ptintc Cupctt SDaflp "r3rto Ltd. Friday, April 23, 1U18 Former Local Man Is Masonic Visitor Local News Items... ii. SHERWOOD OF TERRACE DIES E. B. Baker, for -many years a well-known resident of Prince Rupert, now,, living in Vancouver, sailed last night by the Highly Esteemed Pitinecr S. V. Leslie, supervisor of the Superior Stores organization, and Harry Croft, credit manager, are here from Vancouver for a visit of several days on company business. STEVENSON HEW ROTARY CLUB HEAD Mr. and Mrs. T. Eyolfson sailed last night on' the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Baseball Annual Meeting, Meeting of Int. Union Operating Engineers. Carpenters' Hall, Frl. April 23, 8 p.m. (96) K. P. Harding left by air Thursday afternoon for a business trip to Vancouver. Resident of Interior Town Passes in Vancouver Nigel Sherwood, for many years clerk of the village muni Prince Rupert' after revisiting the city for a couple of days. He arrived Wednesday afternoon on the Prince Rupert from Van Friday. ADril 23. 8 p.m. Civic cipality of Terrace and a well Centre. Election of officers. Im Douglas C. Stevenson was un couver and, in his capacity as known resident of Prince Ru- portant business. (96) animously elected president of grand first nrinrlnnl nf t.hp fEA BAGS district for four de- pert nearly RoyiU Arch Masons of Brltish the Prince Rupert Rotary Club Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Robins Fastball general organiz-tlonal Meeting, Civic Centre, 2 p.m. Sunday, April 25. All team managers and sponsors please caues, passed away at i.iu yes- Columbla( paid an ofIiclai vis. terday afternoon in Shaugh- lt to Kaipn rhant. ,flst nicrht at the vffcekly luncheon meeting of the Broadway Cafe Thursday To Clear sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a two weeks' trip to afternoon. New directors, also attend. (ws) Mr. Baker is how engaged in Vancouver and Kamloops. elected by acclamation, are G. nessy Military Hospital at Vancouver. Mr. Sherwood was forced to retire from active duties in Nov Harold Thorn and Henry Hcl- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Armstrong private accountancy work in Vancouver and makes his home in the University area. His older C. Mitchell, E. T. Applewhaite and Martin Stuart. Alex MRae in of the Canadian Fishing Co. returned to the city on Tuesday ember last year on account of ill-' left by air Thursday on a brief business trip to Queen Charlotte son, George, who served with night's train. Mrs. Armstrong has been on a two months' trip and Fred Scaddcn - were reelected treasurer and sergeant-at-arms, respectively. the Air Force in the war, is Odd Lines at SALE PRICES City. TERRIERS AREN'T ,1E ;t were originally dog Pursued rabbits and other but the word a burrows, 'applied to many dogs too back4 with the Pacific Fisheries REAL LIME-LIGHT The word llme-Ught once meant just what It says. Limelight was originally a bright illumination effect produced by heating lime to an extremely high temperature. health and had been a patient in the Smithers Hospital for several weeks Two weeks ago he was taken to Vancouver for sur to Eastern Canada. Kir. Arnv strong made a quick trip to Ed monton to. meet her. The new officers will take of Pure Wool Sweaters, Dress fice on July 1. Mr. Stevenson Boots and Oxfords, Jockey Experimental Station and his younger son, William, who was in the Navy, is .studying pharmacy. Mrs. Kay Keller, one and pampcrea w juoU, gical treatment. However, hi3 replaces Lee Gordon, 1947 - 43 Shorts and Shirts, at prices you cannot afford to overlook condition became gradually worse until he expired. Special Announcement Domenic Elio, owner of Elio's Furniture Store 'on Third Av daughter, is at Sandspit, Queen Watch our ad: WATTS Si NICK