5- Prince ntnictt Dailp Ektos Thursday, December 2, 1948 mm and their representative has not yet been chosen. The second group, headed by Mrs. McGll-very, will be the home workers. The third group will meet on Wednesday afternoons and the fourth will meet on the Thursday evening. Heading the third and fourth groups will be Mrs. Glanzer and Mrs. I. Frank. SHOE 81C&. TERRACE RED " CROSS V.A. Group is Formed with Mrs. Dudlye Little as President TERRACE At an organization meeting of the Terrace Red Cross Hospital Auxiliary in the Nurses' Lounge Sunday after Terrace Boy Decorated High Boy Scout Honor Conferred on Roy Clifford OTTAWA Roy Clifford of Terrace was decorated In Otta-way yesterday In the presence of a large and distinguished company. So also were two other lads who, like him, had earned MONTREAL, Dec. 2nd In old England the uniqurly umptiii flavour of plump, juicy goowberrier, luu been ., ,.rnlurirs-old favourite with everybody, everywhere, -n I know you'll le glad to know that thin delightfully IjilTrirnt ta.-te treat in one of the famous family of .; p. Smith' Pure Jama. Vou'll find all the tart-sweet, fmiiv imodiirsi of fresh-picked gooscbcnie in K. I) TERRACE FAVORS SCHOOL BYLAW TERRACE Terrace, largest centre Jn the district, and most directly concerned, cast 101 votes In favor and nine against the $137,000 school district building program on Tuesday. The two larger Hazelton districts held opposing views. New Hazelton voted against the measure by a count of two to 21, while Old Hazelton favored It with a vote of 44 to 4. SMITH'S Pure Gooseberry Jam , . . Yea, it takes lot f l.firiiM for that fruit-full flavour ... and here's one noon, it was decided that the main objective would be the "t.doiii the whole family I He sure to add ft to this week' securing of an Incubator. Other it Toliil9 Armu floated through the house when dlstlnction through personal j aims wouIfi be the supplying of bravery. The others belong in equipment as far as mending Officers are: President, Mrs. D. G. Little. Vice-President, Mrs. Giraud. Secretary, Miss E. Head. CHURCH 109 YEARS OLD , ADVOCATE, N.S. H Advocate United Church celebrated Its 109th anniversary recently. The church was originally Methodist and belonged to the Parksboro - Maccan circuit, which was 120 miles long and 40 miles wide. it'hi'uK'l Jelly Roll surh an thisl Light Vl.lii itc in texture ... with a fine even SWANS DOWN CAKE FLOUR 1 polling ana sewing are concerned, supplying supplementary furnish Eitern Canada. Each had prevented a drowning. As is well known In Prince ings of the nurses' quarters wirat ""'"" and again until 27 times as tine as ordiuary Rupert, Roy Clifford tried to' save his brother when their 5 Count accordiig to stations, was as follows: Tor Terrace 101 Usk 1 Pacific 3 Toren 3 Cedarvale 5 when necessary, building up a hospital library and giving attention to special occasions for the enjoyment of the patients and to help in the summer time with the canning. A box is being placed in the home caught fire. The injuries and burning suffered by the brother proved fatal. As the yuurt.tul Iiero came L' .n'JtUi LUWU B uvui mail tiiaju.u icucr s OLD-FASHIONED JELLY ROLL .j !,tn Dtiwa Cake Flour J cup aifud mar J ( jiurnct Biking Powder I teupoon Tamlla in it 1 P KJ (n Satour) .. mwurr. Combine baking powder, Mlt. ami egri in Wwt. ,. ' minllrr Uiwl nf "t water and brat with rotary egg beater, ,r (intimity until mixture beeomea tkirk and light-coloured. (rm M water. Fold in (lour and vanilla. Tarn into Ii t 1-,,li h bn-n reet. lined with paper to within i Inrh of edae. Against 9 2 0 0 3 0 15 8 21 4 1 0 woodcock l Kitwanga 4 forward before Lord Alexander, South Hazelton .. 