Prfnce tlupm JDaflj? iftetos ttrj. i 5 Friday, April 23. 1948 'v': ' V COASTGUARD CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle Sub1ert to change) IS DEMANDED Demands for. a , coastguard SAYS WAR TALK NOW IS UNREAL ' CANBERRA The Australian Minister of Defence, John J. Dedman, speaking here, said he beuijyed there would be no war for 'at least five years if then. "It would take Russia or any It PAYS TO ROU YOUR OWN WITH servace in British coiumoias OGDEN'5 is FRIDAY Pit 4:00 Ed McCuray smgs 4:15 Stock Quotation.' 4:30 Especially For TJou waters continue to be made. In the legislature last week, two other potential enemy," he said. coalition members Air Vice Mar 'I 4 AIM NO i- 4:45 Sleepy Time, Story Tell i "that long to build up the in YOU'RE t05 dustrial strength with which there could be any hope of success. I believe any talk of war. . It ''3 shal Stevenson of Point Grey and. J. H. Cates joined with W. H. Brett of Prince Rupert In seeking a speedy service to get the service going. Thye membeF Cigarette Tobacco j now, to be quite unreal." for Point Grey remarked that, if no action considered ade quate should be taken, by the Federal government, then a SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGIN I ID. LONDON fi A portrait of the King ,no'w being painted by Edward Seago, 33, will hang in the council room at the R A F. Association's headquarters. provincial division ought to be provided. sians Honor ska Explorer Timely Topics from Terrace PRINCE RUPF.RT YEARS AGO lUWHLSKEUEU WQ.VE$ The following casual lines are based wholly upon the colloquiaj belief that "All neu are wolves" and in view of Prince Rupert' coW The Soviets ara a monument to Ivan iruvitch Kuskov, early .h century explorer of i'ia and Alaska. After bewhixkered Gyro "men" aW BABY SHOWER IS HELD AT TERRACE TERRACE -Mrs. T. Olson was pleasantly surprised on Monday Wajter Cbe.sher planned on leaving Terrace on Thursday morning on a business trip to Hazelton. However-, he received word on Wednesday night of a larfe roeksHfle near Hazelton 5;00 String Stylings 5:30 Music by Sammy Kaye 5:45 Community Calendar ft:00 Beats the Champs 6:30 Three Suns and a Starlet 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 These English .8:00 T.B.A. 8:30 Symphony for Strings 9:00 Dream Time :30 Prairie Schooner. 18:00-CBC News IOlIO B-. C. News 10:15 Speaking As a Listenei 10:30 al Richards Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sicn 9ft ' SArUitUAY A.M 7:30 Mu.s.cai Clocn 8:00 CBC News : 15 Pick of the Hits &: 30 Morning Devotions 8 : 45 Little Concert 9.:00 BBC News Commentary 9:15 Records at Random 9:30 Lana of Supposing 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Band Stand Id: 15 World Cuufch News 10:30V-Lord Coresscr 10:45 CBC News 40:55 Weather Forecast 11:00 Music Makes Pictures 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded . Easy to roll in Alaska, kuskov native town of f wii 23. 1923 Minister oi Lands, T. D. Pat-tullo arrived here from Ottawa filled with optimism for the future of the city. He said that the current lull In business was only temporary and that the city could be, confident of a bright future. aeiigrmui to smoke IWiiLw-i uiglit when about 17 of her f,0 miles east of Len friends called on her and wlm:u ciosea ine mgr.way so ne 11 ' ' ' V 1 ding tncre a yui wiu. Postponed his trip. "showered" her with a a L'r-inri grand 3f,r home Is being pre- ......ninil 1 large in our city:- Not long ago, "TU wolf, In fine sheep's clothing" So merry was he, he'd grin mile" Fur as blithe was ne, as a crocodile A-basking on the Nile. But not so now; "The wolt" slinks by With sheepish, look . o., oi uavji Biiw. one Mr. Attwood left here on Tues- jj a IHU.-n. u, unu nn nusoa.m recently wok day for Vancouver where he ex over the care of a three months' tn h(, pmnlnvort Drunken Driving Brings Jail Term ..1,1 w,,u.. ...u...... tl 1 J HOW CAN I ? ? ? . By ANNE. ASU.LBY ' T1SH ( (ll.Uivinim IS I'KOHATE A frame roundhouse, built to replace one destroyed by fire, would be ready for use by May 1, J. W. McAuley, C.N.R. locomotive foreman said. ill tll " UlnHlllMrillnm Charles E. Mayo pleaded guilty i Q. Iluw cai 1 make t!io cloth" V 'I Mrs. Sam Kirkaldy is a surgical patient in the hospital here. Anil M.,l.r .,l Hie Kstnlp of lliu.lnw It"-". Imm-ihmI. And avertedi eye;, to. Unaes in police court Wednesday after-j easier to.laundcr? noon to a charge of drunken A. By soaking them over night driving and' was sentenced to in cold, soft water, into which, seven days in 'jail by Magistrate j one tablespoon of ammoniaj to longer he's sure he'd; die NOTICE thnt by Order or Would he were a little lamb Mrs. T. Olson, Mrs. Maxted, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Philip, members of the Ninety automobile licenses had been taken out and 56 driver's licenses issued duxuig the uiu uauy uvy wnu.t- lliumer was unable to care for him. A baby's crib was filled with the gifts and, after these were opened and displayed, refreshments were served by the vistors. Anions those present were Mesdames Johnstone, Robinson, Peek Vout, McAllister. Maxted, Hammer, Fisher, D. Kerr, F. Jackson, Me!