2nd and Park 1 i.' unoertaKers in cnaree oil Ann v inn 4th west i9ri Xmas Tree, Wednesday, Dec 22, 2 p.m. Established m Eyolfson, Judy Lloyd and Nancy Lund with beautiful souvenir spoons. Community singing was enjoyed with Mrs. A. Eyolfs6n and Miss Anne Eyolfson at the piano following which refreshments' were served with Brownies and Guides acting as serviteurs. Prince Rupert Distributor II. SWAFFIELD Box 968, Prince Rupert arrangements. (282) Phones 60 and Phone 678 Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D. FOR SALE E., Bridge and Cribbage, Civic FOR RENT Spacious, newly decorated apartment .harbor view, oil range, floor covering included, soon available, central. Kindlv Phone Black 277. Summit Apartments. (284) mi? RATTr Piann in uapn trnnfi ! Centre, January 10. v a i n I a 11.11U in , I. 1 J fJJM cJnaiuon. Phone Blue 715. Apply at 623 8th East alter 6 p.m. (284) FOR YOUR "CHICKEN Tliii (dvtrtiKiatnt it not publiikcd FOR RENT Two roomed furnished apartment. 801 Borden St. (tf) radio. HOTEL ARRIVALS Snow Time FOR SALE Car Green 496. THE R0UGI Phone (285) diipUycd by tKt Liquec Cenkel Botrd or by tht Govtmmtnt oi Briliih Columbia. Beaver Affecting Irrigation Water WANTED CALL RED US IS CIVIC CENT! FOR SALE Thoroughbred Boston Bull Pups. One male. $35.00. Three Females, $25.00 each. For Xmas week delivery. Mrs. J. McDougall, Tatalrose. B.C. (284i SUMMERLAND The Increase of beaver has been so great In W A N T E D Car batteries, car radiators, brass and copper; paving good prices. See B.C. FURNITURE CO.. Black 324. DINING ROW recent years that the lrrlga Prince Rupert W. T. Fuller, Vancouver; M. Kuchmak, Vancouver; J. E. Orm-heim, Vancouver; R. R. Corney, Vancouver; L. T. Wylie, Van COTTAGE CHEESE I New Creamed Fresh Made i VALENTIN DAIRY WANTED Experienced seam tlon system has been affected stress will take in sewing. Phone Black 990. 140 Pth E. (285) and something will have to be done. This will probably mean FOR SALE One Hotpoint Electric Range and Garbaee Burner Annex. Phone Black 692 evenings. (24) couver; A, Whitehead, Vancou Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE trapping on quite an extended ver. LOST AND FOUND scale. FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet. 5 passenger coupe. New uDhol-stery. neater, good tires, with or without radio. Owner leav LOST On 3rd Ave., lariv's rnxp gold Gruen Wristwatch. valued Opposite JJ as keepsake. Finder please ANNE'S ing town. B. F. Lovin, Box v Health Unit 5 rnone tsiacK eaa. (285) im. 1315 Piggott Ave. (283) FOR SALE New Cuds and FOR BOY OR GIRL, BIG OR LITTLE . . . YOU'LL FIND A SLEIGH TO SUIT THEIR NEEDS AT THE VARIETY. FOUND Keys on 2nd Ave. Owner may have same by calling at tle Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) Saucers, lancy design. Regu HOME-MADE CANDY XMAS GIFT BOXES Order Now Blue 389 m lar (dc. now tuc or 4 tor $1.75 A: real Christmas Gift. B.C 4 Or X FURNITURE CO. (tf) METAL WORK WE BUY ana Sell New and Used PLUMBING Installations and VANCOl'VKR -rVlCIi Repairs. SHEET METAL furmture. Hardware, etc. biienuy used Portable Gra wukk.. xar and Gravel Roof TnocHaV 1:30 P-IH.. " niaphones. Kitchen Sets. Va lng. Letourneau & Sons, 629 cuum Cleaners, small fancy oixin west, pnone 543. (tf) HnnHnu 11, COfl" OF GOOD, STURDY CONSTRUCTION, SLEIGHS ARE AVAILABLE IN THREE SIZES. luuies, lagging Hoots. Log nf E ARM AND ft MACHINERY FOK SALE eing Saws, New and Used SIMPSON 2 ivj SAW Detter nmher mnrp (Stewart FortnighH?! economically use the modern and uD-to-date type National Ll'.