5 Prince Rupert, Daily Newr Tuesday, July 25, 1950 r n D Radio Dial I" f N 1240 Kllocyc Ray Reflects and Reminisces 7:30 -Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00--Science Reporter fc;15--Natloh's Business MO Record Album :00 Titne, Space and Echoing Themes 8:30 Jake and th.e KM IO:0U-BC tw t0:l0-CBC News 10 :1V- ftscellany ' 10: 30-Jpaci f lc -Pia not orte li;oo-tVeafriflr'nr'fiftrt Frascr and -rayuei i. UEPSRTMKXT OF (ITlrhHIP AMI IMMK.KATION i IVHIAN Xl'KAlRH BRANCH SEALED TENDERS sddresvd the Dvrecw, maiar. AffuiT. Brino i '-". p 1 f I "' i i . " J. f " i i " .S uepartmem oi citizenship and im- os, tne "rid that handled tne migration, Ottawa. Canada, end en-'muiip hnr In ln lh tne Malamu MalnmntP sal' dored "Tenders lor Erection of Pre-i1?"' -iHbrictm Indian Day school," wm'oon," died last week In a Seattle !JTc'.,v1.Jlntu noon " AuUBt hospital, following a long Illness. 1950. for the erection by contract J . . . ,, . of: 'He became a sourdough at 13 an J GIRLS' tLUE DENIM JEANS . oOod quality; well mcide; sanforized shrunk. Zippc'r fastening. Size 6 to 12 ... -'249 . WOMtN'S BLUE DENIM JEANS Qood Cfuality; well made; sanforized shrunk. . Zipper fastening. Sizss 14 to 20 .... 2.95 i. Moricetown Indian Day- School. I played the first piano ever seen "Vk'Cs" IA' Day Schoo. J" SW- ' Hawiton Indian Aticy. Contributing to the general joy- . . ChehalU IndlBn Day School, Newl0nsnpss OQf,ness whpn wnen "n hirnrh Oimcn OI of the ine WestmlnsU r Indian Agency. , j 4 Fountain Indian Day School Lyt- boys Were Whooping it Up," With '"du,n Wncy- Bob Service and Dan McOrew I Contractor shall tender ln com- j , . ., plete accordance with the relevant doln the rfest- The nanie arawings. .peclf katlom. and tender- tlfne Kid" Stuck lt Myfick for ing docunieiiu supplied by the Ue- tfIe 'rest of hi Iffp lne TeSl "1S 1IIe-ration I partment of Citizenship and Imrnl- ' OI. Contractors m tender on I j0nTher Zll" inStir- and! Prlnee W 65 B ether documents win be exhibited at Sunday, the .same day people in if;.- '"j PACIFIC "SHOTS" "Medical Officer TO. Doug Adams Inoculates members of the R.CAT.'s No. 426 transport squadron before they leave to transport suopJies and equipment for United States forces needle is fiC. 1 Oreg Rah (CP (CP Photo) Photo) 7.'."po'nu 'ora ,8, 1K60. .. until August IS. 1940. In- elusive: j 1. "Indian Superintendent, Hazetton, ?r'th1CoIumbt- 2. Indian Superintendent, New Went - 1 minster. British Columbia. 3 Indian SuperiBtendent, Lytton. ' British Columbia. I . mukan Commissioner for British SuSSL?v!' eouver, B C. 3 Oeneral Instructions lb Tenderers. Drawings and Specifications are obtainable at the above ofllces upon deposit of rive Dollars saivii in ft,. (lorm of a certified cheque made able tn t iu, lim...., . ..... , , . - pay-i . I - ---- i .-irjQ (J 1 iun ada. Tills debrxiit win !v ' jr,1."1"" ?' the ar,w"r , specifications In Rood condition to l. Indian suoarintendent Hit., ! fri.lumt,ia . ' i,ST atSSSL- n'r.K r ,nMn"eni. Lytton, British Columbia. w 4. Indian Commissioner for British Columbia. Post Office Bulldlns- Van- hlth.ln Zn mo,,tn ,rom aate on Which tenders closed. Another of the Klondike's originals "hsu Tilt the long, long lrau' "artiey v. Myricic, sr., ageo. 'wo other British Columbia cities ,u were steaming , through a hundred In tile shade. In other iworfls, 1rince Rupert was the , j . . . . , cooiebt -ana most comfortable Spot In the province , When trouble began in Korea j tho IlnitH Naflnn. ollH thole! ' Nav.rrftne wer. TrM et H hc. .urn. iratfer 10 cm-UMBi ciaxuLOB com- " ' " . , said Act. deposited wtth the Minis- t df Ttibllc Worrts. at Ottawa, and .. . , o.., .. Prtne. Kupert. B.C.. .description of the site ,r SSJe?" ,f ITMSTSiS from point on the north DanK M tne tsite"na Kirer irnvjr-oii nu..