YES, IT PAYS Td A D-v'fc RT I S E WANDERING BUDGIE PROVES IT It is not often that a husband hears the old nnprv ''TTn-n! u:o 2 tQIfl Prince Rupert Doily News " Wednesday. January 25, 1950 - CANADIAN DAILY CTwAILV'U'-ATIONB Reflects . . . . - ! 'J. - j uu fin v mini; uu yuur IIIJJ I W lit" 11 (ilHI I.Cnillliscei ,leaVING his home, although at times, perhaps, he MmMm ' CLEARAJ; 13 T Carrier. Per w " -----j wv.v.nvu vv uv.ti fclCVLHl UII 1 1 It was in 1912 or thereabouts along with a shrewd guess that TG StX'h, We Understand, is now becoming the1 - wic: m year, 6 00 ' r-e-- Good Warm HcJ aniKIS Req ( BALAGNO FLORISTS AW So Bad At That iAnders u"ns"ul correet "ay or so Jiaoit or tiie owner of a little green budgerigar as 'Anderson m & & McKmnon M,i omit , he afu. Super! came near haviii" . thic Krtln 1 h f , . A S e took .Prince Rupert Club later to be another blazing bulltlin- AeV Gently Up this strategic pOSl-. , known as the Moose Temole. It wore discovert m "'. .;..., ti0n. as tle aforesaid husband Now $2S0(C Phone ireon 787 l!x 119.-! pvas planned oriBinal!y for club box . Think of it. The - sort of doTtLe streMknff in" that th6 "Daily NeWS" haS bee" 31 tne street off : purposes. The cost, estimated bv thina that nuts ha,rc . f 1 t00k. lnV instrumental in her return, nHarri, m..M could not n. have fireman's . u . w uw etner al a rate 01 Knots. safe an(i snunrI thp e(mtnrtM i today's standards, thatch Men's PANTS, Wool. Now for Men's WORK STADIUM BOOTS All through that day, and far; her owner's home into the night, its owner couH; verily, verily, it pays to ad be seen gazing at tree tops and yertise ' ' whistling the "budgies" shrill ; ; ueen mucn less than $25,000. - . Peter W. Anderson, who died years ago, was one of the city, , Whf f t0fbe, K A done Wllh "e originals," ever active and ro- ?"f.b,?.c.k of f to?e on tl,e iaressive. MrS AnHfmn l,u,J ao long stood, no call, (which she 'was accustomed td to t0 answen- answers, but but th the tree tops Special, po;r Argyle Diamond Re9- up to $2 ' Now one appears to know. And that. nmoni tlii .. . U : , i"'ns ljic iiiii, wii ih 'iimpn r LETTERBOX 0 thorn-'?or mUeS around 'Query ) 'malt hPr h .k; includes "Eludes Moose Moose members members them- prougnt lortn no such reply. To advertise, was immediatelv i 'f the McKinnon family ' Jh i0t 80d liyht 111 tmvn and fronting where also inch.riPH Bmnnw ,h. ,t, agreed upon, ' ' but alas " it would ' thP IlPUf Vwitnl li-ilt it,:., POWER &1U)KTAG Editor, Daily News: According " to - reports right now lllll OIUIIU. V 111 X Oyl 1 t- i. r ; I Boyi'ond Girls' t J I ;of the me old um timers. luiifis. .... uc imuia utiure Hie uaily JUhUh ARE STILL SOME people around who were in Prince Rupert, and other places too, lorty years or so a.o;o when there were no electric lights to say nothing 0f the gadgets, and no water-works with fancy baths, either. We got along very happily too. But what consternation there is today when we have our lights cut off for a few hours a day or the water system freezes up for a while. Of course, we have long since gone out of the good old coal oil kTmps and candles, with which we used to satisfy ourselves once, are so messy and dangerous. And the muskeg holes, from which some of us who ' are still here remember lugging water, are not so handy, so. healthful and, anywav, are frozen up these days. As for the old days, we used to have cold weather in those times too but somehow or other we did not seem'to mind it. Some of the older folks, whose blood may not be quite so thick and red st it nsprl tn .... n-uuuii au same iiica- Mot. 0, o o;., i- i.:.. . ... opaiu ill i;n LU1UL1UU, Both in design and situation, .,',, , " V and the weather was bitterly . .ve are in a crisis. Could not piece SNOWSUi wool. Reg. $9 95 Now only H"'lc ,c"ia na unmung lor a iauy,!more be done about it?, .the Temple was unlike any other . IJl'Oy Dennv 'iMiilrfl., I., t3..i r, . wicaviij icauiiTcu sne1 unougn Btin r, ;. . ., , . ,, a housewife and taking wast to be out and unchaperon-! ed. Where she spent tliat night ia housewife's view, it is my opin- will ever remain a deep secret. 