pflitR Kityeti E5QiTtf Ho 13. Steamship Movement Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 11 a.m. Thursday, August 26. 1948 Daylifeht sahg Time Friday ss. Catala, 5 pm. August 27ss. Princess Louise Pr. George jScuspaner Changes Hands For Monday Vancouver ss. Princess - Adelaide a.m. II p.m. Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 (Continued Iroi.i rage 1) p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight. 1 structure of the established com-by one of our earlier associates munity. , , and brought us to the editorial "Its foundation must be solid, chair.. , i . h flavor of real lemon - VAvAV ', I 1 ri.-h.-oIor.-J . . . never Vas lT y, its ideals and purposes high ..We estab,isned cur for its responsibility Ls reat. and Wc(fl. First, ag " "Tha. responsibility has everon ourTnaRtnead to Friday ss. Catala, p.m. August 23 as. Prince George, 12:15 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Camosun, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. l:T ...... oeen in our mina, ana mure es paper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Oorge and all com- pecially as time took away one fcn.ik ofu-n to real old-fa-hioned failure-proof, .horlcut way. HOW CAN I ? ?'? By ANNE ASHLEY ' "BUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" munities comprising northern and central British -Columbia. "In carrying out this policy we have, as occasion warranted, taken stro.ig sides on public Q. How can I dry 'the hair quickly after a shampoo? t ,. ..,..1 l ' matters. In doing so, it was in A. If the hair is very heavy, evitable we should make gorne CREAMY-RICH PACIFIC MILK PLAIDS FOR ALL Plaids is the big word for Fall in teen-age fashions carried out here in large white and black sports jacket with hooded collar. It is worn by Lois Schell, who will model at teen-age fashion shows during the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Ont. Princess Line SAILINGS to VANCOUVER , and way ports Every Monday 10 p.m. to ALASKA Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway August 27 and 30 to ALERT BAY and Vancouver Sept. 1 and 4 ' ."-DI-0 and drying it takes a long time, friends and probaby more the method be following may fflemles To tne former we used: Light the oven, turn the w ouf Rud hg laUe. gas low, lower the oven door j -- our and. then place the electric fan on the lowered door. The warmj"! T!"! a"d "T b m the best inlerfcst of our com" air will quickly dry the hair. 1 muniy. Q How can I tighten the But we never restricted were loose handle of an umbrella?! A. Fill the cavity with melted bv so Iocal an objective. Ou-alum, nress the Btick into it interest in provincial, dominion. .luce. ion. , h.v I MKW If Pi B fJX PIE FILLING If I You'll enjoy Pacific Milk's' creamy -rich flavor. It's irradiated to give you added goodness and vacuum packed to keep indefinitely. Try some today. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed quickly, then hold it firmly un- commonwealth and world af-til it sets. fairs has been expressed as f re- i the limitations of a gently as Q. How can I remove the brown stains from bakin? 'kly permitted. Our reward dishes? nas be1" S?reat ln the quotations A nv ulntr strnntr snln- made elsewhere of our comment tainted ne-s. That comment is free, but facts are sacred. That it is well to be frank, but even better to be fair. "We have done our best to fulfill these objectives. Wherein we have succeeded we are happy and for our failings we express regret." --. j r, w mv-w..0 tion of borax and water. Soak ' We have ever borne in mind them ln this solution over that the first 'function of a night. newspaper is the printing of un- hhta & n -ffiH RRAND BRAND Fas3K7 AON 0N PIE PIE FILLING FILLING sS & Gamble's iffereimf ! IFroctr A fnKl ( Omni M )nable Ideas for Housekeepers man N OR FREEZEr THAT IS HON FOR HOUSEWIVES M Home economists advise that' some fruits and vegetables are better canned, while others are better frozen. They recommend freezing of vegetables since they retain their garden-fresh flavor, color and nutritive value to a remarkable degree. There re, of course, some veg for your vjhole family vjosh! R TILE etables, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and celery, which do not freeze well. Tomatoes can very well while others, such as cauliflower and broccoli which are poor canned, are excellent when frozen. Low-acid vegetables such as peas, beans and corn require particularly long processing when ft mtmi 'ur hill vt ki'.li- To can or not to can, to freeze or not to freeze ls that the question that ls uppermost in your mind this summer? perhaps it doesn't sound like a problem at all to most housewives who have been canning for many years and are quite satisfied with their tried and trusted home canning methods for fruit and vegetables. On the other hand, there may be others who nave become aware of the advantage of