! Another Newspaper " prince Rupert Daily jeeto? Thursday, December 2, 1948 ' ' r t , , Raises Its Price 'APPEAL IS DISMISSED ORDER LINt OTTAWA Another Canadian daily newspaper has been in Marcel Hrocfiy ,ed by trre interna- creased in price from three taj An appeal from a sentence of five cents, because of greater j three years, entered by James costs in production. This is Le j Howard Foster at the recent Droit. Ottawa's only French : assize In Prince Rupert, was slip line. When stands in language daily. 'h's gr'J"f'rv Selves -anada- But his cus-9 the other side of the stand in tne United Tb,v are in Fort Cov- dismissed in Vancouver recently. The accused had been convicted of obtaining $1,640 from- a Japanese by false pretences. This was at Smithers Sentence Was pronounced by Mr. Justice Whittaker. Pierre Renoir, famous French painter, first painted on Alberta Hospitals Increasing Rates CALGARY Three of the five groups of the Associated hospi N'e u'- , quite a tangle, an me ainst him concerning tals of Alberta have proposed in States and Canadian F ' " I J . ' J - f -A-, 4 t creases tanging from 75 cents to $1.50 in basic ward rates. residence ana non-and accountancy the so-called im- l Worth remembering' l!?SS m these days "Royal Wj m City" Pork and Beans (fffil 1 M for a thrifty dinner or IfcTiTjf M a hot luncheon dish, J ' m. m Get them at your - $j&'f CANNED FOOD! 1 lliie- The Experts Say By KAY REX imato juice; shredded wheat Canadian Press Staff Writer with milk; whole wheat bread; I TERMINAL Here ar some recipes which milk or cocoa, made ith milk. are high In vitamins, but low Lunch or Supper Baked bean?-; whole .wheat bread and butter; baked apple; oatmeal cookies, milk. Dinner Roast beef; baked potato and beets; coleslaw; gingerbread; milk or tea. in cost: Liver Loaf (serves six) Ingredients: one pound liver; ohc-half pound hamburger, one cup bread crumbs; one onion chopped fine; juice of half a lemon; one egg, well beaten; two tablespoons tomato catsup; one teaspoon salt; one-quarter tea spoon pepper; tomato juice or milk to moisten. Home economics recommend the use of honey at the breakfast and, dinner table. FISHERMEN rmtn's terminal, which rank among . the :! the United States, Is completion in Seattle, uble tin present capacity and provide moor-sprviefs for about a boats. The estimated tf $1,750,000. The pro-jdes new bridge, and - viaduct, .sharp freeze e, fish handling and i faeillties, marine ex-.1 public centre. "Mixed with peanut butter or chopped dried fruit or cottage cheese it quickly makes a de Skin liver, parboil in salted licious sweet sandwich-spread frater from 10 to 15 minutes. Drain, chop and mix with other ingredients. Pack mixture into a greased baking-pan. Bacon for use at home or to pack in a luncTi-bo," ?Sys the department. "Honey sauce for pudding or ice cream always meets with approval." may be used to line pan or may be placed bri top. Bake at $50 degrees for one hour. VICE-REGAL BOOT Viscount Alexander, g overnor-genral, officially started the east-west football final at Toronto Saturday afternoon with a powerful 25-yard boot. Standing behind the ball-holder are Tom Brook, presid ent of the Stampeders and Dr. Geldert, acting ' mayor of Calgary. Calgary won 12 to 7. (CPPhoto) . r . When It comes to cake-bak- Oatmeal Cookies (two dozen) vie centre one-half cup ing the size of the egg often Ingredients shortening; one- quarter cup 1 S!' means the difference between success and failure. Home economists of the department of agriculture have been making Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers Dates . FRIDAY Sports i Me Hii Gym Class tests on eggs and have found MEAL FROM FREEZER INTERESTING DIVERSION FOR GRACIOUS LIVING brown sugar; one-half teaspoon vanilla; one-half teaspoon baking soda; one-quarter cup hot water; one-third cup raisins; one-half cup flour; ons cup oatmeal; dash salt. Cream shortening with vanilla and sugar. Add hot water. Add oatmeal and sifted dry ingredients. Drop by teaspoonful on baking sheet. Press flat with fork. Bake at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for eight minutes. K.ng Edward High yhool Gym Class jp-Rec Jr. Girls. iJult Club Badminton whether the cobs are small, medium or large. While the chicken is frying, the dessert may be prepared. Strawberry whip requires only a few minutes preparation and will add that special finishing touch to the meal. Here is the recipe.: STRAWBERRY WHIP that, although the yolks of different sized eggs did not vary greatly, there was a difference' In the whites. To' obtain one cup of egg whites, 10 pullet eggs arc required, but only six large eggs. When beaten, the whites of two large eggs make a generous deep meringue for a pie. Three pullet eggs were required for approximately the same volume. ' up-Rec Teen Age Boys I temperature. Don't forget to thaw the cranberry sauce too. The strawberries for the dessert should also be thawed before using. They will require about 2 hours at room temperature or about