-1 Bred feet (2100') west of Canadian National -RaIIwrts located at Mile- 74 9- Plnt 8"ven """"" i feet (700-) south of the eastern ex - ' the firm pubiicotion of this not- ... ,,V,l i rrell-nlrMae "Cellulose Prrmnuif. company, ttmited. -will under Section 7 of said Act aoDiv to the Minister of Public ,Torlra "J h1" of,K the JP1,i,?f rMtawa. lor approval of the Mid Bite '.Ild PlanS. DATED thl. BSth day of June, K5U.. OOI.tMMA cm.TJLOSE "COMPANY. LIMITED. By -Douglas, Symes At Brlssenden, Ha Solicitors "(KTl KfcN'MKNT .nn ACT" fNeetlnn 25) OTrCIC -TOR APH.M'ATMiS TOR ti36tb ay of Au"ust next the undersigned, loyal oifDER- op StmSSKaiS? NUMBER 1061, intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for . club License ln respect of the premises sltuatat Seventh Street. City ot Prince Rupert, Province of British Columbia, upon lands described as Lots 1 and 3. Block 11, Section 1,' Map 823. Prince Ruiiert Land Reels- K,orea- FeeIln8 the AC- 1 Jim Harris Waits h.S IUITI. f ction spelling invasion, .polr: Jce worn, remaps so. what's go - ; na war. If not Iheri mhv li Bnm.' Munro in ' Japan? nils' ' noted " ! ' . . rnaH. Canadian corresDondent has , iust ' arrived In the Orient. He certain - U not expecting to find police - ! men. TVinro . nil1 V , Mn a,itnKUn.Ar,v.n "i wc nw dutuuiUKiauiiy i of Mackenzie King, and Canada " i., L . . win oe tne poorer lor It. He llM. intended to write the story of his liIe and the country ntc ipating his memoirs. But now,. n that can be possible will be his biographv and, ,hile these . , : n .1 u . 1 1 1 1 :. . n:04-"Plsh Arrivals, Sign Oft ' WEDNEHb'Ai .-A M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's BUI Good 8:15 Morning Kong 8:30- Music (or Moderns w:-4Jttii Conceit ifl:00-BBC "Nrtvs Jb Comty. '9:1V Morning DeArtfttfirrs "9:80 Snnrtse Bwnade 'tvlS-Tammis Voters 9f59 Tim Signal 10 00 Mrirtibw VltiiV JO TV-Wdmlng Modr, 10:30 -Melody Time 105 Invitation to the Walt H 'Oft A "Man and Wis Music 11:15 Roundup Time 11 :80 Weutber Report 11 : SI Message 'Period 11 :M "Recorded Interlnfle 11 :5-oanafnaviBri Melodies v " 2:00 M'.a-Dsfy "MeTofilCT 215 VWNmi 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B .C. Farm Broadcast 12:55-Recorded Interlude 1:00 the Concert Hour 8:30 Records at Random 2:45 A Oopd Wile: Comty 3:00-The -Music Box 3:15 Bernie Braden Tells A Story 3:30 Int. Comty. i :40 Divertimento Classified acU bring results. 1 RRRR ilSlfiijU. 654 We-"" af IsvtwrVrtlMiAast it MM HtllfcVaa 9f 1Vl4iyViai To receive consideration tender, ttemlty of McLean's Island and from must be submitted on the tender thu latter point to the south bank of 'XVcJZ'ZZvFZr;' &rm8w chartered bank in Canada, pvabie toiWMt bf "the mifiet of Scoti. iffTer. I uuuu uc en-jeueiit. nwie,... tJ-.ure eiui. could ever hope to equal the clar- ' through their own campaigns or I TUESOAT-r-M. ' 1"" -Science .WWW"1 '"-European Favoritss Dont Drown lyrical Lady , CBC News SUppet oc..-. Sammy Kaye and Orch. .Musical Varieties -CBC New. CBC News Kounaup t Lake Ferry SCHEDULE jvt Cow Bay Floats Dally 12 noon 2:15 p m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. . 7:35 p.m. hday Continuous ice Starting 4 I q.m. ast Boat Leaves Lokes 10:00.p.m. Crffn S91 Black 2 'JBR1CATI0II J EXPERTS! i ran iave juat .put a toiih mllr-try Vhlml . . ind that mram -a , -U lubrtratlrtft job is ler! Our experts will htt your ear quickly ' IflrS-.'fflcaily KarVord- I the tnak a-fid year Vr tr) - ana trt 1m Arty up; fEND CrtJ YOtfR CAR 3 PARKER : . for Toke-Home '1 LOVE . YOU VER" THE MOST TIFUL WAY . . DIAMOND RING ' wn lovely UECTION NOW! orge Cook, ; JEWELLER Box 1188 PHONE 79 DAfiirn juinui Softball Game TERRACE Hunday the Prince Rupert Junior Softball boys Play-1 ed Terrace at Terrace. The game was won by Tf rrace with a score of 19-10. Vp to the sixth ;nning the Prince Rupert boys were winning 8-5 but a series of errors by Prince Rupert allowed Terrace to force into the lead and remain there to the end of the game. Good clean sportsmanship was shown ewovea throughout " I gamely ! the both team A return garr.e with Terrace wiu take Plae? at Prince Rupert INDUSTRIAL STEEL CONVEYORS, pstssint TANKS, SMOKE-STACKS, Etc. rSn ivVt WESTERN BRIDGE SUEL FABRICATORS LID. VANCOUVER, B C. m.j.r-r';.' -j - . . ; ; ' ( JltiJil'mUB" - 1. The noambtng glsss of mile from Grsadms b the happy ending to this story. It stsrted when Nature put aluminum io