1 Prince Raped Daflf I3ifijj Tuesday, August 30, 1949. p-- ,SCf ifel-MaU HOW LIQUOR IS SELLING Prices Seem to Be Varyinf, Police Court Hears Magistrate W. D. Vance was busy In the city police court yesterday dealing with a number of cases mainly intoxication affecting white and natives ho had been indulging unwlncly over the SPENCER m nconDRU urnn ULuunnii nLnn V & 4. 11 t ; H I Mil - Ii i win j v j I HUIfN Mf CIH MMH OCNIO , Sff I MUVTN JOHNS -MAMllITt OHKJ 1 1 week-end. Apparently the price of whisky as sold to various thirsty souls varies as one said he paid $11 to an unknown while man for a bottle while others obtained theirs for $5. The pol ice are Intent on arresting the salesmen but, as a rule, the ac cused cannot or wllf not remem ber what the seller looked like. Percy Alexander was fined $25 and costs or one month for intox lcatlon, Mickey Dolan for drunk- .enness $10 and costs or seven WHY IS IT IDLE?-r-Prince Rupert's 1,250,000 bushel elevator. It was discussed at the annual convention of Associated Boards of Trade of Central B. C. In Smifchers recently. Delegates expressed surprise that it continued in disuse. SHIPS and WATERFRONT 9-.00-BBC NewSl.. 9:15 Mornitia .' 9 30- Sunrlse :4a--Cofw Tim " M Tiw s-r 10:00 -Ellen Harry 10:15 Morning h " '"' Riimrtiij) f,, 10:45 - Scandinavia' 11:00 -Strike Up ijv i'days. Dora Johnson, for falling . - x v - Vif Radio Dial CFPR 1210 Kl'xycles (Subject to Change TUESDAY -P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Z. Lapenson, Violinist. 4:45 Patsy and Patoheg 5:00 Songs from the Shows 5:30 Western Five 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Supper Serenade 8:15 Perry Como 6:30 Musical Varieties 7:00 CBC New 7:15 Science Reporter 7:30 Leicester Square to 1 Broadway 8:00Albcrta Ranch House 8:30- Record Album 6:00 Music by Eric Wild 9: 30 -Classics for 'Widry 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Points of View 10:30 Drama 11:00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAA - A M. 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for M"derr, 8:45 Little Concert Steamship Movements For Vancouver 'SMITH & ELKINS PLUMBINQ AND HEATING Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED II. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. iNear CFPR) Prince Rupert Floristi Fi00 3rdAve 3c 516 Tel. 777, Flower for All Occasion I MEALS IN AIR This pretty hostess, thousands of feet up in a modern airliner, has the knack of serving delicious meals at a momen ts notice. Anything from chicken a la maryland to filet mignon is prepared on the ground, by expert chefs, scaled in aluminum foil, deep-frozen and reheated aloft. 11:15 Songs of V U:30-Wealheth,, U:M R'forrioit i, . 11:45 Famous Voic- 5 Pk 12:00-12:15-12:25- M d Day m. CECNewi P"'t:ram Re 12:30 B.C. Farm 6 12:5.) R t ;. 1:00-Summer By 2 :00 Novelty Twv 2:)5 -Musi'-al Pro: 2:30 Records jf 2:45 -CnmmonUr; City Women 3:00 -The Music E 3:15- Serena FOUNTAINS K' J ne Bluer Kw'.Sj the border bl; Montana, are u ( of the Rocky M'i IN THE Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p m From Vancouver Sunday s.'.. Camosun, 11 p.i Wednesday ss Prince Rupe" 10 a.m. For Alice Arm and Stewart j Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.rr. From Alice Arm and Stewart I Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert i 10 a.m. For Ocean Fs1f Thursday s. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Ruper: midnight. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert. Why his love win never taaei r Each pound contains Proteins as in V2 carbohydrntei as in V2 iowr doq's love Nourish every inch with GAINES . i-v-rr: .v. i on tne ponwcui u "- . cry cu. u.c Squamish Queen for repairs to prupeiwr ana .18 (... lowins a stranouig laot week on a reef at Inverness cannery in' th Skeena slough. The Squa mith Queen, being operated under charter to J. H. Todd & Son, was coming Into Inverness to load empty cans for delivery to Klemtu when she ran over the reef. It is expected she will be ready to leave on Thursday. Moifhip Sydney, Capt. Osmund Henderson, arrived from Ketchikan with a shipment of four carloads of frozen fish for eastern poinils. and the MV.. Dasney, Captain Joe Burdette, 1 had a cargo of canned salmon also from Ketchikan. MINISTER IS BUYING HOME OTTAWA The Minister of Transport. Hon. Lionel Chevrier, , has bought a home in this city. It is costing the Liberal member for Stormont, Dundas and Glen -garry, $30,000 and his wife and six children will move in In September. if S v 1 !Lhf A . ' ' . J kU . mm - -v RETURNS TO WORK Cynthia Norton, back at her work as a telephone operator at Terrace, after the thrills of representing . this district as "Miss Prince Rupert" at the 'Miss P.N.E." contest in Vancouver. 