AS I SEE IT (Continued from page 2) Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 11, 1950 HMMMWnnl F. iTGAKE' Announcement Legion Auxiliary card party, Oct. 11th. Rotary Club Auction Sale-Location Old Overwaltea Store Saturday afternoon. 2:30 What City Council Did Canada's most popular white shirt RADIO DIAL CFPR 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to Change) WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Jimmy Shields' 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:45 Something In Harmony 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Encores 5:30 Prelude to Dusk 5:45 The Question Box 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Tex Beneke and His Orch b:30 -Mu&cal Varieties 6:45 Saddle RockhV Rhythm : CBc; News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 George Little, Organist 8:00 Improvisations on a i Somber Theme 8:30 "Turvey" 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Men, Women & Books 10:30 Collector's Items 11:00 V.'eather Report 11:06 Sign Off THURSDAl Ail 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:10 Here's Bill Good 8:15 Morning Bong 8:30 Music for Moderns . ..... 8:45 Little Concert 9;00BBC New and Com.ty V1"1 Deotiom :oB Time Bignal 9 :30-Morning Concert 10:00 Morning Visit 10 : Morning Melodies 10:30-Melody Time 10:45 Invitation to the WalU 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Report 11:31 Message Period ',11: 33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Scandinavian Melodies 112:00 Mid-Day Merodiw pj. 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C .Farm Broadcast 12:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 Ine Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 1:45 Putting on a Play, Comty. 2:00 B.C. School Bdct. 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Talk l 3.00-Thc Music Box 3:15 Western Five ARROW DART Here U the greatest collar to grace a neckline 1 Perfect fit . . . J taya fresh , . . needa no starch ... can't wrinkle. , , . Drt is tailored of combed broadcloth for fine texture next your skin. SANFORIZED-labelled, so this stunning white shirt will aways fit. 9 Launders, irons and looks mighty, . mighty fine 1 $4 SO Watts and - Nickerson j FOR I FOR I FOR chewarTa few weeks ago. Though apparently in good health hi3 death was not unlooked for. Many of his friends had for years , predicted that he would drop dead some day, in much the same manner as actually occurred. Indeed, one good Judge gave him but two months to live. "Up to the moment of Mr. Clancy's taking off he enjoyed me Desi oi neaitn. 'mat very i morning he had partaken of a hearty breakfast of ham and eggs, and had even taken part in j an interesting procession, and 1 while standing on a raised plat- I form from which he had Just . . . 1 I I. I I' h .1 1. .J ! I 1 1 J - xess on the evils of bad company. a portion of the flooring suddenly gave way. and Mr. Clancy was precipitated into a hole beneath ! the structure. In some way his neck was injured in the fall." ACCORDING TO LEGEND. Bob Edwards was not born Bob Edwards, but was the son of a famous-nam.9 house of British publishers. One of his own created characters was "Bertie" th remittance man. Fooling the folks back in the Old Country was an old western custom. , Somewhere or other I heard recently of one other real remit-tnce man who had lived for years on the prairies without means of BUfit, apart irum uie iianu- louts which came from England. But all the while he had told the relatives of his vast imaginary) cattle ranch. Then one day he got word that o close relative was returning to Britain from India via Canadp.. The deceiver explained his predicament to the real ranchers. For the eood name of the community, they agreed to lend him some cf their cattle, for the duration of the visit of the BTa. Hat from India. In fact, t he- entered into the spirit of the thin? and equipped the black rtieap with an imposing (temporary) ranch house and a'.l trimmings. The snti-plimax was that the Btass Hat changed his mind at the last