L- ffl PROVINCIAL LI3RA3Y, NORTHERN AND fcESiTHAllfcftMSH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER VICTORIA, B. C. Blue i DRUGS STAR Daily Delivery Cabs PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII. No. 96 PRINCE RUPERf, B.' C, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1948 - PRICE FIVE CENTS Rain and Firemen rab States To March Armies Save Small Town No Further Penalties Upon John Lewis Are Likely To Be Imposed KINNAIRD, B.C., Xh Forest rangers and volunteer firemen were successful yesterday In to Palestine After May 15 bringing under control forest i Labor Chiefs TEN YEARS FOR uk Traiisiordan (CP) King Abdullah to PASSPORT FRAUD fire flames which had encircled two houses in the community and threatened thl whole settlement. A heavy downpour of rain came just in time to aid the Return to Work il 'all Arab states to send armies into Pales- k ..1. tt,n L.u; u'hpn fJrpat. Rritain rrivps nn LONDON ffi Idel Wulngarten, 47-year old Polish-born engineer, was sentenced yesterday to two years on each of five counts of fire fighters. Kinnalrd Is a settlement of smelter workers about Appeal Heeded bailie uic uv... - . v.r ndate May 15. It is reported that as mariy as . from regular armies of six countries may im. i. M...r u; 15 miles north of Trail. corruption as ringleader of a 1 A ' If A Fish Boat Is Seized American Vessel Being Held Here for Illegal Halibuit Fishing Having In tow the American trolling boat Betty M., -which she seized at Atli Inlet, the Canadian fisheries patrol boat Sooke Post arrived at Prince Rupert last night .from the Queen Charlotte Islands. The fake passport ring which obtain i At Jerusalem Hagana (Jewish) ed entry to Britain and Canada officers guaranteed safe conduct for aliens. The sentences arc Filibuster PiUS to run concurrently. Four others are Involved. Twb No Point to Be Served By Further Punishment, Government Decides WASHINGTON, D. C. Judge T. Alan Gold.s-borough today postponed indefinitely any further to all Arabs quitting the battle- 1 scarred city of Haifa as a mass' exodus continued of 40,000 Arabs ! from Haifa. A Jewish Agency I spokesman said that Arab arms, 1 surrendered when the Hagana WED were sentenced to Jail and two In Ottawa were bound over on good be havlour. dHM-aiiM- so Many , trP lleluitcil y Betty M. will be held here for contempt of court penalty Progressive-Conservative Want of Confidence Voted Down C.C.F. Deferred OTTAWA A C.C.F. filibuster delivery to the United States militia won control of the city yesterday, would be held by British military authorities until May IS, when Britain lays authority for possible prosecu against John L. Lewis and the United Mine Workers' j . I'nr Plus, In a airmen!, in the Ameri- ttnn nnricr the international Union. Goldsborough accepted last night prevented a vote be- hallbut fishing regulations. She VICTIMS OF CAR CRASH RECOVERING said yesterday that down the mandate. They would then be turned over to Jewish' ,!..., "U,ill United States government uig wxen on mat party s warn- ,s alieged to nave had 16 hall- jl) NtTl.mim "... be of ;)i-connaence motion in tne gov-. b t on board durlng tne close ,i, in the annals recommendation that he impow? no further punishment at this eminent over the freight rates geaso issue pending me arrival nere . Bettv M. is a two-man of provincial premiers this yessel wUn Capt Harley R. Mar. One of the four victims of Thursday's traffic accident on the Port Edward road was released from hospital at noon today and the other three are BELGIUM HONORS UNKNOWN SOLDIER -Prince Charles, regent of Belgium, Is shown as he presented U. S. President Truman with the Belgian War Cro.ss to be awarded to the American Unknown Solder of World War 1L who is yet to be. chosen. The decoration was delivered to the chief executive at ceremonies in the White House, Washington. weeK-eno to protest at tne raieUn as skipper. Sne had been increase pending consideration salmon troiiing in Hecate