- Chinese New, Ye$f THIS AND THAT deuce ,.t n Prince ttupcrt Dailp r-JrUis f j-'sJay, February 1. 154S h in P..:.. For th:' 1 - . . - A, j. ' . V, I I K 1240 Kilcye.s louDjecl 10 Change) British p,.i.. C aP?-:. aoopted the Last ween-ena w.is tnm a New Year but there tlitl not up- t.' the western 'or!rt . . what the AO 1oufpnd-ni Jtiit? fitr?f.pif .iT.-.td to tr, upbiiiiriir.g of Prmr R.ipFfn nd all enmmunum comprising northern and central British Columbia tAiithurin-d as Second I ins Mall. Pan Office Department. Ottawa) Published ererr afternoon except Sunday by f r)nc Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia U. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MHMBFK OP CANADIAN PHESS - AT'DTT BUFFAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NFWSPAPER ASSOCIATION 1 ' I A.-.- A 3 AIR TRANSPORT HEAD r-"-le year ttiir: I John R. Baldwin, 36, former- IT: required. Thp N, & ly of the Privy Council staff, 7f i w Wl CU alPri in r.... t TUESDAY I'M. iSStock Quotation and Int. 4:30 The Toy Poodle 4:45 Easy listening 5:00 The Looseleaf 5:30 Whatcha Know. Joe. 5:45 Tommy Dorsey and Orch PTXBRCRTPTION RATES 1 of tho n city Carrier. Per Week 20c: Per Month. 7ftc: Per Year, 00. lv5lR fear. S (K) By Mail, Per Month, 50c; Per Y i " J- 'K :i i. - K nte the sin of U ! Slaliiis Pence Talh is the new chairman of the government's Air Transport Board. The appointment was announced by Prime Minister St. Laurent. Mr. Baldwin gained his experience in air transportation attending the many 1 nternational aviation conferences as representative of Trade Minister Hov e. tCP Photo) - ESS) Reminiscences By w.J. Reflections 1 4Nrtll;Lc 8:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC New 7:15 CBC Roundup 7:3. -Leicester Square to Broadway 8:00 Music by Eric Wild 8:30 Record Album 9:00 Po'ints of View 9:15 Recital Time 9:30 Heritage of Music (0:00 CBC New? 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Les Way 10:30 Biitmore Hotel Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Oif WE'uw ESDrt t A M ,7:00 Musical Clock 7:45 Singing Sam 's:0U-CBC New? 8:15 Morning Song 8:20 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Comty w: 15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Ellen Harris In a northern land there is sometimes a sense of relief when January is farewelled. The first month of the year is 'Not bear has ate Daddy, dear a bear has eaten Daddy." Tuesday. 1:30 Plt , Sunday. io pm ' A I K r. ARM, m' PT SIMM' Sunday, . n F"K Sot Til s.s. Coquitlam, 3m FOR N(,RT, t CIIAUI.H! ,slv g-s. Coquitlam, F. hi a, 18, 10 p.m. Communist statements and actions have RECENT caused speculation that the Soviet Union i launching a "peace' offensive" but by many observers they will undoubtedly all be considered a propaganda move. The latest pronouncement of Premier Joseph Stalin calling for a meeting with President Truman of the United States might well be considered as part of a propaganda campaign portraying the Communists ae peace lovers and all who differ with them as opposed to peace. The Stalin pronouncement may convince many Russians that their leader really wishes to meet Truman and talk peace but foreign diplomats may be much more cautious even doubtful. Russia has talked that way before as did Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany before 1939. Of course, we need not be too suspicious about the whole thing but it is difficult after all that has gone before not to be skeptical. It is to be noted that Great Britain and France are not mentioned in this meeting but, undoubtedly United States, will consult with Great Britain and France on the posibilities of a settlement between Russia and the United States, something which would vitally affect the foreign relations of all. EEIIIHII i a time of recovering one's poise and general equilibrium. Janu- ary has nothing in particular j to arouse affection. It means j the depth .of winter, and has There is this much to be s iid for the C.C.F. You know where to find 'em. With gusto, they proclaim the fiyht is already on with power at Ottawa the praud objective. Organization is already undee way and there will be a candidate in every rkl-inj, including Newfoundland. That's plain enough. Of course an election need not be held for another year. But that neither here nor there-. And anyway, we'll see. Better Schools: A series of articles by Parent - Teacher Council been known .to go the limit in stcrms, slush and general cussed -ness The month we waved good-bye to last night can be remembered as an example. I-'KANIL J. 8R,w.l ' n Third Av ' Under the auspices of the in our educational system into Prince Rupert Parent-Teachers' clear focus. Council a committee has been Some factors to be discussed appointed to present a series of are as follows: 10:15 Morning Melodies Hi 3U-Roundup Time 1. A School Building Program. f40:45 Scandinavian Melodies The destroyer Crescent, often a Prince Rupert visitor, is on Jier way from Esquimalt to China. There are fellows who, For OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE in the WOODS You Can'l P.eat the rr ij (vvooosc; . 