Prince Rupert Daily News 3 Z - RE-ROOFIHG? radio, the press, magazines had often been media for propaganda of a cheapening instead of an Tuesday, July 25, 1950 mm. Faith In Man Is Needed Today WALT SHINGLES the overwhelming r i jirriminnfina home-owners, builder elevating philosophy of living. But man was in a state of confusion. His problem was to learn to live together in the world. When he did so there would be Mrs. Dan 8therk. Kaminnm I R- an W. Blackweil sailed to- Rev. L. G. RlfUn Uiscuses Current International Situation I ' til m. : i-p 01 uisu arrived in the city recently to day on tne Coquitlam for Van make her home with hr couver. rrhitects irom luui iu rcn u k, RininiNc: PDonnr-Tc rfanohfoi ... I I In his sermon on Our Faith no such problems as in the Kor- a.... ur,4, rar. ana Mrs. I Mr snH u,.. .. . . . .....;,. The creed of the c-i i. , in Man. ar, mrsi. unitea unuren can buuhuuu IEp the largebT munuiutiuiur or abpnau """" otuerfc. ' Winnie. .i i ,u if '. - ... . me Hunaay morning, Kev. Lawrence vummunusi mat an classes muss f Regular Moo3elthe end of tne .week to payaj'G sieber gave a challenging give slavish obedience to the Lc5 jn tanaau. rhoose your roof with care, specify "B.P.'' TO rnnm TIIKOl (ill YOUR LOCAL CONTRACTOR meeting Tuesday July 25th, 8 p.m. (172) vwn, ui a iew aays mm Mrs. address on the part that man ones who gained power could Owens brother, George J. Dawes, ',an and must pay ,n tne wo'rld only bring disaster. Man must Fourth Avenue East. - As mfire anlmalg men do not regain faith in himself. That The Public Library is closing accomplish much but as children he could do by using the reason for the summer vacation July 29 of Ood they have endowments Judgment, and conscience that Albert & McCaffery Limited i i -' n . Mere s leisure P.O. Box 16U at 8 p.m.' Re-opening Friday, that will enable them to move are his by virtue of his having! Prince Rupert, B. C. ne U6 r 117 I A -rXi wear at its , . September 1 at 10 a.m. Any per- forward and upward. A com- been created in the image of sons wishing , to return books mentator had said that the char- Ood. In that faith, material during -closed period may leave acteristic of the Nineteenth differences would be composed them in slot in library door, century was man's inability to and tne triumph of the spiritual (173) believe in God, whereas the char- would bring all peoples in to one best! Soft, com- 7 i : , fortable collar I NVi I A and full cut I . pounccmenU Miss June Jorgeson and Miss acteristic of the Twentieth Cen- brotherhood of man and the ; Mrs. Emma Pennefather, former police matron of the city of Edmonton for sixteen years, is a visitor at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Lottie Anderson, Commodore Rooms. WANTED Third class steam engineer, temporary employment only. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundries. (172) Father Donald Rankin from Judlque. Nova Scotia, has arrived by plafie to visit relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Beaton, 622 8th Moose Womcn'i Hospital Guild ' A meeting of the Hospital Guild of the Women of the Moose was held last Frl.lay night at the I Yji'i' V throuqhout for '' u-;J and Labor Council Stella Kails, who have been iumi.y w vlriting Miss Jorscson's stater believo in himself. This was ! The children's story was. very and brother-in-law, Mr. and responsible for the increasing acceptable and helpful. Miss Mrs. W. J. Russell, sailed today frequency of war and the