, along the kind of clothes that ; U ' for winters too. Jack Sample 12 Edward Roberts H Victoria Report DRESS U? For $11! by, J. K. Nesbitt 2 " Prince Rupert Daily Hews - l , Tuesday. July 25, 1653 AH independent daily nesrspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prlnc? b Rupert and northern tni central British Columbia - Published every afternoon except Sunday by iTtace Rupert Daily Ne-ws Ltd. Srd Avenue, Prince Rupert, J British Columbia Member of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations a Canadian Day Nerspaper Association O. AjjHUtfTER, Mtnartoc Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director SUBSCRIPTION ItATES i ORDINARILY I WOULDN'T THE MISS16NARY DID NOT y rll, thls kind of column. But tell me exactly what kind of after anwhen a missionary U dresses the girls wanted. I think out on a ilnb SOmebody has to they would like those blue tunics jJelp nlm down, the little girls wear in boarding he a,jtjre.vs is Rev. H. E. schools, etc. But I would bt Bricjgei 4042 West Hth Avenue, that they would love just about Vanoouver. But the clothes muse any nice dress. 1 would also bit v, chinned from Vancouver by 'fvS As See t By ILMORE PHILPOTT A Ffw OF THE GOOD vai; I that they would like shoes, August 5 0r they can't get to stockings, and underthings too Dawson City for the Big Day. VICTORIA Government House is 4n the news again. Tiro? -was vrhen the mansion of the'King'-s representative was never argued about. It was , accepted as the home of the province's First Family, the citadel ;of Victoria's best, people, the heart and headquarters of Capital City society. ". .. Men's Pure Wool Cj,B j BIG DAY IN YUKON" 1 he summers are short up in 6y farrier. 1! r eet. fc ; Per Month, 75c; m Yeai, J8 00; By Kail, Per X5.-jr.ai Ke; Per Year 15.00. ifcv 111. iteg. $1S5( tne TUKon. ao u ryouuy .c Try a P.iy m iu.ame, ciasiiie3 like helping this missionary . make good on his pledge-send I Classified aos bring results. AN ANGLICAN MIS- Men's T-SlHRTi V" - But all that belongs belongs now now to to i., mftnarv Vine rnnfpssed to 1 js mm f aisl uii a inisri auiy amtn ... j - - ? snaaes. Reg. less and less entertainlne at u,el"menl -"'". me mat ne IS OUT. on a Now Men's Blue Bib m-tD omwn Ann K hp a o ?r,t" !":Jimb! Rg. $4 45 ..Now tiJ 1 are publicly wondering ir h "c ",v""cu ''"lV 1 . mM ., I I wouldn't be better to turn Gov- Wsted that the LieuM3ov-j He IS fceV. H.S. Bridge,! i - ' - I ernment Souse into an art gal- could well livein hte.-owi! l.,f MoOfebide, -near DaW-1 JVf T"1 tV,, cVv,t; lerv nLUSe- an" he saia. . ine mam- n-oi- o-nAaA i nnA ; or a convalescent home, i DRESS and W(,rK J Vr"" "U1U "u "UI .".' . ... o Itenance of ten petty courts In BO" large selection. From t, ?mwhile allies commenced an'orer of imoerial- m iui oaa..- - " -couple 01 . leard 'Him tpfwiUh "umry wUn tne population .latlf)n lflf 01 . lch, made this suggestion a tew Canada savors of the -absurdity 3'e8M 8 as l""f ' , riavs . hp intimate hP flays ftim ago. He intimated he ipmm,r-1 t 0 ltne 4 fdte bout tils nrmn the o!d erman Jumper . thought Government House had uuta, i ui.-it, j,y niCKei pnnceaoms. aurery -we ! euf.llvffl its itspfnlnPKs Thp Eippers. Spec. P, t As i tfW for myseif. tr. Boys' and Oirls' RiU iBrldge itiintstre to native SHOES at Reduced P: matter will be debated at the can -along without hese next Un8el and glnreaa -iiriita- legislative session. I m' tions of royalty.; . . Mr. Ash found support surprising places. The Victoria' 1111 11 1 1 COOKING A FISH VJITH A MILLION DOLLARS Boys' VNDERWE.tR. Tr- bottoms da it? gobbling that has no parallel for speed in re-Ci-Jlt-ti hl.