"H IggOT Steamship Movement! Monday, November 1. 1948 Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE 1 folks Prefer 000 p.m. , a. ;-ftf7 , f ifK ' A 1 MI . : BALPELECTRIC LAMPS- s 1i ' ACCUSED IN MURDER Fer-nand Grenier, 25-year-old salesman, who will go on trial Nov. 8 at Three Rivers, Que., for the strangulation murder 15-year-old Rita Lafon-talne, walks fro mthe court room aftef a preliminary hearing. The girl's body, her scarf wrapped around her neck, was found Jan. 28 hanging from the fire escape of a Three Rivers school. . (CP Photo t CityMerchants ... ' City merchants are asked In future to have opy for all display advertisements into the Dairy News office by 4 p.m. of the day previous o their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour fr publication. NEW U.S. AMBASSADOR TO CANADA Laurence A. Stein-hardt, left, former U.S. minister to Czechoslovakia, Is pictured as he was sworn in at Washington as U.S. ambassador to Canada. Raymond Muir, assistant chief of protocol, administered the oath of office in a ceremony at the state department. Stein-hardt succeeds Ray Atherton, who recently resigned. m v You'll notice the difference in your home and in your office when you switch to General Electric Lamps. They stay brighter longer . . . give you best lightjng value. Timely Topics Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter IAN GENERAL ELECTRIC English Bride Honored at Shower Party Hallowe'en Tea and Sale The staff of the Skeena rest-sters have been out colte'.-ting. A Friday! big Party was held at the CJvic aurant were hostesses on ....... ! Centre on Saturday night and evening at a combined birth-, , . ..,. .A the one who sold the most ana ray and welcome party for their j the one who collected the most popular employer, Mrs. Lloyd! were oresented with valuable Q 13 it considered good form for a girt to accept what k known as a "blind date"? A. Yes, if she is willing to ftm the risk of being thrown Into the companionship of an un- u'-MiaDie man. However, this would depend upon the friend-; wno arranged the date. is it appropriate to have a fruit centerpiece for the table? Yes; 't is Very effective to have a centerpiece composed of a silver plate , heaped with 1 oranges, apples, bananas, peaches, plums or grapes. Q. What is the correct way to address a woman chairman of a meeting? A. "Madam Chairman." HALLOWE'EN ,AT TERRACE Fine Costume Party Held ' Friday Nreht I TFRACE Friday night's Hallowe'en Masquerade was om Of the most amusing and successful events of the There was a good variety of costumes and .the judges, who were all fairly recent newcomers to Terrace, hada difficult time choosing the winners. Sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion, the dunce was held in the Oddfellows' HalJ and was well patronized. Rawley Beecher was master of ceremon and the music was supplied the newly orqarized Terrace dance orchestra. . Pressing f the door were Mrs. F. Hall and Mrs. A. Kirkaldy. The judges were, Mrs. MeGilvery, Mrs. Rob-' erts, Mrs. Muiie, and Mr. K1- beck. Prize winners were: Best dressed, Mrs. van Stolk, Eastern lady; Sam Kika1dy, Mexican. Most original, Mrs. Mk-hlel, Chinese mandarin; Peter van Stolk, "Carmen Miranda. ' Comic, Mrs. B. Baxter, f. jtn- edlemie; Dudley Little, ce,1 email. Best, couple, Mr. and Mf. 8. Howlett, old-fashioned lady and clown. HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make mock goose? A. Parboil a leg of pork and remove the skin. Then rub with butter and sprinkle with salt, pepper, powdered sage, bread crumbs, and minced onion. Roast in a moderate oven. A well-seasoned bread dressing can be baked in the pan with apples. 