4 JSr.nre Kuorrt DaflP &tv9 m. Advertise ia at April 23, 1948 TO FLOAT L06S TO PORT EDWARD Once operation of the cellulose plant at Port Edward gets under way, the Skeena, Bulkley, Naas and Klspiox Rivers will all be made use of In getting the timber out from the interior country. The Omiiieca Herald mentions that Col. Bert Trem-blay, forestry engineer, was In Classifieds: 2c per word per Insertion, ulnlmum charge. 80c Birth Not!"i: 50c; Cards of Thnnks. Denih Notions. Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements: $2. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE 31asiftfd Advertising Is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. HKI.P WANTED Friday. CIVILIZATION MORE UNKIND Experience of Captive Deer at Juneau Some years ago a deer that roamed the Tslmpsean peninsula took it into his horned head to swim across to the new city of Prince Rupert. He felt just, plain curious, and wanted a closer look than the width of the harbor afforded. The deer managed to scramble ashore somewhere lr. the neighborhood of the drydock and then and there his troubles began. Quickly sighted it tried to keep away from humans and bow-wows, but wearied after a while and could not run any longer. However, Prince Runert was kind. The deer was restored to the forests 'and in the sipn language told to stay awav from George Brett Wins In Legion Billiards Another game in the first round of the English billiards tournament at the Canadian Legion has been played, O. R Brett (no handicap beating Les Porbfts inlns 401 wtt.h fl sr-nrp of ' M tQ m Brett , d a steady . ,Khf onH iirt.rt a break of 20 during the match. SHORT SPORT !..' HERTFORDSHIRE, England- Grand old man of hunting, Edward E Barclay, 83, died here. He had been Master of j i - i- j ti.. .. i r Ei . tne rucwruuKe nm ui veai's- Fur several years his son, Maj. M. E. Barclay, shared his duties as joint master, and last iwo raceiiurses were auiuu in an unusual accident during steeple-chasing at Foil tweil Park In England. Mountain Path fell at the second fenoe, regained his feet and, riderless, pursued the field. At a junction in the track he turned around and ran back the way he had come, directly into the path of the other horses making " their second circuit. He ,, , who died of his Injuries. Mountain Path was destroyed. No Jockeys were seriously injured. The fur on a weasel's back is reddish brown in summer, but hecomes white riurinsr verv cold winters. i ONE OF CANADA'S leading insurance companies ha an excellent opening for a full-time representative in Prince Rupert. If interested enquire for Mr. Kenneth Thomson at the , Prince Rupert Hotel on Saturday, April 24, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. (97) WANTED Experienced meat cutter. Apply Jones Family Market. Uf) WANTED Someone to repair lady's seal coat. Apply 1104 8th Ave. East. (96) WANTED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARE cash for fish or pleasure boat, duty free, in good condition; twenty-eight feet or more. Write A. J. Thompson, Box 2278, Ketchikan, Alaska. Include snapshots. - (98) WANTED 12 ft. or 14-ft. clinker built rowboat in sound condition. Clease reply giving price and particulars to Box 789, Prince Rupert. . (tf Y PERSONAL H O B B I E S We can supply all your hobby needs. Leather- BIRTHS WOOD At the Prince Rupert General Hospital, April 22, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wood, 432 Fourth Avenue East, a sou. Ut FOR SALE FOR SALE Canaries. Singers and hens. Two for price of one. Also breeding cages. Star Shoe Repair, Fulton St. FOR SALE 1935 Ford Tudor sedan, good mechanical con dition. Apply Royal Hotel, ' afternoons or evenings. 1 97 FOR SALE 50 Bundles Used Shingles. Al shape. 