ifwheu all -b'-y" at the taa'.c. Dr. W. S Kerrlr. kit - Prince Rupert Dally Nes noon plane for Vir.c-. ,-.', 'are of about equal afciU. Scuth da:.r. mt : : rr riee - ir.J Highway Was Keyer Worse Nor-Souta vtt-r.erao.e. Eiackwood On Bridge By Eoilcy Blackwood larot uu:ercna?e. a ho r i-. rmrif at Vancouver fey a. North ( ham) H J ?i D A 10 e s K t;;1 , nor.g tio-. He will thee ceed to Toronto to like a i Mrs J, A. Bradley. A Ars ' trrlTrd In the city ye-erday ai.1 ' today left fry plane fur Yan-roa- rer and Kam&ops. Morris D-ihlquiit. well known; Here is a point about the mathematics of bridge C 7 nber operator of Cedarvi.e, .,, . ..flt frmr m iwi la Mr. Ink) not aeree with those who you win v. ant iu rtmeimtr iui jwi p"- !iA s Mr. Basil S. Pracrier S 10 piiiie today for Ya.i ay the Skeeria River K:eh ay m ; vp cjfion when YOU ar1 not ValneraDle, YOUr Op-jn-i h QtU i the noon Ca-firy where she food shape. la fact, be most . .iT v:j n,a -MM, 9nrflw!r7 ..... JTI?::" IB eouver usiness and ProLJ 1U pay artct. jempha-acaiiT disagrees and told-ponti.is art-, ami u.ey uiu - f,"-- -rr ,M ., Heal Your Heme The Modem Way! tb hen fcCT lh makeab'e. v-f'T r--r" today -kqj Jack on the prince George from a - -fK" : " , if thev do make t they will enter uu points on SIT, ' trip to Cal C A 42 ' ner fri worse shape since it ',:as their More f-r the rubber bonus HELEN'S built. "It's fall of chock bole &B ' the surface it wu.'d seem thtJljjOUt jgg This total of about ' the way from Odarraie to Prince a sacriHre bid which went doa 4M poinu .u you are actoaily Rupert." he declared. It fx' plus 100 or so trkk points. Oa -iacnjcing against,- The bWdir.j- rtk I .a Mtl rt 3 S P IS C In today's deal ahould Mr. hum three hoars and foryt-live three tn?t; or vi points woa.a ; pul u another way, II yo'i BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Wancj Beauty Culture in j 1U bracchea W 4th Street Phor.e tit ! take a set of 5O0 pou.u, your Dale sacrifice at Tri-u-M drive in frrn Ter- be qiir.e jsuiiea five ciab7 defense the r. .r-r .rri 9 f.nirtr ' Th,t si a rif-'-tinn Rpn-.eir.Ser rrn.-inpr.-s will enter that good-. Against reasorable lor.gfT than it usuay ttke. jthit atathematscaUy year op-;jT sum In their score and vqu: bid would ha e been do n .hree. 'ocnen: s-ored half of the rub-'wa STILL not be Tu!nerab. Here Is a good answer. If ad I P.ev Fortes Shu! arrlvei ter bonus when they made their against Tulnerable opponents the piayera were of about eual from 0-ean aus looay tn i Prince Geor?e. iir gaoi?. ii jr. .ii. " 1 - ar.i . -. uia c.c . . . . . - ----- -bidden" p.lr..H. not entered on -hree ot wU'.mnz th.e rubber. if the players were of unequal the score but earned r.ererthe-i i; H a good proposition to fO skill and Mr. Dale s partner mere CHIROPRACTOR JOHN' F. L. HUGHES. D C. II -22 Besner Block Houis, 10:30-12:30 & J-S Evenings. Mon. te Frt t:3o Phone Blue 442 should ; iess set 300 point when you leei the weakest player, he EaiTtaH coli m2ia i? probate , , th - tne 0r. sure your yulnerabie opponenia pits promptiy. s is tee -rrrH of the is-tats de econd make fame- It is a losing, But If Mr. Dale had a strong, r ga-'wiU hsbt bx , ff: Sn, propsitfon to go set 500 point. ! partner against weak opponent,.; m th vtrrm of tub '.".' ... -vl t.s...r store. These fures ns.d j iwoM lid Ii c ittd 6 sure of having this same partner r TAKE NOTICE liiit by Orter cJ . jjj - His Y. jtj.'ji J-j-tre W. O. FulVm. mie i the 2.ii of SriiBbT. AD. 150. ! for a few more bands. ! Mr. and Mrs- E. T. Apple-, so. playing with Mr. Abel whaite arrived la the city today against that sterling team of , from .Ocean Fails on the Prlncej Meters and Champion. Mr-George. They had stopped there! Dale easily reached the right colussi's