president. j Guests at the meeting were G. A. Hannon, Prince George; E. He is survived by his widow Charlotte Islands; the second ERSON. (mth enue, Prince Rupert, wishes to and daughter, Mrs. Victor Glr Mrs. Joan Hokanson, is at Nan 30 PAIRS OF Reg. Prices $7.50 to $15.00 BOOTS AND OXFORDS TO CLEAR C)J PAIR aud, who were in Vancouver with j naimo, and the youngest, Mary him at the e hd. The son-in-law. after havino- announce Closing Out Sale commencing Friday April 23 to April 30. Everything must be sold. (tf) C. Mapson, Vancouver; w. Thompson, Vancouver; Clarence Salter, Carlisle; John Watson Vancouver; R. O. Kitchin, Vancouver; William Bryant, Prince Rupert. Jack McRae was welcomed as Victor Giraud, : arrived in the vice of the Bank of Montreal, city from Terrace on last night's win be going to University of train and enplaned today for British Columbia in the fall. C. A. Berner, C.N.R. divisional Mrs. M. McLcod and daughter, Miss Netta McLeod, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Parker sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mr. Parker has been identified with the service of the War Assets Corporation here. Vancouver where the funeral will take place. Born in Birmingham, England, a new member. superintendent, leaves on this evening's train for Jasper to meet the new vice-president and general manager in charge of western lines, J. P. Johnson of Winnipeg, who is coming out on his first trip to the Pacific Coast. Mr. Berner expects to re Advertise in the Uaily News! 10 DOZKN ' Iicg. Price $1.15 and $1.00 JOCKEY SHORTS AND SHIRTS TO CLEAR EAC11 7Q( Alfrec Chow left by air this afternoon on a business trip to Vancouver. W. A. Thorn of Th6m Sheet Metal Co., Vancouver, left this afternoon by air to return to Vancouver after spending the 71 years ago, Mr. Sherwood was one of a large family. On his mother's side he had famous relatives such as Rudyard Kipling and Earl Baldwin. There Is one brother, Walter Sherwood, In the United States. Working for a time in the WHAT A DISU ) f n-IEY'RE FLUFFY tigtsribfa at toatt. soTlrT Li i turn to the city next Tuesday night. Hotel. . A . i Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST IN NEW OFFICES last few days in the city on busi to $7.50 Rru. $5.' $5.75 Cott? ness with the local office of the Canadian Legion Initi on Gabardine 1 9 SArrwais company. Prince Rupert ation of Officers, Friday, April 23, 8 p.m. at Legion Hall, followed by a Social Evening (Bring Missus). Members of You saw r in the News! J. F. Hull, Vancouver; Axel Bank of England, Mr. Sherwood emigrated to Canada as a young man and settled at Massett some time before World War I He was a teacher and lay reader there in the ear;y days for the Anglican Church. On the outbreak or World Wai I he enlisted and went overseas. Your Terrace; R. T. Davey. Hollyburn; R. J. Cook, Edmonton; G. Gen- Legion and W.A. only, at 9 p.m. ROOM 10 STONE BUILDING NEW PHONE (m-w-f) berg, Butedale; B. A. Latta Winnipeg; F. V. Clare, Edmonton; Mr. and Mrs-. B. Kline, Ketchikan; Carl Clear, Portland; E. Rev. S. Kinley, Anglican He was also treasuier of the Terrace .and District Board of Traide, chaplain of the Canadian Legion, a Justice of the Peace and an officer of Kitselas Lodge, A.F. & A.M., as well as a member of the Oddfellows' Lodge. serving with the 102nd. Battalion. After the war he returned Church missionary at Aiyansh on the Naas River, sailed last SQUALL SHIRTS AND WINDBREAKERS TO CLEAR $3.95 ai d $4.95 Ret'.' $4.95 lo $0.50 PURE WOOL SWEATERS Pull-Over Styles with Sleeves and Sleeveless TO CLEAR $2.95 $3.95 uud 4.45 D. Chandler, Hazelton; Dr. and to Canada -with his bride and Mrs. Prouse, Hazelton; Mrs. P night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. their young daughter. In 1921 BLUE 593 West, Hazelton; Francis Hinkle, they took up residence at Ter Ketchikan. 