8 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, August 31, 1950 ' Ji i ji-'JI im;.'ifl'.'M)f r-nm Ray Reflects S S". nr. -irv liiul Reminisces .lit, intJ n NIE OTHER NECESSITY . A few weeks ago. Prince Rupert again discovered there was a fair prospect of receiving a mail delivery system. The only thing really needed now Ls a railroad ystem In action. ., You Don't . Hove To Be A Fortune Teller To Know! Mom Gets AH ' My Clothes At BOYS STORE 111 " - v A-nO Ji . VCup of Cheers ' -' RUPERT MENS & Fifty Canadian boys, including Charles Wilkinson of Prince Rupert, after a lour of Britain are Dome with Impressions that may oe remembered for a lifetime. The four meals a day practice came as a new one. They were mnfp arrnstm"4 t) the "three squares" but welcoming another with electric ;- Rupert's Big Store For Boys liiamiKiiiiiiiiHilllllllllll 289 Single Burner Hotplates and Adele Jergens;-"Windjammer," George O'Brien and Constance Worth. ! Sentembor 18 and 19 "Nn Man ) could not be accepted as a hardship. And there's another refreshment in the run of a day that a Canadian can enjoy to advantagethe afternoon , cuo of tea. That's exactly what it is. Ask, for example, any Australian! Piciyres For Cmm Hcnth ' I TT r I " I- 1 r, i wyck and John Lund.'- 287 Two Burner Hotplates 285 Two Burner Hotplates Rongcttcs, Automatic Rongettes, Non-Automatic G.E. Washers :. It Can Indeed! $7 $6 Starting vv'-h the Walt Disnev ' September 20 and '21 "bovm c.irtco i rrri:ince "Cinderella," to the Sea in Ships," Richard this wrok-cncl, Canitol Theatre ,Widmark and Lionel Barrymore; annurrrs on inUr-istin? billing, "Tucson," Jimmy , L'ydon " fcnd LONG WAIT Weary travellers wait for precio us bus transportation at Montreal after Canada's rail ways, were crippled by the strike of 124,000 non -operating employees. Buses were overtaxed ' and passengers were forced to wait several hours before, leaving the terminal. (CP Photo) With, more than 160 millions j dwelling on - this' continent, the i Penny Edwards. ' -.. ? inspection oi tr.e cwn na CPR list of fi-: tu's pictures for the itiortlh -f Ecp'i-mter, i Hero is tha bv s announccu G.E. Washers, with Pump Control September 22 and 23 "The .snouia ana - as n .unaouoteaiy Furies." Barbara Stanwyck and iwH1 become-a ; vital duty before Wendell Corey. - 'j the lines, resume running. Thee September ii';Laied 5 Pis- are a lot of crank in. 180 milUoni tols," Ocne Autry nd' Barbara and 'the' t'"0 vait r11?8- Uent LETTERBOX SHIPS and by Manager J. H. Black: Ai"!ii-t r.'. .September 1 and 2 "Cinderella." NORTHERN B. C. POWER ( Britten; ; "Bodyhold,"VWillard unguarded ; ana open ior-a xuii WATERFRONT PRINCE RUPERT a . .... I ittnnlr . -v tntnta All V nrfl "Iftf HTTP AST, Invite packers bringing pinks to Inverness and. Sunnyslde canneries, the fish were battered about so that a few thousand had to be disposed of. Normally transport of tkh at this season is safe, but the unseasonable storm caught packers unprepared with bumper catches in their holds. ' Try a Daily News Classified ' HI V4 tlVAO . V t-wcnwr4aiiii- ine imra Iweek -cSin Parkcr and LoIa Ajjgnv . Man. Joseph Cotten, Orson, Spnrr,mhpr , r a .'nH.V - mischief. PHONE 210 i w eiics ana vain. . ; Three ulUe wofdsV Fred Ast- : September 6 and 7 "Caged," aire and Ret Skeltdn.H -V ? Eleanor Parker and Agnes Moor-1 September 28. 