'ion that essential bread winnU j Boys' SWEATER ; Wool, from . .. $ ;wl",u"'6 i njiue Ivupei I. II was distinctly "differnt." T h e r p ; was a certain roominess. Its I fireplaces, the sense of detach-jment though in the very centre of the business district, and superb views from so many of the windows offered attractive There were other clubs in Prince Rupert during the early days. The Wanderers enjoyed a good sized membership. So did the Kiiifii Island Club. The Wan Next afternoon she was seen , industries in the city and homes cavorting with seagulls on a! .,,, , ollld be tu the i greatSt sulf'e snowbank on the wharf outside F. E. Hunt's store at Cow Bay. ! bv a Prolonged power shortage. derers was well named but for FAMILY SHOE STORK LIAHTEI) . Charlie Kobei ts tivit m-iit.w ri , u" '"""uuu" Mle Eianiv wok j.i mis it: so coum we not umi inai nialter nearly evervonp whn e" i. a ... y. hw rescuer's nana and sub- , i ,,,, v,,, u c ouu I of cxI eZ"; rTr1 lnG:nl" 10 a.m. to 4 p!m. I am s re e After a fire is extinguisli.d, or in distant fields-Id ZI' o 1 will co-operate In this Ird Ave. I.iiv K1K ' pi f-.i Advertise in the b I "esi-roys whatever there is to them IT "-emergency, interestinir . j burn, some earnest seeker of the resting. ,,k wh h u became the pet of the , Thnk4 you V. IVERSON. 'truth ixilfe- uuuoi-iiuiu iui inife nours, un- "wn, u ,i I tlr hW U To contemplate a midsummei Ul "The News" arrived and ! i Mti tea.' As A, a genera ' imIp r,nn, n, . . i ,. ... .! BROADWAY CJS mouse Locige uiunusi, iuiksi me i.ost ann evprvhnrtv t j , knmL , wond,nng- Nn 0,112 as a privilege for anyone Found" ads read, with the re-! Knows unless someone comes High above the level of the ' suit that she was nuicklv re-i I j - avenue one had a vista of slowly In the Supreme Court of British ulangnS and emerging shades Best FI To Advertisers To insure publication of display or classified advertising, copy for same must be in thc-office of the Daily Nevys by i p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirement ol tllfj nirichiinici Columbia uirnea to ner over-joyed own- ners. That she is indeed a lurky I bird cannot be gainsaid as thisj is the second time in the last' thirty days that she has brav- i ed the wintry elements to "see' and tints, but all rich in beauty, and to match it. the wide sweep of still waters and snow crowned peaks.- Mnest Cook life, the other side of the win be, can be pardoned if they shiver a bit in these wintry blasts, with which we have been afflicted for the last few weeks. Rut we notice that a lot of the young-folks are doing as much shivering as some of the oldsters. Of course, in those days we used to wear our long woolens and maybe were a little more sensible, if not so fastidious, about our clothing. But these arduosities, about which we moan so much these days, if we just boil them down, are not so terrible even if they get worse- The only trouble is we have got in a more comfortable rut, to"say nothing of the lot of us being softer than were the pioneers. . MaylS' it is good for our spirit and our souls just to have a little discomfort and inconvenience. Instead of moaning about it and crying to high heaven, we might reflect upon how, even at the worst, we are really blessed. Let us compare our lot with people in other Mparts of the world, and not so far away from Prince Rupert at that, and reflect upon whether, come"-what may, we are so hardly done by after all. j ('.ow pane ', and the second tinirf make this rule necessary. Hours 7 a.ra u For Take-Home Orders Phone 200 It Pays in Advertise! Advertise in rue uany New Values for You In Probate In thr Mntter of tho Estate of THOMAS KING ami In the Matter of the "Administration Act" TAKE NOTICE that bv OUer of His Honour Judge w. O Fulton nmrle the 19th day of January A. D. 1350. I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of Thomas King deceased, late of Massett. in the Province of British Columbia. ALL PARTIES having claims aeainst the said estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the 15th Cay of March. A. D. 1960, after which t'.nte claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES Indebted to the said estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert, in the Province of British Columbia, this 20th day of January A. D. 1950. Oordon P. Forbes Official Administrator Prince Rupert, B. o. ' (28) I 4 For Expert Watch & Jewellery Repairs -See- Lunch Kits pyrex Wore Percolators Pocket KrT Covered Roasters'" I hermos BotticT THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. 