v Frince rui&erf Deny News Council Is Tuesday, July 25, 1950 Sport Shots : ; Dissatisfied II '! OP"" f it 1 ; It is expected that next Sat-( urday the Kincolith native foot - v v. - jf I ball team will play & selected team from the city. H. Doolan is the games manager and A. C. Layton the manager of the football team for Kincolith and It is expected that these two will confirm the game during u v j In a Question .nd answer pcr-! iod at last night's meeting of the city council, Aid. T. B. Black called attention to the council of j items appearing in the local press by the Prince Rupert Chamber cf Commerce and the provincial 'Department of Public Works dealing with the condition of the road between the city limits and Galloway Rapids Bridge. ! Aid. Black said transportation companies were caused countless the week. I Perhaps it was because It was j Saturday evening and many of ! ' I the players were not available latter the game but there was! i a very poor turn-out to see the ' instructional films on football 1 v cap rams additional expense through the condition of that piece of road. He said he w.is more Inclined to agree with tlw Chamber's statement about lmpassablllty of trte mad rather than with the provincial department denying it. He shown in the Canadian Legion auditorium after the game. Actually there was only one active player present Bobby Arm- Kino's Plate 's'JSgeFted the oepartment be ak- strong and probably he is one 1 who nee'ls less instruction than i most of the players. He was, j greatly impressed with it. The i :' i ' ed to look into the question with the idea of bringing about im-j provements. A motion asking the investiga-.tion ( be carried out passed un-! animously The investigation j will include the stretch a mi'.e be-yond the bridge. s 0T Seagrams w,$J others were football enthusiasts and supporters including George ! Abbott, Jack. Frew, Leslie Parkes, A. J. Croxford, Jock Davidson among others. They were greatly impressed with the value of I This advertisement it not published or displayed k, me Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British -, I the instructional work demonstrated through such players as I Stanley Matthews, Bryn Jones, 'Mortensen, Lofthouse nd other DECISIVE BLOW Laurent Dauthuille, 28-year-old native of France who has made Canada his new homeland,' lands a' solid right to the head of Tuzo Portuguez, 22, of Costa Rica. The blow kayoed Portuguea early In the third round of the scheduled 10-round bout in Montreal. Dauthuille how Is expected to 'meet Jake Lamotta, world middleweight champion. . (CP Photo) ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RET; V", - TRAIN SCHEDULE Standard Times For the past . Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p m From the East-Tuesday, Thuridai, flaturdaj 10:15 p.m. world-famous players. J. S. Wil-! - 4 P-l' sun operated ' the projector, Showings will take place this evening and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Patrick,, automobiles. sailed with them OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS.. FOR A BUILDER OR INVESTOR Exceptional Offering aboard the Coquitlam on the southbound trip this afternoon. Miss Mary Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. VV. Johnson, Napa, California, who motored here In their two Last Saturday t football game GIFT FOR SAPPERS The 56th Independent Field Squadron of the Royal Canadian Engineers, Nfld., pay their first visit to the Petawawa (Ont.) military camp since Confederation. Major S. Willett, left, commanding officer of the Newfoundland unit, presents a stuffed seal to Col. H. W. Love, the R.C.E.'s chief engineer. fCP Photo) between Tort Edward and! WE PAINT and DECORATE Exterior or Interior Prince Rupert was closely -con-j tested with defences on l)oth sides being superior and neither forward line shooting really well. The hardest drive of the game was by Williams but Boulter happened to be in position Large subdivision In Prince Rupert's bote mi section. All services available. No taxes to pay m J Panoramic harbor view. Area comparable to 38 city SPRAY or BRl,H Wallpaper Hangt.g v prising nearly 3 acres. Easy walking distance to schJ July 24, 1925 While Miss Peggy Stewart wa3 about to remove a cluster of ban- to stop it. Willard Williams, though not the regular goal- pital, downtown shopping centres, waterfront, and e. Individual lots available or will sell entire property! needed housing development. Priced to sell be: THE LATE JT VA Ll BURNING MF.Th JDS keeper, did well. Joe Daniels andian,as from a bunch ln McMeek- in's grocery store, a tarantula assessed value on similar property. Terms 11 dutJ SUnley Williams put up a sound, clever defence both taok-; dropped into her hand. Miss ; SPENCE and MATIKK Allan Armstrong for full particular. Phon 34! 