Straits, of their special appeals. .The C.mzure was made Dy. Inspector authorities. Yesterday's Battle of Haifa, which started when Hagana, with its Irgun Zvai Leumi allies, swept down from Mount Carmel, Is estimated to have cost the Arabs 100 killed and another 100 wounded. BRITAIN'S FINAL WARNING At Lake Success today Britain urged the United Nations today to adopt emergency meas time. Assistant Attorney - General Graham Morison . said that no useful purpose could be accomplished by new fines against Lewis and the Union now. On .Wednesday Goldsborough fined Lewis $20,000 personally and the United Mine Workers ,iswy." tire people." the Pon-to Riven proof of 1U .souf civic duty and the lUly ire brighter with .n'lris. the Pope said he -sad" to sec many runinumi.sin ,a doctrine Mi only lead to dis-iy and soul." C. F. members kept the issue not Maurice Houghton and Capt. reported to be progressing by talking until midnight ana.' stewart after the hall-as such votes are not usually but haQ aUegedly been found on "nicely" from injuries received when two cars met In head-on laKen on rriaay, n is expeci,eu board collision. Skeena Highway Opened Today Miss Winnie Peters, 18-year of America Union $1,400,000 for criminal contempt of court. Lewis has since appealed to the miners to return to work it, will not now take place until next week by which time the provincial premiers will have presented their case to the gov old waitress, who received lacerations to her right hand in ures which would stop open warfare In Palestine. Arthur Creech-Jones, Colonial secretary, told the Assembly's special fifty-eight member political commit Snow Cleared Between Prince Rupert and Terrace the early morning collision, was and the most of them are going ASPERI SEAMEN ARE PUT IN JAIL DRAWING UP MEW back. ernment, j With the government's life at stake, the C.C.F. filibuster followed l.hp t-akinff nf the vote nn 1 released from hospital where she had been kept for treatment for 36 hours. Jake Anton, driver of the taxi, tee that there was no time now 1HANT PARTY PLATFORM to try to reach a permanent The . Skeena River Highway' opened for traffic between Prince Rupert and Terrace today. Public Works cl e p a r t m e n t snow removal crews Thursday Conservative! THOROLD, Ont.-Thlrty-four the Progressive - ,Uni. nf rr.nf Irion mntinn members of the Canadian Sea- solution of the Holy Land prob BLAMES GOVT. and Thomas Shaw and Miss llpnir ('limcfs (if men's Union (T.C.L.) are in jail which was defeated 110 to 89. .n((irnilinii Triiuhle OTTAWA ft' -A redrafted Progressive - Conservative policy Margaret Matthews, passengers, are still In hospital. Anton is lem. He repeated that Oreat Britain would be giving. up her mandate rule May 15 and Pales ari cleared the last of the snow suffering from chest Injuries received when he was thrown 0 Premier Alcidc d'i FOR FAILURE LONDON Kti In a dispatch released yesterday. Earl Wavell describes his last assignment in George Crulkshank, Liberal without ball today aiier swarm-member for Fraser Valley, lined !ln8 aboard a sniP- tn Canada Lines coal carrier Steamship up with the Progressive-Conser- Glencle, in the locks near here vatlves, C.C.F. and Social Cre- riiforrf in vntin paui.va. thP anv- yesterday and attacking mera- is in the making following the ending of the three-day meet-iim of the National Progressive -Conservative Association" which hotly denied yesterday tine would then be without a government unless the United Nations acts, against the steering column of his car. which has obstructed the section between Kwinitsa and Ex-stew making' a channel througn the six-f'jot deep obstruction A chaws that the .munist victory in the ri u. bers of the rival Lake Seamen's approved at least twenty-live Shaw received an injury to his tri iiuiiiiv tiiiu wvjii wc uioai- . Burma and by implication blames jarliamenlury elections proval of Prime Minister Mac- lu mm wnlcn we,e w" kenzie King and the plaudiU of 'ships. The