r 4 Prince Rupert Daily (New Saturday, September 9, 1950 Salmon net fishing oil Vancouver. In the men's championship J. B. Starky. Edmonton, lost to E. Cana. Vancouver, eighteenth. W. west coast of the Queen Char-' "'J" Kittes opens Sunday night after pUuKmu Ions vs -fcioresu-y iept., ijlcttnia Grocery vs 8i S;sters. Savoy s vs Rockettes. Ginger Snaps vs Manson's. Batuers vs Wallace Pharm.. -Black Cats vs Commercial Oct. 17th Black Cats vs Wall Favorites Winners a &;-hour closure. Chum have ; w ' E; Clotjwt . Anderson, Annettes vs Rosa Lee s Sept. 26tli McMeekins vs Lucky Strikes. Brownwoods vs Resa Lee's, C. B. of C. vs G. & ueen appearing in good number, U1 e coast, j-ne whole 01 sal 1 -""Uttuons Schedule For j ladies' Bowls , League schedule for the coming season is announced as follows: Sept. 12th Lvo;lS vsRosa Lee's i Lr. j. Harrison, Vancouver. A. G. Lush. Winnipeg, beat Dr. J. Calvert, VHoria 22nd i, J. White, Woodstock, beat R. H. Rae, Vancouver. Fourth Flight G. Bronugh, Portland, beat Dr. O. Clement, Vancouver. W. E. Browne, Winnipeg, beat W. Booth, Victoria. J. Vlckerman, Seattle, beat D. C. Gaskin, Hamilton. W. M:Carter. Victoria, beat J. J. Hopkins, Washington. F. Strahecker, Seattle, beat H. Pearson, Edmonton. J. B. Streit. Toronto, beat C. S. Favorites Are Winning Business and pro JASPER WKh one exception ! ii ton, 20th. A. J. Watson, Van-trie favorites continued to win in jcouver beat S. Thompson, Van-the championship flieht of the couver. 2-1. M. B. Marsh. Seattle, twenty-first annual Totem Pole beat D. Searic, Monterey, Cal., here. The only upset was the 4-3. N. R. Bernard. Pasadena, beat elimination of Jack Starkv, Ed- Herb Pinder. Saskatoon, monton, holder of the champ- championship Consolation tonshlp in 1933 and 1936. who lost D. F. Speer Vancouver, beat to Eddie Oana, Vancouver, on ;R c . ArmMrong, Vancouver ,6-4. Annettes vs G & Anderson. r'Cats. Shenton's vs Commercials. Brownwoods vs Lucky Strikes,'.Savoy's vs Skeena Grocery C.B.of C. vsEdmont, M?Meekins; 001 3rd Battlers vs Com-vs Stars. Wrathall's vs Toilers. ' r.'ercials. Savoy's vs Black Cats, Savoy's vs Mar.son's.Skeena Gro- Shenton's vs Wallace Pharm., eery vs Forestry Dept.. Rockettes ; Skeena Grocery vs Rockettes.Big vs Wallace Pharm., Big Sisters . Sisters vs Manson's Ginger Snaps vs Commercials. Ginger Snaps vs, ys Forestry Dept., Toilers vs Bel-Eiack Cats Shenton's sv Battlers mont, Lyons' vs Stars. Wrathall's Sept. lBih Shenton's vs Black vs Lucky Strttes, Annettes vs Cats, Savoy's vs Battlers, Ginger Brownwoods, C. B. of C. vs Rosa Snaps vs Commercials. Big Sisters Lee's, McMeekins vs G & Ander-vs Wallace Ph:-.rm., Rockettes vsjson Forestry Dept., Skeena Grocery i Oct. 10th Wrathall's vs G & vs Manson's, Wrathall's vs Stars. ' Anderson. Annettes vs C. B. of C, Lyons' vs Toilers, McMeekins vs Lyons' vs Brownwoods, McMeek-Belmont, C. B. of C. vs Lucky ;ns vs Rosa Lee's, Toilers vs Lucky Strikes, Brownwoods vs, G Si Strikes, Stars vs Belmont, Shen- 6 " oiarKy naQ i .5rcc"- In WJnnK . - i . i it and joined the skielines. It was I olnw t-h t,iiH..f n.irh I not more than two holes separ - ating the pair at any time. One former chamolon at ill remains in , rthe running and he is plavingL excellent golf. He is Ed Green, of ace Pharm., Shenton's vs Man son's, Skeena