I ' t '- JOE LOUIS LAST prfnee Kupert Dafl? J3ctoa 4 FIGHT JUNE 26 Tuesday, February 1, 1949 - Hpott, Evitt ORLANDO, Florida, Joe Louis' discoverer - advisor, John Eoxborough, said today and Co. Ltd- ! that the Brown Bomber will put up his title for the twenty-sixth &a&n tcr lite. and final time in June Can Supply You With if the box office appeal is J right. By that he meant with I if 3- Including Fir, Cedar, etc. an opponent who wit! guarantee a large enough gate for WRING In Fir or Hemlock Joe'a cut. k'G -All Type ' "If SAMl ana luwi " t Sport Shots and bS r I M M III t tlur ili;lliu I a i v.lli BETWEEN BASKETS (Continued from Page 4) A skilled British electrician took a job on condition his company allow him Saturday afternoon off to watch Chelmsford City soeeer games. Result: i f . in all sizes phone cri ' Peoples Store 5 4 .556 j Miller Bay 0 10 .000 j Junior ' W L Pet. North Star 8 1 .889 Kinsmen 7 3 .700 I Rupert Hotel 3 7 500 I High School 1 8 .111 , 1 Advert,! in the Daiiy News! I 4 ,5 ; '? f : " ; HATCHING ijve (fell in a J'ffv, . NATIONAL HOCKEY I.LAOCK STANDINGS W D L F A Pts. pplruit 24 K 134 103 52 Boston .... 19 4 17 114 111 Montreal 18 6 l' 110 100 ! Chkago .. 16 . 5 20 123 1 10 j TwOiiLa .. 13 10 13 S5 115 Now York 13 0 17 94 99 I i?ADM;:JTON FAMILY Jack PurceU, former world badminton champion, didn't try to make his youngsters play the game but when they took it up he coached them in the fine points. The results were evident in the Toronto and District tcurnan-.ent at the Toronto Carlton Club recently when his three children made good showings. Pictured above',' left to right: PeUT, 19; Bill, 21, who won the men's singles tl'Je; Nancy (Mrs. Frank Pidgeon); and the 45-year old champion. Nancy's husband won the men's singles at last year's tournament. (CP NEW JANUARY BUILDING LIGHT Total of $8,fm(l Value for P.isl SI.nth 8 ? I H?hter. in the fourth round of IH.9J0 .sued by the City Engin-j a exnibiUon bout here last rS or ice during January ' weKjni ht- olivcr 222 pounds, was the h.the.t for correspond- I any out or , mltlutje and had to v; i I f i I-. J asi mi; monui oi any year since 1940. The total exceeded thai of January. 1948 by 51,000 ar.d'hlt his nead ln the unpadded $1000 WINNERS IN ,.FV. t; HOOD CONTEST y-ir 1 1 17' , 2! KNOCKED OUT BY JOE LEWIS ORLANDO, Florida, XP Joe Louis knocked out Dixie Lee Oliver vMpi'a n Rt Pptorshnft be carried out of the ring. Louis delivered loft hnnk anrl Oliver canvas. Civic Centre Dates . . Sports am. 9:00 -Bo Me Hi Gym Class p.m. 2:30 Rup-Rec Tiny Tots 3:30 Teen Age Badminton (Casual! 7:00 -Adult Club Badminton 7:30 -Rup-Rec Teen Age Girls i Special 1:00 Gyro Club Luncheon 1:30 Gyro Club Meeting 3:30 -Jr. Girls Doll Dressing! Class 7:30 Women's Leathercraft j 7:30-Teen Age Boys Crafts 8.00 -Little Theatre 8:00 Teen Camera Club 8:00 Band Practice LADIES 'B' BOWLS LEAGUE SCHEDULE Feb. 1 Big Sisters vs. Toilers Brownwoods vs. Belmont; Ro.su Lees v?. Miller Bay; Boosters vs Stars; Busy Bees vs. Noble Wick. Feb. 8 - Rosa Lres vs . Belmont: Miller tJay vs. Busy Bees; Nob!; & Wick vs. Boosters; Big Si.slei:, vs. Stars; Tollers vs. r "d D l sreripti -.'.::.," .'.3 i,iiy New.;! IT5 HX RECENT lOOO ROBIN i i If,.- A.l.l, Mr. ftwi if f., U.K. No. i.m, at. l'orl ' A. X H.fc .1.1. Mr. I.. 17 B. l'l amount of " Hood Flour Hood Contest, HTf lies iTTIIMiiiii . kilccn, 1. Cnilil. Ont. Mr. J. W .Oin ll. llf, Kim C're-k, Manitoba. if " I I w Indies Hifh School Lyfcegard 4, Pa-vich, Keays 4, Hamilton 4, Kennedy, Currie 8, Peterson 2, Webster 2, L. Y(Ainginaii 2, Windlc. -26. Miller Buy Vincent 3, Moore 6, Asehoff 1. Lelness 1, Wood, Hills, Plowman 4. 