5- Whii, Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS .! 1 wl AT 1 1 J,eous". 1 2 prince Unpen Daflp I3rttij LtO. Thursday, August 26, 1948 Pv.btish) frn nmiocm excrot Sundmy Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., Srd Arenu. PrtiH Rupert, British Columbia. Axi lxiaepc-uuiii awl.; m?wstMper aevowS to th tipbulWtagof Prtnofe Rupert and I1 communities enmprmng ubHttrrn nd central British Columbia (Authorised as Second Clam Mull, Post Offlee Department, Otwm) U. A ML'NTtK. Managing Editor. H. O. FERRY. Managing Director. Gyro Meet Is Coming Here I Prince Rupert has been fin-j ally decided upon as district j convention venue of the Gyro 1. What Is wrong with this sentence! 'The program was broadcasted from New York." 2. What is the correct pro- l- 'Say 2. Prnnr.,.. -1 ;1 P S. I. . nnnrl.itinn ol "siesta"? I 4 I BCBPCRIPTTOS RATES. City Carrier, oer week. ISc; Per Month. Sc; Per Tear. 17.00: By Mill. Per Month. 40c; Per Year. 4 09. 3. Which one of thes words is mispelled? Aquittal, aqueduct,, asquiline. 4. What does the word slovenly" mean ? stresses 8r, 3- AcWita shod in s. Sluv-en. SIfJVen!y n. Popular. 5 Club in 1949. The local invitation was accepted at a district conference held during the past week-end at Vancouver with Past Presidnet C. G. Hum atendine as the local i 7 W,.f- 'H - -VW- i i V e ( Carnival We 4 - ' I ' ft ST You are bound i down the dwk , 'n Trim Twin. delegate. Proposal is that delegates will come here in a specially chartered steamer, possibly CNSS Prince George. The delegates will be drawn from western British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. Wilson Hunt of Penticton. who visited Prince Rupert as lieutenant governor last winter, has been electi-rt district governor with Len Lockett. veteran Seattle Gyro, lieutenant governor. Mr. Ham returned by air Tuesday afternoon from the district convention. Mouse and 1 PORT DAY QUEEN Agnes Mcintosh of Borden School with her attendants following crowning ay Mayor Nora Arnold last Saturday night. The sttendanU were Princesses Shirley Haugan, Marjorie Tattersal, Marion Watson and Margaret Gibson; Flower Girls, Joan Murray and Marjorie Mclnnes; Pages Bobby Gordon and Billy Saunders, and Sea Cadets Donald Pin-ley, Matthew Sedgewick, Donald Leighton, Raymond Anderson and Bruce Forward. (Chandler and Cogwill Picture) ITNERAI. NOTICE Special Train To j Terrace Arranged j Negotiations we're complet- ed during the visit to the city j yesterday of Alf .Yoxall, direc- j tor of the Terrace Civic Centre ! for a special excursion train j to be run from Prince Rupert j to Terrace on Labor Day for , the - Barbecue and logging j Radio Dial 1240 KilOc'yci- iCFPR JOLLART In the city Wednesday, August 25, 1948. Clementina, age ;4 years 11 months, beloved wife of Theo. Collart of 714 5th Ave. West. Bishop J. B. Gibson will conduct the service at St. Andrews Cathedral at 2:30 p.m., Friday, Aug. 27. Internment will follow -.n Fairview Cemetery. B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. 'Subject to change! B.Cs Most Beautiful lr THE MIDST of many activities incidental to I the big holiday week of the year and in spite of numerous other things to think about, almost everybody in Prince . Rupert has been thrilled by the victory of beautiful Margaret Brain, seventeen-year-old girl, in being adjudged "Miss P.N.E." at the Vancouver Exhibition from among all the best that British Columbia's pulchritude had to offer. Miss Brain and her parents are to be congratulated and certainly her home town is appreciative of the distinction implied in her triumph. Expert judges have selected her as British Columbia's most beautiful girl. Prince Rupert has been having plenty of publicity a lot of it is favorable too -but none more pleasing or delightful than this. Those who saw-Margaret at the local eliminations were struck by her very apparent charm but probably very few realizi? that those charms would stand up as they did yesterday against the competition she had to tace. Now she gets the chance of further recognition and everybody will wish her luck and further - conquest?. A hand Is also due Harry Black, local theatre manager, for his efforts in the matter. MUST BE EXPRESSION HIGH COST of living may have its political THE effects as a result of the discontent which it muse undoubtedly engender but to deliberately make political capital of the situation or to refrain from taking an active interest in the problem for fear of. political kudos being made of it is hardly the proper spirit. If the people do not like the effects of the spiralling inflation, if they think a check should be put on rising