2. Sites. 3. Buildings. ' 4. Service Systems. 5. General Classrooms. 6. Special Activity Rooms. 7. General Service Rooms. 9. Administration- Rooms. Together with the above broad outline various teaching methods being employed will be dis -'i 1 perhaps, would Just as soon live ; ashore as on the rolline wave but the tars do get around. All ' that many of us know about ; China is to sit at a lunch couu-i ter now and then. P. M. WOODBOSS articles to . appear under Vai heading "getter Schools." These articles are to appear weekly through the courtesy of the Daily News. They will embrace a subject ol much importance affecting children, parents and ratepayers, ; now and in the future. These articles will try to give an objective-survey of the various problems surrounding modern eY.ieation. They are meant to give the public information of a reliable nature and highlight many present school problems. It is hoped that these articles will bring many factors i Power Chain Sa with 2G-inch blade, $295 32-inch hladt plus Sales Tax If applicable 11:00 Musical Varieties j 11:15 Songs of Yesterday ( 11:30 Weather furecE;' U:31 Mess-"?' Por 11 :33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Famous Voices P.V 12:00 M d-Dav Melodies :!:15 CBC New? 12:25 Ptogram Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:Q0 Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells : Story 1:45 Women In Science 2:00 B.C. School Bdct. 2:30 Musical Program 2:45 Don Messer's Islander". 3:00 Ethel and Albert. 3:15 What's News 3:30 Divertimento f 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Comty. cussed and how they fit in with modern school facilities and the 1 building itself. j The committee would welcome inquiries at any time regarding any article which appears. i PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HO V 71f. Second Ave. P.Ofc Anthony Eden appears to be the sort of a man large enough to enjoy an alleged pleasantry ; made at his own expense. In Vancouver last week there were ; references in the presi and In conversation to his appearance! that is, he was not the fault-; iess dresser he had been some' yeprs a;ro and a suggestion that perhaps he didn't have the money. Not exactly pleasant to listen to. and close to whati many would consider a person- al matter. But Eden's diplomacy more than took care of what could easily have been an .embarrassing situation. HOTEL ARRIVALS CHIROPRACTOR Prince Rupert Rev. W. P. Bunt, Vancouver; POWER AND MORE POWER FROM NIAGARA down there has been a lot of I water power harnessed in North America since men first became interested. With few exceptions, these developments applied 'to practically all of the older settled parts of the continent. Now, as enterprises multiply and scope of operation covers so much wider a scale, the power born of wild grandeur in mountains, forests and plain becomes in major demand. Constant power shortage in industrial Ontario shows that. Today, studying the future, industry is looking to' the nprthwest much of , which is a virgin land where -the problem of water "power is concerned. There is no other direction in which to look. The increasing demand for aluminum is just another illustration of potential industrial expansion and decentralisation. The establishment of plants on the British Columbia coast would galvanize the region into vigorous life. The outlay of hundreds of millions of dollars could lead to nothing else. E. Johnson, Vancouver; . Miss Ormes Drui DRUGS V Ko' X J John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BI.VE 442 for Appointment HOI US 10:30 a.m. to 12 :30 p m antv 2 to 5 p.m. v: i:m;s Hie McGee, Ottawa; Mrs. C. S. Dunn, Massett; Mrs. Mrs. Waksdale and Mrs. Pat- Williamson, Massett. fterson f were In charge of the PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS'! L. W. Lefler leaves on tomor- home cooking table at the tea row's train for a business trip to and sale held last week at the oTORE HOURS -WEEK-DAYS. W AM TO f Monday and Friday, 7:30 p in f those unable to conic during Ut day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS -12 NOON "X) 2 ft various interior points between Salvation Army girls hostel r.' e and Burns Lake. Mrs. C. Carlson was cashier. 