ll Local News Items . . . t?tintc Uupcrt Dallp IBtXvs Tuesday, February 1. 1910 BEAUTY , . . UTILITY . . . ECONOMY iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiMiiiiinifliiiiiiiiiiiiHH'iiiiiiiiiinHiviiiiiiii'iiiiiinmiiiui.ii l,lliili.Llil,ii.,;ii,,ii1,,.liii .iii,,.niliaiiiiuH4uiii.laii;linill,it4i.:iiuill m ii in m hiiil muii i uiiMaimi ii.iiii a i m i m i i m mi ., - ' , ... .--. . ' : - if.' 1 NO SNOW FOR SNOWSHOERS ISLAND POND, Vermont Two men from Lewis ton (Maine) who had hoped to snowshoe to Montreal for the International Snow-shocrs Congress, arrived at the approximate half -point here. WITH i S.O.N. Meeting Wednesday, Feb. 2 at 8 p.m. 27) Attention Women of the Moose. Meeting, February 2 at the Modse Temple. (27) Olicr Besner left on the Camosun today to return to Vancouver after spending the last few days in the city on business. Lombardi's ATTENTION I Rummage Sale at Moose Temple, Feb. 4, 2 p.m. t A word to the wise Is sufH-clent. February Clearance Sale Is on at William F. stone's. (It) Judge W. o. FuJton and James T. Harvey leave tomorrow for Smlthers where a cession of County Court will be held. Important Notice! Canadian VAPLY WEATHERBOARD Fir Flvwo odin stock knoscs 01 " -- feeling rather discouraged. They were still unable to find any snow. ruin 12 lo 40 'ret aTal,au,e ,or z"l icry BERT & McCAFFERY LTD. BUILDING SUPPLIES I UJIBER - Arrived Today, some of the Club Dinner to be held at Civic best buys in Men's Clothing at Spring Suit SAMPLES ! Centre Instead of Presbyterian AIR PASSENGERS PHONE 116 'nurcn. or.i William F., Stone's February Clearance Sale. (H) Miss Bobby Laird arrived in the city Sunday morning from Saskatoon where she has been employed for the last several months. From Vancouver Miss M Howard Lavlgne sailed on the Camosun this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. He Is going to Bhaughnessy Military Hospital and will be away ten days. TES McGce, E Johnston, T. Grove, DOING WELL WITH D.P.'S F. Halford, Mrs. Williams. To Vancouver H. Peterson, DUNN H. P. Cahill, R. C. Ilardie. ..,t and Canadian Legion Hall, Fri. Feb. jl 4 18:30 to 11:30 p.m.) m wmsw YOU WANT A CAB, Phone 75 Taxi-next door to Rex Cale-Day and Night Ser You Saw it in Thn News. Canada's Woman Senator K;.trab Highly of Organization For Rehabilitation "Bring Your Missus' ;l friends of dc-,. family galhercS l:,.rnouii In the vice. (20) i pi John A. Luke of Victoria ar- MONTREAL, (fc Senator 1 Undertakers at r t t for tun luiifiai Cairinc Wilson, chairman of thc'r'ved In the city on the Camo-Canacllun national committee' 81"1 Sunday afternoon from the on refugees, expressed "great' south. He is to be married to- j c. S. Dunn, L - J.U JI ill-""""" " (, Night." Members of W. Vf.A. and husbands, Legion members and wives. Admittance by membership card only. (29) J. S. Irvine returned to the city on the Camosun Sunday afternoon from Victoria where he was called recently to attend the funeral of his brother. Clearance Said at Star's Stylewear. Dresses, Coats, Suits, Skirts, Housecoats, Robes, Children's Coats. All at greatly reduced prices. Sale Starts Mon jiicruus Dvauiiui I testified to w'de-I ,.,u.s of cutccm J u.i! S. Prucktcr, J. Andrew's Angll-4l, officiated and night to Miss Audrey Grlmble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grimbl of this city. W. II. Brett M.L.A. sailed this afternoon on the , Camosun for Victoria where he uill attend the forthcoming session of the provincial legislature which will open February 8. TOO COLD IN VANCOUVER Yvonne von Rensburg, 