prices and rising wages by controls or any methods, they should not sit back but take any opportunitv that presents itself to express themselves on the matter, ' Certainly, if there is no adequate expression of public opinion, if there is submission without protestation, corrective action will not be hastened. Guessers In the Baby Picture Contest at the Civic Centre can Judge for themselves whether Prince Rupert's citizens have improved with age. WE SYMPATHIZE AGAIN n RINCE RUPERT and district was generous and sports to be held on the holiday a week from next Monday. The train will leave here fori Terrace at 8:30 in the morning and leave Terrace on the re- j turn to the coast at 11:30 p. m. There will only one stop each I way at Port Edward. I For dancing and the punmit f romance choose a full-skirttd formal witli grace hi every sweeping line. Use Sweet Vi Pr-rsonallzeti Budget flair FRIDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Uioc 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert :00- BBC NEWS 9:15 Morning Devotion? 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Round-up Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story 11:15 Hit Songs of Yesterday 11:30 Weather Forecast - MERCHANTS I, yB know (hat the Daily News Is (he most THURSDAY -i'i:. 4:00 Tony the Troubadour 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Wally Wicken, Tor. 4:45 Stories of Adventure 5:00 The Happy Time 5:30 Canadian Caravan 5:45 Platter Parade 6:00 People Ask 5:15 Freddy Martin's Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties S:45 Smoke Rings 5:00 CBC News 7:15 Odd Spot 7:50 Eventide 8:00 Music In Miniature 8:30 T.B A. 8:45 Sports Review 9:00 Ernie Adams Show 9:30 Vancouver Theatre 10:00 CBC New '0:10 B.C. News 10:15 Points of View 11.31 Message Period 11 :33 Recorded Interlude GREER & BR effective medium of advertising GUILDERS AND CONTR n PriiK-e Rapert? No one nisses your message if it's d-ertised In the News. It's the rally efficient way of putting t over. tf. TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! ' la DEMERARA ! RUM I Repair Construction - Floor Sanding a Speck,' Phone RED 581 CANADA m:fuRTn:ST or a.ki i in :: I'riliriP Fiirill Rehabilitation Art T K N lltBK BUSINESS AND FR0FE3 Sealed tenders will be recelvi-d bv the. underslEned until 2:00 o'clock pm. Regina Time. September 37, 1948 for the construction of the lV ' 4 Ji i Irrigation Tunnel on the 8t Mary MARGAUET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Project The work is located about forty rnl!e southwest of Lethbride. Mberta or four miles northwest of Sprine Coulee Alberta, on Sections 1 and 12, Township 5. Range 24, West 11:45 Famous Voices P.M. 12:00 Mid -day Melodies 12:15 CBC Nev,s 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Symphony Hour 2:00- Feature Concert 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Comty. and Needle Pointers 2.45 Don Messerand Islander 3;00-Ethel and Albert. 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3 : 30 Divertimen to 3:45 BBC News 10:30-Nocturne 11:00 Weather and Sign Off In New Offices ROOM 10 STONE nUTlXilNO of the Fourth Meridian. The tunnel Is a horseshoe type. 17 feet In finished diameter and approxi rci ROCK AN' i c.c: M. J..; New, M All W I j PIANO Tunlr.;, V ! MIKI mately 2.600 feet Ir-nK. Thlinmg 1s to be of reinforced concrete varytns in minimum thickness from 12 inches to 24 inches. The rock through which the tunnel Is to be driven Is expected to be Interbedded sandstone antl New Phone BLUE S!)3 sandy shale with thin, lensy layer? of clayey shale. The following are the main Items I of work : Matured v. r r. Common Excavation. 20.000 cu. yd. DU. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 Rock Excavation, open cut. 25 000 Bottled V, m SOb, 1 cu yd. Trench Excavation. 150 cu. yd. Tunnel Excavation. 35.000 cu. yd i Concrete. 12.000 cu. yd. BEAl Permj: Placing Reinforcing Steel. 1.100.000 lb. 5, wr- &s Beau'! 6" Tile Drain, Supplied and Placed. 3000 lln. ft. 3i Tenders must be submitted on JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BURNER. BLOCK P.O Box 894 Phone Blue 442 204 4th SUt forms attached to the Specifications, For Prompt, Expert Plumbing and HEATING SERVICE PHONE 1 OK in the envelope provided. , 1 1 1 ; t -1 1 f I "II : 1 1 f "Tl 1113111 lit Plans, specifications and form (' contract are on view at the follow GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Retmi Compiled. Besner Block Phone 387 HOM! GENERA Buildlnl ing places: P F R A. Office. Room 43. Legislative Bjiildtng, ' Winnipeg. Man. ' P F.R'A. Office. The Airport. Lethbrldge. Alta. PFH A. Office. 