29 nd. 38-J-"I I Was a Male War; Brrae,"-Cary Rpntpmhrir R nnd Q "r?rH A " Oronf and Ann Shiflrtun 1 J S MAKE THIS OUT! ' ' . ',-, . . '1 Editor;- Daily Kewa; ;I wish to propose-that we wire through 'uj;": own-member, Mr. Applewhitei. the suggestion that Prime Minister SU iAurent assume the temporary position of The week-end storms proved disastrous to some of the fish pcakers on Hecate Strait. In File It Awmyt y. ; ... " . "t'Peonle, ftre. too busirand uror-rlfed Just ,no' to try" and tell any of the thousands of stories and Incidents- which come as SKEENA INN PORT; ESSINGTON Randolph Scott and Ruth Ro- October 1 ."Strike, ft Rich," Rod Cameron and Bonita Gran- vexing by-products of a contin- man. president, ol, ihe Carjajllan Na Elenhant Bov " . ville; "Arctic Fury," Del Cambre ent wide .railway, strike. But, September 10- theywll! all keepV and deserve ' tlonal Railwaysduring the strikj belnff being told;. told;. Future Future lauehter laughter wl will , -negotiating period because : . Clean Licensed Premises first, the Prime -Minister has Comfortoba Sabu; "Manhcndled." Dorothy and Eve Miller.. , Lamour pnd Dan Duryea. . - ty -' . SEA.TO SEAv . .. September ll.Uand 13 "Sim- j set. Boulevard," Gloria Swanson,1 Norway Is only ' fpur. ip!le3 William Hoidcn. Wide at its narrowest point. September 14, 15 and 16 ' ,' v ' . Rooms declared' the union strikers as being law-abidmg citizens and shduld get' behind his own guns. Second, odr president, Donald help balance present misery. , - -' ,c - . Providential Mercy . t j-." Don't wish to read the future. ! it might bother you. ".Fpther day , we chanced . pn a copy of, , the SERVEL THE DIFFERENT REFRIGERATOR KEROSENE A DEPENDABLE SOURCE OF HEAT MAKES IT FREEZE!! For Use in Non-Electrified Areas 'YOUR HOME AWAY FROM H0M DUTCH ANCESTRY Gordon,! has' been . maliciously "Duchess of Idaho," Van John-ion, Esther Williams. I . I. u- JANET BROWN, Prop.-;'.' u.k'iin'i .tS. .,.'') ... tiating committee after having . September 17 "Treasure of Franklin D. Roosevelt 'was of Mcnte Christ. i," Glenn Langan Dutch ancestry. - i worked so diligently on the War- lhe remotest hint of' war, or a of 'chaos i time Prlc?s fcn(i Trade Board for world on the verge the welfare of Canada thirteen years laten not to mention all the horrors In between. It -appeared as quite a pleasant O Third, it ,1s the general belief that jthere .are "bunch of old heris''' trying to 'run our government. ' . ' ' '. ' ' old world. Hitler was not men rmes tioned, and. MussollnU top-spot In Italy, seamed; happy and tboked the part. ," ' e Long-Life Design ' Easy-to-Clean Interior O No Motor No Noise No Wear Fdurth, the Canadian National Railways have roughly sixty percent of the lines in Canada with only .forty "percent of the revenue. : . ..;' Fifth, our married employee? rajely attain Income beyond tlr exemption brackets, ... : HWquUliiXdi: " I Short Cots!;;,'' v F Jtabllshment of a fish processing plant -at' Prince Rupert by the Canadian Fishing Co., ls Bood business. ' The plant te being moved from, Carlisle to the Ocean dock. The onder is look the Pioneer Drugs' PRESCRJPTruH -SE, faixm. our bachelors rccelvp no famlly allowance and have a t iXr- densOme. incdme tax. . , , ; ing back Over , the years, more not been situated canneries have lties should Ulelr part,n Daily Delivery Service PHONE 81 Total Foocj Capacity 6.0 cu. ft. Shelf Area ....:.J....;.l;,.l- v-.:-- 117 sq. ft. Frozen Food Capacity 50 cu. ft. Ice Cube Trays ".....l....' 2 SEE THEM TODAY AT Mcllae Bros. nerMHewu, up uruua-, Ws t d d , 8!tuation centre, with . plenty- roomi' Convenience in anythln? is rarely wrong. 