'iQ. How can I keep the leather bindings oi books in better condition? A. If the ooors cf the book cases are left open once In a while, allowing the air to reach the books, it will help. Q. How can I remove varnish from furniture? A. By using ammonia and water in equal quantities. ' Sander, who came out from England in' the Spring to marry j for fancy dress costumes and a Mr. Sauder. The table was'srriaii Eift for each child. beautifully decorated and was centred with a large birthday cake made by Mrs. Mary Jones. After the dinner, a table lamp, umbrella and box of chocolates were presented to the surprised guest of honor. The basement of the United Yonr Dealer can supply you GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. LTD. Local Distributors: PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE :i2 Second Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Church was the setting on Sat- urday afternoon o fa Hallowe'en Mrs Gamb;in and Mrs. Mor-tea which drew a very lurge pat- ris o prince Rupert have ar-ronage. Black and oranee was i rived in town WUh their children the color scheme of the decora-1 nave taken up residence on tions and Hallowe'en motiffs cfr.d Lake'lse Avenue where ihcy will For Vanceuver Sunday ss. Coqultlam, 11 p.m. Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 Thursday ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. i Nov. 6 ss. Princess Louise, p.m. Frwn VmeoiiYrr Bundey ss. Camosun, 11 p.ni. Wednesday ss Prince Oeorge, 10 a.m. . Friday ss. Coqultlam, 1 p.m. Nov. 1 ss. Princess Louise, a.m. For Alice Arm and Port S impawn Alice Arm and Simpson Tuesday ss. Camesan, a.m. Ocea FIU Wednesday ss Prince George a.m. Nov. 1 ss. Princess Louise Ocean Fr of Thursday-ss. Prince George, 11:15 p.m. Nov. 5 ss. Princess Louise . From Alaska Thursday ss Prinee Oeorfe, Nov. 6 ss. Princess Louise, Alaska HUSBAUD OF PIOIIEERP.R. GIRL PASSES Dr. H. C. Horwood, son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Orme, now residine in Victoria, died sud denly in Vancouver Saturday after having been stricken while a Visit to the Coast from Toronto. It was in Victoria that he became ill, being rushed to Vancouver for treatment. Dr. tiorwooa was a mining engineer and, before moving to Toronto had been located in the Port Arthur dWrict. Besides his wife, the former Mary Helen Orme, he is survived by two children. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Stuart left by plane this afternoon for Vancouver to attend the funer-lal. NOTICE 1 ti- Liailv News wishes to draw attention to the rule 'hat classified and transient advertising Is payable In 'advance at the Office At time of presenting copy for adver"-tising. Those desiring to ad-n.ise in this manner In the Dally News are asked to assist the orflce and respect his rule by refraining from telephoning classified adver- XM AS PHOTOS Order Early Chandler & Cowgill For Appointments PHONE DAY: GREEN 389 NITE: BLACK 615 216 4th Street NEW LUXURY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE ' SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. lBt Now Buy toys at your leisure while stocks are eomplete! You can make a much better selection now than will be possible Jnst before Christmas. Men's Work Pants i t Reg. $4.00-.; QfiJ NOW ....l:.r:L:: S?, Men's Dress Pants Reg. $6.50- . flJJ en now Boys' Ail-Wool Tweed, Pants r Reg. $4.50 NOW Boys' Shirts All Sizes- S1.25 FROM - Vi" T adi' Umbrellas Kr"i::..s2:5 Knitting Wool Best Kind OV'" Reg. 40c NOW Bora' Raincoats $4.85 I WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Fnlareinr QUICK SERVICE Amateur and r i ' Phone 210 ROYAL PORTABLE J -r improvements and perfections! Come in and see the New Royal Portable! New Quiet De Lux model, ' From Port From 10 a.m. For pm. p.m. For from Terrace of on prizes, besides prizes bein? given Fred Nash cf Victoria is visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Nash. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Little of Kwlnltsa drove Into town on Friday to take in the Hallowe'en dance. operate a laundry. Mr. and Mrs Will Christv are now living in Ihcii new home on the Eby Roao TENANT'S RIGHT ' Firebote, in English law, is the right of a tenant to cut wood on the estate for fuel. Movinp, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and (i8 PRf- CHRISTMAS SALE OF FISHERMEN CO LTD ies by survive this week, it will be business as usual. William Lyon Mackenzie King is about to retire from a premiership that lor length of service, broke all records. Canadian affairs of state will go on. When the head of the average household is taken, it might seem, for a moment that all Is lost forever. But ft does not turn out just that way. Part of the visual deficiency of older persons is due to the lact that the" pupils "of a 50-year-old person admit only sliRhthy more than half as much light as those of a 20-year-oM. f o o d $ (A Classified Advertising Pays: Advertise in tne uany News! XOTlf'F. TO CfWTK CTOHN T..,.lr. fur Nl-hliol HlliWMlip nuiri Tonrif-rs. endorsed "Trndor r, bhnni Ruiidltics" will b recflv- fd by the undeintKned up to and ln-cliuUiiR November 6th. 1948. 