HONOR CAPTAIN Prfnrf ttupfrt Daflp nm$ Thursday, December 2. 1948 PRESIDENTS JOB BABY'S 0 Venerefe! Diiedse tl Rampant In Alaka. JUNEAU Vent ?eal disease fates in Alaska havp crniu COOK'S MEMORY HONOLULlf Vessels of the Royal Canadian visum at 15 K Hawaii recently, honored the! Setter to ie Corporation Lawyer, Sports Promoter, of Eestadrant Opef atof increased' during the past ten years, &ecdrttihfc td a feriott submitted bv Dr. c. Parti i. of Ketchikan, who" was well acquainted with the pioneer misionary -of the north. It was In October 1857, feev. William Duncanv from England, took charge ef the mission for Tsimpsean tribes of British Columbia at the local Metlakatla. Later, he journeyed to Washington, and made arrangements to move his followers to another Metlakatla, this time In Alaska. It has since beme qait a progressive own. Father Duncan died In 1918. Reminiscences E ,w.j. end Re flections j 'brecht, fcommissioner of Health, FATHER DUNCAN MEMORIALIZED Services Held at Metla- , l.atla, Alaska The memory o; Father Duncan, who founded the natite vil'.age of Metlakatla, across the rmrbtfr from Prince Rupert,, was ob.serted feeently at New Metlakatla in AlSSkSj near Keteh!-ka-i. The m?morlal service was conducted by R"v. E. P. KcttM stadt of Palo AHo( California. At the evening service, the speaker was Robert Tomltnson to the Alaska Board bf Health. Man? adults during their most useful years' hive beert fcrihhiM NEW YORK A good rorpof-acion lawyer, a live sports pro-motor or restaurant operator an make fftOre money thta fsidertt Trttmsn and have memory Of Captain athe Cook British riaVal o-flce"r, wh dl.' tovered the group of Islands and was killed there by natives in February 1779 this was at KeaiakekUa Bay Ort the wesfprri hore. the destroyers H.M.C.S. Crescent, one dt the five'shipi rom Canada in Hawaiian waters, ylslted the Bay where serves were held at the Cook C ming up! Coming up! file?- t ioi Sir," after hearing him and i-y hotel 65 St'coiid Av-1 retired to fhef2itt on the beau- while Infants have become' blind of filefl. much more fun and Infinitely iess anxiety, worry and responsibility, j ei: I Skeena Highway to be i ty of humility, orte might have pert hed until it shines! People had reason to despair of the "wh'. had beefl living within ' juture of England. ea. distance ' Of ' Vaneattvif pla nlng on moving' to within' It used to be said of Victoria a f w linudred miles of Prince, that the town ws ottif-t sort 'n".l tab, i,., The main agricultural crops of Formosa are cane sugar and rice. The president's salary is Many Borneo natives grow rich from collecting edible birds' nests. j $73,000 but when he has paid his income tax and all the ex . : : : ' , : ZjnJ. Ru.srt! of place. But when a mart, Mr. Speni?r for example, eould found a small business within penses of his personal staff and household, he has about $10,000 net salary for personal and family needs. 6 fuegles In China, the birth of , babe who may live to as-, us amn ana a IT generations Hours are long and respons-; cffi : the throne' of feritain. the'iater. 6611 tne 'ork Iot abtfut eis: sanation of Mahatma Can- seventeen millions, there must dh Harry Trtfttan's whirlwind have been something there. ibility tremendous. The chief writes his name on docMments about 400 limes vie! ry strikes and more srtikes the Communist headache may Prin( Rupert lep.-hed this dallf. Every flay he shake be .laid to have been some of weeK lnal m01e PeP'e are ar- hands about twenty time. At tire nighliijhts in 1948 so far, as ranShg to settle in the roomy retentions, the handshake tad the twelfth and last month and fertile country that cart be be anywhere from 1,608 loot) conihences. Tot can't call it accurately described as Central times. During a winter there a x 'ar to be partiriflarly grate- British Coiuintfca. Thf.y are not can be At least half a dcttett f ul ror, or happy over. A little strangers to the province, they receptions'. The President fs goo . .was mixed with coi.sider- are onIv Setting armthd to the supports r4 kW gve'fy affair abii woe. conviction that somfr districts 0f ahy importance and mtist in B. C. are to be preferred to answer all tjttestiofiS without any hesitation. He eahmtt say he does not know. He must sign every legislative act, and be able4to explain all about it as well as saying why he signed it. - s r W WROTE wn6TEv w .Jit? w qthers. It's a ;:ne ziiing to be T its story Is late for Educa- blessed