Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 11, 1950 THE MOST RAVED-ABOUT HIT SKaT "UACTV liriS iCougars Upset Royals in Opener jls Organizing '.'For Disaster ! wun ncAKI Starring Richard Todd, Ronald R VANCOUVER Ot The Pacific TERRACE The monthly meet-ine of the Red Cross, local yuu, ratricj u nMj Olves the Greatest P-f 5 i branch, was held In the nurses' Coast Hockey League cut down to the northern division this season, opened its marathon schedule Friday night with Victoria ""'"an(orth,v... lounge of the Outpost Hispital and was attended by James Ste- MvflARD TODD venson, president, H. M. Wlght- Cougars providing a first game WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY upset in whipping the New Wert- Z ' man, Mrs. C. J. Norrington, Mrs. a I Hamlin, Mrs. E. Brooks, E. S. 1-9 P.M. minster Royals 4-3. In another 1950-51 debut, Van couver Canucks and Seattle Iror.- Owen Sound men battled it out to a 2-2 tie. The RovalR. defending champs. wins upencr i cmss, fina, . Laird, Father Racette, Constable Wilson, Rev. P. M. Mallett. Duet to the illness of the secretary, P ! Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Norrington I acted as secretary. Mr. Mallett gave his report of j 1 the Regional Red Cross meeting I which he had attended at Mc-' TORONTO fc Adanacs of New Var oM fn,.. " Wlp were outhustled. outfought and outskated by the young eager Westminster lost 8 to 7 rS nn L,.i. ... . . m': oriJ JOB'S DAUGHTERS fashion show : CIVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM Friday Night . . . This Week ... 8 o'clock Styles by Wallace's Dept. Store o j n """'Ma nt th., ouuuu Lii-sceuis in me opener three minutes befo J Cougars. Monday night Seattle defeated Victoria 5-2. Bride as the Terrace delegate. Present at that meeting were i Col. Scott, E. Mansard, provin- HOLLYWOOD CAFE Tuesday night Portland won 7 to 2 over Vancouver and Seattle defeated Taeoma 4 to 1. cial chairman of the Disaster Committee and Mrs. deSatge. It j "iwas stated at that meeting that it had not been the intention of j the the Society to spend so much! MOST, UP-TO-DATE CAFE $ THECI' Advertise throuim Classifieds. mon seining seasons on money oh Blood Donor service1 but it was unavoidable, and Queen Charlottes closed at the i . 1 1 . Season Was Successful QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY week-end. It is estimated that j could not be given up. "Let's picnic here. This seems to be as nice a spot . as wc"y find today." fish! The local branch has an ac OPEN FROM 7:30 PM to 3:30 AM We Specialize In Chinese Dishes to CHOP SUEY CHOWMEIN For Outwide Orders PHONE 133 over $1,000,000 worth of (Special to The Dally News) ASTHMA RCLIXF No wrd to whertr. nap, oouh. choke Tftnplrtoti' RAZ-MAH ioownt tht Strangling phlgm five jron quick comforting rcliff. you l-p mtiuttr on your hck. Rftmmrndi by unri (or Hay Fever nd Bronchiua. One of the most successful sal- were taken from these waters tive and enthusiastic "Disaster Committee and H. M. Wightman was appointed committee chairman, replacing Mrs. W. Robinson who has had to decline it. Thi Scotch for Toddy 'Sn Awfu' Waste Aged Men at Terrace Home TERRACE Last Thursday morning saw the arrival of a branch chairman, James Stevenson, was thanked on the wonder-! i ful work he has done for the Red LONDON 0 Take equal por-' lions of Scotch, French Ver mouth and Drambuie, mix with CHOCOLATE CI special train of eight cars with , adding a squeeze of lemon ; Cross while he has been here and ! regret at his departure for the I south was expressed by all present. Vice-president, Mrs. I. Frank, will be asked to carry on as president until the annual meeting in January. ll . ' ,T Peel and you have a "Braemar ' v. u took residence ,outh who up at, v. ., PRINTING FOR EVERY PURPOSE . , . We'll follow your instructions implicitly or, if you wish, add a creative touch that will lend distinction to your printed matter. Moderate prices. Call us! Phone 234 11 TT 11.. . 