15. Ju. i'or Kinmen HHn 8, Dumas 2, Ciccone 8, McKay 2, Penoff, Le-tourneau 2, Webber, Blackaby. -22. x Rupert Hotel --Morrison 10, A. MacFarlane, W. Staeey 3, B. MacFarlane, E. Stacey 0, Marki 4, Jordan 1, Becker, Donaldson. -24. Basketball standings: Senior W L Pet. Co-op 8 1 .689 Brownwoods 4 6 .400 Savoy 4 6 .400 Bo-Mo-Hi 3 6 .333 Intermediate W L Pet. Fashion ! 7 2 .778 Merchants 7 ' 3 .700 High School 5 4 .556 Morgan's 3 6 .333 Stone's 1 8 .111 Ladies W L Pet. t Dom's f. 8 1 .889 High School 6 4 .600 PROFESSIONAL MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone BLUE 818 P.O. Box 526 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. A.' P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS MOW AT I PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL PRINCE RUl'ERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR AND MESSENGER Beer, Soda, Perfex and Ginger Ale Bottles ' PHONE RED 751 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROOM 10, STONE BUILDING TIIONE blue rm P.O. Box 1184 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners PHONES Black 687 Red 894 evenings P.O. Box 1670 FOR YOUR ROCK and CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed v 47.AUTY REPAIRS ' For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Solei MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second At. the firm broke a 25-year old practice and switched iU early -closing day from Wednesday to Saturday. Wilf Manion, a holdout since the soccer season opened, has signed with Mid-dlesborough. Two months ago he said he'd never kick a football for Middlesborough again. Hughie Gallacher, still remembered as one of feoccer's aii-ume greats, says soccer today makes him sick. "Too much money influcrwe," he says. "Shekels count more than skill." D'ye ken John Peali of the record break? Few people do, but 50 years ago the name was a household word in .British billiards. William John Peali, now a dapper, grey-haired man of 94, made a run of 3,004 before the turn of the century. It stood for more than 40 years until Walter Lindrum came along with a mark of more than 4,000. Peali stopped playing billiards regularly after the war. He still ha the occaslorral game with his sons Ernest (62), Arthur (69i, Gordon (00) or uaughter Mabel (67). He has used the same cue for 76 years. Classified advertising aicays brings results. BUSINESS AND DRY KINDLING WOOD in sacks FIR AND CEDAR 50c Sack Delivered PHONE B & W TRANSFER ' Green 186 BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS . and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales, Service and Parts Boat Owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk over equipment problems. MATTSON'S UPHOL8TERING AND FURNITURE REPAIRS Custom-built Chesterfield Suites and Occasional Chairs Spring-filled Mattresses Repaired Drapes Curtains Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 526 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 PAPER HANGING AND WOOD FINISHING Latest Shades, Styles and Colors J. P. MOLLER ' Phone BLUE 155 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repair MIKE COLUSSI. Phone BLACK 758 072 10th East TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturda: 10:45 p.m. Wells Cartage Ltd. Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartagr BLUE 780 RED 516 JANUARY CLEARANCE MEN'S WINDBREAKF.RS Full zipper, sizes 36 to 44. Reg. $6.95 NOW $4.25 Men's AII-WmI CRUISER COATS Extra long, pure wool. Reg. $15 NOW (11 Men's All-Wool OUTINfi , COATS-New styles and colors. Reg. $11.50 NOW $8 Men's All-Wool WORSTED SUITS Newest styles and shades; perfect fit. Why pay $40 to $55 Our price is $32.50 MEN'S WORK PANTS Sanforized. All sizes. Reg. $4. NOW $2.95 MEN'S DRESS and SEMI-DRESS PANTS-Sizes to 48. Prices from $4.25 Ut $9 Boys LONG PANTS Good ; make and fit. From $2.73 Boys' SWEATERS Pull-overs v-neck, all-wool. From $1.3 Boys' RUBBER LACE BOOTS First quality, all sizes. $1.95 Ladies' and Children's