-vin, McCabe, Stevenson, Head and daughters, also Mrs. Peterson of Prince Rupert. i jucJue Fulton. Local W. L Vance. A charge of as and he could "cry" (l.c Si!ir'tni? uuiirt ui mi- executive body of the Women's Instead he swallows bard and thirsts for . . . (water it he .-. first three and a half months saultmg a police officer was ttis-of 1923. A. C. Minty, chief of missed. Maya was alleged tx AM. 1 Wfc HI) l't4H. appointed Admln-nl tnr rMMf of Thomas each bucket of water has been added. Q. How cn I make scrambled eggs lighten and more tasty A. By using one level teaspqen-ful of baking powder to everyesix Institute, met the village com- , , missioners on Wednesday af- I- T nrnnnn in ira t n r i .i rr:i 1 nffira so dry. Riw. lute ill Ti-rracB, on- police force an- the provincial I nounced. imbm wno itn'U on or muwuv have driven his car onto, i, vacant lot on Second Avenue a w,eek ago where it Was. found oy , of NovmlMT. r.. British Columbia, aii ; But when. GYRO. SWIMMING POOL is built !iitpinnl lo the said nstute t the, eggs. Add the bakmg poWder constables who later laid charges. ind to pay the amount oi And our townsfolk do bless -Ktcdiifss to me lnrmwiin prims havniK claims anninsL f.sutp are required to file him. so April 23, 1913 The Vancouver News-Advertiser planned to devote six pages oi a special issue to Prince Rupert. The local Board of Trade agreed to purchase $75 worth of copies. "The wolf" dewhiskered, "no ORPINGTON, Kent, Eng. 'h m" prufWTiy verinru on to the mixture just before cooking. Q. How can I make a used piece of oilcloth look like new A. Rub with turpentine mixed with warm milk. ' , i MAVERICK RUSTLER The word maverick, an American term for stray cattle, recalls a Texan, Samuel Maverick, who took advantage of the turmoil caused by the Civil War ihi' i5in day i Miiy. ia. sheep." will be Death of 200,000 fish, in Cray tiiirh d..-.tniMiuon will oe 11:45 Personal Album r-.M. -12:00 Mid-day Melodies 12-: 15 Recorded Interlude 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 Orchestras of the Nation 1:00 Memo From Lake Succe ss 1:30 First Piano Quartet 2:00 Ballet Club 2:45 Rex Koury 3:00 Clearing Up the Weather 3:15 CBC News 3:25 Recorded Interlude 3:30 Musical Program And the Pool scan with surge- Lake here was blamed on 16cal .hue ri'i'.ird only to sum to discuss with them the use of the kitchen quarters of the officers' mess near the Civic Centre for the installation of a kiln for pottery making. The Commissioners were co-operative but no decision could be made until they had consulted other organizations who wanted to make use of the building for meetings at which -the kitchen would be used. A nominal rent would be set and the organization would have to pay for electricity used. ful glee shall he tiiirb 1 shall have tcn factory sewage. Gratified he gave nobly, by 1 1 t Prince Rupert. B C thin to appropriate any stray cattle he found. t April A I) 1948. !!)i)N F'HUSEH FORBES, ofliniil Administrator, Prince upi rt, B.C. (Ml letting his whiskers be. VIOLET INGALLS NEW HAZELTON The Federal grain commissioner was invited by Mayor Pattullo to visit this port while on a tour of the coast during the summer. A large party of German business men who were Advert!" In the Dally tvews! I Get extra good-looking, comfortable shoves vih THROAT SORS? BREAKABLE COINS, the time oi Edward touring Canada also were 1 of Construction of the mill at At MINORA BLADES ( COMMON SOU THROAT) the Silver Standard mine is England there were no farth- Canada's favourite in proceeding at a satisfactory J ings or halfpennies, but a penny RUB IN The Board of Trade protest ITERRACE BRIDE-ELECT HONORED i TERRACE Entertaining ! the home of her mother, Mrs quality and low price. Ore bins, with a capacity was deeply indented by a cross pace ed a proposed Third Avenue site so that it could be broken into 4 for 10 -12 for 25 of over three hundred tons, have been completed and pour for a new post office and a pe four parts. at . E. ing of concrete on the foundations of the crushing plank will I Head, on Tuesday night, Miss tition was circulated to that effect. It was to be forwarded to Ottawa when the signatures were completed. MARKET RASEN, Lincolnshire, Eng. 