1 o FACTORY-APPROVED METHODS ft are juM right to do every job at lowe cot. o GENUINE FORD PARTS last longer, because they are made right, to right. We know your Ford of Canada car or truck best and have "what it takes" to give the best service at the lowest cost. It pay you to drive in today BOB PARKER LIMITED The Home of Friendly Service PHONE 83 to appear as instructed on Aug ,ust 3i had ner ball estreated and flned $10 and cosU or seven fm ,ntoxlcllUon. Su8lc chambermaid, was fined '. $10 and costs or seven days and was given a warning. Margaret Pete was fined $10 and costs. Jack Nyce paid $300 for his bottle and was fined $10 and costs: Leonard Wesley paid $3 for his bottle and was fined $10 and costs or seven days. Cyprian Nisyok for Intoxication and resisting arrest was fined $10. Ills party had been in the open a" - . James uevun pieacica guuiy u Intoxication and was fined $10 and costs or seven days as was E'ic Florens. Joseph V. Benson and John Robinson were each fined $10 and cost or seven days for Intoxication in a public place. The case of Claude Dlonne, a recent arrival from Quebec, brought strong condemnation from Magistrate Vance and a warning that the police were to be treated with respect and the laws of the province to be obeyed. The accused was charged with Intoxication and using insulting and abusive language to the police. He was fined $20 and costs or fourteen days. In the case of Joseph Chart-rand, who had been previously ordered to leave the city and whose conduct and associations aroused the suspicions of the police, Magistrate Vance reserved sentence until Wednesday. Lome Dempscy on a third conviction of Intoxication was sentenced to thirty days. Robert Pal-len was fined $10 and, costs or seven days. In the case of a Juvenile nat ive charged with intoxication Magistrate Vance gave the lad words of warning and sound advice and released him as It was his first offence. BRITAIN EXAMINES 'Continued rrom Page 2) Some economists have argued that British i n d u s t ry would function better if there were wider unemployment (the ranks of the jobless are stationary at around 300.0001. No government spokesman has associated himself with the theory, which only Inflames the suspicion of the working clauses and upsets the government's claim that the old workless days are gone forever. GREER & I BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CONSTRUCTIONS ALTERATIONS REPAIRS . FLOOR BANDING A SPECIALTY 5 RED 581 r.O. BOX 721 i WRATnALIAS PHOTO FINDING Developing Printing F.nlarrinr QUTCK SERVICE i Amateur nd Profetsional Suenlie I COTTAGE CHEESE I New Creamed Fresh Made! VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE OFFICIAL HEAT IS 18 DEGREES In spite of what citizens may have felt or thought the official thermometer yetserday recorded a maximum of 78 degrees. This y T4 Wh.rev.r do wdi art told 1-lb, l ib. and IJ-tb. bog. Complete Central Food To win your dog's lieart iiourisli every inch ! Fenl Gaine ! kennej-lcsted biologically proved complete nutrition. Saves dollars! roU less to feed tlimi any other type. A 5-lb. bag ' tuakc 10 to 12 lbs. of ready-to-cat food. So easy to feed! jn-t mix Gaines w itli water ( soup, milk or gravy). For Variety: Iry G A INKS KKUNC.1ION, whirl, is (iaines Meal comiiressed into cruncliv bite-eixe v 1 j This aJcrtiicment in not puMMird or disptive.! by tne IN by the Government of British ColumM. HOLLYWOOD cafe pellets. 1 s beef; W5 L o.spo5,rION. . i . I Happy I BliMB)9M)MBH L I I F1CT0RY-TRAINED SERVICE- 1 L I 'tnow y0"' c,r r J equals the highest recorded of ficlal reccrd of 1947 when thr. nercury reached the same helghi but is still well behind last year maximum of 83 8. Forecast for today indicates a continuance ot the warm weather although light clouds were moving into the sky this morning. - s Ail. Mt" I Meal for Alt Dogs (207) HOLIDAY PICNIC PACK THE BASKET WITH GOOD THINGS TO EAT from Terrace Meat Market George E. Peters, Prop. QUALITY SERVICE 3 MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE OPEN PROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In Chinese DlsheJ CHOP SUKY-CIIOW MKIN For Outside Orders IMION'E 133 cooked oatmeal; fnts as in 1 oz. butter; minerals at in 1 lbs. cheese ; iron as in lbs, beef liver. i m T .4' "li PLAN TO ATTEND ' Terrace and District Civic Centre Labor Day Program Barbecue Loggers' Sports Children's Sports Carnival Games Bowling DANCE in Evening Frank Cavan's Orchestra A roduc1 of :: Sales and Service (222) to m - ' TRAVEL THE EASY, COMFORTAb tatle i BAD (BRAXes) FOR YOU may mean TRAGEDY for others It s a horrible feeling stepping on that pedal and finding yourself going as fast as ever. DON'T LET IT HAPPEN! Have your brakes put in tip-top shape by our experts. Drive in today. PHONE GREEN 217 Superior Auto and Body Service Kcgular 1 rips ... j n PKarlnttC lsanu I (Daily, Except Sundaj; To Alice Arm, Stewart (Svery Thursday) CHARTER I LIGHTS T1IR0U."" . - . . , T-l..-..,rotlfll'.sA"'. Sludebaker and Austin J or lnlormrfcon ana iu'm-' OUERN CM ARLOTTE AIRL1' MEATS FISH BUTTER EGGS POULTRY