music store . Agents for the finest m Musical In'trumenu PIANOS TUNED AND RECONDITIONED 210 4th SL Ph. Black 389 on their way up coast Irom Van- decision. He passed. ! ccuvcr. loiiowing Mr. nyp.c- I USE HOT WATER HEATING We Stop Your "Cold Wor" fcHave our heating man call and give you estimates on hot ; water or steam VANCOUVER VICTORIA S ZZi2jt 9 p tZt Cft7rioa.a Tuesday, 1:30 pja. ALICE ARM, STTWAET AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coquitlam, 11 pja. FOR XORTH QITTJI CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Cam-jsun Oct. 13 and 27 10 pm. FOR SOUTH QITW CHARLorrr islands ss. Camoson. Oct. 6 and CO FRANK J. SKIWER Prince Rupert Agent Third ATenue Phone 5t8 whaites return from Ottawa; ii ; here he attended the recent iession of Parliament. I I x. ppaiVtl ASiDfetrc oJ lix ( EstAW ol Brory H:.i. drL.w-l 11 O! &nn. in tt Prwnnc of British CoIumbA r.d ail psr-.jfs harixs? tertT iriiri to luressh saji properly mfflrt to m i or t:orc I5h dJT of K&Tw.ber. A D liiO. r-r ajch dmte rliira filed mai b ptitl r.lvjnit to oj dausj o( whK-b 1 t!m ted no kaow- ld Estate rt ifSj mjmrwl t pT tne isoott of tbr tddStl3M to DATED tte C!tt of Prino R"J-I prr. in th Prorui-ce ol Bnttsi! ' Columbia. tfci 2-.h day o Bpa-btr. A.D 1SV) OORDOS F. FOR BBS. I OFFICIAL ADMIHSTRATOB. WANTED TO RENT PARENTS AKD ADVLT SON SEEK ACCOMMODATION, EITHER FVRN-ISHED OR CN FURNISHED. IN ANY SECTION OF THE CITY. PHONE BLACK 512. OR CALL AT NEWS OFFICE. A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1116 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. '"it G0PO0N D, Oil. ECE52 5 LNo Job Too S wki or pa ' Topcoats f -si r-i-a ten t Big Ho Job Too Small :ur.iiJrjtal rxJ mm ft tkZliitt RORIE & LAIRD Public Accountant and Audi-tort. Income Tax Returns compiled. O. L. RORIE. A.A E. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Corr.m. Besner Block Phone 381 I i Call BLUE tl SAANICH CAVA! WILL, io3rod,To39fjrJJ 713 5i Isst r It : r 'J PLUMBING & HEATING Cor. 4th Ave. and McBride HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS tnas&lfied Advertising Is payable In adrance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifies. ?c pe ord per lcs.rtlon, mir.irtuia charge 50c Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thar.ks. Death Notices. Fun I eral Notices, Marriage and Engj rement Announcement 52 00. ' SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE fx D:r.rw NK 5HC HK a-i 4 I ACCOl GIANTS FOR SALE FOR SAlB P'jrulac business Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black J34 Bed 8SM P. O Box 1670 11 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. lr-'.oif Tax SDet-iaa.Tt. S. O Furir fetone Buiia:ns. Red &93 20m- LISTINGS WANTED ITNERAL NOTICE COOK In the ci'.r Saturday. Oci. -r. t'Mn h iitr.a ut -:. , Ameiia Coct. '. tr.h A?e We-".. 9nci win b erjrid-joed at trj F-Jil Owpei T at 2 30 f m Tfcunciy Oct 12. :,h Kt. C. Fa"tt o!?iAia-.:r. Ii.T?t.r.t to t'Airjm In Fiinie t!Tjn.-y. B C. Urwlenceni lii cLA.;e of ELECTS. Don't Overlook Looking Over Our Fall Selection of Men's Clemer cdkl wjpe M-M aoio ea.icf I'r Wueen Cbarkrttea Friday. Far. hape. O'xxl tire. Cail Black 818 Tbsiudjiy, 10 a m. to p m. (2-Jfep) ' FOR SALE -pie tflmrxa auive. Er.ziisn pram. 2 hith etiaM. etll3 s cn'D. ii&rairy extensjrjn table, chea-terfieid chair, two anarazine tables. f 2 kitccen tabie. wiAriir.g mct.rie.T J et Jaw bxt. floor lan-.p. 1R11 At-! i.i. Are. B.ue 603. (22pl I FOR BALE Lan?e size erfb and mat-' E.W.Q FREE APPRALSAL Beared to weser.t prooertv market. See us first when stum your - rirrie tor Drome ac'n sr.d waitir.a buvers. We Lave an ureeni need for 4-roorr-ihouses in eood condition. Fnor.i Ann-.tronz Agencies at J42 or Green 2&7 ieves.. (247) COOK Funeral for the late Geur?e I t ;v W:liiam C be heid at t.'