297 (eves.) office of ArmNtrong Agencies. Phone Blue 215 233 llth St ling well and kicking hard. ThelOLewa" oweu Eooa presence three halves all did well butjof mind. She did not molest the: found the local torward line Insect, which in a lew seconds hard to check. Harris got dropped to the floor. Miss Stew- j throueh a lot of work and was 'art then called for assistance.! The poisonous Ftranger was captured and placed in a glass jar. well helped by Campbell and William Williams. The forward line lacked cohesion. They often threatened but were never able Spotless as the icing of a wed to get reailv going. The star was! ding cake, the yacht Invader ar " tjm j "z r Prof NEW CONSUL Wilson (Bill) Dudin, former London, Ont., newspaper man, has been ap-notnted Canadian consul in usiness and Claimed Advertising Is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Class!.'.' word per Insertion, minimum charge SOc. Birth Njtlces 50c. Cards of Thanks, Dealt S. eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPVCIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE essiona Alvin Weget. Not the youngest j rived Port yesterday afternoon of the team 'by any means, lie from San Francisco. Her owner is showed clever footwork, decep- Don Lee, who made his millions tive tactics and all-round abil- in manufacturing automobile iry. The others showed ability parts. in flashes but failed to drive ' through. Nearly half the team Approximately one third of the consisted of Williams's, there town of Port ESsington was being five on the team. .burned yesterday afternoon. It I Boulter was sound but was vas at first reported that two not severely tested. Eby and canneries had been burned. This ACCOUNTANTS BUJLDERS k CIM ROOM AND BOARD WILL room and baud 2 children. Phone Red 660. (17i;i PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. In-.omf Tax sneclftlist. S. O.' Furk Stone BullUinK. Red 593 COMPLETE build. . fast service. Islam: ! inir Sunnlics. Bl 1 Frankfurt, Germany. A former I member of the information 1 division of the Department ot I External Affairs, he will leave shortly to take up his new post replacing A. J. Hicks, who is returning for duly in Ottawa. ' i (CP Photo) I , , . . HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wavlnj Beauty Culture in all fls branchea 204 4th Street Phone 655 LOST -Ladles blue belt. j GEORGE RORIE & CO. j Public Accountants and Audi-l tors. Income Tax Returns compiled. G. L. RORIE, A.A.E. j S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 PLUMBINu and I Shppt. M(-'.al wffis j20mV ' '' WANTED WANTED A 14 fooT" rowboat. Phone Blue 333. (173p) John Wilson coped with most of proved incorrect, although there the attacks successfully. Olsen, were times when they were dan-played his usual bustling game gerously close to being consumed. and got through a lot of work.' Mazzoni was very sound using' H. E. Hento.i, Tacoma, Wash- Phone (174p) i Gravel Koonnf. L08TFiv fishina n nA ,;.il West. Phone on on int.. late mode mrAi red on ht i and Sons. WANTED Scran cast. bras. corwer. batteries and tadi FOR electrical ccr laree or nnall.t. Newton. BiacU "in oLuaeDaKer. on wav to-Rainbow Lake. Sunday. July i 16. Return to Dallv News. I ' . ' " (176p) flfms. Phone 543. Call 629 M.h west. Htf) his head to good advantage, ington, head of Standard Mines j annual picnic of the Sons of Nor-Aiex. Gomez was also very good 'Corporation, announces the pur-iway lodge at Digby Island Sun-and crossed several balls into chase of the Big Missouri Mine j day was a very enjoyable ana the opposing goalmouth. The cn Salmon River in the Portland i successful outing. forward line was good with Canal area. Development work I ' Armstrong the sparkplug. He will commence immediately fti- In the Canadian National Rec-md Murray were always dan- der the direction of Pat Daly, ireatinal Association Tennis Club jsrous. Pavlikls did not show who was largely instrumental in .annual tournament Mrs. Jnrmatn FOR bul Wine and J CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Hums, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 run ritnt WANTED-Room and boarfl In refined home for man with us Noriiiwcsi.w conservative habiu. Phone '841., (tf) FOR RENT - Sleeol ns room. Close In. Phone' Oreen "17 - (172di Limited. j;none; MARINE and eet metal woit ' Metal Works. colussi's MUSfC STORE . Agents for the finest , ln Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 380 jp as well as usual but opened inducing R. K. Neil to develop the ' and Mrs. Lowan defeated Miss Rivett and Mrs. Britton in tAin out the game. Ford and pat premier property. WANTED TO RENT Two or ' FOR RFNT pmm , v three room suite v- steadv Phone Red", 7Room to sh?,r,e- C.N.R. emnlovee. Man and - r"nl ."c.aV1; Uf) wife onlv. Phone 263. .jl73p FOR RENT Two modern of- W ANTED To" RENT Five or slV Cafe, team' heaterf'ince room house, furnished or un- Ruoen Rcaltv c.n r,n th ,!i wuson were good on tne rignt ladies doubles. REAL fSi .ving. I'OR SALE-7 WW place. Krw house, fruit tre Mrs. W. S. Kergln and chllu were passengers aboard the Cat-ala yesterday afternoon going GORDON D. RONSON OIL BURNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced An i unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service - il July 24. 