minute and didn't come. Incidentally, the Life of Bob Edwards would make a side .' splitting play on Stage 51 for :hc iCBC or as a theatrical production in connection with the Calgary Stampede. IOVE THE lsaJ M MP W 1 O&K y Wf Chase Sons of Norway meeting, Wednesday .October 11, 8 pm. (237c Moose Saturday night Whist Drive in the Temple at 8 o'clock Women and men ol the Moose please attend. (240) Canadian Legion Women's Auxiliary card party, Wednesday, 8 p.m., side entrance. (237c) Come to First United Church tonight at 8 p.m. A public meeting featuring The World Convention on Christian Education. Delegates who were present speaking. it) "HARD TIME DANCE" Legion Auditorium, Friday, Oct. 13th, 9:30 p.m. Members Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary. Ticket. obtainable at Canadian Legion or Gordon & Anderson's. (240) fa REGULAR MONTH- favj-SK 'Nation of new mem-Yaj bers and Zone Com-mander's report on Dominion Convention), Canadian Legion Hall., Wed., Oct. 11th, 8 p.m. Take a look in the windows of the old Overwaltea Store: 100s and 100s of items for sale and more coming every day: Prince Rupert Rotary Club's Auction Sale This Saturday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock. BE THERE! (239) WE MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL OIL BURNER STANDS PHONE 884 THOM Sheet Metal Ltd. Reddy Kilowatt I," ' i o'clock, Oct. 14. Rebekah Bazaar, October 18 Job's Daughters Fall Fashion Show and Entertainment, Civic Centre, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. Reserve this date Conrad School P.TA. card party Friday, October 20, 8 p.m. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. Remember United Church Bake Sale, 11 to 4, Saturday, Oc- tober 21, at 429 Third Avenue west, next to Wallace's- Salvation Army Fall Bazaar. Oct. 24. St. Peter's Fall Bazaar, Oct. 26 Sonja Bazaar, October 27. Conrad School P.T.A. Hallowe'en Hoedown, Friday, October 27th, 8 p.m. Games, prizes, dancing,- refreshments. Everybody welcome. Moose Bazaar, Nov. 2 and 3. Legion AuxUiaiy Fall Bazaai November 8. Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 10. St. Andrew's Cathedral W.A Fall Sale, Nov. 18. iOD.t,. tall bazaar Ntnembet 23. L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. United Church Fall Bazaar December 7. I Improves the flavour of SOUP Jf . mm Simply mix pinch of Col-ma o'i muiaiid whb t little cold water, let it wand for a few moments, then mix with oup before tenring. You at tmu the improvement! For free recipe book, "Culinary Art", write to Reckitt Colman (Canada) Ltd, Station T, Montreal. "s5 QUICKC SS VVSAahaa. I & Ssntsm Aid. and Mrs. G. D. Frizzell and son, Douglas, leave by tonight's train for Toronto, where Mr. Frizzell will attend the meeting of the Federated Auto Dealers' Association as representative from British Columbia division. INDIAN UNIVERSITIES There are 27 universities in India. i - hi, i. PLANNING BUILDING REPAIRING ' Call 363 MITCHELL &CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractor! Extra I ii r i : ' 0 Low Available W McBride Street. r AaTAB7V- 1 Y0UR AlL Arouhd SERVICE I s mm 1 MSTAAT COFF's ASWUtDA I I C E CIIEAM (whole- V short JitMf fvcJ fi m mm BY FREAN'S Vers of lipert Florists v All Occasional I Box 510 Tel. 77'. IC PUMP In calf 1 5 to 10 f toB 10.95 i SHOE STORE l.TD. ti' Roberts Box 638 if I . ': is i'-' rh!rn DroP V0U'11 Pounds ' ' ' nd' un rut . "'"'"'"s t ''"ver;tbric!,al fhlPresels f I I Approved a recommendation by the utilities committee that $200 be spent on purchasing a ladder, pump and siren for the new fire truck. In answer to a communication from Watson Island Stages asking the council to lend their sup port in trying to keep the road to Terrace open during the winter, Instructed the city clerk to write to the district engineer request lng him to use 'every effort to do so. Copies will go to the Minister of Public Works at Victoria Granted Aid. J. N. Forman three months' leave of absence with pay due to illness. Aid. O D. Frizzell was appointed to replace Aid. Forman on the utilities