8:0U for the erection unu tion of the following scnoom. 1. Two-roora echtiol t HouKton, B C 3. Three-room school nt TelKwa, B C 8.. Three-room nnhex to HlRh School Bt Bmlthera. B.C. Tenders shull not Include reiwnt foundutlon work of Houston una TelKwa choolR. , Plans, sjieciflcatlonn and form or tenders mav be obtained from the lv...,.i u..., nffim in Bmlthera. B. Repairs to HIGH SPEED ENGINES is our specialty. We have the latest in modern machinery and specially TRAINED MECHANICS to handle this class of work. Let us have your engine now, do not wait until the last minute for that overhaul. If you are thinking of dn overhaul, we will be glad to look your motor over and make our recommendation. PHONE us or better still DROP IN and talk it over with our Shop Foreman. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 California poppies decorated the serving table and stalls. Mis. Frank Gavan, president of the Ladies' Guild opened the proceedings. Serving on tie apron stall were Mrs. McKay, Mrs. McLeod. Candy and cake stall, Mrs. Loveless, Mrs. Fred wisher; plants and card stall, Mrs. Mc-Ilroy. Pourers were Mrs. T. Brooks, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. C Haugland, Mrs. W. Ki'kpatrii Serviteurs were Mrs. B. Smith, iMrs. Mallett, Mrs. Ross, Mrs. Floyd Frank and Mrs Gavan. In the kitchen were Mrs. Glen, Mrs Mclnnes, Mi's. I. Frank, Mrs. McLaren, Mrs. L. Llewellyn. The Terrace children were 'out last week with their sheliout tickets and every house in town was canvassed. Friday night at 5 o'clock was the deadline ioi selling and since then the young- ri ..n i kiSCEWES ;ruiE Page O me (or the first e txposed to ln- ;ople of scant not thoroughly lacking the at-jnrfry and gen- k much that was not found In .a. Lord help us! northerners! 3 one is lncns-ons i of persons .in D. Roosevelt n carried on, as Churchill not I HIIEB t Fjatrng; Place l0l'RSE MEALS m- to 8 p.m. NUet Hall teons. Dinnprs Parties es Dishes DWAY FE Phone 200 "st H Most Mfn rrom 5:30 PPeclalizl fshea i 8U8Y Wiring or Lighting ean be effective only IF PROPERLY PLANNED We can assist you in getting the best value for money expended. FOR WIRING, LIGHTING, HEATING, : REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE , see The Northern B.C. Power Co. LIMITED Phone 209 lVi ' ,' "f ' ;" " " crisp, crunchy, peanut- '' rVf'-' O I ladcn bars coated with l Moirs rich, creamy smooth !' Ct I (0 l 'or delicious Moirs A 0m "Buddies". , i'im " . MM i i I II I ' I n nn nnvmpnt. Clf ft deDOSlt Of UO. which amount will be refunded on return of plans In good condition. A certified cheque equal to ,10 of tender and payable to the Board of Bchool Trustees muRt accompany the bid. as surety of good faith. Tlw lowest ot any tender not nec TERRACE SEE-THE (R) t with FINGER FORM KEYS! New! The most sensational typewriter improvement in yeart FINGER FORM KEYS designed to cradle your finger tipsl And only the New ROYAL PORTABLE the world' first truly modem typewriter has this revolutionary feature! And more, besides! New Beauty! Speed Spacer I Rapid Ribbon Changer! "Magic" Margin! And many othaf . important Magic" is a registered trade essarily accepted. A. Muhelm. Beer. Treasurer, Board of Trustees. Bchool District "o M Bmlthera, B O. Rmlthera, B.C. oro, October 10, 194B. a',8l I vwood Cafe Up-To-Date Cafe in Prince Rupert Skeena Restaurant TERRACE LLOYD SAUDER, PROPRIETOR GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE till midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays Open 6:30 a.m. DINE AND DANCE Bring your friends and enjoy yourselves AFTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. - mark' of Royal Typewriter Co, Ltd. ft FOR outside order Phone 133 CHOW MIEN 518 3rd Ave. W. Phne Red 46t t TUB DAILY NHWd-CIRCOLATION COUNTS PLACE AN AU