PEOYIHCIAL LIBRARY, 11 F VICTORIA, E. C. 1C5 i-i u j i is r i r v. ii i onnEs DRUG. 1 Daily Delivery Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port"Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHONE 81 VOL. XXXVIII, No. 26, PRINCE RUPKRT, B.C., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1949 price FIVE CENTS Market For 0 nan L yinnioer United :fore Y ?ed Near Wast lie huge rock Chinese Nationalists Are till Showing Fight ill way line atj Export Controls Are Being Relaxed For Time VANCOUVER (CP)-A new market f 6r British ; nnlnmhin InmViPf in tVio TTrftroH Rfatoo trsrlcnr Defiance of Reds Shown " V"" "v'-u( 7 as the government announced the relaxation of some A A 1 -: export conirois. Dominion controller W. R. Uren authorized the ; export of a number of grades which will release cer- mui iJenjeiivages ui cicai mill- NANKING. (CP) Li Tsung - Jen's government,-' showing nex life, today sharply, warned the Communists to lay off irrelevant demands if they want peace--A statement told tlic Reds Uiat the government Ls still able to fight but that continualion of hostilities 1$ un-desirable .""beeause .the people can no longer bear civil war." Stewart Is Relieved Although Steamer Landing Again Balked by Worst Winter Conditions ' ' 4 ' I . ' f ' " - I , - x ' - I - u - " , : . fcV , . . - ber to the United States market. At the end of ninety days the control office will assess stocks of lumber In the Vancouver forest district. If the shipment has been too great It may re-impose controls. Local lumbermen say tlire is lots of lumber in the yards for rinnriMt.ta nuprix inH thof tVio Of)- allowing Sun-i will be no e Rupert until e earliest, It is morning at Clonal Suprr-erncr. it the 500-foot red rock may m the adjoln-inie to permit mporary track "Klne.sday eve-even longer vice. t the Kile has f the 500 feci 4 by rock but 'ount of blast-red before the xk are broken ;an be handled equipment, ound Is com-,ace where it Issengers, mall ),tcmpt U being round the rock of deep sn,ow Snow in the Wst of Salvus, deep. t the blast site mioval of rock. I off to obtain ick ballasting. Aimougn oaiked by the loot- day trial Is unnecessary, thick field of solid Ice former) 1 between the meeting of the glacial fresh water of the Salmon and Bear Rivers at the head of Portland Canal. CaDt. ARGENTINA IS DENIAL BY SAM CARR John Boden was successful TItLTCHIHf I ID yesterday in delivering passen- I lUli I LlllflV Ul gers, man, express and essen BUENOS AIRES 05 Argentina j-r: - X... '-. '2 tial freight to the DeoDle of Knows Nothing Abort Secret Documents Taken From United Stales Files iiuui from the k ii c abcauiti stampr waay naitea tne transier 01 - u v Camosun. The ice precluded nioney abroad and the importa- ' ... ... . ... -I -J- 1 . . ' I NEW YORK -Mf. and Mrs. Sam Carr testified briefly today before a grand Jury Investl- manoeuvering or tne steamer 01 loieigii gooas m oraer 1 which would have been neces- 10 permit stucty of her financial j sary to make the normal land- policies. The government order- 1 ins at Stewart' riVlr an tho ed denartments and nrivat pv- i ! f yards of rock eating Communjat activity in the explosion, the United States and were then skipper turned back after get- porters to return permits which of dynamite , taken back to Ellis Island. , mig wmim nan a mne 01 llic una oeen issuea mem. wharf and anchored off the ... ' : Hyder, Alaska, float, where transfer was effected by gasboat A.'L I" I." ' C Questioning of Carr, key figure in Canada's post-war spy trial, was held. In camera and between ship and shore. There UUIIvlOn Ol II f P I newspapermen were noOallowed livL to query MnC' It "was .learned nau oeen a mile ot batsune the ice before the transfer was Fish Traps madn. , . . !G from his counsel, however, that Carr had told the Jury that he knew nothing about secret docu- , EVACUEE Harold Dunn of Ottawa, transport department 4 Cr.. Uie return leg the Dakota made a forced landing on the ice, radio operator'at lonely Arctic Buy, at the northern end of BaN-. of Hudson Bay. Dunn and a fellow patient an Eskimo were fin Island, is carried to a Dakota aircraft which made the lnnfj, e.ken off with the craw of the'Dakoi by an R.C.A.F. Norseman til rt , head of Portland Canal at 9:30 1 Alaska Senate Asking Vnited ,-. uil, . . J rnen.fcs VKfn from United Rates lejfc&XMfjfet .JfUX&l") PHP AivlliiUmIw,'nwiWl ltcutloij.nd .taken, to Churchill. ... ... ; 4 ... ... .... CP), a.m. 