prince Huper! DafT Yut'mi Tuesday, August 30, 1M9. Seasonable Ideas for Housekeepers U.S. Aid For Marshal Tito CREAMED DISHES DELIGHTFUL ON WARM DAYS. CONSIDER PEAS TER PiLL TAKE mm TO QUARRY LIME FOR CELLULOSE Make tea double strength end while (till hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice . , . Add sugar and lemon to taste. Pwwy-wlse hints for home- , maker are eagerly sought whwi warm weainer comes and appetites lag. The menu is eon-fronted with the extra problem o providing meat.-) that - are substantial aad still have the air of being light and delicate. When pennies inu.4 be considered, dlfllauRies Increase and complicate the pieture. Home economists ? toil t ti) Pill lp on E'UITT & Co. Ltd. Lumber Building Supplies Another new industrial de velopment in the north eoast area auxiliary to the operation of the Columbia Cellulose plant at nearby Watson Island will be the opening up of a lime quarry on Aristable Island off Princess Royal Island to the fount of Prince Rupert. F. J. Beale of Vancouver, who operates a lime quarry near Bella FUIIa for P-jfifi. M.llo Is nran. ' ing up the new quarry. The limestone will be transported In scows from Aristable Island to Prince Rupert. Case ..Lli Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb. . .50 alk,Ped and ereamed thlcteied. mAanUy unUl th.n ?"r-rrn,u'Mey meat sauce. Slice Certain of (jetting Assistance Providing lie Stays Alive WASHINGTON D. C. 9 Marshal Tito is considered to be Virtually a cinch to get fine Unit- ed Sivtes government loan of j $25,000,000 which tie has applied j for, providing he stays alive and ' independent from Moscow. Top government officials say that Secretary of State Dean Ac he son's strong support for the application clearly fore shadows a favorable verdict. Her and Yugoslav Ambassador Cavendish Cannon have urged them to do it quickly. I Tito needs the loan to help weather an economic blockade! which Is now threatening to strangle the country as Soviet Russia draws Its ring about." . NtU7 t'Vt -1 ruua mala tlAii ' Yugoslavia formally applied lor the export-import bank for an American loan, it was dis- , . , LMJM!U yesieraay py government) lrinj?i'auj?ht the first ,y this fall. lVui.I tliirt ty' mrliin filial DC51 5522?S Reape ;th'iii , nitii imt always the same old In-o: rirc ran be a HcsMTt -a basis U.:V housewife s .. mind cook, i ii iiLies, . , uiii like. Grated merrhgue lightly browned girs Pastry Flour. 7 lbs. 57, by Moscow against Tito eharg-; ttour,49s. No. 1 hard wheat 35 ing him with falsehood and eal- Flour, 24 S ... 195iUmnv airulnKt th b.vU-i the rice pudding an artistic appearance. Serve It warm, light from the oven. In the dish in whU ft is baked. Ingredient: Y cup uncooked rice 3 cups milk ' 2 cup sugar Orated rind of I lemon Hi tablespoons , lemon Juice ,y teaspoon salt OII,mls- rnUs mr 'be firs way fr0m Prince Rupert city tim lhat Tlto has appealed limits to Galloway "Rapids bridge (direct to the United States foriat ' a fjgure of $278,583.30. Ex- financial help since he split with potation is that the work wilt :r,4i li-mon Juice! Coffee, lb".-..1;""!!.. ...... Jfif DeLuxe quality, lb. 1.14, Jaices Tomatoes, 'iifawcro. 20-ok. AU-UE. ta CB .1J e 28-os J4 Annie m 7-t,".V "f;"; 4-ox 34 Canned fruits pfeces 20-ozShed " Apricots. 20-oz 33 Cherries, fancy. 20-oz. .ju loganoerries, 20-oa; Peaches, choice Lard i Pure, lb .24 Shortening Suap j Soap. face. Dar 10 8wwde?".ktare.L 39 08W'W Il,Mn i"iths ago. Acneson was understood to bt 'definite word has yet been re-37 strongly supporting the Yuf,o- j celveJ at local pubiic work3 of Slav request as a means ot fices. helping Tito to combat the tight , The job includes complete re- APiinrtniA 1 .1 uM .. ..... Scalloped Pea with Eggs 1 20-oa. can peas 1 cup milk 3 tablespoons butUr 5 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon spicy meet sauce j 3 hord-eooked e;rgs Yi cup sod bread cruniba ii Drain liquid from peas, add milk to liquid and heat. Melt ' butter, add Hour and blend well. eggs and combine with peas and . ...... . . . sauce, pour into a greased cas serole. Top with crumbs and bake in a moderately hot oven, 375 degrees P., for 15 minutes. Yield: six servings. MARKETS fresh Fruit Cherries, lb : . Cherries, crate 6.4o urapes. lb 32 Apricots, 2 b .39 Bananas, lb .. .25 Aooles, oooking, lb .14 Lemons, large Cal., doz .... .55 Oraeperuit, Calif., 3 for .25 OranuAS iNavelj . 8 -.57 Dates. 2 lb . .49 Canteloupe, 27's 38 reacn Plums, a it) .39 Pears, Bartlett. lb. .23 ... Vejtetaeles Celery, lb .15 Rhubarb. 2 lb .15 Boets. bunch ... .15 Parsley, bunch 15 Turuips, lb .07 Sninaeh 1 lb ' .27 Hadishes. bunch .08 Orcen Onions. 3 bunches 20 Mushrooms, lb. . .85 Head Lettuce .18 Cooking Onions. 