Prince Rupert Daily Hews I As err -r.-i. -i.r. Erin .-,? MEM'S SUITS T- Victoria Report 1 MEN S RAIN Tti j ti liS ::; COaT-MEN'S Hii E-?.. . . b' J. KL Nt'Lr.t C Sie JACKETS-- . 4m if ?:m ft. proved ; . a. i 7rr&, K-...r.- n--.,- h. g pr?.?r iu Dt-- : Herb Ajaxntnsb Win the Dajr Now lk2 it it a-y-ittfct? la atii 20YS JACKETS cd fxlXjLr vt iaS- C-ilrf-T- EJ "2- 6 C-Tj? f? sre. r.: ? r M'.c -i. -jt; t Tna. u , L"ndip-j!ed Tory Bo 1 -t rrs ,Tf 1 t 1 -. . Jf comfciths"" i ' -r-z" - " ; - . ; more ror edwards .1- t- , a l Vout'e bed yZs v' s Rail nay To Alaska iin t tLe rr.t cc.T.5tkE, ho said i THE TIMES OF HIGH ' &'.' rsv Wears- i',tiPWU a k? as ie's 2 eat-i- PIVFR , A'Vrj. r. - - .- . o?. Orur 11. ::?r: BKtiA O. t6 Aica are Ibe upi, Ifer.-tt. a L:gh!v ygaalzi group oi ywft t work tf the uilLSi -jJtvj ti x3 fraxer. Bob Ec rj. - - ' Gtn xjsxv iac .... ..., r- ..T-A i tfinjiicr. A; i,j-r-.tJ r.-f cor.;.n? a- far r-t a if. :ti lit -a OC &9 "-it v t H-?a Kltt ia a cttt t j m - -------- '"'r r , V : wsx-jx. a;.-o. Oel t o-wi wat Ur.efi: try ar.i c ;h r.ot hIp rit re-:ir4 V ' . f . - . . .. Zx mu wain Js? isrr f a cae cay a AaacxxL ta i--3 E-i Ba- a Liaf: W I . Ri urn is v lit. tut Vj if- w -"sist co;t -o C'jalii?cs AHH0UHCEMEI1T Ve ere net toking cny clea irg or pressing ct present fc Ve shcli cttend to efficient service on Tailoring, Alterations end Repairing New Fo'l Samples have jtrct orrived. Order now for better choice LING THE. TAILOR Be 286 220 - 6th St. Phone 649 ; at evrn though they are L-mv i i&ui. i'xt -J r tp'ev u:'2 A a "frettv r.rel;rr..'r:ary" character, watch- k u a.- . A with rr.uch sr.teret. v fcif 'Ac. fz.'. t.-.a V : 9 --i i' r; t SAFfTV I WUVING V.-j?.-.r Tary arTwhw la Ca-- " i.'I 1.411: irr.j jrii M hi fl f Eit tv the e'urteev of the British driver, Er& Ajrx k a a a ' It's A Sure Hit! ' PUBLIC AUCIIOH SALE In the Old Ovcrwaitn St It I - 01 J.a-rer;':r tar, r.'.',i-, r-x w uw.. &.-Tt-i a a ,! c-VIiti'r; of cro A'jw road, e'pecy now that ti3 j... brs.2y iaj r.rKff eprt ;.. petrol ro I' rationed. OCT. 14 SATURDAY-2J:F Tr.-e Mrtret i in driving!edr p!as court- Proceeds to the Pnrxe "cei Rotory Club Civic Co-r-ira J W They help or.e another instead of all trying r TL -at ore another. A Courte-y week or r- e hkh w mrctw U'M otn in Canada U not ?ood ' B MTJi'yfi.. V'e need rr;otorl-ts who will resolve al- a tu:sa- h r:?'roa. W' W U crtix, kp tr rale of the rwi, 1!: T,hIf: Vrake rvrn for another driver in trouUe, awl never a jn u,?re Ww the horn tr.ronh irr.pat:Ke. If the rAher af, 7 .driver hanrns V U a fwl, x'jffer him jrladir awl k ut a ra ysve him a v,Kle rrti. Canadian drivers Uxj cwud ilt .. tftt a nev, tar.dard of eo'jrtey. Bc ! . rrit yar, tviw tr. pouia .ij X. - - meTj4. Kt.tXiiJti. Xuf.. Information Travel Fuinals- Adertiorer:t CwirerT sf Horlhern BX. Power Co. 1 VWW--,-'..----''--'V'-WAW.W,.V v. New remaftefft covering fravel hinds were cmnounced ;p(M aa wAtMi Ut to t6Ai." Ereninf. ef Ho id. l . . cii.o Kiid h tb&d tat apt. t-; Your gv away. "Yca taa ouy u a dniii,' Mioutd vntiA-ttijt l.-Uii am' Meal Prices Are Falling ! I p Hi w' a'Jf'ir)ce. "So, ir Irknd," si !? .he naiii, "I can't emi oj :a drink of iue. Recar&ftji . irr VT Mat prkJ He taW the Tory party 5:'jpj"l i,)!y 6vrd Xf pV be made gtror.g in thu protince, K"" t" r1y CKS WM-k in many cite ac-fjM Can-' " n can '' up n en of AJK FO I v V wiaM v . iy CHOICE M uz.imu. -11 were nyl truj, .,.1...,, 1.7 V a n D . . ala A t.Ai,nn an Pre iurM 1 w wr-wr-uK , - ----- ...i f by the Master of Finance on Wednesday, October 4rh. The moin point to remember Is that Canadian residents require Form H Permit to take out of Canada more than $50 U.S. Of more than $100 of Canadian and