6 1 A shipment of nurses' high race on Braun's Island, later grade "Julia Arthur" oxfords has moving to the present home I..MI KKIilHlKY ACT llr: Orllfl.alr ..f Title No. 87S-1 ti pbub-belp lone -up your nervous yletn inipm your friiLe that's the ay to frel I-oIh KiMirUfll (14), I'lrtrrn (15) nml Hlxlmi (Hi). Him k Two (2), "Sunnydene," on the banks ot the Skeena River which Mi. Sherwood developed into one of the garden spots oi the community. Always taking a great inter 4 LUMMEIKL ) WE NOW HAVE STOCKS OF MI.IM.K OF KTKHAKT, Map W)X arrived. The Family Shoe Store. (It) Ernest Wilding sailed - last night on the Prince Rupert for a holiday trip to Vancouver and Penticton. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Ions of the above Certificate of Title rtrltrr. Mvaki-:ij hlps vool j lt puts imH-h-oeeuVl toWine in iff th llMMUtrr.m.NfVA.Ki,.p . A-Mi ISBUfd In the name of Cecil H. Fltz Herbert has been filed In this office, est in public affairs, Mr. Sher- notice Is hereby given that I shall mlvr 1 liuucli Cedar and Planks, lengths lo 20 and 22 fect. at the expiration of one month from ot m ilrui hut aioiply drru mrm kelp from the mineral-rii-h A llantic Ocean, mmd eom-rn trated in tiny tablet for your convenience. Take nova kkj,p bow! atrh the results. Un sale at all drug stores. 1 the date of the first publication here Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Forbes woed was clerk of the village of of Burns Lake are paying a visit Terrace from 1931 until Novem-in the citv with Mr. Forbes' i ber 1947 when the state of his Dinirniimi, 2x1, 2x6,2x8. pl.ip, all widths to 10 inches. of. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. N Shingles, Number 1 and Number 2, 5X. health necessitated retirement. mother, Mrs. E. Forbes, 244 Fifth Avenue West. Mrs. Forbes was DATED at the Land Registry Office PRICES ON APPLICATION 1uTnC ' tWS 14th day f formerly Muss Peggy Saunders ANDREW THOMPSON. Of tills City. Deputy Registrar of Titles Compliment Your SUIT (115) Mothers Day MAY 9 CARDS ALBERT AND McCAFFERY LTD. iJmW1 Mrs. C. H. Elkins sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver wnere she will' be Joined next month by Mr. Elkins for a motor trip into the Okanagan district with theii With a soft and frilly BLOUSE a Gibson Girl or IN THE SUPREME C-JURT OP URITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE ii the Matter of the "Administration ACT" Anil l l.unilirr Building Supplies PHONE 116 In (lie Matter nt t.nv, Kstate of i wr aa ar a Tailored Style son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William P. Elkins, oi furl (Karl) Morris HFversoo U- 'eael TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Victoria. YOU'VE HIT THE NAIL ON THE IIKAI! Asphalt or Cedar Shingles will solve your roofing problem. ORDER THEM FROM Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 3i3 v Builders and Conductors His Honor Judge W. O. Pulton, Local Judite of the Supreme Court of Bri at "t'-'rQ Mrs. , R. L. Mcintosh sailed last night on the Prince Rupert tish Columbia. I was on the eth day of April. A D. 1948. appointed Admin We have lovely creations in Pique, Lawn, Sheer, Crepe, and Rayon Jer istrator of the Estate or carl (Karl) Morris 8everson, late of Queen Charlotte City. British Columbia, who died on or about the lBth day of IT'S SAFE FOR US TO GUARANTEE OUR .... December. 1947. at Queen Charlotte for Departure Bay, Vancouver Island, where she- will pay a visit with Col. and Mrs. C. V. Evitt, AIR PASSENGERS Outbound To Vancouver: W City. British Columbia. All persons w. : indebted to the said estate are re .FOR quired to pay the amount of thcrr 5 ."Chicken in the Rough' 5 Indebtcdness to me lortnwttn and all persons having claims against the k Id estate are required to file them sey. All Sizes from O.'