3 the Governer -General, to re Skeena Mercantile for donations of canned fruit and juices New Hazelton 2 F'.l 13 Blinutra. Onickl ...f ceive the Boy Scout's Silver - rnH-Ctl. H 1 M in wn um iw uvk. ,f mke. Turn out on elnth covered with nowdrml (.Iltrt Mn.nd with jelly and roll. W rap la cloth and cool oa rack. Old Hazelton 44 Four Mile 4 Offer thai wonder fae Crater Has "Statr.l.f 1 wL 1 1 M PKl I Vk 101 if y Do nol mark floor; .. . . Morlcetown 4 Returns had not been w in store for you I It's an old receiv- or lor contributions for Christmas gifts for the patients. Monthly meetings will be held on the fourth Thursdays. The workers are being divided into four groups, one of which will represent that group on ful news for every woman who likes l.i.r j,ivwl rookinff Cross, it was UVd that he still bore some markf of his experience in fighting the fire. There were "rvorations for adults, but the thief interest seemed to be cei.red on the three boys. They vtere given a great deal of admiring atten Cop- ed yesterday from Remo, per City or Klsplox. C. W. Alger was in charge of the Terrace polling booth and the executive. The first group will meet on Monday afternoons tion. VTaV-' J . 1a x I Nf nt tf T.M.-TW tinnfiyriii Ttw mKWrT fM. ft? mn.m I tb Sf D. de Kergommcaux was scrut ineer. VX-i-A flavour favourite rA of your H n "perked-up" with a brand new look t Just wait 'til you see the blight new containers that, CROWN BRAND CORN SYRL'P conies in I They're designed for easy, easy opening . . . they're shaped to fit snugly on your kitchen shelf they pour cleanly look smart these handsome tone-lap tins! When you're in a hurrv for some of that delicious Crown Brand syrup to pour on waffles ... or to flavour a cake, you'll not have to fumble and fume over a hard-to-open tin.Ak your grocer to-morrow for Crown Brand 10 its new, cone-tppjied container! in he the talk of ilie table ! It's a Irf 1 p"9 ra- cip boot written lli akers of TI'.A- i jii-t wait 'til you see full" o! seniiiilioua making the fluffiest, i;iiih you've ever , rhirken pie pan-,rn'!ikc dumpling.-!, Upn to "loll all" 'uwl(rfiil reeie book .: have to write to mc , , I II I O'e-ierutht, : i; for your free ,H u( ii)s for happy, Ami:! 'Let'i Get Away From It All Say Dewey ? xk: j NEW YORK Thomas A. is picking up the duties of vosSr i ": " j! f. Gilts ; ' ' State governor once more, and, once some of the more pressing matters are given attention, he Veoafahft rtcioii wM faf Avtf Ta.f MJilif will consider a rest and a holiday in Arizona. It has been p. busy summer and autumn, smd he says he can enjoy a spell, "away Here a a tnnt pudding . , . for a gala occasion or a happy. tamilv meal . from it all." that takes very little' "HA ll(T effort practically no Hi A LEADING LADY": IIOUSECOATtfr BenKC- lnes in gay patterns and plain, fine,, all-wool housecoats availably ;.in - 'urj choice of doors. time at all to serve! Advertise In tpe Dally News! Vmi :no-t fs JJl If l idl IN THE SUPREME COUTtT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE III the Matter f the 'Administration For those cay parly nights Act" And In the Matter of the Kstate of J'rank inidlnrr. Deceased. Intestate. Your Ik Rating Place I - FULL COURSE MEALS iV" A?! !f&l ' 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Q( ' Banquet Hall lll ? '! for Luncheons, Dinners ll and Parties . VM 1 Chinese Dishes II f I BROADWAY I 7.H It s t-HIKRUFS FRUIT - PUDDING ... a real, old-time fruit pudding lavish with two kinds of rai.sin., dates, currants and mixed peel. 18 ingredients in all, carefully blended delieiously seasoned and stcain-cooked for hours in Shir-riff's spotkws kitchens! And all you do to serve this armmptious pudding: simply heat it in the tin, in boiling water open the can iliee and serve with your favourite sauce. Exceptionally good sauces I've tasted are flavoured with a tantalizing touch of HnrnfT'j Rum, Hulterscoieh or Almond Flavouring F.xtraets. Remember ShirritTs when you bhop to-morrow! mi-limn, fiwly wiup iii-'ntlv by adding ilui hot vegetable boiling no cooking w imilicr. ' Ye, the i iiur and goodness iiitxl to soui or p aic. in cube or . . is alwny a tAste in ( li ai t of prime, linn eutrnted form, raic on ni"nt bills an il M'cm like more i' a iiHikiug-lialiit. of w-f j mi so iiiueh for TAKE NOTICE tbat by Order of s, tlyry Hla Honor Judge W. O. Fulton. Local fudge of the Bupreme Court of British Columbia. I was on the 24th jay of November, A D. 1048. appoint-!d Administrator of the Estate of ank Chudinee. late of Ocean Falls, yrltlsh Columbia, who died on or bout the 3rd daf of September. 