11 k ft MANSON'S Your Friendly Jeweller FINE PRINTING at , RFRAI PRINTHK NOTICE OF r f l:i..TIO OF ItKSIKVF. j Notice Is hereby given that the re- Green 324 i I c Hox 99a rr. PHONE 21 222 Second Avo. fefrFvfy ! jj SHOE J itnuiiM me disposition of crown petroleum anc natural gas on Queen Charlotte Islands will be lifted at 12 o'clock noon February 1. 1950, after which time applications for permits under the provisions of the "Petroleum and Natural Gas Act'' may be submitted to the Superintendent of Lands. Department of Lands and Forests. Victoria. George P. Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands and Forests Victoria. B. C. ' .,--'-Mt'n,'1l0St- AWV.VAWW.V.VW.WmV.V.W.VV'.'.W.V.i Under New Management ffcWjrwsW I , off January 13, 1950. OFF (25) f.'Cff 1' CUCIIT Headquarters for ! WINTER SPORTS EQUIPMENT j Skis and Ski Equipment C.C.M. Matched Ice Skate Outfits , Campbell Badminton Racauets and Shuttla LAMI HlfilsTKY ACT RE: Certificate of Title No. 31007-1 to Block Four 141 SiiV.hiii i I ' M Hie stork slioppe 4 Lot Four Thousand One Hundred Vi TO VA OFF REGULAR PRICES BEE GRANT oieigns i Blue 810 5 303 3rd Ave. BR0WNW00DS j - 1 r.iHuieen niia i, Range Five (51, Coast District, said to contain One Decimal Six Nine 11.89. acres, more or less. Map 1402 WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title issued in the name of Milton Allison has been filed in this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the date of first publication hcre-hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said Lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B. C this 10th day of January. 1950, A. D. Andrew Thompson Deputy Registrar of Titles (40) Bill Scuby's CLEARANCE SALE of Fine FURS CONEY I dyed rabbit) $89.50 ,k .MTSKKAT (flank i '.. See Us First FOR BOYS WEAR SNOWSUITS PARKAS JACKETS and complete outfits fc the school boy FOR YOUR WALLPAPER HANGING For Your Interior Painting and Decorating Call SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 233 1 1 Street 1 Convenient Terms Arranged i .,7,,7T7 '- Bill SCUBY FURS THE SPORTS SHOP A 302 3rd Ave. Box 1362 Black 416 VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chllcotin Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AM) PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chllcotin, Feb. 3 and 17 . 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss, Chllcotin, January 20 10 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 C22 3rd Ave. YUMMY!! That's what your family will say about the Delicious CAKES from PHONE 79 PHONE 79 MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANG! RUPERT BAKERIES LTD. G19 3rd Ave, Phone 643 For the Modern Housewife IttalUuT JlJ QtS 'Apartment Mo itr 1 ' ..I This nrlvprticomonf c i t. -jJ" warming oven $TH ince Rupert Florists iished or diSDlaved bv the Uauor riov Flowers for All Occasion vuuuui ouarn or dv tne Government of Bi1l(?h Columbia Aportment WoJ T; " -J Deluxe, with 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel..77' Pliarntanj ypjSj if. timer and min- LT u,e mindcr ?27,c Kitchen Modci with full oven, Wafch lor Ihe NEW 1950 CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH You get the Good Things first from the Chrysler Corporation High Compression Engines Hydraulic Brakes Floating Power All Steel Bodies Automatic Over Drive Transmission Fluid Drive And Many Other Firsts See your local Chrysler Plymouth Deoler RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE For Friendly Service And Advice in Your Building, Insulation and Decoration Problems fcsi.n: ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES General Builders' Supplies 505 McRride St. Blue $10 warmer and two storage bins. Timer & minute minder AT EBY & SONS Contractor REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under he N.IT.A. Phone Green 883 Box 5K $340 m6ffat