.f up WATCHES with me properly verified on or be . ru yrr a A. Thom, V. Girauti, A. Chow. Inbound From Sandspit: R. F. Davey, C. Jones. From Vancouver: Mr. Anderson. 1U iflAi. iiuivir. Call the ;I CIVIC CKNTItK DINING KOOM - PHONE 231 ;I D1BB PRINTING COMPANY Besncr Block Third Ave. We run no risk at all neither do you-l-vcryhodv knows that the makes we handle fore the 15th day of May, 1948, falling which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which 1 shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 7th day of April. A D. 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince upert, B c (96) sk about Our Personalized BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Charges Announcements All ndvcrtlwiiHMiw n this column will be churned for u full mouth at 25 cents a word First Choice of all overs ff superior. Wo (house them from all other makes because ' liavc tested them by long experience. It's safe for our lustjinrrs because we guar-"I'trc satisfaction. Only Bulger's Have the WATCHM ASTER to Tell How Watches Run Before Selling of JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Movlnp, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Carlace and Storage For Complete,, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Fark Avenues Established 1910 Fhoncs 60 and 68 BEANS mm 1 Lt l -wi Von Camp's r ta-oytd by mora fomiliti than any thar Irond. Women of the Moose tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Rotary Minstrel Show, evenings April 22 and 23. Children's matinee April 24. Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter Devonshire Tea, Civic Centre, April 24. Card Paxty, Catholic School Hall, April 29. United Church Spring ' Sale, April 29. Mother's Day Tea, Salvation Army Native Gill's llonic, May 4, 3-6 p.m. Print Rupert District Music and Drama Festival, Civic Centre, May 5 and 6, afternoons and evenings. St. Peter's spring sale. May 6. Gyro Klondyke Nile, May 7. , Mother's Day Tea, Home Cooking. Sonja Ladies, May 8, Suns CLOSING OUT SALE Commencing Friday, April 23 EVERYTHING MUST BE SOU) BY APRIL 30 INCOME TAX I HEADQUARTERS FOR OFFICE SUPPLIES RETURNS PREPARED SEE R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. j. (Near CFPRI QUALITY v I Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers For All Occasions Typewriters (Tortables and Standard) Staplers ' Ilox riles Ledgers Ulaiik I looks Favorile Files File Folders s Carbon Taper FOR YOUR OFFICE REQUIREMENTS see Baby Carriages $29.65 to $32.65 Tricycles $13.20 - $14.80 - $15.60 Trailers ... $6.50, Junior Trikes .... $6.95 Roller Skates .... $3.80, Saniboy .... $6.00 Electric Heaters $7,95; Doll Carriages $5.50 - $10.00; Electric Rangette $57.50; Kitchen Ranges $109.25, $129.90 and $139.90; 6 pc. Dinette Suite $69.50 and $82.50; Doll Cribs $1.00, $1.35, $1.50; Child Rockers '..U $3.50 and many other articles too numerous to mention GOOD I'SED LUMBER FOR SALE Shiplap, 2x4, 2x6, 4x4, and Donaconna ELIO'S FURNITURE STORE . 3rd Avenue of Norway Hall U.O.D.E.) 5th Ave. East, 2 p.m. Shrine Club Band Coticeil May 10. Registered Nurses Ass'n Tea, Nurses' Home, Wed., May 12. Piano Concert by John Joseph Franky, sponsored by Job's Daughters, Civic Centre, May 19. . St. Andrew's Anglican tea at the home of Mrs. W. S. Kergin, 324 4th Ave. West, May 27. Eastern Star Tea, June 3. ''""'t. enrich- jTVVlJ. ::l " o teuro you of r, J :.i ij ,uur gardening supplies " phone or call at : .. McBride Street Phone 31t " ' DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING SUPEKPAN PRESS KODACHUOME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. Mo 65 PRINCE RUPERT," B. C.