Royal Canadian tho Opposition. . Thomas- ReW, Mounted Police, taking a hand for the' f'rst tlIne lu thls fj New Westminster; James Sin- i and combining with other clair. West Vancouver, and J. Pute which has halted traffic since mid-winter. So far, only a nariow truil has been cleared through - the heaviest spots but crews from Terrace and Prince Rupert are NEW IMPETUS FOR EXPORTS Allocation I'nder European its failure on lack of. support from the British war cabinet. Describing "operation's in Abakan and North Burma in the early part of 1943, he cites scarcity of naval and air forces, landing craft and transports. pMuct of corruption "jon He denied for-rvmtion and lias prom-rins in which "nobody wne." rp sinir.ulie post-elcc-icrs in the country. A Bri- i Ponce, nancieuiiea uie seamen L. Gibson, Comox-Albernl, right leg and Miss Matthews suffered lacerations to her scalp. All were treated. for shock. '., Damage to Anton's car; which collided head-on with a car driven by Thomas A. Newton is estimated at $1,800. Newton's car received damage estimated at $500. Anton's car was a new one which had been driven only a few hundred miles. Newton was uninjured. resolutions. These, along with other material, said a spokesman, will form the basis for a restatement, of 'party policy;' The resolutions are understood to have covered ground ranging from labor relations to immigration. O i o 0 o o o o 0 O o ckh 0 6HeHCKH BULLETINS i after they surrendered ana marched them off the ship and to Jail. For nearly a week members of the Canadian Seamen's Union, Recovery Program Would Steam I'p Britain LONDON, ih Informed British sources said yesterday that publication of the proposed European recovery program al tish Columbia members, who spoke against the increase in freight rates but voted with the government, were jeered by the Opposition. Fast-moving action by day and night saw these developments in summary: 1. Commons defeated the (1 itiurked and wreck-ufikt liracl(uarters at far Bari, during the c a list fiiht between 5.ian Democrat mayor immunlst deputy. The police say, have been removing continuing to hurl back the snow widening the road to its full gravelled width. Opening of the road from here to Terrace should make it possible to resume motor travel through to Prince George nl-though, in places east of Snii-thers, the road is reported t) be rough and a rockslide is reported west of Hazelton. THE WEATHER . Synopsis Widespread shower activity was general on the British Columbia coast this morning but some Improvement is expected , during the afternoon. Cloudiness extends into the Interior and showers are expected in the crews forcibly from several ships and on Sunday night they stoned the freighter J. A. France wrt'crnecl the removal O O ti O i (3 0 O t 0 O CH 0 K KHXHMHJ I'ltKMIIK Mi OTTAWA VK TOKI The Legislature ailjoiirnecl mi Thursday until locations to the United Kingdom had given new impetus to the drive to Increase exports to Canada. Even if the House of Repres m stands. The mayor the removal order an 1 with littte hindrance from the police. LOCAL TIDES Saturday, April 24, 1948 High 1:36 22.7 feet 14:16 20.7 feet Low 8:01 1.2 feet 20:06 5.0 feet The C.S.U. men are charged mmsis refused to carry Snow conditions on the Skeena entatives at Washington ap Progressive - Conservative motion censuring the government for failing to equalize freight rates before allowing rate increases. "The vote 110 to 89. 