committee. Aid. D. Fitch replaces him on the health, social assistance, police and licensing committee. Granted permission to Booth I Memorial High School to hold a i i tae riav Nnvemhpr 1ft tm rniup. L 7 , 7 1 money for the school orchestra.; Recommended that the board' of works look into the possiblii- ties of installing two new per- ' manent sewers on McBride Street and from Second Avenue on ! Tenth Street. - Approved the lease of certain properties on Eleventh Avenue to the Department of National Defence at 10 per cent of its assessed value'per year, provided the roadway was not blocked off. Jobs For Over 45 's Few and Far Apart HALIFAX 0) Workers over 45 years of -age are having a j tough time getting jobs here. J. K. MacDonald, manager of the National Employment Service here, said recently that the task of finding employment for work- 0.10 mm V- o f o cm a n r-an 1 TM-nH lom flnd I. hornmin.. mnr ser - lous every day. He claimed that employers who prefer younger men and women as workers have seriously endangered the posi tion of any person over 45 in trying getting a Job. . FIVE-YEAR TENURE The Ontario Legislature, " the House of Assembly, is composed of 90 members elected for five years. Says: oniWnO n.rf . . n i" limn '4 mm YES, IT'S SO filial fj STAND NCXT T0 NEW LlQU0R store if t : . here's Instant Coffee that's FLAVOR PERFECT! comfort and less work for1 you with a Coleman Oil Heater in Cost Efficient in , Operation now at "(10 KITCHEN SHOULD BE WITHOUT THESE AIDS!" Ysu Tt Ktsr fcwar fear pood imtsnt ccrcs With a SAVING over regular coffee as much as 40 a Ib.l For generations the name of Chase & Sanborn has stood for fine coffee. And here's an "instant" coffee so rich and satisfying that we're proud to name it Instant Chase & Sanborn. Its robust, full-bodied, trur-coffee flavor will quickly change your ideas about "instant" coffee. You'll be delighted with its speed and ita eomemP!ire but still more with Its marvellous flavor and lift! And the saving's simply amazing! As much as 40 cents a pound over regular coffee! So get Instant Chase & Sanljorn today ay goodbye to brewing a. Phone 311 i; EASY-TO-PAY m LAY-AWAY PLAN! An Eltctrie K.ttlt - The way of boil-in water I Ju plug it in enough boiling water for four cupj of tea or coffee in 2'2 minutes . . . It's fast because the element is right in tbt water all the hrat,goes into the water no current is wasted. Can't overheat turns itself off automatically if it should boil dry ... A "rnu" when there's sickness in the house ... and handy any time. to grounds and messy coffee pots. Remember, it will save you up to 40 pound on your coffee buying. SUE TOOK REAL XT, 1 T i - I t.J. I COFFEE PEOPLE TO MAKE REAL INSTANT COFFEE canto until you 1h0 only'instonf'coffa backed by 5 yea is of coffee experience Let It Rain! if Yes, let it rain for you will be smartly protected in one of our NAVY BURBERRYS . . . and for the Men we have a large selection of Burberrvs and Croydon TRENCH COATS $23.50 up 20 OFF OUR ENTIRE STOCK Hanson's China Shop m DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRINO MllWk cents a IT m v m m JOHN H. BULGER. OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue For Clean, Courteous Service Call TAXI 65 TAXI Now U.rcder New Management If we don't have a car, we'll call you one L..i.ti c I BUS fiftfel BEST! 1 5 WHEN TRAVELLING TO TERRACE in " f;cl lhis elcc" ''K'"'"' Y"' hetause f its hi "e-UtiEfp ,ime hy "nu'h ' "'UneS CrteCt An EUctric Tootr Tosst, msde right on the dining table or in the kitchen, ust to every, body's taste lightly done, golden brown, crisp and piping hot. Saves time . . . prevents waste for you, only make just enough. A handsome piece to grai your table, loo! Toasts both sidc at once. Leave Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m. v Arrive Terrace 1:20 p.m. Leave Terrace 6:15 p.m. Arrive Prince Rupert-.... 10.00 p.m. mi Acme Clothing Store $3.80 SINGLE $6.85 RETURN 5 Yes We Corry Express!! I Phone 555 for Information WATSON ISLAND STAGES LTD. Serving the Public of Prince Rupert for Over 33 Years