the earth itnelf. That is why this important mineral is right in the milk we drink, 3. From farm ttt dairy 1 1 ; front country to city ... rich, wholeaome Caoadian milk being mcreaainglf carried in aluminam contaioerg to reach you fresh and pure. gration. equal to ten mt cent rnTi 1X1 I ...i .1 . K: IV: oi tne amount of the tender Bearer Bonds of the Dominion Haiiway company and its constituent comnanles. iinrumriHirttiaHv mmrn teed SJt tn nrfr.inal an 4... ,n. the Dominion of Canada or of thi aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque If required to make up an -odd .mount. , The Department reserves the right to reject any or all tenders and til lowest tender Will not necessarily -Be accepted. laval vmrttR, Deputy Minister. Department of Citteenahlp and Immigration, July 18. 1950 I73) Mm 1 r mm sm , : I - i 1 our i. . U. , , . Centralization i trstion District, in the Province of tias seen a submarine off Cape ff0lbi!M ..rL' Breton and a codfisTierman de- member of the said Club to keep on the premises a reasonble quantity of CHires he also has sighted a Sub-Uquor for personal consumption on mnrlno R.-ith am inclinert tA ; ln about two weeks' Hrn Tonight the junior boyswill be tprning out fur their regular siame beginning at 6:30 atisual. COassified Advertising Payi 1: DEAR MADAM: It is our Intention to give ycu faster ana more efficient delivery service than eve? be- iore. Therefore, effective Aoigust 1st, 1950, we shafl, to toe best of our ability abide by the following schedule. Orders received before 10.00 am. to be delivered before ncon and orders received- be- foire 3.00 p.m. to be delivered "Before 5.00 p.m. Orders , re ceived later than 3.00 p.m. to be-, delivered the . following morning. ? Free Delivery on all orders of. $3.0(5 or more Your co-operation In Qac-Ing your order early will be greatly appreciated. Drop in and see us, wftn't you, or phone 755. Yours Sincerely, URNS ST YS GROCERIES, MEATSj I VEGETABLES S I 2t Ant) Nattm gara .laminom 1 mditiot that make it idetrf ( contact with food. Many milk paila I . . man part of modern mi Iking machinea are made of atuminuu. Asil to esp it all, many bottles of aailk an protection sealed with shining Aluminum foil tops. Aluminum asaure cleauluiesi fer s this srast Bositiv of all foods. mrao. A -Ri. IMnlllll II Ifi llHI Over .$9,000 rePOTt . of Manitdba Flood Relief Campaign presented j ty secretary-treasurer H. D.I jThaln at last night's -meeting of , ... ... y tuu""' s"weQ lnal lunas m r eP of tO OC-f! hod hAn nolH I " 'citizens cl Prince Rupert i toward the campaign, The titizens' committee had I collected $5,718:55. An additional! sum of at ieast $2,760.45 had been FDm(ftnj v... v, . . ... . v. 1 , that of The Daily News. The lat-1 1ter figure is not complete as some ! .remittances had been made be- fore they were recorded. In addi- ition there haa been remitted by means other than through the local banks a total of $509. Aid. H. F. Glassey, seconded by Ald- T- B. Black moved a tribute to the secretary-treasurer and hi assistants for their work and canvassers and contributors or making, the camoaign a suc- cess, and an order for a card of thanks v,te4. to that v , effect ttt. be placed i j in The Daily News. 1 u And anyway, under the circum- Stances, it would be imnoxsible tJ arrive ut correct conclusions Quite right and within the law. See SIteaffer's 0 at McRae Bros. 7 Because It, our policy to featur the finest, w want kou to .hare tha excitement of Sheaffer'. thrilling; new Touchdown Pen! A single, cf-fortless down-stroke empties, cleans, refill, completely without me, or bother. And the araooth writing glide of the massive 14K (old point give, yon writing! pleasure you've never known before! In a dozen finer ways, you'll find Touch down auperbly better ... the pen you've always honed to own. Prices start at a modest $13.25. k - 1 . ; !, lTTHX i , S 7y' BROADWAY CAFH rr'. I It and sureness of a record that had its source in the man him- self. j If the Cunard-Donaldson liner Franconia which stranded s, few miles after sailing from Quebec, had to have spell of