1948. before Christmas, a DANCE DRESS, trim-wed ..with!, Dugle ..Beads .ior ..Sequins will bring sparkles to her eyes. In all popular sizes... HANDBAGS, like the Dunce Dresses, . are new arrivals at ..our store. ..Styles to ptea.se every discriminate ' ing taste- - Iltittry Wld It M Joiaf I try to H mi as little time as i if-ihle brawnir bail weather in wintertime . . . aud l'v 1 lomul thai the BANK OF MONTREAL is sympathetic to . t Ocean Falls. British Columbia Ml persona Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to mo orthwlth and all persons . having elalma against the said estate aic required to file them with me properly verified on or before the Slst ay of December. 1948, falling which Jlstrlbutlon will be made having re- rarri onlv to such claims of which I 1 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 j j . niv "Alite-Mit-by-t he-lire tendencies. Now is the time oi u.ir when I start banking by mail with the B of M ! It keeps 1110 nui of sliii-h and bliszard, and it's a wonderful help to 1 uiiliu- .saving 1 Banking bv mail eliminates the ri.k of keep- 'Do you love me more than anything eso in the whole wide world? shall have been notified. f m laijie sinus of money around the house. It saves time as w II a. trouble and money ... for you can pay bills by post "i"ini. Yes, banking by mail is a wonderful service 1 Why ilxHit it on your next visit to the Bof MT DATED at Prince Rupert, u... tnis amin'nniiiiiiiiwtiiiiiiiiiiwtnmiiiiiwiiiiiiimiiiiHiMiiiiiiriiiJiit Select your gift, pay a du-( ! posit and when you wisn ; to pick up your purchase 4 ' use our Personalized Budget Plan for easy payment. 24th day of November. 1948. Sweet Sixteen Ltd- H Traly Wll-GrW Waataa of "Tepiy", I he little OORDCJN rBM.a ruitoro, Official Administrator. Prtnce Rupert. BC. (296) would dream ot malt Vemoits Grape-Nuts flavor is different from any other cereal flavor in the world." "I know. I know because they're made from two grains instead of one." "Sure and loaded with carbohydrates and minerals and other food essentials." "You win. Go ahead and have another bowlful and I think I'l' ing one deodorant do the work of two! A hy ' sure. Darling! Except, of Course, there's honey-golden ..." "Honey Golden, eh? I knew it blonde! I'm going home to mother!" "Hey, wait a minute! I mean honey-golden, malty-rich, oh-so-wonderful Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes!" "Oh, that's different!" "Sure they're different! That i'l kauiuny who JUft fiiiweil". Topsy was utm-iial! Most babies mul lots of loving care nl eikkI food to grow "l'thlullu. Ouahtv is LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land , In Land Recording District of 4roper"toilette"is all over and includtsi an anti-perepirant for under the arms, as well as a perfumed 1 w I JJfjjjffwwffwWfijjitffijrifrrrrrrf f . j Prince Rupert, B. C. IM situate in y hi' dtt consideration join you! the channel of Ihe xaa Kiver adjacent to " Indian Reserve No. 66. at the mouth of the Scotta River. deodorant for body 111 rlioo?ing your baby's fooi-for-growth. And Savour, to tickle the viir tuiv tot is imperii! 11 - why Hl'.INZ i iiMuit Foods are TAKE NOTICE that ha t,oium- bla Cellulose Company Limiwa vi Prince Rupert. B. C. occupation manllfurttirpr of CCllUlOSe PUlP Blld XMAS PHOTOS 't'' ' Order Early ,:.- Chandler & Cowgill. For Appointments ; PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 NITE: BLACK 615 216 4th Street i'h -0 many thousands products Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: AUTOMATIC IBemidlax Commencing at a post piantra u w for the feet, around the midriff and even more personal use. That's why SNO-AIWT Powder Spray Deodorant is so popular with women wise in the ways of personal daintincB for ita atomijer top squirts a fine spray of deodorant wherever good grooming suggests. So quick and easy to use your husband will like it, too ... as a quick "refresher'' after his showerl Ask at anv drugtore to-morrow for Sno-Mist Powder Spray Deodorant I approximately 2550 feet N. 17 deg BDiryeir mferf PHONE 422 rees W. of the o.w. corner oi mu-lan Reserve No. 66 at the conflu They're flavotir-fre.