20, exchange school teacher from South Africa, traces the route she will take when she leaves Vancouver shortly because it's "too cold." She said winter in South Africa is warmer than summer in Vancouver. Then too, there's a boy friend at home. It will cost her four months' pay and a substitute teacher's salary for that period to break her contract but she says it's worth it. (CP) .rwwWMMHi . iff A wide variety of pure wool imported cloths to choose from Soft West of England fabrics and hard finished Worsteds Homespuns Scotch Tweeds and ,Twists in patterns selected by experts. Specialists in Hand Needled and Bench Made Clothing, Lombardi's S u i t s ,a r e made to your individual measurements and guaranteed to fit. admiratlon" for the work of organization for rehabilitation through training; and said its displaced persons equates have been accepted readily abroad In "some countries hitherto not hospitable to Jewish immigration.' , , Senator Wilson said: "My own experience with refugees makes me realize the value of re-training. With the opportunity to secure new skills will come the healing of minds and spirits broken through f piCSlUUU ill ."C . inpuiiy me nn"s'"b day, January 31. ! Announcements All dvcrtiser.ni i cms column WU1 be charged for 1 nil month at 36 centa a wurd Mr. A. Smart Shopper is making a buying trip to William F. Stone's February Clearance Uuw Sweet ine - Day" and "Abide ,e chapel service, , made in Fair- y with George nttin, Aid. T. B Joseph Chell, inspector of schools, will be the speaker at the weekly luncheon tomorrow of Prince Rupert Gyro Club. Walter Hansen arrived in the city on the Camosun this morning from Stewart and, after a visit here with his mother, Mrs. Charles Lundstrom, will proceed to Wen a tehee, Washington, where he intends to' locate. Mr. Hansen, native' son of the Portland Canal district and a war The body of the late Mrs. Nellie Beveridge is to be re-interred in the family plot at Fairview Cemetery Alongside that of her son, Norman Short, who died a few years ago. Fred Hemsworth. resident Carpenter, louu Sale, now on. (it) "Miss Ruth Jacobsen, recently graduated from Holy Cross Hospital in Calgary, arrived in the city at the end of the week to Join the nursing staff of Prince Rupert General Hospital. p. Lyons actins It Pays to Advertise 1 Cambrai Cliapter, LODE. Valentine Tea at Mrs. G. G. Withers, 715 5th Ave. We., Feb. 10. Cribbage, Whist, Bridge at Catholic School Hall, Feb. 10, 8 p.m. Lutheran Church Valentine Tea and Home Ceoklng, Feb. 12. SPORTSMAN'S NEWS-Annual Sail South by famous Princess Line Enjoy the restful accommodation, the deliciout food, the excellent service of Princess Steamer. PRINCE RUPERT SAILINGS Southbound WEDNESDAY," FEB. 2 SUNDAY, FEB: 13 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23 mining engin,).?r, returned to the city on the Camosun this morning from a trip to Alice Ann on official dulies. veteran of the United States Game Dinner, Feb. Id, 1949. BLACKHEADS t'pty 4ioIt mni 4'Mppr bj this on impi. Hf n4 nn mih4. Gt t mnMi ef prxii fowdwr frm aitf drug tr. prink) a hat, wt rlofh, n4 Vrly Uj-7 lka 4 will H Re-OPENING The United Church Valentine Tea at tle home of Mrs. A. J. Dominate, Feb. 17. Morris Peterson, veteran pros-lcctor and mining man of Alice Arm, Is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the north on the Camosun this morning. Air Force, formerly operated a commercial air service out of Stewart. 