.e Fxill CVxpel Tabernacle, '. h Are. Wtat. at 2 30 pm Tliurvlay. Oct. 12. libO. Re Favcett of : ia-.!n. tresa. Blue 7i MATTSON'S CPHOLSTERINa Phone Blue 818 P O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert. BC. 'i;l I i f HI Give ller a Ccc-.-i,'! ib. SERVICE 4' Suits FOR SALE FOR RENT Room to" for two men. Red 471. HELP WANTED share, - tilt WANTED Immediately, dis-i patcher. AddIv 112 tf FOR SALE 3 000 watt fcle-tlrc 4 firep.ace, Morris chair. Blue 637 (233p BUSINESS OPPORTCNITIES i SALES AGENTS WASTED rLF'dlle.,..?pA MAKE EXTRA MONEY EASILY. I uu FOR BALE-Trolling rxjat "'ai Topcoats Shirts waterfront lot on Cow Bav. der. Fuslv ri?Hed. Nr, reawjn-able offer refused. Phone Red 8G0. (23ap inwl inUrtr tnitU Mil hlVVI - V w . i FOR SALE Excellent 10-Diece Ties boat shed 70' by 60' with four criiis, will take boats up to 54' by 14'. Small stock lumber, tools, bandsaw. circular caw, oortabie Kkill saw. sander, driK.s. motors. Daint siiray etc. all in ?ood condiiion. Full price $5,500. R. E. Mortimer. 324 2nd Ave. Phone 83. 1237; black walnut dining room suite with tea table, end table and kidies desk to match. aLso India rue. Axmin-stfr ruu. 3 pi'-ce wicker f-t and bf-droom furniture. Vari-fiis oth"r things. Mr. Hi?ks. 714 Fraser. 23op , the LUXURY IwksrfcfT j and suaue to the eye, toft j and smooth to the' touch j firm, rugged flrti A thowit . rejijtant. Designed fn a Evervdav card assortments at best values with highest commissions for vou Unequalled vh:iip in more thin twenty Christmas items 21 card Deluxe Christmas box. Panorama Stand-UD cards. Canadian scr;s nictures nersonal cards, nous and r,-jnkini. Children's three c'-mensional bo.ks. Television Tom Thum boiks. nursery rhvme cards. Ktationery. Bllt wrans. nersonaiied eiit ribbon dlnedona beli. also Evervdav assortments inciud-in ni.i stlc cards. Wrl'e today fur ata'.oaii and samoleg NOW. Nime-on Stationer? Company limited Deot. Bl. f.3 Yon-'e Street, Arcade. Toronto. it Shoes Hals KLtL eS'iATI IOR SALE One Axmlnxter RU2 in kooi coniition. Reasonable. Four-room wartime, less than 2 For Christmas ir THE PERFECT GIFT FOR THE PERFECT .GIRL Phone Blue 9uf. (238c) block from school. Newiy variety of shades and modelt t FOR SALE New chesterfield rwds: beds complete: un ain'-ed chest of drawers: ued wa.hin machine: fie-vtng machine; kitchen stoves: heaters- hardware: scores of other useful fiirniture at lowest nrW es See B C. Furn.tnre. Biack 324. (tf) Dairited and decorated. Fully iurnished lntludina tabletop eiWHtic rjnse. S-Dice chester-iidd. beoroom suite, kitciien set. caroet and nil curtilns and i a uc. f ii,: urice $o)U0.00 with $1000.00 down, balance lu nionttilv pavments-Imrnfdlate occuoancv In four-room wartime close to Mc- WANTED to suit every taste and figure. Regulars, shorts and tails. Sportswear Formal Vear and Baggage r?EWP.O 3 room unfurnished suit. Red 5O0. r (I3) WANTED URGENT 3-rrm Fuitp for middle-aged refined couole. furnished or unfur nished Dreferrcd Box 810 FOR HALE- one Fai"o truk Bride. Newlv painted. $1000.00 o-r:ial i'my whf-el bae Or- down, balance as rent, tlof.al with or without dump. Six-room wartime. v? uionk from A)o '48 Chrysier 8"Jan Fx- ha-h school. Full price omy eilent shaoe Aaolv 32 Txi. $:i.,00.00 (242p) , Aoulv Robert E. Montador Ltd. fa CAVATWILt the cloth of tomonoio 45. Dailv News. . (241p) WANTED Working woman would share hotue with an (241c FOR SALE -1937 Ford truck. 