-ry, there have leen various patterns erf'rgirig in the Rus?iaii portion of. Europe that ktj to clarlfv the shap cf things to come. First c"'e th-e ominous clanging down of the Curtain, which signified a divorce in the wartime marriage of the Soviets and the .West, and CE?ed political and economic troubles still bothering a jittery world. , Next came the drive against the church antl i; I leaders in the satellite countries, which was cli-ir.Jxed by the Mindszenty trial. This campaign to , lndiane s w y?all them. In nis ' congregation 'he ha some of j the 'loveliest 10oTcJng 'Mttie irls 1 ver raw nd 'rugged 'looking i liftle -boys that you -almost teh you ouid -adopt trtto your own ; family as soon -as ou we them. I . ifitit , lhe rents df these : -y oungstors a re jpotfr-iMperate-i -Jy potft..Tliey -tin neh In Jrily I a few things one of them be- lTTEKBOX TKIBX'TE TO MR. "KING , , tMitor," Daily News: - . Gratifying to many - it must Cdlonist b a c k e d him. This shocked some old-time Victorians who had come to depend on . The Colonist as' a bulwark against any ' weakening of ties that bind to Britain. . The Colonist, 'in an editorial entitled "It . has long been a fifth wheel, j snorted: - crs' leveea belonged to the red- i !-ing the visible mutual affection have been to hear the fine trib- that exists between them and plust age and that disappeared vte6 paid to our late Prime Min- i their missionary, Rev. Bridge. WHAT'S Ad He's not rich either, except in Oil I . , ister, Mr. Mackenzie King, bv . . j ' B' ago. To return to that side of the tasmutkm as mere tourist outstanding public men of. the bait is not 'good enough for a day" ''' position with stave and legal As a Canadian, I thank them functions and yet it has been all for their kind reference to a faith. ' A FEW MONTHS AGO WHEN Mr. Bridge had to'come to Van-! couver to try to restore hls health he made a promise to ' for that reason largely that great man. a statesman, scholar. 1 It Is a simple devi automatically suppi burner with fuel oil ; tank located convent ground level. Government House has been and student to the day of his maintained at a cost of $52,753 death.- In his stride he resembled Givt million dollar o Soulh Sa i$landr, complttely cut off from any plac whirt production it going on, ond what tan h do with It? Mayb us it to cook hit nth. Bujinen U complicated. It hat bun dfmd at a thrct-leggtd stool, with on leg th cuttomtr who buyt th product, on teg th tnveitor who fcirnlhih th plant ond toolt, and 1h third kg fh worker who uses th tools "to make 1h product. the - youngsters. August 17 is Discovery Day in the Yukon' nauce'the stature of the church and blacken the character of its leaders was designed by the Russian chieftains to replace the worship of God with worship of the state. What its authors hope for is obvious. Religion and Marxism are incompatible and, if Ireligion is suppressed completely as time goes by, future generations of Communists, disarmed 01 spiritual strength because they never knew it, will bq less of a potential menace to their imperial masters. .. . j . "here is emerging now a third pattern and this-je they stole, without change, from the late Adolf Htlr. Remember how the unlamented Austrian cdrporal clothed his German Ttids in brown, taught t well fate it be applied to other and more delayed, passionless, pitiless, pa- , ' " 1 7 ' I ! . Eliminate Barrel M No Fire Harards' No Oil Smrll! Call r 1 " i body In the Klondike throws on .This caused former Premier early, never .late, there on the a bit of flog The ladles