tptintt Uupttt Daflp J3ctosf Friday, October 8, 1948 Reminiscences By W. J. - and REFLECTIONS His steel struck sparu COLUMBIA PICTURE if"" m . r'fit ' . WW) ft - I V,,- r , SLIP CAUSED DEATH GREENWICH, Eng. W)-James Grimbley, 87, was killed by "his own behaviour." Stepping aside to let someonepass, he slipped on the sidewalk, broke his thigh and died a -few days" later. LA K KT PAKKS rA; . .! con 1 -ELLEN DREW GEORGE MACREADY . EDGAR J "" ""'"'J MARC Pjn to Joe Louis as much as says he will fight again, notwithstand ing his assurance, at the last bout, that there would be no more. It is to be hoped ne does take on another contender and the cauliflower Industry can have a new champion. Joe has been there long enough. PueU- ism and public have been good to him and it's time someone put him to sleep. Anyway, It would be a refreshing change. The world can wag along with out him. Two Joes, at the same time are more than enough. Perhaps the atomic bomb is not so grisly as painted. It's ail in what use you make of it. Comments General McNaueh- ton: "Atomic energy is not just another military weapon. The evidence shows clearly that the possibilities for the beneficial uses of this form of energy are literally incalculable. In medi cine, ui cnemisiry, in Dioiogy, gflfa, "LETTER TO A REB,; SAT. SHOWS - 2:00 - 4:4o gas I save on a windy day!" NEW GIRL GUIDE TROOP PLANNED Prlnr-p Rnnprr.'a f"5lrl rinlHa Association, which " is " now en- , ( ,ormaunn OI B .nnne company in metallurgy, in engineering,!8"6 " """"i fi. tools of u it., ito it0 enlaree enIar6e its lts Droeram program with with the the fHlCWIj imps era hnth fmnt .nri wt s. I "It's amazing how much Found in tokm Ozone is toueh on eerms and.' if one wants to start a private,' war with them an ozone nlant Zr?r " t fin f VlA Inoal m O A c nmll n r. D at t-onraa btreet bcnooi, it was h0me of A. J. Domniato, Taylor learned at a meeting of the1,,. . hunters pack deer carcass over.f JZlnun t.hpir sh such novelty and power and aptitude to the task in I hand have been made available Wherever they have been freed . . USe tne I""lera. of icnow- a most !lSSta This fellow Dr. Brock Chisholm is at it again. A year ago he managed to get a lot of i worthy, well-meaning folk all aui ana Dotnerea by repeatedly emDhasizinir emphasizing tViat that Santa Confa nin.., Claus numerous incic;, of unique intt. dent C. G. ii J cnair in the , dent O. G. stua 13331 Mm (fpj ulioti . . . IS Gyros Enjoy Dinner, Pictures anjl Stag It was a full evening for the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, last night with a dinner meeting and moving picture entertain- ment ment at at the tne Civic civic Centre Centre fni. lowed by a stag party at the iIle P'ures were pre sented by Dr. R. G. Large and were an Interesting and colorful visual narrative of a trip made recently by himself and Mrs. Large across Canada, through Ontario and Quebec, through the New Eneland Stnt-.p anri thence home by way of the northern United States such as Minnesota ana Montana and on on thp the Parlhnn Cariboo inH and Mnrthn Northern Transprovinclal Highway. Many wavKiH wayside scenes both In i city i.. and i NAVAL ORDERS Training Schedule H.M.C.S. Chatham Monday, October 11 There will be no R.C.N. (Reserve) training on Mondav October 11, Thanksgiving Day . , " iui,;b uie jaut out, even n k"0cklngvff a"y handy germs.s no practical purpose, its "machine transmits ultra fringed edges gives it a Daniel t,Ai.j ma: be fc, u,uig,ivu fcW n.nnn4 T I 1. i. 1 A. i 1 1. uoone-isn atmosphere. The day of two pant suits doesn't even appear to be on the horizon horlzon but but if lf one one Is is order- order-1 . g ai,made-t-measure suit one can dispense with the vest and lishpH "shed nt. at Tprrara Terrace, and onH tVnt that Hifil Mil- is a bewhiskered old fraud and ler Bay Hospital and Metlakatla are showing cv,,i active i SHIPS and WATERFRONT Inaugurating the company's new last service between Prince Rupert and Vancouver combined with a Queen Charlotte Island run out of this port, Union steamer Camosun, Capt. A. As-pinall, arrived in port on time at 2 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver, Namu and Butedals and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight for Queen Charlotte City, Cumshewa Inlet