1940 ' A wedding vt much locfil Inter conveniences. Try a Daily News Classified. Harrv furnished, not wartime. Con- Ave. West' ' Viki tact H. D. Reld. Longing - uai) Superintendent. Columbia 'FOR RENT Bedroom, breakfast i Cellulose . Co. Ltd. Phone 842 optional. 2104 AUln Ave or Black 902. ... (175) (tf) WANTED wni pav cash for, .jjjj Terrace. Terrace, B.C. est took Dlace at Ahm ent.t a at nn fly east to Toronto for a visit. , i.'i MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. low on 1 lots. Jl . HflD CATC. T . i'hone Black 241. o V "-"?-"cw njs oomn ete 1172p), basemeni. v"",j oieepine cots. vum. UnnnlntoH uiiiminien u-; o.c oih ve i Black 503 73a 5th West W A N T E D Youne ' workihgl Overlook Street Friday, when Alice Frances, eldest daughter of j Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gomez, be- ; came the bride of David Alfred, son of Capt. and Mrs. David Ritchie. Rev. Canon W. F. Rush- Hsrook was officiating clergyman olhe S,w scores ofl l k" woman wants housekeeping room. Central. Apply. Box ablv,orlced. B.C. Furniture cV. HOUSE FOR .)X,75' (178p uanv ews. Close '"i ana dhu.i Call areen 9'; maTur011 Gilding Wock niock machine, like new Phone Red 807 evenines R. W. COLLINS Authorized Dealer for ELECTROLUX A'ill be residing permanently in Prince Rupert Contact the above for all Service re qnfoed and for Hearts and Supplies QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles . MAC SHOE HOSPITAL A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. FOR SALE-Sevw Favored wlch lovely weather and drawing a large crowd, the (17lp) incluainif conipletelv rff .u, wi l sell WANTED Bv single man. Hunt housekeeping room. Box 76U Daily News. (172p) WANTED Semi-furnished 2 or 3 room suite reauired bv couple, non-smokers r drinkers. Permanent residence. A t. Lawrence. Box 1000 or - phone Persfmrnel 'Office. Colombia Cellulose. (170p) SAI'ESMEN WANTED THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & - HIAT1NG BUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bid.) Box 774 furnished or 1 . . i. .vine tJ Second Ave. Ave. West. AW I 1 Tllt S. B"Ll rOR PALE -s war ma tr.'lR'lSert wlth" n -REAL "ESTATE INSURANCE WCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED unobstructed vie. "10' vss Dairy News HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS (I76p) corner oi "K. SALESMEN WANTED To 'sell PHONE 451 Phone today for a Free Dem Hall. Phoney Auto Sun-Vlsor direct from! FOR .BAlfcJj lactory to car owners. ( 173p) IU'LP WAITED R. . Mortimer 324 Snd Ave. rNear CFPR) onxtratlon of the 1950 Model about snp.vBr- Building and Repttln of all kind ROOFS-CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mezzanine Floor, Geo. CoOk's Jeweller Telephone 212 sNCN MES Pran- n,nS?,fdftr Novels- BurketV'H rf ftaS nurKe find Rock Or-nnles- Piark jnnHr,PJcr','e Mixers: KnS' Trucks: Nelson Able S"m,?,: RWPort- hotel. wn S- driver. WANTED Taxi 112 Taxi. Apnlv (tf) Mew 4ahij"" Val HELP WANTED Bovs or elrls Reliable bovs or eirls deslrtne FOR SALE-Larfrf j to handle Dailv News routes! PHONICS Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1670 CAtllllliG AND PRESERVIIIG tirrtf Onsortn- "tlonul All Steel P':" Hoi K Is: Nnflnnil Rntar5'?J'WmiI,sJ ' National I v?, Pnii run ianJr.n.'.Bnd lnformaUnn ,rr,l'no Conveyors ;onvevors vi- ,,; int iJm?L.Ma;hI"Pi-v Co. Limited (' lie an oiiuiiK --,a Splendid MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDINO SUMMER BOWLING noi'Rs a P.M. to 42 P.M. Now Is tht Time to Practice Prince Rupert Bowling Alleys Slie. riii c nt RealtvCo. P- 611 should leave their names at the office Dailv News. (tf) HELP WANTED Applications will be received tip to and Including the 4th day of August for the position of mainager for the Legion "27 Club" and the Canadian Legion. Secretarial .and bookkeeping experience essential. Applicants must apply In writing to Box 753 Daily News, stating salary expected and experience. Full particulars of duties will be given at a personal Interview at a later date. VetfeMrna only need apply. dil) Jor.,?test Paaloe. Deal-Rnio. er aulr.' invited. Scone jjUd, 320 Queen . . REPAIRS canning wacnines, Cans, Glass Jars and Fittings, Pressure EBY & SONS LTD. CONTRACTORS REPAIRS - REMODELLING . FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green (83 Bos 58 West. . FOR SALE -' c f house, two m.r Conrad $3,000 cash. I H!&HHp?alt nromnt effl-tL,ii rvlce. Oeoree Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction Kuaran- -l fljyi y J f 7 Cookers and Preserv- PHONE BLUE S93 P.O. BOX 1184 FOR SALE Section 2. Orn : phone 311 ing Kettles. McBride St. SRNRR SPFCIALIST-glove Bf 8ervlce & Repairs. G. D onon. Black 503. (tf; two or ii"" ' Prlntini co.