with good judgment. lior Week, but H will serve. The . pre. ident of the Society for the New Hvdrographic ftefntion of Corporal Punish- c. , K. T n W.t in Schools is Eric Wild- SfUP IMearly Keady ma. , doins business Ki England. OTTAWA The new 500-ton Wi'a a choice assortment of ihip, the C.G.S. "Cartier," will canes and an eye for sales, he -hortly be In commission, it is calkd at a school to display announced. She is 140 feet long and lecture. A class seized and is the first diesel driven hirr. and gave him seven sound ship of the hydrographic fleet strckes with one of his own of a doSeri crarv The little ves-j can"s. Perhaps all this was not sel can Work equally well in the acceding to Hoyle, but it was semi-tropical warmth of the' nevertheless, a healthy sian. Gulf Stream or in th npnr' TiliS DILLION-DOLLAH STODY CANADA HAS LONG SUMMER Mildest Weather For This Time in Memory of Pioneers J WINNIPEG Until late autumn, the prairies enloyed the mildest weather In the hiemory of old-timers. Dandelions were noted and golfers were ov.t oi: the links In Edmonton end H . u r i t u" natIn df ?' tOW:nS Pub,ic i,lslilutilMl huiidrcdj f)f million of dcllars W he I.00.000 Other customers, hard at work m 1948 . . . a lhe Atlantic to t! Pacific. helping Canadians in walk of lift to make better a evt?y That's klHnp of . a the ,M wAW I , Hail the class said "Thank Arctic waters att Labrador. ' ' - ' , . . . , . future for themselves and for Canada. Vr " sav,n8s th of your contribution to CMaii f fere is the money" that makes thc wheels of commerce jIZJjiOm turn ... that provides thousands of business progress added to that of 100,00(1 other Canadian in the B of M family. aigary. Tne latter city en- CJf?iCkS ,"nterPrises from the largest corporation -.tsSSk ffA r. tUa e,ti . : t ... BofM depositors' savinf your Joyed one of the longest and ! brightest. Indian snmmarc - sj tvillj v nw junutji mic-man snow with the credit they need to carrv on from dav tr djv savings thus play a vital part maintaining our high Canadian standai Around the lakehead, butter- To citizens on salaries . . to farmers with sf'awin.il t- 1k.v. j'.Afm irwss ? ' fr"7. VwA lLiesw ere not uncommon and In of Imng and in making Canada the third greatest .a lilac trees were In bloom Brantford, Ont., chrysantt.e- trading natton of the world. Ves, by saving at tire BofM todar ihcornes . .'. to merchants, manufacturers, businessmen in every worthwhite line of endeavour ... to municipalities, school boards and l inums were seen. Weather ex vfUi WW i ,. you ate helping to builJ the greaicf governments . . to churches, vS . hospitals and all types of 'i-rfys uanaaa ot tomorrow, Mt 'C securing your own future. perts explained that the griot feurrents of air which, as a rule.-sweep eastward across southern Canada and the Great I-akes bringing icy Polar air moved across regions much farther ,. T' 'Mtr - J 1 n nZrt&s -0,tl norm, leaving -.ne smricny parts of the country to bask m almost spring-like weather. Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE Q. Is It all right for a oef- son to finger thing ou Lhe table Guring a meal, his glass, knife, fork, etc.? . A. No; the oniy things this Indicate are nervousness antl Self-eonsciousnesS. It Is also TT777TTTlllilllV,x - ' k I l ir' " v x ,. Ind 4r JfT) f) tery annoying to other guest. XiCW You'll discover the jov of mi WHAT THE B of M HAS TO MEET ItS OftUSATfONS: CZZ HM-ndine a winter Iiolwlav in &JZ c,ima,e Hhen you stay at the a person who . jjoisred and per-, lectly at eastt. will not do So. ' Q. Is It obligatory that a gifl Secretary send her employer a wedding present?. . A. Not unless she receiver! art irtvitatiofi to the wedding. ' .l'.J4aJ. IT! i- ,T . ,. - ... ri-fcr' ---- "'1 "n-i I" tvergrcen it toria! WHAT THE B of M OWES TO OTHER!: CtOSTI: While many business firms, manufaiturers, merchants, farmers and people in every type of business have lare deposits with the B of M, the hulk of the money on deposit with the Bank is the wvmcs of well over a milli.m private cititenS. the trtal of all deposits is , . . , rOTf$; BofM bills in circulation, which are pavable on presentation imount to . ... Otktt UitlLimSl Mfwltaneou ittm reptnt- All winter kmg, no crtlief spot la ' Canada rm match it for warm, "T" bunny, days . . , stimulatinji. sea Q. Which is the correct form,' i want to see you," or "I wish to see you?" A. " H wish toee yon".iS correct. Wish espiesses desire, warit