7 ON CONVICTS, TOO The broad arrow marked on government stores to prevent JKEE SISTERS Canadian Club Public February 23. For information and .Will Minstrel Show, Prince Rupert reservations contact Valentine Candy ANNE'S Rotary Club, Feb. 24 and 25. j I). II. E. .Maclean, General Agent their theft is said to have been COFFEE SHOP 3M West Third used as far back as 1598 by Newcastle customs collectors. Duchess of Edinburgh Chapter, I.O.D.E., Tea and Home Cooking, March 10. Bernard Allen, manager of Canadian National Railways for British Columbia, -is due in the city on the next train from Vancouver by way of Jasper 210 FOURTH STREET rij i) March 17, Tea, Catholic Hall 1 ETELY RENOVATED AND REFURNISHED Park on" one of his periodical BETTER THAN EVER Orange Spring Sale, April 13, FOR YOUR, 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH . CAIX RED 70S , CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM visits here on official duties. Mrs. LOTS OF POTS Lobster fishermen on Canada's Atlantic seaboard own more than 2,000,000 lobster traps. 2 to 5 p.m., Oddfellows' Hall U - Prince Uupcrt Florist 300 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 777 ' flowers lor Ail Occasions Allen is making the trip with v -;ty-tMe Do-NuU .Our -Specialty The United Church Spring "1 him. Sale, May 5. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" ADVANCES BACKWARD The porcupine advances into battle backward. lsce. aneous NEW STOCK OF IT KMTl HE IS ARRIVING REGILARLY. WATCH Ol'K WINDOWS FOR DISPLAY. 1'lionc 775 327 3rd Ave. Deluxe Delivery PROMPT? YES Silt! FAST? YOU BET! COIRTEOI'S? YES MA'AM! PHONE 383 We Buy and Collect Bullies T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE TORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Commodore Cafe JouUUl&PxouJ4. Our Store Space is Limited. We are Forced to Make Room For NEW SPRING MERCHANDISE una a&Jali.p Mi For Reservations Write or Call CITY UK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. 8 ONLY LADIES' SUITS-A11 Sizes. Reg. Value to $55.00. TO CLEAR $19.50 ' Two Days Only Dnislic Reductions For Thrifty Buyers COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Fver" Best Food and Service n City Vbonc 17 for Send-oul Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. W DRESSES Reg. Value 50. TO CLEAR at $5.00 I COTTAGE CHEESE j New Creamed Fresh Made. RAINCOATS Reg. Value to $28.50. Special TO CLEAR at $19.50 BRA'S Nature's Rival Alphabet Brassiere. Reg. Value $1.95. TO CLEAR at $1.00 Special DeLuxe $41.95 SE DRESSES Reg. Value VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE 5 ONLY COATS Reg. Value to $55.00. TO CLEAR .... $15.00 SKIRTS Reg. Value to $6.95. TO CLEAR at $2.25 BLOUSES Reg- Value to $7.95. SPECIAL TO CLEAR at $2.95 1 .HOSE Nylon, Sheer, Dark Seam. SPECIAL, PAIR $1.25 Semi-Service and Service Weight. Reg. Value to $1.65. TO CLEAR $1.00 95. AfttVtT TTCMffMT MWU Moviiiff, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 IAL TO CLEAR $1.95 X 3- ..Dtar Ml mm jL.1 4 WRATIIALIS PHOTO FINISHING Developing Prinline Enlarging yUlCK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies ?L PANTS AND VESTS Mlw a,- UMBRELLAS - Reg. V a 1 u c to $5.95. SPECIAL TO CLEAR $2.95 V"W $1.95 Each. LEAR at $1.25 us PHONE 311 Mel! ride Street This is Quality Merchandise at Give-Away Prices Shoe Findings Half Soles, Leather and KuWicr Jkfls, Leather and Rubber Felt Insoles Arctic Socks Shoe Laces Shoe Trees IF rgains You Cannot Afford To Miss ir is DRESS SALON 525 WEST THIRD AVENUE MMBER-Tivo Days Only numbing or Healing C'aU SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Buz 274 Phune Red .400 518 3rd Ave. W.