larger Margaret Large was organist and sports, September home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre. Fol- Civic Centr. il ,pipZZi w Jrt rosy wear! Full 1.; i i s ClT range of colors .,!.., "jf I in pastels and .. I... ric tones- I i J : .! j , - i a few today for I K , I J i oil - summer ' I,. Bazaar, October lowing the business discussion, the game of Canasta was played with Mrs. R, Wilson winning on the Coquitlam on their re- ' areas affected by them. It was!ne summer cnoir provided tne turn journey to Seattle. !,a notable fact that no creeds , leadership for the singing. The ., . (affirmed their faith in mankind, outstanding musical number was r, V? rii Tifii'i OnH j nrhn Vina hnon - . h Bazaar, October 18.. Hostesses for the evening were Ave. W. It;i(i Tr r T i , , They all looked to a higher ne singing ot the solo, "Panis friends and relatives in . visiting . . . AntrPiirn" h nr w t source. The conflict between the Angelicus, by Dr. W. J. Maha- .the ih. Mt city sailed .oiin.i on the v, rif Coquit- I . . . classical theory hir n. Dr. . Mahabirs Mnnanlr,. f(n. fine tr tenor s Fall Bazaar. Oct. 28. that man was Dir- lam. today for Vancouver, Lzaai, October 27. Lome Oxener of Halifax is in the city for an extended visit with lis son-in-law and daughter, Mr. nd Mr. J, D. McRae. Fourth essentially good and the Chris- voice was heard to advantage in tain view that' man was essen- Us splendid rendering of this Mesdames V. MorrLwn, R. Wilson and A. Bellamy. Those present were McsdUmes C. Erlckson. J. Morrison. A Hinton. A. Ritchie. H. Dickens. D. Morrison. R. Wilson, A. Bellamy and C. Mclntyre. whence he will proceed to his home at Langley Prairie. Liar, Nov. 2 and 3. tiallv evil was a challencinir one lamous selection. Auxiliary Fall Bazaar j Man was created in' the image Avenue West. Mr. Oxener for) many years was chief engineer of an Atlantic cable-laying ship and Advertise through Classifieds. rian Tall Sale Nov. 18. Try a Daii.v News Classified. Classifies bring quick resui'-s. of God and could make the choice. Popular education, with its accompanying overall literacy, had had its disturbing" effects. The As now retired. Pearls are always in good tall tmzaar Nwcmber Bazaar Dec. 1. -J," : , i i ........ t;.8te. Their neutral color makes them blend with any other tint. 'Lovely single pearl ring' $20.00. Twin ring $27.50. Different other ill SMTH A Al .1 I I - "a win,. :i " 1 RTR A I TS SMITH and EtKINS Plumbing & Heating Prompt and Efficient Service ZfMmiA HARDWARE ; ! eloprd and Printed MPT SERVICE j ; J DIEB'S STI'DIO SEE US FOR YOUR NEW OIL IF A B R I C Street Box 645 combinations and prices. Bul-E"'- (It) I ' Mr. and Mn, C. C. Mills rturncd to the city by car Sunday night from a month's holiday trip to southern British Columbia. At Esquimau they spent a day with j their son, Petty Of ficer First i Class Ted Milis, before he' sailed 'aboard the destroyer Sioux for een 389 Prince .A BURNING RANGE Rupert CASUAL!; 'the Korean war. Then thev vis- CANADIAN DECORATED - VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND ' PORT SIMPSON ZENITH RANGE v 198.50 Dickinson Air Flow Pot Burner LITTLE COUNTESS ...... $199.50 H. C. Little Pot Burner ' Also FAWCETT OIL HEATERS PHONE 179 251 - 3RD AVE $1.45 , lted in Penticton and elsewhere Dr. Lotta Hitschmanova, execi?-!in the Okanasan. Returning to) tlve director of the Unitarian 1 Sunday, Coquitlam. 