810 McCallum-Hlll Building, ReKina, Bank. PFR A. Office. 118 Victoria Street. Kamloops. B Cl . This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. I'M! If "TT" VENETIAN I I responsive in the measure of its practical assistance to the sufferers in Southern British Columbia, the hard-stricken Fraser Valley in particular, early this summer when the floods came and caused widespread damage, suffering and in-. convenience. Now we sympathize again with the latest trouble in that once-favored area which today faces heavy losses of crops and livelihood through the heavy rains of the last few weeks. The rainfall there has got beyond the point where Prince Rupert people should boast about our weather being -superior to theirs. It is much more serious than that and now commands our genuine sympathy in the suffering they are sustaining from the scourge of 1943's fickle elements. FREEDOM FROM FEAR WITH THE COMING institution of a provincial hospital insurance scheme, one of the great worries afflicting mentally the inhabitants of this province will be removed. Among the increasing number of federal and pmnc!al measures to provide security . . . some of which have met with criticism from men burdened with extra costs of running a business ... no measure is freer from criticism than the hospital - -insurance scheme. It was an anomaly in present day society that the sick person, whose disability already deprives him of the means of earning a livelihood, should be burdened in addition with the expense and the worry of finding the money to meet the hospital cost of his cure.. Many a family, seemingly all set on the road to happiness, has had its hopes blighted by the illness of a child or parent with the eomequent financial sacrifice recovery entailed. 'The savings of a lifetime could vanish in a few months in hospital and the knowledge that this is so has been a retarding factor itl the recovery of patients. The new; hospital insurance plan does not create the sick man's milteirium. Certain tnort imjxjrtant . items such as medical and surgical fees are not covered. But it does go a long way towards easing his financial worries. It puts British Columbia in the foref ront of social progress and Hon. George Pear- - son will be remembered by us and by generations - to come as the minister of health on whose initiative the pl?n 'came into effect. Introduced in the Legislator by the. Coalition Government it justly received the support of all political parties. It is a .great step forward towards a comprehensive health and medical contributory service. ' , Hoofs, CW PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AM) HEATING Bud Schuman (Old Post Office Building) PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHONE BLUE 810 Plans, .pecif icatlons and tender j forms for bidding mtty 1x obtained from the undersigned at his office j HH Strongly made with steel or Black 687 in Regina. Sasfc.. upon the deposit,! L aluminum slats, in a variety nf Ten Dol ars siouoi cash or W II IB IB certified cheque for that amount i payable t to the Receiver oeneral i Canada, which deposit will be re-; rum of smart colors with har-' monizing tapes. Ask to have .our estimator call. We measure your windows and " instal the Winds. deemable upon retura trt the plans i and ipeclf Icatlons In food ore? ! furH MAC S within one month after tenders Serrlnf the Fisheries IndMstf Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Ctrtare, LabelHnt, WelirMn BLl'E 780 BLUE M have closed. V LU Any tenders which are not prepared strictly In accordance vtth "Instructions to Bidders" may be re jected. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. BY ORDER. L. B. THOMSON. Director of Rehabilitation, 10 McCallum-Hill Building. Regina, Saskatchewan. Ormes McBride Street Phone 311 (302) PPrQpRiPTION CHEfl Kaien Co-op STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, " SUNDAYB AND HOLIDA YS -12 ill Two sailinrs nrr week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m.. Camosun Friday, 5 p.m, Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR "Q.ITEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coqultlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. JUST ARRIVED t P.M. w ' 1 IRON FIREMAN A SMALL SHIPMENT OF GOLD SEAL BIGS AND FLOOR MATS. CHECK OUR STOCK OF MOIRE AND JASPE INLAID LINOLEUM, BY THE YARD. STOKERS OIT 30 MOII HIAT Dally car delltery servlc4 from'P .... . n irom a.m. uu o p.tu. See the New Patterns in Table Oilcloth. SMITn & ELKINS Phone 174 Bos 274 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone PHONE WRITE Phone 179 Box 1127 DROP IN 251 3rd West PHONE 81 568