760 Alfred Street. (tf) FOR SALE OR RENT Walk-In Refrigerator, 18 ft. by 34 ft., in four compartments. Red 441. (tf) FOR SALE Trolling boat, "Magnor", 32-ft., fully equip-ped. Wm. Ballantyne, Massed, B.C. tl03 FOR SALE Simplex Engines lfa to SI H P. air cooled; 30 to 185 H.P. Marine Straight or Reduction Drive: also Station ary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. (t) the big towns ,and wat::h OUt'v,ar Duiduy, uie ma- the moment the deer nhootlng ! ir s son. became joint master started. j with nis fatner and er"d- An irldrtenr similar fn this hut. ' f ather. Civic Centre , Saturday SPORTS P. M. 2:00-Badminton . Special Event! P. M 2:00 Duchess Edinburough Tea 2:30 Leathercraft Group 2:30 Minstrel Show Matinee MEN'S FIVE PN -H LEAGUE Apr. 23 Armv vs. Fish Dock Co-ou vs. Cantisco, Mutts vs' Thorn Sheet Metal. LeaTs vs beouans. Stones vs. Thorn-clifles, Grotto vs. Moose. ! Anr. 30 Mutts vs. Scotians , Leats vs. Moose, Thornclities vs Canfisco. Stones vs. Thorn Sheet Metal. Armv vs. Grotto, Co-op vs. Fish Dock. Mav 7 Co-op vs. Grotto. Stories vs. Canfisco. Fish Dock vs. Scotians. Mutts vs. Moose. Leafs vs. Thorn Sheet Metal Army vs. Thorncliffes. ' SCHEDULE OF MIXED BOWLS April 25 MlM or Hit vs. B C Parken, CougKrr, vs. Idral rt- iifnu. IkIhiiiIitk vc. . urownwomiH Triple XXX vs. CIO. Mujr a- Inlanders vs. C.T.O., Triple XX vs. BrownwcxxlH. Couxnrs v. BC piu-kcrs, Mlns or Hits vs. Ideal Detergents. May B Cougars vs. Rrownwoods. Miss , Hit vs CY O . Islanders vs Ideal Detergents, Triple XXX vs. B C. Packers. MEN'S "A" FIT-PINS Apr. 26 Kilowatts vs. Ambas-adors. Mansons vs. North Star, Revellers vs. McMeekins. Mal-kins vs. Continentals. Burns vs. Brownwoods. Morgans vs. Home Oil. fTrff." ? McMki, Home Oil vs. Ambassadors. Kilo- wats vs. North Star. Mansons vs. Revel- L Hazeltou recently in connection with Umber cruising. As a means of transport, covering al most all kinds of timber, the rivers will be used extensively in driving the pulp wood out to be made Into booms to reach salt water, and from this point towed along the coast to Port Edward. Baseball Scores THURSDAY American League Philadelphia 5, Boston 3. Detroit !, Chicago 2. National League Brooklyn 6, New Yolk 3. Chicago 0, Pittsburg 3. Boston 10, Philadelphia 4. Cincinnati 4, St. Louis 3. Pacific Coast Sacramento 4, San Francisco 3. Los Angeles 5, San Diego 0. Other games postponed. Western International Vancouver 9, Wenatchee 8. ( 12 innings. Spokane 13. Bremerton 3. Yakima at Tacoma, rain, Victoria at Salem, rain. WEDNESDAY Vancouver 12, Wena-xnee 11 Bremerton 9 Spokane 6 LONDON 9 -Minnie, a Syrian I bear at London Zoo, has given 1 birth to three cubs. Her hus - : band Is Pickles, a European bear. ! i f V craft. Shellcraft, Solid Model other side was reached tne poor Kits, Model Flying Planes and ef-Motors, ,mie creature aleA from th0 Model Railroad Sup- fects of terror and exhaustion, plies. Just arrived, large ship- The Empire comes across wi(h ment of English Tooling tWs gagft observation-Mora'.: Leathers. Write for mail order clvmzatiorl can be worse than FOR SALE Here's a Good Buy. Used Underwood Typewriter in first class condition. Room 3 Stone Building. Phone Red 593. (tf) .FOR SALE Kitchen Cabinet, Dining Room Table and chairs, ." Buffet. Good condition. Phone Blue 406. (99) Royal Scot Highland Whisky fT ,1 fi.i M.YJh me bat We N,.. n I New Shipmerv These Famous (j SIZES TO FIT LARGE AND S WliKV y0l. TJ lMHtn 1 MI'MI',1 H ACM THE CLOTHING m THAT HANDLES . GRADES OF STAXFIKLDs VANCOUVl AND INTERMf DIATE I EACH THURSj AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKJ WEDNESDAY ItflDMlJ F"r information call o: City or Depot Ti'ltet u PRINCE Rl PERT, B i ISmv Atailahl LOOK FOR TBI NEW RED AN WHITE GOLD SEAL LA ! 1.11:1 IJ Pi It's AH Til for - Durability and Last'" 81 THIS RUBBER TILE IDEALLY SUITED KITCHEN AND BAl ROOM OR ANY THAT TAKES THE PACT OF MANY FJ SaanichPlumbir and Heating Cor. 4th and McBride-Bi ) ft YOUR BEST EATING PLAC VS Fl'tL-COrRSE II a m. to P BANQUET HAIXJ LUNCHEONS, V AND PARTIS !' CHINESE broadwa CAFE , ..... w Pt,onl' catalogue, western Canada's Largest Hobby Store. T. P. MODELS Si HOBBIES, 780 Fort St., Victoria, B.C. WORK WANTED MIDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phonf Green 588. (tf) WORK WANTED Experienced fisherman wants work on halibut boat. Share basis. Bx 332 Daily News. (06) PERSONAL REPAIRS to all sewing machines Pre estimate ftn rpmipst. Phone 864, Singer Sewing Machine Co. (tf) WILL give day home to children from four to six years for working mothers. Good care, quiet location for play. 971 Bacon Street, off Hays Cove Ave. Call evenings or Phone Black 687. (97) ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street (tf) FOUND FOUND