r vriira Prince Rupert Daily News Ac A Thursday, August 21, 1950 fit i w r n SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carrier, ret week, tnc: pt fnnih vn- -wo-,, S8 DO ' PO KT 'i 1 1 TOf Vf ( T1 1 1-1 Eft,. Ttr.m Vnn C AH placed stones on which they have painted the names of the values they associate with God ai their religion. I counted 40 of these boy-pa!nted stones, and noted gladly that they included "gentlesness" as well as the mere, rugged virtues like "courage" and "loyalty.1 I went back alone this afternoon end studied those stones one by one. Fjr there I saw the story of the values of Canadian Christian boyhood. I smiled to note that they had left out the one the Chinese would have made Number 1 politeness, or An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnw Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau or Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. G. PERRY. Managing Director By ELMORE PHILPOTT CAMPERS AT CHURCH HERE WE ARE at courtesy. However, tne young included obea-; Camp Elphinstone, one of ;canu:ks have lence. GOING BACK TO SCHOOL A Push For Rupert IT is encouraging to note the keen interest in the I port of Prinze Rupert which the communities of the central interior manifested last week at the annual convention of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia by resolutions which they presented and were adopted by the convention. The Terrace Board of Trade urged the fuller use of the local elevator, the Smithers Board sought establishment of coal bunkering facilities here, suggesting the use of the elevator in that regard. And there was also the Smithers resolution advocating the commencement of the blacktopping of Highway 16 from the Prince Rupert end. is A' fMVW the YMCA's public affairs institutes. Here on the west coast of Canada they do in a modest way what the' Y does each year with such national usefulness at Lake Couchiching, in Ontario. j This year we have about a hundred people of all aees. (That is, they range from girls still wearing pigtails (I love them I to dignified old grandpops from as far -east as Saskatchewan. The girls are above the averase in good looks. The group as a whole has already demonstrated its ability to ask the kind of questions of the speakers which really get to the heart of things. oOo Prepare -for-Hie pickling Season now Stock up wcth mmz White ii F timn IS VINEGAR II II t. ii II II IE 1 I II II III SI la 177 1 - V: U tf UUlio ii o U'WUUW mm Such enthusiasm on. the part of the interior communities and their perception of the importance . of Prince Rupert becoming a real active port which would bring benefit to them should be salutary to Prince Rupert itself which seems of late to have lost some of its pep in furthering such matters as this. Maybe we have become discouraged at receiving so many "nos" but that is no reason to give up! This is no time for feelings of frustration. In fact, we are never beaten until we feel beaten ourselves. The Associated Boards of Trade convention was, apparently, a very enthusiastic affair. It is to be hopd some of that enthusiasm will be absorbed in Prince Rupert itself in the campaign. for various objectives. TWO OF THE liveliest discussions to date arose following Cliff Robinson's statement that art was the only medium which gave human beings a truly world wide bond. The noted U.B.C. teacher of painting was sharply challenged by a lady who asked "what about the medical profession, and the healing sciences in general." Were they too not all-inclusive in their humanity? Upshot of the discussions was that we will try to make a list of the institutions and activities Ml IN BOTTIES, M - J) H IGAIAON Mk & H .... -.Z'VS" m which really do tend to unite all mankind. otto THIS MORNING we all went 1 to the chapel service, hpid in God's natural cathedral, that is! I S ? S :' fhr If f rv in the open woods. It was, and still is the kind of day which Just FRIDAY and SATURDAY 50 SUITS AT MALI? PRICE There's a Whale of a Lot of Style, Quality and Value in TWEED SUITS for Now and Later SINGLE-BREASTED MODELS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN Men who know a good Investment say "Buy all-wool . . . and here's your pre-season opportunity to get the suit to keep you well-groomed rignt away ana for months to come! Choose grey, blue, or brown, in sizes 36 to 44. , jjj naturally makes you glad to be ; alive. In the open the sun was ; glorious, and in the little clear- j ' ing the air was soft as silk. Almost all the campers were on hand. (I imagine that for, some of us it was the first ap-' pearance a any kind of church service for quite a while. Most of us were Protestants, by birth. A few were Catholics. I nouced one JewUh lady. .Sh said the grace, in Hebrew, at unchi. , The natural chapel is a iaa-, pressive a.s it is beautiful. An enormoiis stump of tome ancient monarch-tree serves as the al-tar.Vhk'h has it's rough hewn cross. Before the stump stands the prow of some ancient Indian-type canoe a perfect setting. '. Another prow of another an-: cient craft serves as background! for the preacher. Today's : preacher was a layman Ernest Perrault of the U.B.C. Extension . i 1 1 II JOHN H. H DEMOCRACIES ARMING IT was natural enough that; in the postwar years, the democracies should