7 P.M. TO 9 : When Stewart was a flush (camp and Bill and Da"h, Can- I adian Northern railway barons,1 contemplated linltini? up Poil-land Canal with Peare River, I no one ever heard any mention ,of "ice," except on the glaciers. I That was a long time ago. Emergency bicycle " from 7 p.m. uilM ohu ca; delivery erlc (run, in till 0 p m and tiundi! Another month or so and iaK' rJrZ New foundland rill come over PHDN'F. 81 and be part of the family Then, give her plenty, of time and don't be effusive. Allow her j ample opportunity to look (things over, size up the house FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING ;iti:FTiN; nr office si'ph.ifs iiomk statiomky l-F.NS AMI fl gaim uj ceuar.. ine way things are done, and the cooking ! You know how it is among the "In-Law.s" at lirst. SEE ANCIENT AND HONORABLE THE SERVICES of printers have been of no small consequence in the founding and subsequent growth of Canada and Canadian affairs. "Few, if any trades, have been closer to the science of government and administrative affairs. This fact was an interesting feature of the recent convention of the International Association of Printing House Craftsmen, held in Ottawa. Printing has been tied to the country's history since the earliest days. Arrival of the first printer dates away back to 1751. Bartholomew Green, in that year, moved his little outfit from Boston to the village of Halifax but died before he became established. However, It-ihh Vinjiiiii REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED Besner Itlm'k R. E. 324 2nd i MMMm MORTIMER Ave. (Near CFPR) "The Company has almost doubled in size in the short space of Jive years. Its financial position to-day is stronger than at any previous time." From the President's address at the 4Hth Annual Meeting, January 28, 1949. , Policies in Force $614,384,607 00 Assets $112,512,005.47 Surplus Funds $8,072,086.55 New Policies in 1948 $121,624,224 00 lift' the. paper didn't. The nartner of Rarthnlnmpu- followed in 17,c2. and vpvivprl tha 3 CHILDREN'S PHOTO SPECIAL!! ONE DOZEN PORTRAITS FOR $I0.K For Appointment Call at WANTED' Al Pl.K ATIONS WIIX BE ACCEPTED Hlf TIM IN( POSITIONS FOR 194S: CAMP MANAGERS IIOAT CUKWS ONE SKIITKK i. CT.ACSEN & SON RUPERT MARINE REALTY Il4x 54X Prinic Kuf remains a coine concern to this da v. mm i Chandler & Cowgill 216 4th Street Green 3) Paid or Credited to Policyholders and lll.A Beneficiaries in 1948 $20,343,222.57 I he butcher, I he uaw The Totem Pole Make BROADWAY CAFE Always the Kest'Plare to Eal HIGH QUALITY FOODS TRY OUR SPECIAL BUSINESS LUNCHES Two printers from Philadelphia founded the Quebec Gazette and had, at first, aboundance of grief. Tightness of cash was a permanent condition. The first printer to do business in Montreal was a young Frenchman, who published more essays than news. He frequently offended the government and was no stranger to prison. This was in 1777. He called his enterprise the Montreal Gazette, still published as Montreal's English speaking daily. William Lyon MacKenzie, in Ontario; John Ryan and William Lewis, in New Brunswick; James Robertson, in Prince Edward Island; William Buckingham and William Coldwell, in the Northwest Territories, and John Robson and Amor De Cosmos, in British Columbia and Vancouver Island, were foremost in the ranks of the pioneer printers and journalists. In -1886, Vancouver's first paper, The News, appeared. It continues to publish under the title of the Vancouver Sun. Regardless of occupation, every man 1 a pen he can depend on that v-why we recommend ' ... V., art $2.60 to $18.00 1 "PENCILS TO MATCH IF DESIRED WALLETS i KEY CASES 5(lc"' RONSON LICHTERS TRY OUR CHINESE DISHES Extra Special to Take Home! Chow Mein Sweet and Sour 608 3rd Ave W. Phone 200 ; O. 1IAVROY, General Affent, Prince Rupert J. KENNY, C.L.U. Provincial Superintendent Provincial Office, Rogers Building, Vancouver DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS ........ ' - : 1 EARLY ADVERTISING COPY IS APPRECIATED