blossom T. D. Pattullo to huff and pulf, very stroke the Instant fixed. At j forth ln nejr 'best dresses, the rush to .his typewriter to bang the rough and tumble of politics,' nlen m tneir Dest suits and M CORDON D. ROK out a letter to .me colonist, ne was at nis Dest. as counsel m cn 1 Mr. Pattullo is of the old school, state affairs he had few-equals: i pev Bridge promised his boys' When he .was Premier he fre- His great ability was demonstrat- ana girS that, with DiVine help For Free Estlml( 733 3th Ave. W. Ss: n ! lv ouu " cu "l "lc WBi ,w"'u vlV" BU nc would do hi best to get them thPii tn nnrl "TTpH BPnt thpm tn ,r7n mnrr-h rnnr patnin inem to marcn and roar neil, Sent tnem to camps Lieut-Governor ( on high govern- ernment. In social science, he ; each a hew outfit bv Dtscoverv ana on ooai riues. in a lew, snoiT years, ne owneu ii.-im.-y. "mcn aa wie -imie nas ieit a legacy to our country. DaVi 1930 . Even that isn't a complete definition. Most consumers and workers or also Investors, and most Investors are both consumers and workers. xheir souls and their minds, lhese rlitler" kids 01 195 became the crack paratroopers of . Crete and m a. oemccwiic- way uc cum- There are just fifteen young- Buckingham Palace every few pieted the work started y his . ters in the group-so it's not days. In B.C. this sort of con- grandfather ln 1837. In the af- nxuch to- ask. The missionary DuimLiuu uu uiu-iaoinuiicu. ; fairs of state; when th ms were tHe fanatic SS men of Holland and Belgium. Hitler , Mr Pattullo tyrote: v "'W? nnlns wpIT hp was .sntisfipd !to wts, their idol wants a nice dress for each of ten girls, and shirts and pants for each of his five boys. Here is the exact list: I should not lrahthr surrender the 1 n. t.i ,. .leave lb iiiau -wajf. -.y ' 1 . . . , Tndav. with Hitler n some unmarked crave, pnon we now occupy m can-, nnw .arnt. ' ' ' . 0 - - fifia nni tin tin Kiiit.nhlv Kiiir.nhlv hAiTcirnr hAitclrnr n-.ir tl kid5 in the TJiias-controlled sector of Gefmanv f t iot.ri,., v c. r chapter 01 Aiiumifr iuiiauiau --- - - - w j -i t M l. V-rv y v IIUl KJJ lilt' VI William Lyon other provinces ,. have suffered. f,rime UT- Mackenzie King. Girls- rAge Irene Henry 7 Virginia Joseph .. .. 8 Alice Martin 8 Margaret Henry ... 8 Linda Semple 1... 10 war blue, but the marching and "the flag-waving ad the saluting are the same. The master has considerable r humiliation at GEO. B. CASEY. not various-times by reason of changed, but the youthful servants remain, delight- having a suitable Government' On thing they all have In common under our system mi common Incentive, which is the hop of reward. Generally speaking, what they want Is to liv better and in greater security. Toward that purpot our system works better than any other anywher Inth world. Size 10 10 8 10 11 12 12 14 14 14 for plannin; tor building Miss Louise Amadio returned to , 11 irrr in iinitnrms ontJ the rponmpnTfltlfiTI mat aimeui !-""v- "c - f all our -front Jawns to plant the city by alr today rora oafe-! Kh65J where she has been, paying tjlana should realize . that the Lieut-1 . . .. . . '1 tqfthe mass-mind of the methodical. Teuton. rV ( ) Are these the shnrk tr Doners nf, torn nrrnw? Fanny. Henry . Betty Joseph v. Doris Roberts , . Mary Henry''..: Pejgy Sample FOR REPAIRS a visit witn ner orotner-in-iaw i , , , . ..,.,''-!..,';-, I Governor is n'pt -a' mere figure . 11 . 12 . 13 13 Age ., 7 , 8 . 8 Mayoe we are Demg pessimistic, Out .tneJliast;Uerr ! head' whose duty is purely of a! and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Michael BffVs man kids look SUSP1C10US1V like the Hitler; VOUth Of social naturei but.i an Import- DeFabio. Mrs. 