'Of A halfpenny dated 1603 was found here. be started within a lew, days. Mill machinery will be alvlng in May or June. A road to the mill site has been completed and is being used to haul in supplies. PC LAdOl Marion Head was hostess to about 20 guests In honor of Miss Phyllis Little-whose marriage to Arnold Best is to take place in May. Lovely gifts in a flower-decked basket and in a miniature oil barrel were opened ICONOMICAl Jill IT'S THE MOST . A. by the surprised bride-to-be after which refreshments were Busmess and Professional Scotty McRae and Charlie Donaldson made a trip to Usk by motor at the middle of last week. tK W served. Those present were Mrs. Head, Miss Marion Head, Miss Eliott Head, Miss Phyllis Little, PI. P.J. CHENEY DF.NTIST PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 13G1 Overlook Street President Allan Benson, at a meeting of the Hazelton Board of Trade last week, made a report on his recent trip to IN MOTORING HISTORY! Mrs. W. Little, Miss Grace Little, Miss Mary Little, Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. T. Olson, Mrs. D. Little, Mrs. McAdams, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. W. S. Anderson, Mrs. pTE 5, SMITH BLOCK I "55 P.O. Box 1401 McNabb, Mrs. Maxted, Mrs. E. H & ELK INS LTD. C. W. Dawson returned to Cooper, Mrs. Michlel, Mrs. John Hazelton at the end of the week stone, Miss Jean and Miss Ouo- 1 imbint; and Heating JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED "752 from a business trip to Prince lee Kirkaldy, Miss Colleen Wha- Engineers George. len, Mrs. M. Peterson. 174 P.O. Box. 214 FOR YOUR a AND CONCRETE HELEN'S .. BEAUTY SHOP.. . permanent Wavjig Beauty Culture In all its branches WO UK CALL BLUE 939 I. SAUNDERS Mudcrn Equipment Wurk Guaranteed F.ven in Leap Year gals don't propose to guys with cars that won't go. So let us rid youi ear of winter ailments and put it in shape for summer driving at a minimum cost to you. Estimates gladly given. 204 4th Street Phone usa I ::;' 1 X F. L. HUGHES mm ' A - mm i kfm fliiropractor -."--A-'Ai 22 BESNER BLOCK HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds lX 394 Phnnp Rlnc 442 II ....... 1 ' MGE L. RORIE Bob Parker Ltd. FORD-MONARCH DEALERS ' ' The Home of Friendly Service" Prince Rupert, B.C. Accountant, Auditor, etc. Roots, Chimneys and Oil Burners Tax Returns Compiled. iff Block 1 Phone 387 ...PtfS EXTRA BLOWOUT PROTECTION! It's here ... mi exi-lusivo 11. F. GoiMlrirh lire-tuhf fitniliiinilion lluil jiiv'8 you extra lilowonl prolccliitn PLUS FREEDOM FROM PIMTRKS Th R. F. Goodrich Silvertown Tire lias a wider, flatter tread tor lunger wear, belter Iraelion, grenler nt'lv. lloily and sidi--walls are .1.1 per cent flronper for exlra blowout iirteelioH and inert-axed mileue. The B. F. Goodrich Seal-o-matlc Tube seals punelures as yon ride . . . iiislaullv, ieriuaiienllv. ll's an exclusive patented H. F. C.oodrieh feature. And lliieker, stronger walls guard your tires against ldowoiils. t B. F. Goodrich Tirci) are fceferrven with standard tubes. And Seal-o-inaties ran le used ith any tiro a-intf. Hill together they (jive lilowoiit protei'tion and freedom from pinirtiires that no other tire-tube coin, biiiuliou ran oiler. .See yor It. t tioodrirh dealer today. MaUrt of Tint, lottmi, AutomoliV Accuwrw (ubW Industrial Kubkmr Product!, ami KoroMaf. PHONES: Green 480 Red 894 ;0RGE McWHINNEY AINTINI AND At'KU HANGING P0' Box 1426 TRY Rex Cafle FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mcin CHINESE DISHES OTR SPECIALTY ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service ft. Phone Green 394 HEN ERICKSON OPEN TO 2 A.M. 6 A.M. BaggaEe Freight Express Phone Blue 269 - 322 Sixth St. UNO TECHNICIAN N'NG AND REPAIRS SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Calls Green mi Night 195 4U West 7th Ave. SUPF.mnp RUPERT MARINE REALTY mm JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner DECORATORS llNG i M " B1"e 952 or Black 245 I? Sixth Street Red 808 BEST IN THE LONG RUN ' chins Bm Thornton (J. CLAUSEN & SON) ' We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER 15UOKI KS IN 1SOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS ' . (Just East of Lipsett's, Waterfront) Box 548 .Phone Green 97S V 1. " ...UUM, LTE. K'UT(Q)S:. , QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL el (P.R.) Ltd. h, Lihpliinir. w.i.i.: 1 1 ! EXCLUSIVE GOODRICH DEALERS IN PRINCE RUPERT Second Ave. Uox 774 "ti l