UNDERWEAR Good quality, at Specially Reduced Prices Greer & Bridden CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS Floor Sanding A Specialty RED 561 P.O. BOX 121 Mate YourPatts, and be all set to build that new home or to re model the old one when spring comes. We will be glad to assist you in every way possible. MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders and Contractors PHONE 363 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. Box 541 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT n BKTTY MITCHELL, 20, Winnipeg stenographer and North Am;r)c.an and Canadian senior women's speed skating champion, tunes up for the world speed Kkaiing championships at Ko!i-.s!)ei,'i, Norway, Feb. 12-13. MUs iML-hell was scheduled to leave for Norway this weekuu!. iCP Photoi NOW AVAILABLE A A tA LOOK TOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL I L Afounl;iill, 0rlf!,;.rSt., Cliar-lottetuwn, P.K.. Mr. llucli Mr.N.il, 23 Beacon St., ('.lace Bay, N.S. nn 1 Hobin . ..In n..r u i that ,eek m fa Practically all of the January, total gave authorization to repairs and additions to existing struetures, with only a negligible amount of new building listed. Largest permit was for $4,000, issued to the provincial Department of Public Works, .or an adduiun to a buildin", j;i Kirit Avenue Eat. Annette Mansell, Tlilrd Avenue, $75, sign erection. . , C. H.iun, Seventh Avenue iiiiil, $3i0, garage. D. Main. Eighth Avenue East, udiliiion. i R. Vandeiheide, Herman Piace, $1()U, repairs. j A. Blomberg, Claude Street,-; S800, addition. Dept. Public Works, First Avenue, S 1,000, addition. U. Windlc, Seventh Avenue East, $200, addition. Pioneer Laundry, Third Av enue, $100, repairs. lJhiipJ., Evitt Ltd., waterfront, S-.00, repairs. D. T. Christopher, Eighth Avenue West, $75, repairs. W. Nixon, Water Street, $100. septic tank. R. F. Coswan, Eighth Avenue Last, $;500, repairs. J. Van Waleghan, Third Av enue, $.")00, repairs II. S. Cobb, Herman Place,: $100, garage. E. Ellongrud, Fourth Avenue East, $100, repairs. C. Sevor.son. Tenth Avenue East, $500, addition. Ling the Tailor, Sixth Street, $150, alterations. JANUARY FIRE DAMAGE HIGHER A boat fire at Cow Bay on January 14 gave Prince Rupert its greatest single fire loss in the last year. Damage from blaze aboard the 45-foot sein? boat Ka-wha-las was estimated at $2,000 and was the greatest single loss since the Three Sisters Cafe fire last February. City fire department answered seven calls during January, six of them resulting In negligible loss. There were five calls in Juiary 1948 and 11 in December. During January the city firemen acting as ambulance crew, answered 31 ambulance calls. BASKETBALL TIME-TABLE February 1 High School and North Star, Prims and Peoples. Fashion and Stones, Bo-Me-Hi and Co-op. February 5 North Star and Rupert Hotel, Peoples and Miller Bay, Co-op and Brownwoods, Morgans and High School. February 8 Kinsmen and High School, High School and Doms, Stones nad Merchants, Savoy and Bo-Me-Hl. nnT. c.nrl v..r nam. and addrett Certificate or Robin Hood Oots box top Box 310, Toronto, Ont. Enter today! rTfTn Kl rrrr ii mm iiiiim immH TtMm rm j 9 x Cate fHflli ! ... ' for Tasty MealK t.-TJ I Sweet Si(cen's New Srinv; S(' k is hound lo do jus! thai ! . . . Gabardine Suits . . . Gabardine Coats . . . Shorlie Coats . . . Jersey Dresses . Slacks, Gabardine, Fine Wool Blouses, to r,o with the costumes r,l(7 Chow Mein Chinese Dishes a Specialty "id Avenue opposite Prince fipert Hotel 1 a.m. Phone 173 W Outside Orders Sweet Sixteen's Fersonaliaed BUDGET PLAN is designed for your convenience. No Interest- No Carrying Charges. Irn. I. f eaptone I WONDER WALL PXlNT m a number of attractive coloi it Hurkly with a snft flat flilkh. 0 ntiat-t tA r rv i . . m'-t.nif v a Ron PSOH HARDWARE C0)LTD.