Small change purse y-'J-Jfi "'"J FOR SALE TENDERS are invited for the purchase of Lot 1. Block 6, .District Lot 361, Village of Terrace, comprising the Real Estate and the two-storey building presently occupied by the Terrace Post Office and residence at rear and upstairs. Tenders will close at noon on the 21st day of May, 1948. The highest or any tenders not necessarily accepted. Administrators of the Esta'e of Mary A. Greig. Onnallee Kirkaldy and Helen Forbes. (It) FOR .SALE Bed chesterfield Phone Black 496. (tf) FOR SALE Ambrose Avenue: 6 room house with harbor view; solid foundation; part basement; garden. Owner leaving town will sell fully furnished. Reasonable. Also 5 room house close in; quite new and in excellent condi tion; part basement to rock; smartly finished interior; lawn. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342 (99i FOR SALE Boy's bicycle, $15. Phone Black 491 after 6. (98) FOR SALE 7.000 feet 2x6 fir flooring, 4,000 feet corrugated galvanized roofing, doors, windows and timbers. Apply R. C. Mutch. (tf) FOR SALE New and used Furniture. Used 5 - piece kitchen set $12.50; twin beds, beautiful design, complete, electric Hoover $7.50; radios from $10; chlnaware; new kitchen ranges; camp stoves; used chesterfield bed $17.50; 7-piece dining room suite $17.50; chesterfield chairs $12.50; cups and saucers 25c; all kinds new and used hardware; new fishing gear. For good bargains see B.C. FURNITURE CO., 3rd Ave. Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE 8 tube Northern Electric Console Radio, 1 table lamp, 1 coffee table and radio lamp. Phone Red 562. (96) FOR SALE Empty 500-pound steel drums. Apply Daily News. (tfl FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Special Deluxe Sedan. Newly Painted. Excellent condition. Apply 13 Taxi. 97 1 FOR SALE Gerhard Heintzman Cabinet Grand Piano. Phone 422. (97) FOR SALE Bcuscher E Flat Baritone Sax. Recently rebuilt. Phone Blue 326. (97) FOR RES'! FOR RENT Furnished cabin. Nice, clean and warm. 1112 Park Ave. Green 224 after 5 P-m. (97 1 FOR RENT Furnished suite, j Apply 336 9th Ave. West. 96 FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite. 1028 2nd. Ave. Blue 270 (98) FOR RENT Comfortable sleeping room. 806 Fraser Street (98) FOR RENT Sleeping room. Also 2-room apartment. 100 4th ! West. (99i for uk rent pttmt tw Two-roomed rnnn,ari '.iVo suite, ' fiK . ..-r.-.-v-j x, luiiufiwuu ui uiii ui niauru. 11 u. 20, Cow Bay. (96) TENDERS WANTED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Wednesday, May 5th, for the purchase of Lot 17, Block 2. S. D. of D.L. 468, Plan 905, Cassiar District, Stewart Townsite, together with 3 roomed house and contents situate thereon. Terms: Strictly cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Gordon F. Forbes, Official Administrator of the Estate of Grace Alice McMillan, deceased, Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. (100) MACHINERY. FOR SALE TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) LONDON '(fi Britain will receive, under a five-year contract, 105,00,000 dozen export with not such a happy ending. happened at Juneau. Alaska, last week. A yearling buck swan across Gastlneau Channel from i Douglas Island Into Juneau. A swarm - of youngsters appeared and men tried to round up the wanderer from the woods. By this time it was badly frightened and fagged. Finally, underneath the subport dock, Juneau game fJT. In Tv.o Tiw officials placed i the h-7; deer in their speed boat to return it to Doug las Island. However, before the the jungle. SHIPS and WATERFRONT Assuming the company's Al aska route for the spring, C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, Capl. P. L. Leslie, arrived in port at 7:30 yesterday morning from Vancouver and sailed an hour later for Skagway and other 1 "c return here Mondfly "mn I j southbound. The Princess Louif 9 , replaces the Princess Norah j which has been on the northern ; , run through the winter and which will be tack again In the summer to operate opposite tj the Louise with the opening of the tourist season. Crabs large enough to measure five feet across are bein caught by- an American fishing expedition to the Behring Sea, according to word received in Oregon. More than 