'Amadio," who" his- ;, 'MiCiia'ei Semple Hertjie noberts . John Haydew ... also been visiting there, will be returning to the city next week. ant link In the chain of governmental; responsibility""' ' From, the 'Me of : the street. Call 363 MITCHEll & GURU LIMITED ' . "lltlTSSH COLUMBIA KDfRATION OF TIADI ANO INDUSTRY laT years ago-when the Fuehrer argued : correctly thit if you control the child, you control the man. yhe Indoctrination, the marching, the drilling,-thfc regimentation, the enthusiasm, the godlessness James Morton, , who was private . MCfeta ry t6 ' Premle, ' , J o h n i Oliver, - viewed, '.'the pidture. Mr. j Ilullrtm ft C011M afe the same." Only the color f the kids' uniform Morton,, is one- of -those retired r TT I cfvii ! servants who has to try is? different;'' ' , '; .inniniimiiiiiiimiimmiilliaillWIIiflSiT': ' 1 ffJ!liiliii!:i1i!i:iiiHU!ii!.,'c'i-- STRAMKR I PRIIICERUf, 1 HELPfNG THE BLIND BUSINESS GIRLS We have all your requirements for Beauty Aid . SAILS SAILS P' I V ROl'GE 1 nd Inti-roifiM r Thursda! POWDER IIPSTICK HAIR PINS HOlJIiV PINS the standpoint of sympathetic interest, we FROM would commend to the support of the good people oi Prince Rupert the branch here of the Canadian Institute for the Blind which is to be inaugurated at a meeting in the Civic Centre tonight. ! We have our cancer, society and organizations deStgned to aid in the relief and prevention of such other maladies as arthritis and tuberculosis. All are NAIL POLISH . HAIR NETS r FOR KETCH; WEDNESDAY M 9' ' wprthy and, like we are doing now, we have on j For Bp9,! write 0" IIVj riTV OS if 11 LL OFF'1 "We have some new movies of Junior we thought you'd v , be interested ui seeing." .. ' occasion bespoke support for them. i In aiding the blind, those people who have been thrown into a state -of darkness by the loss of th precious faculty of sight, there is Something that captures the imagination and the sense of mercy aijd human assistance: Pormation of a Blind Institute branch here, offers a chance for a work.of kindness and tonight's meeting would be a good place for people who feel inclined along these lines to attend. " Who knows when we ourselves might be so solely afflicted? " ; : CAJfUCK IN FAR EAST David Streit, 19-year-old Canadian who ate his way into the United States Army, is one of the few Canadians who may see action 1n the Korean War. His mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Streit of Kit-chener, Ont., said the last letter she received from him was written from Japan. Two years ago Streit went on an eating spree to reach minimum weight requirements when told he was too light. . (CP Photo) ENGINES & M1") SI10! WHITES ARE WGHTl Our Entire Stock We tirk anil l,e v Ouniiiilim airsd. Hlmplrx 0 lial1" . Ftovtltle dlp-wl Flrxlhli- fii'l I1"-,. Trolling lule ti"l,'V Olli hrlst Jam , HritHK ll ml Iron W' " PIMnn HliK-Il ami IM. Ff' J iuw riuUiien "" -V. HOlLYWOODcflfE e Cariner Cans Horn OUR CLASSIC OPERA PUT-IPS ARE HERE AGAIN , 3 BLACK Ql-4AllHK ' BLUE SUEDE . ylft.yj SUEDE ISirdDwiiavcsslo 'WBaHHKS3VISMHHVV MOST UP-TO-OATE CAFE IN TWK CrTY Bolt. Niits, N" Hi-rewa. ... dpEIf FROM I:S M U VM M. HalliMit Slit """YwtH WHITE DRESS STRAPS AND PUMPS. High and Cuban Heels. All to go at ........ Qt teMon IFootwear Enamelled or Plain. In assorted sires. Conveniently pac ked . Twenty four to a Carton. . THOMPSON HAftDWARt tO. 1TD. we Specialize la CbmsM Dltht CflTOP SUEY CHOW ItfEIN - . 1 1 1 '" . ,Vor Outld Ordw rnoRl 1M Hat Mild l"l. war and eqiilpnie"1' oui to liinitlon. BYTOW MACHINE 5