Grocery vs Ginger snaps, Battlers vs Forestry Dept. Savovs vs nommerr-iai rw-h vs vs Big Rivr sutpr Sisters, stare Stars vs t Lucky ..,w, Strikes, Wrathall's vs Rosa Lee's, Annettes vs McMeekins, Toilers G & -Anueison, Lyons' vs Belmont, Brownwoods vs C. B C. Oct. 12th Lions 'vs C. B. of C, Brownwoods vs i.icMeekins, Toil ers vs Rosa Lee's, Belmont vs l,uckv strikes, Annettes vs WVo trail's; C'IPP n r AvA. sonSavoy's vs Big Sisters. Rock- ettes vs Ginw Snans Rnf.tlprc i Manson's, Commercial vs Wat lace Pharm., Skeena Grocery vs Shentons', Black Cats vs Forestry Dept. ! Try a Daily News Classified. ! i l ; lw BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Taxi business. '49 Pontiac fully eouioped Hiahwav dates included. Price, reasonable. Ap-Dlv Seal Cove Taxi. 464. (214o; SITUATIONS WANTED wjhttti ...... , m. uaiLlon aa juuiuri bookkeeper. txperienced.iBnd t a n - J I Seattle, and is now picked bv the C.J- vTey- Vc"na' ral gallery as a certain finalist. Shore. Springfield. 2-1. In the ladies chamoionship DrT Y; Astoria beat Mrs. J. H. Todd. TctorU. con-,?r J Prn S"u!p' 19'h-j tinued her wonderful golf to de- Ld;es TCht?n'pi""shp . , . w feat Mrs. Max Bell. Calga-y 3-1 Mrs- J H Todd' Vlct0ria. beat and Mrs. S. -Thompson. Van- ! M- MB."' CalSarv' couver. eliminated Mrs J. Streit 1 M'"'- s- Thomoscn. Vancouver. iToronto, in the other top half ;beat Mrs- J- B- strelt- Toronto. 2 jeame. In the lower half Mrs. R. 'up' . - mB!t vQr-o, c i Mrs. R. H. Cleat. Vancouver. ii j . i i . . . ..icu nuvcuiaiiig us payaoie in aavance. f tease Terrain rrom telephoning. Classifieds, 2c pei word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE e 1 MARGARE opto',: E ST0NK E PH ELI' P.O. B' GORDON i OIL BUP..VE New wick ot p: supplied All : and tUim u: condition p feet sat&u: tr 733 5th Wat QUALrr: For Dote and W m SHOE H Box 774 MATT1 UPHOUr: Phone Blue 111 330 Sk; Prim E Anceraon Toilers vs Stars. u,,s- Snaps o vs , Wallace Pharm.. Rock- "ttes vs Manwn's, Big Sisters vs Forestry Dept., Battlers vs Black vs of vs FOR SALE OR TRADE hfat nxs" TMTrr rrTT '. daume and loeeine suDDlies: new and ased wire rope; Dine and fit-tines: chain, steoi nuto on Shanes Atlas Iron & Metfls .iu.. i-a rrior st., Vancouver, hc. pnone Pacific 6357. (tf) ' . FURNACE rE REPAIRS REPAIRS I Warm air heating leatine contr contractors.' We install install air air conditioning conditioning ana eravitv systems, coal or I oil. We also overhaul and re-i uiuuci. iiiniauauoris at prices VOU can afford. Rupert Sheet Metal. Phone 96., (215p) FOR SALE FOR SALE -1948 Pontiac 4-door sedan, n U like 1 new. AdoIv . P R . . oaiucr or unone Kea z a. call. after 6. 230 6th Ave F.ast I 212d POH rit iqjq , i I leather seats, radio heater' under 9.000 miles. 334 8th West. . tlopl : VJ For kt rv,n a i ioM niun Ave. or pnone Black 288 ' (515c, . FOR SALE-Willys Sedan In Al condition. Bargain at $450 00. Phone Black 148. 