'ana was aay by jwon. uf voagresar ir"j b, Are j government files. ' Wis 1 ' - ' " ' " . ' Immediate Legislation was a bright and calm day with SUCCUMBS AFTER j GRIM EXPERIENCE, , JUNEAU, ti, A memorial the thermometer about 20 above. Provincial public works de TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Prince George To Fairbanks asking Congress for immediate abolition of fish traps in the territory was adopted by a 15 - Mure than! ilburban Lou- 1 eti and driven I f early today! and Ice floes. partment had partially broken up ice leading to Stewart anil n I mE.; , idents ( ;re a ?lr 1 tf: u . r V..; . water ; and r Hyder but the steamer herself TO SUE FOR PROSECUTION Supreme Court of Canada Allows Appeal Against STCA - of Saanich Man OTTAWA, !,' Tlie Supreme Court of Canada today allowed the appeal of Sydney Pickles THE WEATHER. . . 'Synopsis ' ' ' Overcast skies ' and" widely scattered snow flurries are general over the' interior of Brttlsih Columbia this morning while the coasUl rejious remain relatively clear. " V ,' !' to 1 vote in the Alaska Senate. Another bill recorded Senate support of a move to provide had to do considerable breaking before being able to make ANCHOMAGE, ilt A prospective lioiuc.sir.uicr, wiiu hunc upside down for 20 hours in the wreckage of an Alaska Air Lines DC-3, dU(i hoie 10 days alter the plane ploughed into a Kenal lc!iliisiiiH hillside. He was I'clcr Pouinira of San Francisco. $15,000,000 for an Alaska hous Vancouver Bayonue "... 003 Bralorne 9.00' B R. Con .03 ',2 b.r.x .10'2 Cariboo QuarU 1 45 Congress : 05' 4 a near approach. he damage home on the Jiwrence River ppt 350 yards )o four feet. ing authority. Commodities landed for Stew art included vegetables, tobac co, vegetables, fruit and meat Everything went off without mishap. Persons: transf errlne from' of Sanich, Vancouver Island, in his $10,000 damage suite against officers of the Victoria branch MILLIONS TO FIGHT V.D. Kill fur Construction of Railroad In t'.S. Scniitn ; WASHINGTON, . T) Senator Warren . Magnus-sen (Democrat, Washington) yesterday introduced in the Vnited States Senate a bill (o authorize the construction of a railroad link in Canada to connect existing railroads in ,the United Stales and Alaska. The measure promises that the link be constructed from Prinre (ieorge to Fairbanks where Hie Alaska Railroad ends. Not znt (Virnmr.-H 1 Revision of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and ordered a new trial. Pickles was charged by the SPCA with failing to care for four sheep on his fatm." He was acquitted and launched an action for malicious prosecution. The British Coiumuia Supreme Court had dismissed ais action. PARACHUTED TO SCENE OF CRASH ROSEBURG, Ore., W Capt. Fred Harcourt, doctor with the air rescue service from McCora Field, parachuted to the scene of a crashed airplane 30 miles southeast of here last night. With him was an enlisted para-chuter. The wrecked plane is believed to belong to John Krause jr. of Anttoch, California, who disappeared several days ago. Rescue pilots saw a man walking around the plane, trapped., but apparently, unhurt. O'lTAWA, O The Dominion nnd provinces will spend more than one million dollars this year in an intensified drive aaainst venereal disease, the Uepartnicnt of Health announced today An active stdrni which was devclopin-'in the Gulf of AU aska this" morning is expected to brlnj rain and snow to the northern coast tonight' with snow spreading to the northern Interior and mixed rain and snow spreading to the southern cast by Wednesday evening. Ktrong southeasterly winds are fxpected to accompany the Ktorm as it passes over northern coastal waters early tomorrow. forecast Queen Churiottes and North Coast Clear, becoming overcast this afternoon. Intermittent rain beginning tonight and turning to mixed rain and snow before morning. Cloudy frequently, overcast on Wednesday with showers,' mixed rain and snow. Winds light, increasing to southwesterly. 20 ru.p.h) by midday and southeasterly (30 overnight. Winds shifting to northwest 20, m.p,h.) Wednesday morning and decreasing to northwest rjo) by afternoon. Milden. Loiva tonight and hlglis Wednesday: Port Hardy 35 and 40, Massett 35 and 40, Prince Rupert 34 aiuj 38. BULLETINS ship to shore were Mr. and Mrs John Wostenholme and child, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rothie and child, Mrs. John McKay and child and Miss Janet McLeod and George Kusta3. Boarding the ship from Stewart were Waiter Hansen, Jack Bouzed, Mrs. John Thompson, Mrs. Robert Hutchlngs and J. P. Forrestal. Capt. Boden reported th plight of the people at Stewart not serious. Chief food shortage is in meat and eggs. By next week he hopes that, either by further efforts of local blasting operations or an amellora-' lion of the long cold spell, he will be able to tie up alongside Stewart dock. ,, There are ample food supplies on hand to take care of the needs of the community for at least another week. This has been one of the most severe winters in the history of Portland Canal. The cold has THREE CHILDREN BURN TO DEATH A second motion ire In the gov-.'