3 lbs. .29 Corn on Cob, 4 for 47 Cabbage, lb .07 Tomatoes, No. 1 lb 27 New Potatoes, 10 lb 59 Green Peppers, lb .42 Cucumbers, each .10 egetable Marrow, each 15 Squash, lb IS Canned VetetaMes ill Pickles, gal 1.79 ut Green Beans, fev 20 No. 5 Peas, fancy 19 Mixed Vegetbales .2! Diced Beets, per tin 14 Wax Beans, choice 19 Mixed Peas and Carrots 19 Pumpkin. 2 for .25 Baked eBans, 20-oa. tin 2 Hatted eBans, lb-oi. un, ea. .21 Tomatoes. ... 23 Fresb Mil Quart .22 Pint .. . .12 1 Cream. V Dint .... .28 Exes jrse. cartoned, doe .81 Medium -. 70 Butler first Oraae, 10. . .14 Margarine, lb - 37 Milk Evaporated Milk. 18-ois. tins. 2 for 33 kitchen? w. Hint, to a. ugtit, anu excellent food for the whole family, , Peas, fresh and canned, are delietous when combined with other foods. If peas or other canned veget ables are to be served hut, as a vegetable, the flavor will be iiu- p,, u thmf are drjiin(fl ; lil4Mui lB an CjJ)ell MUM pan until reduced to about half quantity, then the vegetables added and cooked just lone enough to be well heated. The liquid contains some of the food value and should never be thrown away. Here are several recipes worth trying for lunclieon. Creole Peas 1 tablespoons fat '4 cup chopped onion 3 tablespoons flour Vz cup canned tomatoes or tomato juice '4 teaspoon salt ' teaspoon pepper teaspoon curry powder 1 20-oz. can peas. Melt fat, add onion and eook until clear but not browned. Stir In flour and blend well. Add tomato Juice or canned toma toes, salt, pepper and curry powder. Stir until thickened, and liquid from peas and con tinue stirring until smooth and well blended.' Add peas, bring to boll and serve on toast. Yield: six servings. Peas with Cheese 1 20-oz. can peas 1 cup grated cheese 3 tablespoons fat 9 slices buttered toast 3 slices crisp bacon Cook neas In their liouid until . , i ., ,ne nquia is reaucea m quun - tlty. Add Cheese and lat and cook slowly until cheese is melted. Serve on toast, garnished with crisp bacon. Yield: six ! servings. tjlace Huit i- RUYciKuicui wains Cherries. lb. pkt .35around $25,000,000 to buy Ameri-1 CoZmTi lb' 10 " lSl Fruit Cake Mix. lb 391 Dates, fancy. 1 lb pkt 341 Seedless Raisins. 2 lbs. 35 Seeded Raisins, 1 lb .. .211 esneuea walnuts, a lb .. .47 1 Shelled Almonds. 6 ai.. .39 rill irneiivr im Bhelled Brazils. U, lb .tsDIUe-DVlllE IV 2 eggs, separated 4 tablespoons sugar 4 teaspoon lemon extract Method: Cook the rice and milk In a double . boiler until the rice Is soft. . Add sugar, lemon rind, lemon Juice, salt and beaten egg yoiKS. uonnnue cooking over hot water until mixture thick ens, stirring constantly. Pour into buttered baking dish. Beat egg whites stiff and gradually beat in 4 tablespoons sugar. Add lemon extract and beat until mixture Is stiff and glossy. Pile on top of pudding and put Into oven at 350 degrees f for 20 minutes or until lightly browned. Serv hot, Immediately. This will serve I. It your subscription Is In arrears and you do not receive your paper, please, do not blame the publisher, the news boy or the post office. Jutt do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operation of sub scrlbers in this regard would be appreciated. It would save a' lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are payable In advance. I ' ,,l lemon extract Hie lustiness of desert. A fluffy VaWJ V IK 1 W I SONS Itractors RFMOIIH.I.INO PDAT10NS lp you plan homo under n 183 Box 586 I a w ici 1 y , AT-Ufi ,T-o Rasoberry, 24-oz .39, DiucKuerry. -io .YHJI lir r II vu. 1 . , , b . jr.. ........ ...... ,t Awlcot.44-llb.' ' ZZZZZZIZ. " .79 Relaxation untU June 30 next Soup's 1 of the Jones Act, as. made et-Canned Soups 13 to .20 fPf.tive tow riava on hv na f Large Road Job Awarded $278,583 ob to Get Under Way Here Shortly Wood, Parr & McClay Ltd Vancouver contractors, have been awarded the contract for of reconstruction and widening of me n.aien isianu secuon 01 me northern transprovlncial high is soon be under way although no a construction ior -iu 01 a mne. immediatelv beyond the city Umlte and extensive straighten- out and widening beyoiJid. There will he a st.irnrinrrt 24 foot width. It Pays to AQtertisei Advertise in the Dally News! Pro fessional KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West B. & W. TRANSFER DRY- FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 180 FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co.1 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - B.C. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 1Q STONE BUIDINQ PHONE BLUE 593, P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE L. R0RIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phont, 387 DR. P. J. CHENEY. DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 76$ P.O. Boi 1401 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. How many things made of diffitftttftit Modern Etiquette 1 t Q. Is it customary for ' woman to take the arm of a man while walking along the street? , A. To an elderly woman or ta. an Invalid a man offers his arm. Otherwise, a woman no longer takes a man's arm in Che daytime "unless to cross a- very crowded street, or to be lumped over a particularly rough pitc road. - . Q. When a person helps him4, self Irom a xnliee dtsh whica accompanied by a fork an 3: spoon, which Implement taken in the right hand ? , A. The fork is held in the lefi hand, the spoon In the right. , Q. Is the priest or rector giveil , fee for the christening? j , A. It Is customary, according to the means of the parents, None Is absolutely required, j' CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo; Taken at Home Phone Green 389 , 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. and Business BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS' and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talk: over equipment problems. DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1216 SPENCE & MATtJIK PAINTERS & DECORATORS Brush or Spray Free Estimates Phone 215 233 11th Street ; , PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 , , f 912 10th East HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP.- Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 055 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED! ; :jl H. S. Whalen, Managei Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 '. RED S18 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNER 8 PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1870 P.O. Box 1670 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 . P.O- Box 111 330 Second Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. can you see in a uiiixjant uy "u ner saieiines. or- SU'd yestera tnat th3 mg mln'n machinery, ano equipment for lead, copper and zinc mines. w 0 J "-o" ture of President Truman of the , United States, permitted th Canadian coastal liner Camosun I in port today southbound U Vancouver, to load fifty ton oi tungsten concentrates from tha Riverside mine, on the Aleskan' sioe 01 me saimon Kiver valley and take them to Vancouver wnere tney win be transshipped to refinery at Bradley, Ohio. Afler suspension of shipment lor a year, they are now being resumed and J. H. Scott, managing director of Riverside who was in the city at the first of the week bound from San Francisco to t;e mine, said that it was expected to make regulai weekly shipments. The Riverside mine went into production again recently. BLACKHEADS impif tliMolvo n4 tfiuppear by this one impLe, safe on4 euro method. Got two ounces of peroxino powder from onjr druf store, eprinklo oa bot, wet eloth, one! ippi uU-eror7 bUfkhesd 1U b wVAVAWifsVWVAVbNrW Commodore Cafe "Better Th-n Ever" Best Food and Service In Cits' Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders! Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. raiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lIlliimillilMimilfffllfflHIl!!! Your House is an Asset e MAINTAIN ITS VALUE . . . MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS NOW! firms arc shaping aluminum into products hjs big as railway cars, as small as hair curlers. All this means a lot of work for Canadiaas. There are 15,000 people on the Alcan payroll. Then, too, there are all the fifty-odd thousand people who make the thousand-and-one aluminum articles which you see in the stores. Yes, Aluminum means a lot to you and to Canada! "Well," you say, "it depends on ; the kitchen," Right ( The more modern the kitchen, the more aluminum you . will see. For aluminum is the modern metal. It has so many advantages. It is light, strong, good-looking, will not rust. No wonder more and more people want more and more things made of it. Not only tilings for the kitchen. In fact, more than 1,000 Canadian r I s i ml .11 I'll t Chicken, lb. .73 Ham, boned and rolled, lb 80 Ham, reg. lb Baloena. lb. '49 Weiners lb .50 Garlic Sausage, lb .. ixiruir put;., it ib Bacon, side, piece . ;90 Cottage Roll, lb Liver Sausage, lb. Snare Ribs, lb 55 Fresh Pork Ham. lb- 70 Pork Sau.saee. lb.'''".'.".'.'.'.'.'"."'. .55 Steak, T-Bone lb 85 ft,rk WnderWu'lb"-:"":rr 1 j ..and here's why aluminum b so useful Aluminum nvr Itfttt Lighter to ut 1 Needs no point Alwayt looks smart Htatt quickly, vnly Strong and light Im ant bomi, today or tumorrow, you ar likely to HdiI aluminum, dust pant, garden toola, hunting hxturtta, paint, ventilator covers or hot air venta, vacuum cleaner attachment, porch furniture, Venetian blinds, window frames with fly acreena and doubt windows built njUl in. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, Frodvctri and Proration of Aluminum for Canadian Indmtry and World Market WINDSOR MONTREAL QUEIfC jOltONTO t VANCOUVCB q q ' a a o a ; - m ,1 j . ' ' jT ;';:;t..-; pa"'! For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. . Builders and Contractor REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 342 Evenings. Green 185 ' k ' K ' V V?I " " iff S. . j.juMf JJJJ jjajJ i BBkA4