1 ... V V-V " ( 1. This is only one of the many drink mixtures given m a new Like Mother Used to BoW Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping a.nd General Cartagt and Storage Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service. Also agents for Canadian Liquid Air Co. Lta., for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. UINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED Cor 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Phorvt 60 and fit iously a military hospital, situ- nt-nA nn 4Vtn V-wrt n oV n rrt V nf (Ir Wages in B.C. Lead Canada which had sc7fo7the ScoU publication devoted U the and history of Scotch dred beds and which was com-!m"its r.letely dismantled of all furn- i w?Ky- . . . , . ev,. . f t,n int The book also tells, for thr NOW AT RUPERT BAKERY LTD VANCOUVER. The average benefit of the many who do nol war A petition sponsored by the Phome 234 PRINTERS weekly wages and salaries paid in British Columbia during July led all provinces in Canada, employees receiving $48.40 per I week. This was according to the I Bureau of Statistics. 3rd Street STATIONERS Prince Rupert OFFICE SUPPLIES know, the correct way to make whisky toddy: Take a heated glass, insert a spoonful of sugar and sufficient boiling water to dissolve, and half a glass of whisky and stir with silver spoon. Pour in more Terrace Board of Trade and signed by a large number of the townspeople that ths buildings should be used as a hospital instead of meeting the fate of the other army buildings here was the means of having it kept boiling water and top that with whisky. "An awfu' waste o' guid Scotch," the recipe writer for that purpose. The work of "converting it and refurnishing it has taken many months to -to and, even now, it is not finished. That was the reasrn given for there being no official opening. One hundred and forty men. Ve0t i 1 V' IwHatyousova M tee 1 Is the most " ?ome . 0aj Seagram's w Sure Seagram's "V.O." Seagram's "83" Seagrams Crown Royal Seagram's Kings Plate Seagrams Special Old Bennett & White Given Contracts CALGARY The city has approved awarding of contracts totalling $909,544 in connection with the new west wins; of tln hospital. General award hs been placed with Bennett Si White Ltd. An Edmonton contract has also gone to the same "me very infirm and old, got off the train on Thursday morn-ine. It was a slant to inspire aladness that was such a fine home rentv tn we!rome them where they will have all the care and attention which is heir due as the senior members of our province who are alone firm. This will be the cnnrrnic i and sick. The local practitioners will oivo'tViom rarp nnrt the nrut- I tion f 52 buildings in a $3 500 . res appointed by the government rental apartment scheme In i or.- the local Catholic priests and tne Strathearn area. This idvertiiiment it not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of B Archdeacon Hodson of St. Matthews Church. YES - This is Mrs. Pongracz, Terrace, Dies . TERRACE Interment of the late Mrs. F. Pongracz took place on Monday morning following services in the Catholic Church conducted by Father Leray. mi Father Racette officiated at th; "raveslde. Principal mourners were the husband and childreij of deceased. , The late Mrs. Pongracz was , born in Hungary on March 26. sa.Jdtoct 14 APPLE DAY 1899 and with her husband and two children came to Dencil. Sask.. early in 1929. Later in that vear they came to Terrace where they have resided ever since. Five other children were born here. Mrs. Pongcratz is survived j by her husband, Frank, Anns.! (Mrs. Tomatace), Frank, Mary.. Elizabeth, Barbara. Margaret j Here is another opportunity for you to adopt this tried and tested system of saving money. You can buy Bonds for cash of course. Or if you prefer, the Royal Bank will arrange for you to buy them by regular monthly instalments out of income. The procedure is simplicity itself. All forms and full information available at every branch. All Proceeds To Go To GYRO PLAYGROUNDS 8 Matthias, all of Terrace. Death came suddenly on Saturday morning at 6:30. She had appeared quite well the evening before when she welcomed her son and his bride who had been honeymooning in the east. Pallbearers were C. L.M. Gig-gey, A. Mile, G. Gair.p. Hipp, C. Ebny, L. Gair. THE ROYAL BAN II OF CANADA BE SURE AND SUPPORT THIS GYRO COMMUNITY SERVICE Try a Dally News Classified. :: BUY A BOX TODAYS " 11 FANCY MACS $4.40 BOX MAC CEES .. $3.85 BOX ..f Phone Red 324 or conlact any Gyro Member O IT HOW ft ft v i?,w ; VACUUM PACKED HOMOGENIZED This space courtesy of the following firms: ORMES DRUGS PARKER LTD. ALBERT . McCAFFERY MrrAtCFov BOB FASHION FOOTWEAR McRA BRQS