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN Service Committee of Canada, has been 'iecorated with the gold medal of the French Red Cross for her service on behalf i Prince Rupert with them were JMrs. Roberts of Vancouver, the! former Mrs. George Cripps. of I this city, and Mrs. J. O. Johns of ' Kamloops, also formerly of! SERVING THE B.C. COAST and of war-mutilated children of Prince Rupert Mrs.- Cripps isj France. She is now on a sum FINAL CLEARANCE: sale" i QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS now visiting with Mr. and Mrs. I mer tour of France, surveying Mills and Mrs. Johns with Mr. areas where U.S.C. supplies are" and Mrs. William Cruickshank. most needed. (CP Photo FROM PRINCE Rl't'ERT CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, August 4 and 18 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun, July 28 10 p.m. FRAiVK 4. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 fiSET. shoe: L TD. FAMILY STORE Charlie Roberts Phone 357 Box 638 PORT CLEMENTS , JUSKATLA QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY ALLIFORD BAY CUMSHEWA INLET PRINCE RUPEBT 8.00 A.M. 'Except Thursday and Sunday FROM PRINCE RUPERT ' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S . SHOE SALE A A : COAT REDUCTIONS 20 Off Ice arm STEWART All Summer Styles J miNCE RUPERT THURSDAYS 900 A.M. STEWART FRIDAYS BOO A.M. , :.' 1 KIDDIES' SOX To Clr Pr. For KETS INFORMATION RESFRVATIONS PHONE 476 N CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. Don't Miss Mansonrs Sale of China FIRST ANNIVERSARY SALE PRICES SLASHED Manson's China Shop I SEE OUR BARGAIN BASEMENT DOM'S DEP'T STORE Killos & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on all Flights ... . . x s L Illlllltl! BOULTER & WELTER (Formerly 13 & W Transfer) ' . Sand, Gravel and Cement . Phoni Black 774 (Office) T. Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue 303 W. 3rd Green 960 "I hate men, but there are times like this when you can't help but think about them." THINGS EAT! 4 " T m rl I & ffntasotm V3sm whv whyrtfiSys rt jdSva to to mate make me In today and llr choice from our CAKES, PIES jams Jams3nJjeiesttemdtr?i, 3nd jewes mtmdtni, 2 !' hobby supplies I John h. . I. WW Sfort-BcilwayMCfflO Crystals , N0TTsIES BULGER 8c Thrifty de Smart. Make Jams and Jellies TRIES. Rupert Bakery Ltd. ELECTRICALLY. . ' r"y Eltrle Rang, 236.30 'far Deluxe Electric Ronni. w,,h Light S977 irm vtji FWe Rangettes 67.00 Fr'c Rangerre, with Oven I Control H Vacuum Cleaners. Hand ! SHORT-DOIL MfH S3 JZzrJ M'-'f VaU C w?vNy I telJ"?""' ii to hort it does not ) ' fi$tfS ii0 I ,b,Z dun th. .ovely, fre,h ( :,. '.J T'Slk I tM V i yj l jl ., i g . V f f . S ?a JbXT--- I " ' f liciout, fruit ! , V J? t" HTt C ' ' f fmr I I- Uste. , il Q TJ "7 Hae I I I WJ 1 Oss it i a. J- ; ' orrSt?7 - . 7 v 4-- &!t? " AVERAGE ifltt -- ' EzZZ fjrjr K t !YOU ! M Ipml tZ I f ; --55 jfirS i 50 more jw r If ; . J r7! F ' i 1 ri ineVk3 ' -:-JC "Zz&r- , i A jelly from the .. O - ; fj 1 & mm ' T UUbS -f f ' I .mount of ruit b.- Ar)S jt ) 7j FJ J I VthSr-l- T 1 ? V. GlSSw, ( rd) $S -- H Tif N fiotV " " pteciout ju.c. th.t f0t tho Pioneer Druggists I kt!HLf Hn While fruit is plentiful males tfTfnrFA " Ts- I ' ' A 7 ! 0",', .nough jam and jelly to fill your WU 1,1V FRUIT?iaiN ( i PHONE 81 V 11 - ) :r, . ; grocer.. GrySfSlS A Product of Gnnl Feodt" ( f 'ypc, with attachments .... S74.00 $85.00 $59.50 S75.00 PI Electric Floor Polisher PQI Electric Table Ironer NOW AT jTUrru it KAinin AA vntKW b. I. PUWtK L . RUPERT KTEWART R CI PHONE 210