! the Parllu-I yesterday as Throne Speech i il C.C.F. leader, fni'ins last night PMilulcnce in the tl!!' grounds that F provide an over-program, an "ting of ayricul- exchange of l'i Canada and t speculation in t tl.irsou, minister pimnccd the ap-I !lirrp-man cum-f ll Criminal l'f St. Laurent I Hie government I 'lie possible cs-P'cdiately ol f liUitions whlcti fre with a long-if Program. Hedlcy Mascot 54 Pacific Eastern 08 Fend Oreille 6.00 , Pioneer 3.55 Premier Border . .OS.i Privateer .18 Reeves McDonald 3.25 Reno 08 Sheep Creek 1-50 Silbak Premier 38 Taku River 34 Vananda .37 Salmon Gold .16','2 Spud Valley 00 Oils-Anglo Canadian 4 90 A.P. Con 24 Atlantic 70 Calmont -41 C. & E 6.00 Central Lcduc 130 Home Oil 12.12 Mercury 14 Vi Okalta 1.37 Pacific Pete 2.75 Princess 33 Royal Canadian .' .10 South Brazeau 18'2 Toronto Athona 13 Aumaque .31 Beattie 57 Bevcourt 30 Bobju 13 Buffalo Canadian HV2 Consol. Smelters 112.00 Conwest .. ." . 1.35 Donalda 55 Eldona 69 East Sullivan 3.15 Giant Yellowknile 5.65 God's Lake .". 52 Hardrock .20 Harricana ....... 08',2 lleva : 11 Hosco 28 Jacknife :.. 05 Joliet Quebec , 42 Lake Rowan r .06 'i Lapaska - .08 Little Long. Lac 95 Lynx .13 Madsen Red Lake 2.77 McKenzie Red Lake 40 McLeod Cockshutt 1.10 Moneta .48 'a Negus ..: 2.40 BRISTOL MINES, Que., 3J) Three children died yesterday when fire destroyed a one-storey frame dwelling in this Villa Or iS n W i 1 0 C MrtftVvitrflpt -i been intense, varying from 10 P flW 9R ahnirn wrlf-U V.s..., . . vv MW uoo,v 1VJ1 ilCavjf Ottawa. snowstorms interspersed. The The children were those of total ta lot slow, to date, at'Mr. and Mrs Joe clea xho BARBARA ANN BEST TORONTO Barbara Ann Scott, Olympic fiRiire-skating champion, now in professional ranks, was today named winner of the Lou Marsh memorial Trophy as Canada's outstanding sports competitor in 1918. She was elected over three other nominees. U.S. RECOGNITION WASHINGTON United States officials held out hojie : today that settlement ef the Arab-Jewish dispute may be a step nearer now with full Am-eriea.ri recognition of both Israel and TraifsJordart. MORE roWlRFIL ATOMS WASHINGTON The United Stales has new atomic bombs which' have more explosive energy than the old ones, the Atomic Jinergy Commission announced yesterday in its fifth semi-annual report to Congress.1 The, , report offered ra descriptions of the new design. ' ,V ' o iuuHcs, aiRiidoad are: Lorraine, 4- at the Silbak Premier Minp - u V l s vi . "--.'... ' - Dwayne, 2; Andrew, 8 months. Nothing could be done to fight the flames. As the parents watched, efforts to prime a nearby pump, which was frozen, proved unsuccessful. Heavy sncw prevented outside aid from being given. r L TIDES February a, 1940 I 3-8 19.7 f(,et I ls: 19.0 feet .!:03 7.0 feet 1 22:1 1 5.2 feet COMMUNIST ARMY IDLE i. Apparently Awaiting Answer to Demand for Arrest of (hiang Kai-Shek ; NANKING, ih Communist unities are still idle six miles north of Nanking where they have been for the past week. Apparently, they, are awaiting action on the Communist radio demand that the retired president, Chiang Kai-Shek, and other Kuomlntang officials on the Communist "war criminals" list be arrested. Acting President li Tsung-Jen left Nanking yesterday, flying to Shanghai on an undisclosed 1 r" mission.5 over 30 feet is reported. A crew of about 10 men has been employed for the past two weeks at the mine clearing the. snow from the buildings and Felix Hunger, who is in charge of the property, reports having con-siderabletrouble In negotiating the road to Stewart. Icing conditions in the canal have never been worse. January Customs Revenue Is Down Customs and excise receipts at the port of Prince Rupert during January totalled $28,541, a drop of more than $22,000under Jan uary, 1948. The amouat' was $19,000 less than December, 1948. DOLLARS ACCEPTED Dollar bills to the equivalent of 2, ($8) per passenger are accepted on all British Railways' steamers and trains. etbali Noranda .. A 58.25. Louvicoiut .42 Pickle Crow 2.15 Regcowt 06 San Antonio 4.30 Senator Rouyn 44 Sherrit Gordon 2.40 Steep Rock 1.57 Important Notice Canadian Club Dinner to be held, ,at, Civic Centre instead of JPresbyterian Church. RETURNS TO SENATE -Senator T, 1. Bouchurd, 07, absent from the Senate for nearly a year because of illness that made him temporarily blind, announced recently he will be ba:k in the Senate Chamber this year. This recent photo by Malak of Ottawa shows him relaxing at the piano at. his St. HyaciiTihe, Quebec, home. . (CP Photo) GHT f-Hl vs.