freezing foods and. if they have access to a locker plant where they ran have their produce frozen or are fortunate enough to have a freezing unit of their own. they may decide to freeze just as much as possible this year. Whichever method you use, you will want to use only the best in order to get the finest product for the time and labor spent. f under tour !in.f fret Ural. r) In elf an AT . . . you've never used anything like it! Discovered as a result of wartime research, Tide amazed even the men of science who discovered it! Tide does what's never been done before washes clothes cleaner than any soap made, yet actually leaves colors brighter! Try Tide for your whole family wash . . . trot out jour worst washday problems and watch Tide laugh them off! Stubborn dirt and grease? Nothing's too dirty for Tide! Hard-water problems? Tide whisks up oceans of suds even in hardest water! , Plumbing canned but, in preparing them for home freezing, this processing time is reduced to a matter of several minutes. It becomes simply a mailer of an accurately-timed blanch of several minutes in rapidly boiling water followed by a cold water dip. With fresh corn once more making its appearance on the local market, many housewives may decide to freeze it this year and so capture its 'golden goodness" to lend variety to their winter menus and give their families real treat Whole kernel corn, cut from the cob, is excellent frozen and i much more economical of lock nd Mdirid, ONLY UBSSe DOES ALL FOUR! Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Developing, Printing Enlarging Box 645 216 4th St. I er space than freezing the whole cobs of corn. Here are the directions for its preparation. Use only fresh top qualltly EEEACE corn and pack it as quickly as possible. Select ears of medium xi?K5r V- -j&.A' y A lb M I pmrtTt;aml)l"4uarneo V " W 'M thstt 'lile will do m thin R iV f rlalmrd for It in tlii ajver- Vf tlaement. If nu nre not iin il " cnmplrtvly Kituhed, return W I I the unuseil porthm of your m I purkaile to dwili'r. "d the ' ,J purchuM price 111 be re- fundiHl. W r 'I. Washes clothes CltAMR! Yes, cleaner than any soap! Even greasy overalls . . . and grimy play clothes with the dirt ground riftht Into the fabric . . . they all come thoroughly clean! Tide not only leaves clothes free from ordinary dirt, but actually remove dingy soap film as well. Tide laughs at stubborn dirt! 2. Gets clothes dazzling white-ihey're ClEANtR! Yes, shirts, sheets, towels and pillowcases come so much cleaner with Tide, they simply gleam! And they keep that dazzling whiteness week after week . . . Tide never turns them yellow! . 3. Actually brightens colors -they're CLEANW! By making dulling soap film disappear, Tide gets your gay print dresses so much brighter you can see the difference! Does It safely, too! Y-es, even with all its terrific cleaning power. Tide Is truly safe for all your washable colors! maturity and at the right stage for table eating. They should be tender, sweet ln flavor and have a rich milky juice. Remove husks and silk: Wash in cold water and blanch on the cob before removing the kernels. Whole kernel corn requires only a 3 minute blanch, cool thoroughly in very cold, IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Or Service. It's amazing! SKEENA MERCANTILE A Hymotol Product THE . Seabee Amphibian Plane YIN Xon-Sehedu'e Charter Service Commercial Hunting 4. Gives more suds prove it in your dishpan! Klnd-to-hands suds! Faster suds! Longer-lasting suds than any soap In hardest water! Tide cuts grease like magic . . . washes dishes cleaner than any soap! No scum in the water! No cloudy film on dishes and glasses! That's why they rinse ( and dry so sfarklin& clear even without wiping! Q Sew,, S,,N- T.... - .. ! running water or ice water. Cut kernels from cob and pick over, removing any bits of husk or corn silk. Whole kernel corn jnfcy be packed dry or in a 2 percent brine. The brine is easily made by dissolving 1 tablespoon Of salt in 5 cups water and should be chilled before using. This amount should be sufficient to cover the corn when packed In 3 or 8 pint containers leaving 4 inch headspace to allow for expansion. To freeze corn-on-the-cob, blanch cobs a little longer than for whole kernel corn. Small cobs require a 7 minute blanch, medium cobs 9 minutes and minutes. Pack it large cobs 11 dry in cartons or in vannr-nroof bags and heat UIR TRANSPORT LTD. ' PF10NES w- H. Martin, 23; E. T. r.enney Ltd., 35 Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel. 466 .p' mm mm m . J. N IN AITOMOTIVB SERVICE . . . 8ee Your . ... PA L MOTORS DEALER As the corn ls packed, store oir,pr in the refnger- Made in Canada Bulck Chev. TrucKa Oldsmnhlln fi M r Trtw kl cool place and ator or other take it to the locker plant for CBrNE WORTf A RPWriAT.TV e Machine Shop & Garage freezing as soon as poawuir. --KKRACE, B.C. Advertise in tue tny Nwst