have disarmed themselves even below the limits of safety. For, in the early postwar years, the danger of another war seemed utterly remote and indeed unreal. It was only the shock of the rape of Czechoslovakia which forced the democracies to realize that another war, was possible. It was only the invasion of South Korea which forced them to realize that the possibility might not be remote, that sudden aggression is a contingency which must be reckoned with. . .That realization has already. produced in the quickly organized sr.d co-ordinated Atlantic defence system this potentially most formidable . military strength that the world has ever known. ' The, urgent task now is to transform potential strength into actual strength in the shortest possible ime. And, for that, the essential thing is to mobilize in every country the maximum popular support for the maximum effort which its government can make. The safety of the whole area depends, in the last resort, not so much upon organization, important though that is, as upon the readiness of its people to face danger with courage and vitality. BULGER Wool Gabardines and Wool Coverts . . . Mcirs Quality Slacks The tailoring is tops, the material is tops, and the value is tops! , Favorite wool gabardines and hard-wearing covert cloth slacks priced extra specially low for lucky shoppers. A wide variety Of styles and colors will make your selection easy. Shop early while the assortment Is at its best! OPTOMETRIST ' John Bulger Ltd. Third Airenue Department. Ernie told of how he had reacted emphatically against the idea of conducting a religious service; then wny he had finally said "yes." Plain, regular, reverse pleats. Extra low priced. Browns, greys, blues. Zipper fronts. Regular Price to $22.50 FRI. & SAT. SPECIAL i - ' $13.95 R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer for ELECTROLUX Contact the above for all Services and Supplies See the new three brush ELECTROLUX FLOOR POLISHER Applies the wax as well as polishes PHONE 451 Phone today for a free demon-st ration of the 1950 1 Models of the ELECTROLUX AIR PURIFIER and ELECTROLUX FLOOR POLISHER He gave a clear, straightfor- ward talk on why he believed in God, and in the value of prayer. : One of his thoughts was as lum- ; inous as I have ever heard; i That each human being is a truly unique creature. There has never been before, and there never will be again, a personality exactly like you; that there are infinite powers on which you and I may draw by prayer to make our unique lives justify: their creation. ! oOo THIS LITTLE chapel in the woods is a sacreti and beloved place to the thousands of boys : who have gone through this camp in the many, many years it' has been operating. j Before the natural stump-' altar the boys themselves have! 300 'V SHIRTS AI! Sizes, Colors and Patterns. Reg. to FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO CLEAR $1.69 ii w FISHING STILL MAINSTAY DECISION of the Canadian Fishing Co. to move its salmon cannery and fish processing plant from historic Carlisle cannery on the Skeena River to the Canadian National Railways ocean dock on the Prince Rupert waterfront will bring a new payroll of 150 persons to the city and, combined with the operations of the company already in existence here, will make a substantial and very direct source of production and employment. As time goes on and, in view of the expansion and new developments in the fish processing industry, the operations of Canadian Fishing, and other companies as well, may be expected to become more widespread and more round the year in scope. Other industrial developments notwithstanding, Prince Rupert can still count on fishing as its mainstay industry and the principal basis of the city's increasing prosperous economy. The new project of Canadian Fishing in Prince Rupert marks further centralization of the industry here. Review Your Investment Position 36 only Sports Jackets Harris Tweeds, Kynock Tweeds, Glen Checks, Coverts. Reg. Value $35.00 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY TO CLEAR $7.95 - $9.95 - $14.95 Now In rlew of the International situation, it ia wlse if you own common stocks, to have your holdings reviewed nd analyzed in the light of current events, and to- consider what effect the immediate future may have upon the earnings of the Companies whose securities you own. Send us a list of your holdings. Our Research and Statistical Departments will make careful analysis j?' en you uch commem may be ii i called for, and make recommendations where such recommendations are justified. Don't hestitate to sk us for this analysis and review. There is no charg for it. All information provided by you will be held strictly confidential. James Richardson & Sons fr A SriMPTl'RE PASSAGE FOR TODAY "God be merciful to me a sinner." Luke 18: 13. I Sale Starts Fridayr Sept, 1 I at 9 a.m. i NO C.O.D1 t NO ChorgcJ NO Refund t NO Telcph"11' A REMINDER! WILLIAM F. STONE Clothes of Distinction kstamjshio tan Pacific Coast Office Pay your bills in full TODAY so that your Credit will be good TOMORROW! CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT VANCOUVER VICTORIA llllllllllli1! llll!lll!ll!ll!lllllll'llllllliiliiiiiiiiiiniiiiM;i:i:iininn!ll!l!!!l!!l!l IUiill!lii!i!il!!!iiiii!li!l!ll!II!!!l!iI