U.S. currencies combined. Form H Permits will continue to be available at bonks. The regulation covering the use of Form H for the export of currency Is a safeguard against m export of capital sums where such export would not be permitted through other channels. Authority hat bead give) to bia ond other of anta of fee Foreign Eroga Control Boord to approve appitcotiont for U.S. travel fundt without refereeca to the Ror far oieowti up tot ' , ' J. $500 per trip for bono fide bininen travel X $500 pet $cA flte toleadar year for other travel. tj 4 3. $2,000 Conod'io per yor, or it equrvaient, ler attendance during a full academk year at a enivertiry, coMege or boot ding tchool in the United Statea. up - i tw 1 u,rw tri- ifrfra'ext dwllne 1I ' ; trie prl''e of beef much 4 ir TT " " ':trts a pound in frr rentreii j Kupert Rcdio & Bed f..b.rul 4t: r 4 lmVi iii ' ;PIL HEATING to dt tfir-e w-nt Manv wlio'.e- 1 WW at its Best ar retcarder the prte ehanv DURABILT LUGGA6 a a eamal one, rnarklni? the ', AT . " 3 MARCHAND 1PACE HEATERS It a refietUrfJ on weall nlf-g , u tmniUndtn a THE CUttlV ir.3.rnii nr.iw aim i;ie iiki;- imih 5i,jtiNte MUNI TOR (;nvrr,i-r,t tu it 1, u- :i! lrK f.f the Canadian dollar. tell rt Editor how much ihey We're cr: stocked -'tftJ and smoll P2j in o wide VORTEX Delhi Has Big Blaze Application In eet of theie amount may bo referred to the toard and will bo approved far reasonable amount, having regard to th duration of the proposed iowmayt. (order Traveli individual may obtain up to $50 U.S. In any calendor month for uso on a trip to the United Statet wher the applicant will not be taring out of Canada mora than a total of $1 CO, of wbidi not mora than $50 It hi U.S. fund. Automatic Burnett '' n.RMK i'HH.I i Smith & Elkins I.IMJTrO ei)K-r th daily world-wid Monitor ii iht moit Paper in Ibt U.S. . . int . . .' 'Ntwi thtt it tomplttt Wf. . . .-"Jhi Monitor turtUf h fader1! nttwitf . You, loo, will (nd du Mcnitor informuiv, with to.nplei world newt , . . and at nerct-ary M year llOMi TOWN papw. U diia covpoa for Spatial Introductory larxrrintiott 26 ISSUfc FOR ONI Y t,And Uun Taadf niacin over AbC nations -fh Chrittiaa faic Mbiittor View th Nw. MATCHED SETS from HKW ljfcI.HI Nearly 500 hoj -re destroyed In an a!) night f'.r wlilh raijed until '-ariy Tui-nday throuKh old I f t tj I ' d';riVwn baaar dlatrlct. feyroi; women and children may have perbdu-d in the blaze. Pro-lrty U,rn In at 2.0WXi')l. Doms Department JW tin 174 fOri274i rr Further Information available at any bank or from FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD ST. JOHN'S MONTI! Al OTTAWA TO ONTO WINDSOR. VANCOUVU (wwoef under author? a lb Oovaramea a Cannae 79 PHONE 79 ; FAITH IS CONFIDENCE . Kalth lr your p-r vwul int jfrny, ywr wllllr.Kneita to PAY ; l'lMr"J7,Y, I 1 he b;,f,l (,i whl h the merchant eitnda , irredlt yi Charge urn,iM are payable not later than Lb 'J Mail c,f each r,il.h. I? CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT Th CWWaa ttix Homme Om. Norvar li Botio) 1,Mm.,VJ A. lnw M4 m aa fmnxSiKiafr tuh. Jrtaaa aa 11m OiOmim bintc. - a aM, I aaclaat I. Piannarfi 'leiiem! 0 (ilete) HOURS I WRATHALL'S REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 9fl PHOTO FINISHING Bee our Kodak Camera Line-op. Flaah attachments for all Camera. to 2 P Weekday Sundays ... RENTALS 12 Noon THE LATEST FALL STYLES ARE ARRIVING DAILY. Sec Thorn Now of 7p.iti. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX fiE'lTJKNH PREPARED R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Kodacolor and Kodachrome AVtH STREET AND THIRD 08 Third Ave. W. OVER BROADWAY CAFE "SIXTH Film. Developing, Printing and Enlarging. 320 - 3rd Ave. W. BROWNWOODS ::