212c FOR SALE-Oil heater, coffee table, radio. - All . in rvi .n. r. i uiLinn Knnnd K'lm win ii z ; - mu I FOR SALE Floor model radin - .i.iTVrl. - j i?r. n,oa?l jaaiO x with record attachment. Reas- onable. Phone Blue 729. uf; NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES' I.lrur-belt Sneedor Shovels; I Crarwrs: Draglines: Adami R;ad Grad,rs: Uttieford Bros' Black. Ton Road Maintenance .Rr-mlntnot-. i it Buckets and Rook Grannies; T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers !. uiark Fork lift Trucks- Nelson i 3ucket leaders for StockDile! and Snow Removal: Rice Port- i able Ontrif ueal Fumes: Na-' n?,LDrAene. Sharers and; Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline H o t National! Portable Kawmllla-' i. ,f een?ana uonvevors 11 i Ju Information from Na- tlOnnl Murh ii.fii limits . Vancouver.' ts.c tf I FOJ fQhr". ?ds tt? ana i.Tlnl, laTlnK beneath ,h. HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavlnt Beauty Culture In u Its branchea 204 4th Street Phone 855 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 tt 2-5 Evenings, Mon. tt Til 7:30 Phone Blue 442 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest In Musical Instrument PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. ph. Black 389 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS lilt Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. RORIE & LAIRD Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled. O. L. RORIE, A A E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone S87 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all klndj ROOF8 CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 Plea nnof r..-.- Bluerw0 BJUe 409- (211D) WANTED Frost, Toronto. I C. McHattie, Vancouver, beat L. Campbell, Vancouver. j J. T. McCarthy, San Jose, beat; A. L. Newson. Vancouver. I Fifth Flight j A. J. Sinclair, Vancouver, beat' D. W. Aitklns, Vancouver. j H. S. Hay, Saskatoon, beat Dr. ' G. Hall, Victoria. Dr. W. Hackney, Victoria, beat Johnson, Long Island. Dr. Selman. Vancouver, beat A. Oates, Vancouver. E. N. Kennedy, Edmonton, be.it Dr. W. G. Wilson. Victoria. Sixth Flight C. Chapman, Edmonton, beat Snedicor, Portland. N. Holland, Vancouver, beat C. Pike, Montreal. J. P. Smyth, Montreal, beat J ri . . . . i. , "". J;,0IMiI "' Calarv. beat p - "enug, vuncouver. (Timely Recipe Salmon Salad Surprise Vt lb. can salmon "1 pkg. lemon gelatine 1 pt. boiling water 1 hard cooked egg Cooked peas Tomato?s Lettuce French Dressing or Mayonnaise Dissolve gelatine in boiling water. When cold put a shallo Javer " DOltoni oi mouia. wnen Parllv 5Pl. aaa nara-cooKea egg and sliced tomatoes. Fill mould with alternate layers of canned salmon, cooked peas ana cold gelatine. Serve on bed of lettuce, garnish with tomatoes, add French dressing or mayonnaise. Serves 4. I Try a Daily News Classified. sggggfc; f!linil7IT Huiiuii m I R A? ' 1 11 j u AiO-4 This advertisement it not published o displayed by the Liquot Control Board oi by the Government of British Columbia. ; McCelroy, Vancouver, beat D Mc Millan. Fort Wayne. Ind. J. E. Green. Seattle, beat J. E. Baldwin. Vancouver. 6-5. A. E. Wilson, Detroit, beat Don Stralth, Victoria, 19th. N. Wilkinson. Vancouver, beat G. W. Wiele. Ham- Dr. D. H. Houston, Seattle, beat ' . . H. Stall. Cincinnati, tl beat HUIl t. ;ard LVle- Vancouver. 1 up. LDU KLnneaTI' Vancov". beat S. K!n-Sin Fr.a.nclsc0 -3-. w' Jox: Vancouver, oeat r. "u"al. oe"lu:. r . . . C. J. E. J. .... n h . 0031 Mrs- l- uuniop, vancou- - ver - 19lh- " L Mrs, K. friHttieworth. Toronto,," M&t Miss O. Thomson, Vancouver 19th. Ladies' Championship Consolation Mrs. R. O. Armstrong, Vancouver beat, Mrs. J. D. Baldwin, Vancouver. 