2- that't here today! other. AdpIv Box 809 Dailv tn; dolleys. lumtjer carrier, ACT QUICKLY for these houses! and auto part, used tires, e-room wartime on 8th E.: new- Come in Today! Use Our Lay-Away Plan MANSOH'S News. (239o IP ' b-ttorten. radiatjr etc. Aoply lv decorated: furnixhed I iii r r i VKliand Pines. Phone Bit:k furnisfied: lare comer lot: "H." f 5'1.i". "V. A -VI Try Our Lay-A-Way Plan lor Your three bedroom honp. Phone 73 '4, i..jov . ciose to scnooi ana (stores. on your next Art Ocilvie at Blue 304. (238) 6-room house near McBride; full concrete basement; Kiassed-in WANTED TOP MARKET William F. Stone Clothes of Distinction worrnes. j warara. ainir.i? PRICES PAID for scran Iron Your Friendly Jeweller CHARTER FLI6HI rricea rntcu to wj sen ivrii wiui Willi oinjf oruy fteei. brass, coDoer lead, etc Honest eradine Promnt oav- Fall and Winter j $2,000 down, balance as rent., Arrnstronz Agencies will be pleajitd to show you these and other listlriKS. Phone 342. (241) , ment mde At'as rron & Metals Ltd . 250 Prior St.. Van-mover. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. (tf) 1 I, 1ATJON IJ.Y KNOWN NAMES I.ins -belt Breeder Shovels: , Cran'S' lri,i.nes- Adams H'nf! Graders: Litt'eford Bros. Biact Too Road MainU-nance-jiilomefit: Owen Clamshell' U'iccets and Iumx Graoo'es; T U Smith Corierete M zers; C!a-fe Forkilft Trucks- Neivm Bu-ket Loadern lor SVKkoile and Know Removal: Rice Portal t Centrif uval Purnos: National Dragline S'-ratxfrs and B icketK: National All Steel O a so line Hoists: Natlona. ir CHARTER FLIGHT PLANES rm kale-Fully lwniM 4 -room WANTED ftcrao cast. br,')s ! r5r? tuitiht. east end. Baiw-iTieiit excavat Conner Mtterles -ind radl ed. BarKain prlc. leruia arranged. Prttic Ku(jert Uealty Co. VWm 607. O O Aerial SurY Aerial Photoa." Private Charter Timber Cruising." ators. Phone 543. Can 629 west . (tf) GENERAL HAILING KAfEN TRANSFER Anv "ivpe of hauline or contracts. Blue 881. (238p) Pottabie Bawrnuls: National : R-itarv Sf-reeris and Conveyors. , Fill Information from Na- fOR BALE 5-room house fire To Get in Shape and Keep in Shape have a Steam Bath Often tlonal Machinery Co, Limiw-a.i place, uays cove urwe vic- COASTAL Vancouvar. B.C. (tit; imtv. Terms. Phone Black 801. ALL INTERIOR AND i 238c); BITLDERS & CONTRACTORS HI -POWERED SPORTING; For "LUMBINt and Hpfttlnir - HIFLES Larger assortment HOUf IE FOR SALE 5 rooms, and better values. Write for; basement, nartlv furnished, latest catalog listing various i Priced for aulck sale. Phone bartraln prices. SCOPES Oreen 587. (238d) BALES CO. LTD., 320 Queen 1 KOR SALE- Newlv " decorated St., Ottawa, Ont. (tf) j house. Four rooms and bath. RATES INFORMATION BUOKlE 476 Sheet Me" ill work Tr ar.i . Gravel Roofins. Call 629 6th I West Phone 543. Letourneau j flrH Ron 'tf. MODERN Paintlne and Decor- atlne Snence and Matuik I Flionp BiacK 215. evenings or1 Phone Green 404. (238p FOR SALE-Terrace .B C. laun-l noon nour. f.u. Box 1111. (ti) ; QUEEN CHARLOTTE drv for sale. A monev maklna! rraintTv 771 "T,7 nronoHltlon. Details f r o m F".. wlnTrirTOn Prince Rupert Realty Co.. over roSi SM' ? RrMrtwav c.f. iiiml mf Supplies. Blue 820. (181 OPEN AT 4 EVERY AFTERNOON UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT NORTHERN SPORTS MID HFALTH SPRINGS Phont 658 FOR SALE -Well located taxi business for sale, or stand for rent. Box 809 Dailv News (238D) FOR SALE Blue winter coat, size 16. Red 471. (tf) fXjH MALE 100 Plymouth sedan. r-cindlftuned motor, (cxd ahnpe. 450.00. Butte No, 1, 209 Fifth Ave Went. -37p POP RAT V. a.mnm TOQetlro! REPAIRS & Chr'stl Killas house ApDlv 1340 1st Overlook St. (238p) A William F. Stone Clothes of Distinction WATCH Remm riromot ' efficient service. George Cook Jeweller. Satisfaction hi on WORK WANTED Air Freig FOR BALE Reconditioned apartment sir.e Quldoz piano, walnut flalaa. Feutit 782 fwr S. YOUNG MAN looking for work. Will Q1L BURNER SPECTALIST-connidw anything. Phon Black Stove Service & Renalrs G, D (2p;l Roaon. Black 50 (tl)