grief, it' was just, as well to have it hap- pen the wav it did. The shin was floated in a few days. There " be an ordinary drydock Job. No, tosses to speak of and no one n1ured. Thai s much better than fire or collision at sea. But jt wm be up 1 1 the Skipper v to do . bit or explaining. - u- -u. rK iw i i iti i j limn on v s ic ' ... ... , . , think it was a Soviet Russia undersea craft. What do most of ,, us really .,,., , know , about .,,. TT U-boat.?? u . ,0 If we Were On the best of term. j wlth WU" Mp,,nw Mnscow- 11 it mieht migni. instpad insieaa. i have belonged to Brazil or Italy or France ; j The dignity of a seat on the . . . ,. . r,nh , , ., , Ben?h is n0' ht it is always I'-'nrKPd un to be. In London, a. , Mrs. Mona Sargent. 33. entered a Vnmap cl.iim against a trans- rcrt comDany. alleging iniured knee, and oskinc the court to teel it to tert Its "creaking."! Newlv appointed Justice Dono-i "an, looking thoroughly uncom- ! fcrtable, declined. His Lordship sild he could not have foreseen nv remiest such as feeling a lady's knee, in seeking evidence. I AITTIOX SALE I limber Sale X -50480 There will be offered for sale at Public Auction, at 11 a.m.. on Tuesday. August 22nd. 1950, ln the office of the Forest Ranger at Burns Lake, B.C., the Licence X-50480, to cut 3 155.000 f b.m. of Spruce, lodgepole Pine and Balsam on an area covering part of Lots 1351. and 1351A, situated northwest of Topley Land ing, west shore of Bablne Lake, Range 5 Coast Land District. Five years will be allowed for removal of timber. ' Provided anyone unable to at-! tend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the ' hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of 'Forests. Victoria. B.C., or the Dls-trlct Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. (174) Vi;j-l:.i!TM',V.) -a v l- Finett Cooking tlie premises, and entitling the Club to purchase llguor from a vendor and to sell by the glass the liquor so purchased to Its members and guests for consumption on the Club premises In accordance with the pro- visions of the "Government Liquor Act" and the regulations promulgated thereunder. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, this 31st day of Julv. AD. i50. Loyal "Order af Moose Prince Ruuert Lodite Number 1051 H.T. MUNCEY, Secretary. 193 of Records (it) , " Hours 7 a.m. V) 1 a.m. Orders Phon 200 BC. HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE announces that during :"the period JULY ,25th-AUaysT 10th Hospital Insurance records at present held by the PRINCE RUPERT Government Agent will be transferred to Victoria. A Collection Agency will remain in the Government Agent's Office. Registrants will receive bills In the Fall for ' 1951 premiums direct from Victoria, Instructions will be included giving full details of methdd of payment and dates premiums fall due. : '.: Please address all fuliure correspondence to: DIRECT PAYMENT blVWlON, B.C. HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE, Michigan Street, . ' Victoria, B.C. 1 nma PHONE 79 B.C. HOSPITAL INSURANCE SERVICE SALE MBfS SUITS Tailored by the House of Hobberlin No other material is more "food-friendly' than aluminam; Whenever yoa gee aluminum on the outsifo of a food or m drink, there's an "inside $tory" of perfectly protected flavour, quality and purity; ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, tID, EXTRA PANTS FREE With Each Suit Ordcr if ff' pranimry ' HOURS "EXPERT TAHlOiRS for Men's TOPOOAVs "PANTS SllfTS Highest Shtatfty 'VfefttMiteea Fit io Off on all slacks Mfrvtvtf, Packfnf, tYstlfij, Shippffig knd Girrkl Cartare ahd Storar Complete Reliable and Effie-rent Service, also a-gente for Canadian Liquid Atr CO. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene lind all weMIfig supplies. Lindafcy's Cartage & Sloragre Limited Cot. Sna and Part Avenues Est; 1910 Phones SO and 6 eelcday, .....f. a.m.o 9 p.m. fn ioy 11.'" 1 2 Non to 2 D.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. LIIIG THE TAILOR - 220 - 6TH ST. PHONB t9 'hmtihi :U 'low1 EBros. FH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE BOX 388