2. The C.C.F. lost a motion 109 to 80 to have the remaind with trespassing. No one was injured. southern mountain regions this afternoon. Skies are expected RuestionerJ In to clear from the west tonight and Saturday. er of the freight rate debate ad- her Shooting proves the proposed allocations there will still be a substantial deficit between dollar Income and dollar outlays of. the United Kingdom. This means that Britain will have to draw further on her dwindling reserves of gold. River section of the road have been extremely difficult during the winter. Heavy snowfall has caused the railway to use rotary plows on their track and large quantities of snow were thrown onto Ihe adjacent highway. There, it packed and froze, making a formidable obstacle Forecast ' Prince Rupert, Queen Char TOD A Y'S STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. fjourned until next week This PIT - Four left wlnir was aimed at allowing seven lottes and North Coast Cloudy of the United Automo- provincial premiers, due to meet here during the week-end on with scattered showers, clearing tonight. Cloudy Saturday. kers Union were ques- Toronto 3V the police vestcrdav the question, to present their case to the government. for the Public Works equipment which in some cases was found Winds northwest (20 m.p.h.) In the exposed areas, light.elae-where. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and 3. Their formal move having NEW SUPERVISOR Athona 07 Aumaque 16 Vz Beattle 64 Bevcourt 36 the shooting of Wal-''uthcr, president of the til active anti-commun-' the men questioned PH'sident of a local failed, the C.C.F. proceeded to to be too light to remove it. gain their objective by staging OF FISHERIES highs Saturday At Port Hardy 39 and 50, Massett 36 and 40, .Monday to enable Premier Ityron Johnson to attend a freislil rate conference of mariUmr and western premiers in Ottawa Saturday. Af.ASKAN ON BOARD Kl i t II I KAN Appointment of an Alaskan lo the Canadian-American Joint Defence Board was asked today by Dr. It. M. Mackenzie, Democratic candidate fur senator from the first territorial division. He asked that Alaska's governor, Ernest Gruelling, urge the appointment. UOI I D MEET STALIN WASHINGTON President Truman is willing to meet with Premier Joseph Stalin in Washington but is not willing to leave the I'nited States for such a conference. He made this plain tit a press conference. Some sources believe, that Ihe Soviet Union may take the initiative to call such a conference. a night session filibuster Uiat Vancouver Bralorne 7.75 B. R. Con 02 Vi B. R. X 06 Cariboo Quartz 145 Dentonla .02 Grull Wihksne 04 Hedley Mascot 53 Mlnto : 02 Pend Oreille 4.10 Pioneer 2.75 Bob jo Wt CHURCHILL Prince Rupert 36 and 50. kept the debate going unCil ad journment. Gordon Rcade, until recently assistant supervisor of fisheries STORY OUT BOUT Buffalo Canadian 10 Consol. Smelters 109.50 Conwest 1.10 Donalda 75 Eldona .92 Elder 50 Giant Yellowknlfe .... 4.00 God's Lake 70 FLOODS ARE RAMPAGING 'iiltli.liri1 in ' (irrs Memoirs IteiiiR Magazines and or the Fraser River with headquarters at New Westminster, has arrived In Prince Rupert to succeed Ingvald Urscth as overseer here. Arriving with Mr. Readc was his wife. K FATAL INVESTIGATION CHIEF RETIRES VANCOUVER A well known railway law enforcement officer, O. J. Wheatley, for the past Winston Churchill's own story .03 y2 .19 1.65 .08V2 .17 1.00 Premier Border.. Privateer Reeves McDonald Reno I ... Salmon Gold Sheep Creek Hardrock 17 Vs As Much As Six Feet of Water Mr. Urseth is now at Agasslz Harricana 06 In the Fraser Valley on sick Over Roads Near Winnipeg Saskatchewan Trains Are Interrupted lpiiue nrnrilna retirement. For Taylor Bridge 40 25 years inspector of investigation, Canadian National Rail WltE Jack Durl-'yar old Kansas ci:.y "'slit boxer, who eol-luni! a bout here Wed-'Mt. Hied yesterday. He ' 1 answer the bell M'VrHli round of a bout rt Lytell. He had ab-1 wv''''e beating in the many years in the Dominion Fisheries service here, he had .46 .L'O WINNIPEG p Rampaging of the second great war is now out in several magazine;, and newspapers and Is creatine, widespread interest, Describing conditions In Germany, between the end of the first great war and the approach of Nazi ideas, Mr. Churchill writes: "The Weimar Republic, with all its liberal trappings and been stationed at Prince Rupert as supervisor for two years, comlnc from Bella Coola. Taku River Vananda Congress Hedley Amalg. Spud Valley Central