implies lack. CaSH; The B of M has cah in its vaults and money fin dersit ith the Bank of CmUi amountinS to MOMfr in tlie Uwn of notes of, cheques on, and depoiits with othtt banks . . , , IHVESTUtHTS: The fs of M ha, ever , hillinn dollars invested in hiph frade j:fvernment honds and other public securities, which have a readv market. l isted j t he Ariik's books a Bfe, ;rtt, Am tlnir mMet tdne. they aimxmttn , . . " . The BofM has othef bonds, dc-fientures nd stocks, representing in iare measure assistance to industry for plant development iri iht f..st ar P"wd. These investments re tarried ... CU tOaWS: The BofM tm call lows which are full) protected by quickly saleahlc securities. These loans amount to S 211,721,990.06 iU,totf,3S0.99 1,003,513,919.08 129,03?,998.R9 M,177,91R.no ' l.reer.es ... Old Englisli hospitality! I I v i.njoy golf . . . tennis . . j . winter swimming in a wanned Hcaowjiw mainly commitments undertaken bv the Bank ,JfJ tin behulf of imtrmiers in thtit foreijin and dofiiestic j 1 trade transactions &m- . "V- "tit an-iiig , 1 ptol. At the ivy-Hail Empress Hotel Sl,9(,4il.l'i you II find t'liarming hmxiif. tas'i A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE tto. A Good Place to Buy cuisiiw and the tradilionally TOTAL OF WHAT Till: BofM tWtS ITi DrPOSlTOftS AND OTfll RS TO PAY AM. IT OVCTS, THE BofM HAS TOTAL Rl SOl'RCKS. AS SHOWN ON THE IE FT Sii)K Or THIS STATEMENT, AMOUNTING TO ...... . WHKJH MEANS THAT THE 8 trf M WlAS RI SOt.RCls; OVER AND ABOVE WHAT IT OW t.S, AMOUNTING TO i;Wt,i), finn Canadian Pacific te'i , , Bcrvice. j l&- H'.IW.-'! What ftnef fift tha a gift lor the home . . . one the whole larnily can enjoj. II o yhich can MUkly be turned into cash, corer 7K Oi ,rf , that the Rmk owe, f thl. puWif. Tltrst .,mck aft,.. o l&iNS; During the CTr, many million of dollari t! CI" f" husimi5 and "lus" enterprises j Dining Room Suiter. This figure f $82,939.240.M Is made up of monrv subs, ribed hs the and, to some exn-nt, of profits whi.h h.v from time to time hr pl...eHW M business to hfo..dtn the Bank't services and to pve added protection iot tl ' laWNG$ After paying all overhead" expenses, includina staff salaries, bonuses and contributions to the Pension fund, and after ' maKtni! Provision fir riin..n.;., i I .t I. Dinette Suites, Chesterfield Suite rt n . . it . w Mety Kind fo farmers, fhCr- I men. Iumfxrm,n ,.;J i ...i... . ... ' , li - to cituens in all I -s i lk of l,te, and to Provincial and MunUin-d Ealj Governments and School Districts. These ioans now Ji j, ivials ana stair Carpets. J Odd Chairs, Smoker Tables, End Tables, Ches- i y terfield Tables and Coffeo Z Tables. Lane Cedar Chest,, 456,26424 .22 2,980,000 lare cities from toast to coast ,he fiof " M serve -i :f . .. , .... .,ullluut, miu inr ucprt-i larion 01 imiiiv pfeiniscs, f utnrture and etuipmcnt. the B uf M reports earning tot the twelve rnonths ended October 30th, 1948, of . . . Provision f Dominion fnrome and Exctsi Profits Taxes and Provincial Taxes ..... Leaving Net Earnings of . , . . t , , , , , This amount Was distributed as fo!low: Dividends to Shareholders .' . ... Balance to Profit and l oss Account . ....... Floor tamps, Table Lamps, al more than ,,,0 oihces.The value of i I I the btiii(itn.t j l.. .t , II B I I -.-.. j w n in j m- Tf ii -i Doll Carriages;, Boys' Wag V iBtniture and equipment, is shown ea ,ts books 1 ,'STM( ttHtt ASStTS: These chiefly' represent liahiliti. of m c" C,,mmi,,"en,i the Bank on S n5aSf'.cov:rin8 f"rn. ,,:ne,."c ,rjde ggi. BofM EARNINGS OKI thc cuadcudi nf RV INV ?,Ws.fi02 12 I On each dollar of tlie sharciiohlers' money i""" Bank of Montreal, the Bank earned Kt.r tcn,j AND HOW f To TAXES 3.W tfn" Tlivi.Vrl,fE 1 To SHAREHOLDERS . . . DIVIDED T sithdihc 224 cents Sl,991,3tl,MH.07 r -- - ons and Tricycles. Beautyrest Mattress, Restniore Mattress, Blankets, Bed Throws, Down Comforters, Bed Sheets and Pillow Cases. Everything for your dows. Imported and domestic Inlaid Llnoieum in Colors that will please you. Many father items . . . ask us please we are here to serve yon. Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue W -.Yf-s tV(V V-JJ. A metal moulding for home-craft use. Simple to cut and easy to instal. Supplied in eight practical shapes to suit every home need No special tools required. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. i tf Bank of Montreal tt PEKING WITH CANADIANS fM I V E R Y WALK Of LIFE SIN