- C.inHaV 11 P Men's Worsted Suits Single and double-breasted; perfect IF IT IS TOYS YOU ARE SEEKING DONT FAIL TO !-! KM Til ruocnen Kangers for wood, caal and oil. Kitchen Chairs, Underwood Typewriter in best shape. Office Desk and Chairs, Rues. New Chest of Drawers, Bookcases, British India R,ubs, See us for your furniture needs. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE Good Timothv Hay $60 per ton. F.O.B. Kitwanga, CHARLOTTE LSUl ronaoie sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited. Vancouver, , B.C. (tf) WORK WANTED JgT) SEE OUR WIDE ASSORT f fTS f fS Dec. , s.s. Coqultlam, MENT. 31, 10 p.m. FOR NOR' rfeBR0WNW00DS ISLAM! riiRl.OTTE HC. Write Box 495, Prince WORK WANTED- Respectable middle aged woman wishes employment as housekeeper or cook. Phone Black 909 af Kupert. (285) fit and style. Special .. $37.50 Men's All - Wool . Gabardine Coats Tailor-made. Reg. $45. Now $30 Men's Dark Brow.m Topcoats Good fitting. Special $22 Men's Dress and Work Pants All kinds to choose from. Special from $2.95 to $13 Men's Windbreakers New. fancy designs; all-wool, per 10 ; Dec. S.S. Coqultlam, 10 p.m. FOR SALE Combination buf ternoons, or Box 302. Prince KUDert. (284) FRANK V AM Prince Ruoert 518 3rd Ave. W. Tnira n Phone Red 400 let and china cabinet $25.00.' Cream kitchen buffet $25.00. Phone Green 154. (284) FOR SALE Singer Electric sewing machine. Card table model, complete with stool. Brand new, never used. Retail price. Phone 544, ask for Room 33. (283) Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions fect fit. From $S AVAILAB NOW BLONDIE Boys Pants All-wool, good By CHICK YOUNG No Ambish, Maybe. fit; all sizes. Regular $5. Now $3.50 On 1LW t IT Boys' All - Wool Pullover lilli Sweaters All sizes. From $1.30 U, -"v-t" do vou mean . , Boys Shirts For dress and I GOT TWO L I GUESS MY school. All sizes. From $1.25 GOLD STARS GENERATION STARS FOR NEVER TO LEAPnI TMIZ,R y f- W LESSONS? t-S i IS -iCir Knitting Wool 3-ply, best AND A SILVER !-" "-. -' I WAS JUST BEING SMART STAS IN GOOO FOP quality. Reg. 40c. Now ... 30c 5-Piece Luncheon Sets Make ) ' v SCHOOL TOW NOTWINi PETER PAN GIFT SUOPl'E NOVELTIES and GIFTS Greeting Cards HANDICRAFTS LENDING LIBRARY Phyllis Pullen 229 Third Avenue West FOR SALE To wind up an estate we offer for sale by sealed tender .to be delivered to us on or .before December 4, 1948, the following properties: 1. Vacant lot at 8th Av-'enue East (Lot 20, Block :25. Section 6). Clear Title. !2. 5 room house and two ' lots at 612 Young St. (Lots ;11 and 12. Block 6. Section ;6). Clear Title, subiect to i monthly tenancy of N. R. Young at $27.50 per month. Properties mav be bid on sep- 1 arately. Highest or any ' tender not necessarily ac-' cepted. ' G. P. TINKER CO. LTD. Box 508, Prince Rupert, B.C. . (284) beautiful gifts. Regular $3.95 tttt a -te . Special $2.25 4 Tilt ; am LOOK FOR lMRW RED inmost n WHITE wmmm 1 1 I Stt3 fJAf) 1 GOLD SEALIAB 7-1