-'h Tcfiilly cooked to baby- ililny . . . then care-rai-iiiled. Try all of 1 FmN and alter 1'irilnlay, treat him to izli of Heine Junior ''"l lf 'I and diced vce-'m- ilc-erts and a '8'ialilc lieef Dinner! ence of the Scotia ana sucena 1 '- pJ ; Jr.-' II U'Slhe .1 I II.' 1. 2. 3. i i s i s r iiii Rivers thence N. 40 degrees a., approximately 4000 ft.; thence easterly and N. easterly following the high water line of the Bkecma River, approx. 450 ft. thence 8. 40 degrees W., approx. 4450 ft.; thence 16 decrees northerly approximately 320 ft to the point of commencement and containing twenty-five acres, more or less. T. A. V. TREMBLAY, Dated November 19th, 1948. of Swtof.ri Taof Htl4 Tkalr Sa Wlfkaaf llacilaf "nm- t lint cost less wear at leat three times Handles all fabrics. Easy on the clothes. Automatic controls for heat and time damp or bone dry within ah hour. Handles 1 8 lbs. wash in one operation. Can be used with any washer. ft Rex (Cafie arc Hip nmaztng features you II uuy wncn ou "aml suitings of nvlon atafplc fibre! It's nylon's nn,l v.... "ii i.i- it 1 li'. n-ln aini'tp vnrn is liirht AM 4. for Tasty Meals With a nfirninnrnl. erillio and lasting resilience. D; Chop Suey Chow Mein '"c. all the qualities vou love about nylon are -extra strength, extra long wear, lightness, easier lt vor. .!... Bk.,r,,,,n,r . In lllllk for 'ant signature . . . "Fabric Made, oj C-l-L Sylon Staple I Chinese Dishes a Specially Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel , 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders "DON'T DEPEND ON THE WEATHERMAN FOR DRY CLOTHES." . r Husboatf 4ct.a Lilt "t'rlf Mara.at At ft I ou h" greeted bv his cheerv smile at breakfast tf hen you eiv f'u tsi: 1. siivunitv f'OI KKK! les. this new Chase A Sanborn is "angel making"! And just in case that find ,i..i;.,;.7.. ; n-nmlerini how thev achieve Chrisfmas Chrisfmos carries carries fragrances: fragrances: J crisp wintry air, ) ,v 11, 1,711:- l, IVvo ,' " - u , lliat superb flavour here's how! Its the careful pclee-iun of rich, ripe coffee berries ... to assure that etli.l flavour I No wondur Chase A Sanborn is a breakfast ' ll ivniiriir." n,l in rniov "anecl-niakiiig coffee at its -'"IV Chase A Sanborn in the vacuum-packed tins that assure I . ASK THE MAN WHO BUYS ONE QUALITY COUNTS IN TANKS . AND QUALITY YOU GET WHEN ' YOUR TANK IS MADE BY BY " wj ' , TWO CASH PRIZE WINNERS in PKINCK RUPERT Area MRS. SHIRLEY SMITH 511 "th A?e. East, City MRS. A. McNEIL, Gen. DeU City Every week there, are two cash priie winners In the rrince Rupert area on Malkin' Melody Money Time LISTEN IN CFPR 6:30 p.m. Every Friday TRY YOUR SKILL FOR CASH PRIZES Y in the Daily News! spicy scent of pine. Add Blue Grass Flower Mist, famed fragrance by Elizabeth Arden. It's a wonderful gift, in a gay gift-wrapping, with a Kentucky-caught scent, o take the Christmas airl Christmas wrapped Blua Oratt Flewtr Ml.t, 1.75, 3.23, 5.50r with atomizer, 2.75 Please bear with us THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 Fast I irst Ave. Phone Black 8H4 THE CE GEORGE SAILS FOR NCOUVER HtMLDIATE PORTS ORMES TERRACE THURSDAY ETCHIKAN 'SDAY MIDNIGHT Mitchell Currie Commercial Hotel is undergoing extensive renovation and improvements which will make it the smartest establishment of its kind in Prince Rupert. Meanwhile, all departments are carrying on business as usual and we ask our patrons to continue their favor and be patient with us until the job is finished-December 18. (284) cservatiuns Write or Call IR nr-rrk ..... ui urritb I-w CE RUPERT, B.C. Skeena Restaurant c TERRACE LLOYD SAUDER. PROPRIETOR GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE Open G:30 a.m. till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays . , DINE AND DANCE Bring your Iriends and enjoy yourselves : . AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT LIMITED Phone 3B3 Plumbing or Heating Call SMITH & ELKINS BUILDERS CONTRACTORS Phone 174 Box 274