'Which Is most FAY B. OAMBLIN, i Machinist's Helper. ' ;' 'V ... ($1 per hour? handy? -. Prince Rupert and her J harbor, or the mouth of the Skeena? V H -4 ', . y -' , 5 '' rmr " mm mm Get Ready Kids f ;5AT!N-GL0 Semi Gloss & .High Gloss In,- tnaVty beayfi f ul tint? . jFdr "Interior decorating. QUICK--DRiiNG , THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. r . For outdoor occajioni or Ma m m M ' I v' family dinners Burn. LjIpMf Hj j ; ; Wiener, not or cold rc " V I L 1 1 b I jf , A , tl,oice fvo,il- Both p"ooucT Of cNP'.''; .f young folki and srownupj . - J-"' V' " ' enjoy Ineir lngy flavor, IV ljQT' 1 ? J tender end nutrilioui too! yfjfrffes " ',' : f Anotner fine Burn pfo- jr. rjf SrVA . I food for over 60 yeert. &tJrtSp i ' I ' Partnership Here: 'Announcement is made .-that S.v Burhs Laiid, who for some time has been Identified with the! firm, has been taken' into partnership .in the . public accounting firm of George Rorie; & CO. .''..' I l , ' 1 . "i.. ; Pioneer firm in this field In Prince Rupert, the concern was eftablished in 1920 by the lats SERVING THE B.C. COAST and QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. MASSET PORT CLEMENTS JTTK1T ATT. A TO: : For the Trades and Labor Council OUEF-ri CHARLOTTE CTTl George Rorie under the partnership name of Rorie & Small, chartered accountants. The partnership with James D. Small was ALLIPOKD BAY CUM6HEWA LEAVE: PRINCE RUPERT Labor Way Spoils ! dissolved in 1925 and the brsl-Iness was carried on by George 'Rorie until 1931 when he was Mways Prompt and Couttemif i Joined by his eon, George L. Roiie and the firm's name changed to George Rorie & Co. On the death of George Rorie in 1332, George L. Rorie continued under the same firm name Mm J 1 We're Here to Servj VOU Commodore Cafe unt'l th rresent. 'Except Thursday and Sunday FROM PRINCE Rl'PERT TO: ALICE ARM STEWART LEAVE: PRINCE RUPERT THURSDAYS LEAVE: STEWART FRIDAYS -' For TICKETS INFORMATION - RESKRVAT PHONE 476 QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES SOAP BOX DERBY. $40 in Prizes. BIKE RACES. Good Cosh Prizes. TRACK AND FIELD EVENTS Main Adult Event TUG-O-WAR Hospitality and Onod Focxl' Phone 17 for Send -Out Orrti-r j 'X Ave. David Chow. Mgr. ine new partner, S .Burns Laird, hails from Eastern Canada and holds the degree of Pa-helir of Commerce from tjuren's University and is an acquisition to his firm as well as to the accounting fraternity as a whole. . , " Wc arc phased to announce the partnership of RORIE f LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS to conduct the business formerly carried on under the name of George Rorie & Co. George L. Rorie, A.A.E. S. Burns Laird, B.Com-. O SPECIAL BUS LEAVES SEAL COVE AT 1.00 P.M. FOR ACROPOLIS HILL ( RICH. MALAYA , ', Killas & Christopher BI4 . Malaya supplies one-third of the world's natural rubber and' one-half of the world's tin. ' I Air Freight on oil FM1 FREE ICE CREAM FOR THE CHILDREN kitchen work saver Mi J By CHIC BLONDIE A Bike's Better Than A Hike. For cleaning messy poft and pant . . . polishing glassware, tnirrors and windows , , , draining fritd foods!' '. 1 I Kfcre SOLED BOOTS lE7J I: Gel tho h6ndy roll of ISO soft highly absorbent Milady Paper Tewols . . at your grocery, drug or department store. TIC- 1 1 , , : ' , I "TJI fUiliPipil I A ;:. JJjpy ' --v--l v.. I I MW 1 HAVE MONEy) v- v (, ' . ' ; 'Mffi 1 6.95 FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. ; " HOUSEHOLD TOWELS' ff Box Charlie PhO'ifl Roberts W I :