and other south Island points. She is due back here Sunday afternoon or evening to sail at 11 p.m. on her return to Vancouver. Hotel. . imsals Prince Rupert J. Gaines, Port Washington. N.Y.: N. T. Mancan TMmnntniv 'a. Wilson, Prince George; Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer, High Point, N.C.; M. Poschner, Petersfield, Manitoba; W. R. Eckert, Vancouver; J. W. Morrison, Caspa- co;" R. Rizzuto, Kamloops; R I, M. Clark, Smithers; D. W. Bate - son, Sruthers; Art Chapman, Victoria; C. Robert, Inverness; J. Hamm, Vancouver; G. Orr, Kumealon Inlet; Mr. and Mrs. A. Herberg, Terrace; D. A. Mac- Rae, Burnaby; Mr. and Mrs. E. Kettering, Vancouver; R. E. Hardcastle, Ketchikan: M. S. . Vrin XT. Luiig, vrtutuuvcr; ivir. una i Mrs. R. CooDer. Terras- IT ' ' " Dietrich, Vancouver; H. Rich-otte, Philadelphia; A. Arnet-veit, Ketchikan. WHIPS NADE, Bedfordshire. Eng. John, the Canadian beaver which escaped from Lon don Zoo and was recaptured several miles away at Green- ford, Middlesex, , ,. ' -.w ww Lin disgrace to Whipsnade Zoo , o- ouLLmi niii-.ii i.nii rn 1 v, 1 1 t TRY -A CLASSIFIED AD I jf IT'S J , INSULATE Make sure your home is warm and snug this winter. i.Pt insulate it completely now. Mitchell & Currie LIMITED Phone 363 Builders and Contractors shnnW ho 3001 qwi.i, p .i...n0 ZZZ , ""V"00.06 sne ncy that! I your 4elwijJ 1. 17' m Vehem" ence he says: "There ------j many vniiui children." ii. He lie AiIlCW knew what WI1HL , , do in the former case. How 'aoout this one? If he has any recommendations they should t least not lack interest Sir William Ayre looks for the .luuoMiiiuuii construction oi of large large size size ocean ocean liners. Just now, this noted Bri- America. , , v"vw IV marked: "There are more people i toaay wishing to travel than nuici, lays wmcn may De linen- ea to concentrated sunshine. iilSu ncnucucy waves worKing i on mercury and a special gas contained in a ela hrtn ate ate ozone uiune which wmcn ha nas . a huh mstmc- live aroma. These units or sim- ilar ones have been used sue- ..n.. n . .-. . V cumoat germs in Qrnfo mant i i "icon i Cll iKtU alUI o, HI chicken houses and in .schnni, Perhaps the dav isn't far off when the will be standard equipment in all homes WiU public buildings. A spare , bed is always handy in a home and in days gone by a home wasn't a home without ja vianuia. wiany moaern apart- ments and homes weren't rip- mu rien 171rn rhn ttn.t: ...0..,u "ivil HHC liiLCIlLlim III havine having anv any room room i-ft. left over hut. , Still it is nipo fA To - bed even If you have to keen if in in a a clothes clothes closet closet. n!. One to ? hn seen. uwu. In in a a downtown uuwiiwjwu , store tor. nas h - a spring-filled mattress Wh.n nnt in use the steel frame nH ' trace fnM in.M i wi,u i.u uy 11RC a lat sana-' Hollywood C Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe In Pri Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 an. ever before in history." We are'lll be in Prince Rupert next -bad That i i 1 We specialize ln Chinese Dishei CHOP SUEY mm wich and sit upright on four "1 LTwp7r P ,T The snow lin, has been drop-castered castered lees legs which which makes mm for t.r u e eci went mrougnr- tping lower on the easy moving and storage. ; Outdoor men go for plaids ana one or the latest o-" garments v.vw .25 l.Ch Jhlmnce T" r. ' a nunting jacket with buckskin .BxtPnrt in well acquainted with a news-, paperman wno left this morn- ,ng ing for for Port Edward, Terrace, .Pacific, New Hazelton -vv, and nu other points in the Canadian northwest. within the past week and this explains the difference In the tmiKiiure temperature at at Trlnce l'rince Rupert Vll TfVLt V ,!. y frsty snap which was felt .... tt ouuwiain back in the woods and on the peaks. around Wark Canal. In dicated that winter was on the way. WANTED A MONKEY JOHANNESBURG. South Af ,(RThe Red Cross Society Drancn nere is In a dilemma it short a monkey. A woman recently offered a barrel organ the 1948 fund appeal but so an appeal for a monkev has been aswered. GIVE YOUR HOME THE "NEW LOOK"' BY WIDE CHOICE OF BEAUTIFUL TINTS I Satin-Glo Enamel Satln-GIoF resses TV r'i At WALLACE'S S Of Course- Sailings for - - VANCOUVER ''VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday,. 