twice as long in tne refrigera This is the dawn of a new "ice age" in which one may discover that frozen foods can give more time for better and gracious liviftij. Everyone enjoys entertaining but too often there is a tendency to put it off as being too much work and trouble for the pleasure finally derived from it. Now with frozen foods becoming more J '--' 1 Here is a "Food Rule" menu for one day: Breakfast To- Willie, have you met that nice new boy who moved in next door? 1 3 egg whites 2 tablespoons sugar le teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons lemon juice Basketball iuy Hi vs. Bo Me Hi -tr.es Special en A;.ie Girls Craft roup Mary Club Chorus ixera Club iTeeni 'uaiKj, Drama C-r.mitic-e. 1 1ft rvJ nonlraffa frrwon tor. Corn-on-the cob should also be thawed at room temperature for about 4 hours. Dredge chicken pieces with flour, salt and" pepper Brown pieces well on both sides in Procter Si Gambles 77Z7f has swept in a wonderful T strawberries . 4 '. L Beat egg whites until stiff i j but not 'dry. Gradually beat in accessible to everj Housewife, complete meals can be quickly and nutriti6us!y .planned around them. There is no longer any limit to 4hr "irirlv of interesting iishes which can be added to a heavy pan in melted fat then ;sUgar Add salt and lemon) reduce neat ana conuaue w cook covered for about 3 to 35 minutes depending on the size m mm - .. . juice. Ada juice irom. perries Yt 3i cup if syrup pack is used) and beat slightly. Fold In thawed berries. Pile whip lightly in individual dishes and serve at once. Yield: Six" servings. the dinner menu. Fruits and vegetables know no season and can be enjoyed the year round. UYJ 1 Ho soap-no other "suds" -no other washing product known -will get your family wash as CLEAN as Tide! of the pieces and age of the birds. Vegetables . should be cooked only for a very few minutes and served at once. The green beans and cauliflower require only 3 minutes cooking and are put on to cook asa .frozen jlock. Have water' boiling vigorously as the cooking period is timed from the boiling point only. Most frozen vegetables are now MADE IN CANADA Here is an interesting dinner party menu. Frozen Fruit Cocktail Fried Spring Chicken Cranberry sauce July- Iresn green beans August corn-on-the cob September cauliflower June Strawberry whip Home economists offer some helpful advice as to the nrenaratkm of such a meal. To Mardi Gras By Horse and Wagon SAN FRANCISCO D. and R Peger, young men from the north have arrived from Ore V: 1 I J i gon by horse and rig and plan packed drv and for cooking re r -s 11 quire 34 cup of boiling water to keep right on for Pasadena, and '2 teaspoon salt for one From there, the objective will be 16 oz. package. Corn-on-the New Orleans where they hope to cob requires 7, 9 or 11 minutes njoy the Mardl Gras if horse cooking time depending on and wagon hold out. They say that it is Important to cook or Serve frozen foods at just the right stage or otherwise they will not show off their good points to advantage. It would, therefore, be wise to assemble the main items of the meal to be served, an hour beforehand in order to al THE world's CIUHIST, BRIGHTEST, WHITEST wash SMEMQNUYon HWMS ... only Tide gives you all this. Oh, what a wonderful washday! Tide low time for some of them to H Hets even your heaviest wash cleaner than any soap or any other . washing product! Tide leaves clothes free from diVr-and actually J thaw. Plan to leave the vegetables in the freezing compartment of the refrigerator until the last few minutes before cooking. The chicken for frying should hp rorrmletelv thawed and removes soap film, too. And Tide perks up soap-dulled colors like magic . . . actually brightens them. Does it aeiy, too you can trust all your washable's to Tide. And white things? Say! In hardest water, Tide gets them more dazzling white than any other washing productlknown! Try Tide next washday. There's nothing like it. falessfian ED-Movie star Diana nd John Lindsay posed picture in Hollywood Ilss Lynn's parents an-fl that the couple plan married on December "y will spend their ;ln in Bermuda. cooked as the fresh would be.'; ' . il,V Frozen chicken pieces will take about 4 hours to thaw at room f ' fc. MNCAXtl r IUCKWHIATS Ra. Sin or 3Yi Ik. VtS, those tste-temptin (uffy-liht Aunt Jrmima trc bargain in Midousnnt! Serve thtm often for Breakfast, Lunch or Supper. The Ouoka Oot Company el Canada IfmMnl ECONOMY Bog. I yiJ' GETS CLOTHES CLEANER THAN AMY OTHER- tj? washday prouct u cM 8UY" f sr" uefi Ah, ca&u- """ J -- 'nmt srt New miracle sudsl Washers More suds in hardest water! KInd-to-hanth suds that ktok difTer-ttitf feel different! Wonderful in the dish' pan, too! Try Tide 1f dishes ... see how they Sparkle, even without wiping! WITH PUMP CONTltOL- MADE BY THE CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. "AGAIN IN STOCK" ONLY $149.50 SEE X '.'.'J.', X-??- 7TDESM The Northern B.C. Power Co. f'io , J (7.. rf.tt KhSSm i ..... Phone 210 LIMITED Phone 209