900 casc3 have already been taken. The chief supervisor of fish- tion requires that the person doing the killing turn In the seal nose promptly. Thousands of fur seal dot the i seas a'l the way from southern j California, as they make their wav towarci the pribilof Islands 01 Alaska' 0r alm0st haU tne distance to japan, mis is tne annual breeding season. Patrols are necessary over that mile- age. Train Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. CORSHAM, Wiltshire, Eng. 9 The Pickwick estate, reputed to be the birthplace of the Bath inkeeper whose name Dickens made famous, was auctioned recently. Most of the tenants bought their cottages from 109 $4O0) and upwards. LONDlE FOR SALE "Easy" spin dry washing machine, recently . overhauled. Phone Black 838. (96) FOR SALE Six rooms and bath. Hot water heating concrete foundation and basement. 5th Avenue West. $6,000.00 Cash. Can be bought on. terms Possession arranged for. 150 5th Avenue East 5 rooms and utility room. Fully modern, in excellent condition immediate occupancy $3800.00 cash or $4000.00 terms. 1054 9th Avenue East rooms, modern with concrete foundation, brick chimney on l2 lots. $2,500.-00 cash or terms Possession arranged. Seal Cove: near airport, 4 romed house with 2 room suite In basement. Immediate occupancy $2,100.00 small Gown payment balance as rent. 5 rooms and bath 8th Avenue East. $1,000.00 cash or terms Immediate possessionno reasonable offer refused. 9th Avenue East 4 rooms and bath with 2 room cabin at rear $2,700,000 cash or terms. 9th Avenue East 6 rooms and bath fully modern. $3,800.00 Cash. Thompson Street 6 rooms and bath furnished $3,- 000.00. Cash or terms. Call or Phone H. G. HELGERSON LTD. 96 or Black 899 (tf) containing small amount of j eries. A- J- Whitmore, announces cash. Owner may have same jthat the $5 bounty on hair seals by calling at the Daily News,3 bein8 renewed. Money collec- .., !' 1 ' ! t ' :: H t 4 1 i ! 1 t i nighlaml "hinkT. Ve Invite ynrt to try Royal Scot Keaerve Iltliluml V liUky. You will aerva ' it oflrn, anil ivilli pride. The result (if the skilful Mending of the finest of S'ollmh anil Canadian mult whisVirs is Hiram Walker'a distinctive Hoysl Scot Veserve T7u'i advertisement is not pulJitJml or tHspln-rl by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, and paying for this advertise ment. (tf) lETAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and remirs ?hvpt mftat WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roof- ing. Letourneau & Sons, 639 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) FOUND LAW DULL Montaigne, the famous French essayist, entered the leeal tiro fession and succeeded his father as a magistrate at Bordeaux, but ,,,,, ,, ... ' , found 1V, tne law courts tedious. He later became mayor of Bor- deaux. Classified Advertising Pays! Advertise In the Daily News! ANNOUNCEMENT THOM SHEET METAL LTD. IS AGENT FOR FAWCETT Air-Conditioning Furnaces Place your order now for summer installation. ( Plan ahead for Venter, comfort with k " FAWCETT V THOM SHEET METAL LTD. 253 East First Ave. Black 884 Royal Scot RfSIMVC Highland Whisky HIRAM WALKER t SONS LIMITED WALKERVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA -A Dagwood Superspccial. By Chic Young FOR SALE 9th Avenue East Four-room house, partly furnished; two-room partly furnished cabin at rear. $2,650.00. Atlin Avenue, close In Seven-room house, 4 bedrooms, glassed-in porch; workshop at rear. $4,500.00. Sherbrook Avenue Five-room furnished house, 2 bedrooms, workshop; two lots. $2,000.00 cash. Frederick Street Four - room house. $2,200.00. Borden Street Attractive modern home. Corner Fulton and Sixth Avenue West Store building and warehouse space. , FOR RENT Modern heated office space. P. TINKER & COMPANY LIMITED Bcsner Block, Prince Rupert Phone 57 Agents for Life, Fire, Auto-. mobile. Liability, Burglary, Plate Glass, and all other types of Insurance. Business and Property Management. (tf WAIT--1 FOk'iSQT . 1 VAPMISHEO TH t ,VOU CANT GO J OUT THEPE r? I'M STARVED. l) TI'1GS 1 THINU.' A 6APDINEJ P THINK I'LL HAVE J:85T 1 ME -r" ESS, LETTUCE GhOS) A BEDTIME VJCE&OX J AMD OCAjr-BJTT SNACK ) -f ff SANDVOM Vn'ILL (& U) f 608 3iaflvu. able surplus eggs from Australia I