1:30 p.m., Cardena Saturday, 9 a.m., Catala KnnHav , 11 n m . , r"n j A ' " wuinukiuii STEWART and ALICE ARM ounaays, 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS . s.s. Coquitlam, Oct. 8 and 22, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN ' CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Oct., 15 and 29, 10 p.m. . ' FRANK J. SKINNER Prinnn P unart A uwui.v nKcub Third Ave. Phone 568 I COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made j VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily j ALL-WEATHER SERVICE I I i Phone 651 for "Foothills" Alberta Coal All sizes in stock.- ; PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Order your supply NOW Be comfortable later. Don't be left out in the cold when t.h first chill blast strikes with out warning. We're ready to serv you promptly : . . our prices are right. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Lumber, Building Supplies 1 Z Chandler & Cowgill .," Photographer Developing, Printing ! siZZ-' Enlarging Box 645 216 4tb St assnriatmn this The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. W. 'S. Kergln and members heard a report by District Commissioner Miss Hon-ora Silversides who announced the plan for the formation of the Conrad company. In her report, Miss SUversides j announced that the Guides and orownies are now wen estab- an interest i i i i in me movement. The Conrad Street company Will will be DP nrfffln organized " o 7P1 at at a a meeting to be held on October 15 Mrs. G. R. S. Blackaby, pre- sident of the District Girl Guides Association, expressed gratification at Miss Silverside's report and voiced the hope that tne "lc expansion expansion would wouia continue continue. The forthcoming visit of Mrs. 1 "6 vuiuaiiv, Vancouver, was also revealed by Miss Silversides. Mrs. Wriohl Wednesday to offer training suggestions to Guide and Brow t"le leaders. Miss Silversides urged all leaders to avail them selves of this opportunity SEE and HEAR the New DeForest , V Ir i I JSI 111 RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC - z NEW LUXURY STEAMEK PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN ' WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. mm 33 GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations THOMPSON HARDWARE C Floor Sanding tra pair pair ol oi nants pants. - Peplums, those, extra . frills '-'i , 1" vhuk v-yv iyA a. - 1JUW . , i , Uia.t fashion 1.1 exPerts hang here to . lilere. on womens dresses, . ,aae tneir aPPearance on skirts. For the lady who IHIQnto l?nrvinfUln t """no ouiiiciiiiiiig iui CabUul evening wear, one of these black Skirts With a whiT.e hlnnsn is a - smartly n i informal combination. I in Canada in 1882 and shortlv . " tIterward went t to work on rail- . ivii .. anaaan Pacific Railway, Com pany panv he r worked across the &m thron the T, ?ockles 168 & and the the Coast Coast Range Range to to vanuver. Now in retirement ln, i C.agary' 1 Turner , Bone "has 1 .puc ms "collections of those historic pioneer railroading days 1 ii . . . ' MOSTLY GOOD NEWS Txir, m , uuiiiii 1 n an w 1 oipoto ma anr r " ln united Kingdom in totalled 47.000,000 and oniv Th, The , . . ( - ' rica. is a Specialty for rar not her parents tnnt i .... SEE THE Q ROYAL PI i i i ubbak. lanw ar a II """w. . P.O. Box 721 ' . "ET 1 ' . . ' ' 1 ::"- .jf'.!f'-,''-JBS'.-'(;. with FINGER FORM KEYSI New! The most sensational typewriter improvement in years FINGER FORM KEYS de-igned to cradle your finger tips! And only the New ROYAL PORTABLE the world' first truly modern typewriter has this revolutionary feature I And more, besides I New Beauty! " Speed Spacer) Rapid Ribbon Changer "Mauk" Margin! And many other important improvemenis and pc - ;n n,l 'e the A Portable! New Q'l '1 mode, "Magic" is a registered trade-mark of Royal Type TIRES CHANGED in a i 5 It takes us no time at all to fix or change a tire saves you the time awl trouble. We're experts on all auto service jobs we do 'em quickly, efficiently, inexpensively. Drive in today. m-wMm'i FOUND SAFE-Miss June Baker, 21, Toronto co-ed who last Thursday, was found safe and alive working in an Ottawa restaurant this week. Reunion between Mii Bake? and Justice R 1 . 1IOCk , laie luesaay at the home of Mrs Sen at RCkcllffe where Picture was (CP Photo) ,. ,r