Zeballos Sllbak Premier ,., .023i 02i2 .12 .0058 .30 Mr. Rcade is no stranger to this fisheries district, having flood waters from south and wes. in Manitoba Red and Asslnlboine Rivers, rising at the rate of an inch an hour, are still converging on Winnipeg. Centre of the flood area is the Morris-St. Jean region, about forty miles south of here, where six Inches ui rounds. Lytell, a "'d Fresno, California, ei, has been ordered ways, British Columbia district, with headquarters in Vancouver, retired under this company pension rules Thursday after a long and active career which included military service in two wars. At a presentation ceremony Thursday afternoon J. B. Scott of Winnipeg, assistant director of investigation, for the system, presented Mr. Wheatley with a been inspector at Bella Bella and Queen Charlotte Islands before 1 411 "Pen Cllarep nnnHinn on of Darthards'i becoming assistant supervisor at Heva 11 Hosco .30 Jacknife .'. 04 Joliet Quebec 34 Lake Rowan .10 Lapaska .0514 Little Long Lac .96 Lynx !.. .08 Madsen Red Lake ...J... 2.45 McKenzie Red Lake 53 McLeod Cockshutt 101 Moneta 27 Negus 2.05 Noranda 50.75 Louvicourt .59 Pickle Crow ,. 192 Regcourt .'. 06 San Antonio 3.85 Senator Rouyn 40 Sherrit Gordon 2.26 Steep Rock 2.04 Sturgeon River . .16 Silver Miller 28 blessings, was regarded as an Imposition of the enemy. 11 could not hold the loyalties or imagination or the German people. For a spell they sought Oils A. P. Con. Cahnont ... C. & E. ... 21 .55 6.00 New Westminster. of water lies across many sections of the highway. In some places on the highway there is as much as six feet of water. The Asslnlboine River rose two Home - 8.00 ROTARY !to cling in desperation to the I aged Marshal von Hlndenburg. ! Thereafter, mighty forces were WAS SETTLED BY feet and a half in 24 hours ut (ONI (EM COMMUNISM BOGOTA The Pati-Ameri- , can Conference here unanimously adopted a resolution c o n il e in n i ii g international communism ami other forms of totalitarianism. It recommended each of Ihe 21 participating nations to adopt measures to combat communism. GET KM Gil ON STRIKE KANSAS CITY Police, under orders to gel toMgli ill the Packing House workers' strike, clashed with C.I.O. strikers today ut the Cudahv & Co. plant and then cleaned out union headquarters. Picket lines were scattered hy seventy police swinging billy clubs. Eater the I'nion hall was raided and strikers were cleared from headquarters. Portage la Prairie. cash gift on behalf of the veteran's many friends in the railway. Earlier in the month members of the C.NJt. Constables Association honored Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley at a presentation luncheon. adrift. "The void was open, and into that void, after a pause, there strode a maniac ol ferocious genius, the repository and expression of the most virulent hatreds that have ever corroded the human breast Corporal Hitler." LONG DISTANCE WASHINGTON, Former Ambassador Charles 'Sawyer of Ohio agreed by long distance telephone to accept the invitation of President Truman to become Secretary of Commerce In Saskatchewan melting snow caused two washouts, delaying passenger trains of the Canadian National Railways for more than five hours between Regina and Saskatoon. All freight services between the province's two largest cities are cancelled. Minstrel Show KOON COM KD1ANS SPECIALTY NUMBERS Grand Negro Chorus UUDAY (Tonight) 8 T.M. Civic Centre Auditorium Reserved Section $1. Rusn 75c. Matinee Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Children 25c. Adults 50c. CIVIC CENTRE ' ANNUAL HOBBY SHOW ART EXHIBITION April 28th May 1st Exhibits received on Monday ONLY, April 26, 2-10 p.m. after W. Averill Harriman gave up the position to take over the post of ''roving ambassador" under the European recovery TREATY OF PARIS The Treaty of . Paris, whk'h ceded French Canada to Britain, was signed in 1763. LONDON (CP) In 1947, 704 Russians became naturalized subjects. n... M