19th. Mrs. F. Dunn. Seattle, beat Mrs. J. D. Collins, Seattle. 7-5. Mrs. A. Wilson. Detroit, beat Mrs. A - Desbrisay. Vancouver. 4-3. Mrs. J. C. Deitrlch, Vancouver, beat Mrs. F. T. Jones, Vancouver, 07 Men's First Flight Husband. Victoria, beat M Affleck Kamloops. W. G. Skinner, Vancouver beat P. Rule, Calgary. W Onoe Victoria hent J F Chlsholm Montreal. i F. Tigg, Winnipeg, beat Dr. L. Webster, Vancouver. W. Rice, Winnipeg, beat F. T. Jones. Vancouver. W. H. Ripley, Calgary, beat E. Forst Vancouver. G. E. Lush, Edmonton, beat W. L. Russell, Vancouver. ; W. M. Guse, Detroit, beat W L. Gilbert, Seattle. Second Flight G. Marble, Seattle, beat C. Jones, Winnipeg. G. Langley, Vancouver, beat G. Smeltzer, Edmonton. F. J. McFarland, Vancouver. beat T. Dunlop, Vancouver. M. Bell, Calgary, beat E. Col- lett, Vancouver. F. Nordstrom, Seattle, beat A. J. Trotter, Saskatoon. T. Gillespie, Seattle, beat R. MacLeod, Victoria. A. P. Robinson, Seattle, beat Jerome, Rochester. Third Flight Dr. H. Carruth, Portland, beat C. Havens, Seattle. Stanley Thompson beat Armstrong, Chehalls. F. Wolfe, Edmonton, beat W. A. Sutton, Vancouver. C. Davis, Vancouver, beat F. n. Graham, Vancouver . J. K. Newbury, Vancouver, beat H. C. Rowley, Vancouver. H. McMahon, Edmonton,' beat on your next CHARTER FLIGHT WJWTrn , 1; -" .u.Uw..B described -"u" c. rji?5eeDer for 3 hours: "ends: Commencing at Post So. 1 -a'ara school. AddIv , to School Board Office oeaner Block. (213c) WANTED German Sheoherd !hi,j .nr6" or UUS. IllHIt fart fill flfs Sr.A'WH- Box 12( s Station a B. n Prince if RuDert. i214p WANTED Furnished house nr aPartment. Phone Black 245;'nd, c"1""11? sow more jj, area ror t Shelter rw-h- Dnctr lxx. A VTrn r-. ... PHONES BIack 834 Red m P.O. Box 1870 ... - .L...VVVU.V1, wrui ivita. Dunlop, Vancouver, on the nine- teenth and Mrs. Shuttleworth. i Toronto hart hor sPnnH ! secutlve nineteenth hole victory in beatintr Mi. a Thnmtm I.AVD ACT i Notif of Intrnlltm to pp!T to I.rav Ijnd Tn t VlP A tl In TlnH Tlunrrflno niir. tnct of British Columbia, and situ- i t on the Atim Townsiie Lake shore I trontage between Hih and Low water mark, and fronting on Lake nan otnicture Take notice that I. Harper Heed. Prospector, of Atlln. B.C.. occupation Propectmg. intend to apply for a lesme of the followlne ! lis easterly Cor. thence Nor therly 50 feet Westerly 100 ft Southerly 50 ft. Easterly 100 ft. all more or less to commencement point. Commencing at a post planted at its Easterly Corner, near crossing o: Lake Street and Rank Street Northerly 50 ft. Westerly 100 ft.-thence Southerly 50 feet; thence Easterly juo leet to point or commencement harper reed. August 1st. 1950. (220) ENGINES & EQtlPMKNT We stock and have far aaie-rummlns i Klmples Gas dlrsels. Engine. I Flexible dlrel exnautit piping ' Fleilnle fuel Mnea. Trolling Hole MwHela. r.llchrl'.t Jacks and Parts. Hrass and Iron itcw Sollert, Piston King. Pipe and Pip Fittings, ftahblted box Bearing. Jaw f , itches & anchor Nigger-heads. ' ! Uteel and Bratx Shafting. Bolts, Nuts, Htuds and Cap ! Serena llallhut Hide Rollers Xheatea. Anchor (Jurdy Mggerheuds. Flat Mild Btel. Varluut artlcl-s of marine hardware and equipment, too uuiuer-oiia to mention. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping a-rad General Cartage and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phe.r.s 60 and 68 SATIN GLO DEATH NOTICE KERR Passed away in hospital, September 4, 1950, George V, u. j LLvuiuy ut.., ill his 75th year. Survived by his wife, Elsie; 2 sons, Gordon and Arthur, all of Vancouver; 1 brother, Alexander of Elora. Ont. Funeral service was held in the Georgia Chapel of Center & Hanna, 1049 W. Georgia St., Thursday, Sept. 7, at 11 a.m., Rev. W. Garbutt officiating. Cremation. PERSONAL UNWANTED HAIR Permanent-, ly eradicated with Saca-Pelo. ine mosi remarkable cliscov ery of the aee. Saca-Pe'lo is guaranteed . to kill the rnnta - - of any hair ana contains no drugs or chemicals. Lor-Beer Lab. 679 Granville, Vanc ver, B C. H) ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Oilers a nositive and Dermanent release from cirinkins. It is a ty personal and ... coniidential L ?rl .srv 1 .Vl reiiuerru v.unout cost or inconvenience bv other alcoholics v;ho have found freedom lro.it alcohol ' Prirjte Rurerl. P.O. Box 130. tU), fOU CAN RUN A HOME Kinder garten with our help. Canad- ian Kindergarten Institute, 301 . . Enderton. . . Bida Winning ; Manitoba. iWi ""I BITS CARRIER wanted for Sec- tifin tion 2. 2 AddIv Annl Kpis Bus Terminal Termini!: Phone 610. 530 and Green 767. Oil LADIES & CHILDREN'S taUor- 30i 2nd Ave. West. 213d ' BL'ILDERH Si CONTRACTORS ) PLUMBINu and Heatlnir - Sheet Metal work. Tar ant I Gravel itixjfinr. Call 629 titr. ' West. Phone 543. Lelourneau and Sons. .tf, ! MODERN Paintins and Decor-' atinit Srenf:e and Maluik j Phone Black 215. evenings or; njnhour P.O. Box 1111. (tn COfPLETE buildprs sunolies f-a.st service. Island Citv Build-! Iriit Suculies. Blue 820. 18rni i FOR R eltctrlcar contract work 1 N KOR KIM rriw prwT e. HAavMiA! ' oortable sewirn? machine. $5J ru-r mnnlh Imnmii.,to erv. Phone G4. Sinner Sewing Centre. (211) FOR RENT For short period by month, all found, furnished1 suite, adults only; must have J references. rnone Uieen &b. i (213c) j I FOR RENT 2 furnished rooms, if round floor Privntp Pntr.n 1 Phone Red 495. (213c) ) the Pioneer Dr. ablv aDiv nriced Driceu. B.C. nr K Furniture mit n-Trn'"?8 Co. down aha.n and sjooo balance DOWN. like rent $750 1 ' K 7 for casn, ju:uo rine.i YOOa condition. Box 7RH nailv! Npw . . '"P'! r UreenT ' clu MrT tus. Phone 71. (211 n WAVTFnp Ct?7OTn5dmi0nrdAnn t k..IOSn?u5e "l?.1?: Apply as f 1 1 1 h.aw von- couver. tJ.u. (211p) SX? rrxTpP MARKET PRICES PAID for ,n steel, brass copper, lead. etc. Honest eradlne. PromDt rav-ment made. Atlas Iron k Metals Ltd.. 250 Prior St.. Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacific 63o7. (tf) wAV - nm 7"Z T-.?cr,aD cast- brass lhu oaue s ana radl ajZ?- Phone M3' CaI1 629 tn (tf) -.. WANTED TO BUY 12' bv 20' earavP in co,5 nn,ni,y t?L ikn rjaii,, (213p) WANi-r;u-8nia house. Box 760 Dailv " News. (217d) t-iivi EAL ESTATE F0R :SALE-Furnlshed house wives vou a lour-room furnished house on 7th E. Immediate possession: 2 lots, basement. Also 3-room furnished cottage, $1500 full nrice: easv terms. Call 342 or Green 297 (eves.) and we will arranee inspection at vour convenience. Arm-strong Agencies. (212c) REAL ESTATE WANTED Have '. Duvers reauirinE 2 and 3 bedroom houses in good locations. List vour property with a broker for widest coverage and auickest action. Free ap-nralsal. n0 obligation. See Armstrong Asencies. Phone Ml- l915r-l FOR SALE Waterfront art,, T-li K'VW-I. uit'awiW tel- W.rit Mr. S. Kohut. r.rW uoason Hotel. 25 East Hastings St.. Vancouver. B.C.! (tf) 95 SAL.E - EiRht-roomed house, two cultivated lots, I near Conrad Street. SS.nno-Ji 5J.000 cash, balnnoo phone Blue 245. (219o) ii. . . u uwner is ipnvtnnr tnnm :"V" -ucui uuili nouse " oiierDrooKe Ave nn t,n lots h ,Dart basement. Either vp)i!ed oru unfurnished at $1000 down and the balance Very sood home with cement basement containing revenue iwo view lots and good earden. Must be seen to be aDnreciated. Reasonably priced Apply at Robert E. Montador Ltd. (214c) FOR RAT V 1 mnr, v,. B 5.rr:roo.r" house, new- uccoratea. mil 7th East, j i s.1 M ' Playofl ABl 8 i Bolri like neW. Suite 1 Bel-FOR xrra dcmt RENT i v. i , ' Large housekeeping mont Hotel. (2nni p room. 539 6th Ave. West. j GloSS & High GloSS (tf 1 1 - - - FciR SALEComolete line of! . rumitUrP inrlurtintr O VC ru. iJiKtraior ana wasnine macn-ine. All in nerfect condition.! rnone ureen 277 (tf) m Dk. , ., .rr-TT7Tr . write tor latest catalog DeaT ers enauiries invited. Scope - Sales Co.. Ltd.. 320 Queen St., wivawca. vjuij. till iPriD RtJX? , Z7 Laree FR?ALE conso e Mar- com rnmhinnt.im rair, i,., records, laree size friwirtaip rl-"t feu lounee. like Havs Cove Ave. Black 941. (213p) run hale tfurret and table Phone . Red 471. an m FOR SALE 1946 Chevrolet Se-t dan. Excellent condition New motor, new tires. $1200. Can be seen at I,ontr Wnln r,Qr ! Solomon Good. ' 214di nn . . ... . . ... vyix oni.r, raru rnr f 'f ' m hib-a Li .UV . nnw scab, np-- Dlv 1235 Park Ave. (2Up) F0R SALE 1947 Harlev 3-wheel motorcycle, suitable for light delivery, drug stores or me- fames loois. etc. Apply Sat urdav pr Sundav, -Island Pdint. Atlin dock, or ohone 770. 211p cu. vjwner is leaving lor rsast. Annlv llt.h Ave p.n.t-. t..ct .ar Frederick St.. evenings. (214o) CHAPTER FLIGHT PLANES available for O Aerial Surveys Aerial Photography Private Charter O Timber Cruising, etc. ALL INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS For RATES INFORMATION RESERVATIONS PHONE 476 i QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. (213n) FOR RENT Room and board or room for rent. Phone Black fic.n t . r- i FOR RENT Room to share.. l ah in. IU LOST LOST-Cigarette liHhter with graved name and Question inarx. contact stars uoniec-: i - ..... ACCOLTTANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. In'-omf ; Tax specialist. 8. O. Furk Stone Building. Red 593. (20m I REPAIRS Mbic In . mony beautiful tints for interior decorating. QUICK DRvING , THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 1VMTH and ELKINS Plumbing & Heating Prompt and Efficient Service r Ur K Kose noA" J- 1 i l,K I &4 AA II WATCH Kenan Dromot effl- FOR SALE Universal 'Encvclo-clent service. Oeorue Cook I pedla. AddIv Green 728 '- ( 211c) Jeweller. Satisfaction guaran-1 . - teed. , FOR SALE Tvlust sell, ,.- new house trailer -furnisher! nrt Insula. mi Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on' all Flights DOM'S DEPARTMENT Sfl Duiuir.iv iprr.vvint.ioi . Stove. Service Si Ileuairs. G. D . -Konson Bla.-.k 503 'tf IJO p.m. Cily league ODOWtS vs. COMMERCIAU. 6.30 p.m. H.M.C.S. OIIIABIO s. WHSOII BLAND