Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, January 25, l&ju j tloncd no: . Oyinnasla and 7 Alderman Csey Strongiy replied: "We have a little project POWER RESTRICTIONS (Continued from rage 1 large auditorium at Civic Centre "We should employ the serv-ices of a hydro engineer so that independent advice can be given regarding the whole set-up." here called Prince Rupert had already been closed down for the period of the electricity Danny's 'latest 11 Alderman Black's time had'niiiu on how to mast advantas Aidi i inan Casey raised an eye ; . CASEY vs. BLACK (Continued Uom Vase Ooe) J shortage. . uiuw uuu remarked W - are a,ehis ' i i r . , . . . feet and queried Alderman not ready to believe the power I Casey. is his Greatest! 2 man Casey fniuiy seemed con-i Ccdy one school lias been closed down in Prince Rupert, this being .the old King Edward elementary school building with a Vlnced the B. C." Power Co. was j v 1 f mi no t able to release plans until a 1 latr date. I ; eously use the energy placed at j their di.sposat and at the same time comply with the appeal for conservation in the emergency, , Yesterday Mr. Black had Issued a stem warning that water levels in Falls River and Woodworth : Lake, sources of water for the two hydro-electric plants, were rap- idly dropping and that the dry dock steam plant was being sup- plied with only 50 tons of coal per heating plant inadequate to meet the exceptionally cold wea- IIIIIIIIllIMIMjlullR i ther and dependent on electrieitv mm m-mm .... w commission is all out for the people. They are not going to j sweat blood for Prince Rupert, j PLUS iOT 2 KROY ! KROY Of Course i day whereas it whs consuming ! tricity constantly available, the loo tons daily. ( power company is Installing a Another day of failure so fan special line from a sub-station as voluntary curtailment was 'to separate the Institution from concerned culminated in Mr. one of the main circuits which Black's edict last ninht that fur- iare all under restriction. HUGH HERBERT f INNT (000MAN TOMMY 00IUY LOUIS MUUIONC CMAilll lIN(T IIONEI' HAMPTON Mil PowiU "' Wed & Thurs 1:00 9:10 All MONARCH Yarns 5 Guelph 3 Ply NYLON CAPITOL ther restrictions would be im- mediately enforced. ; The hours of cut-off have been siaggerea so as 10 intericre as little as possible with the nr. poses of essential users. House- ,nslructed by the council to clwcfe wives who use electricity for , 0,1 a number of large water con- their cookine were faced withisumers who are believed to be And Newlands 4 Ply I At WALLACES DRUGS ! It's business Noi "A ROLLING StT M jAiMtKb NO M :inc But it sure hasa( fun just travellii TOPS FOR HAMBURGERS At MILLIE'S OI'FN G a.m. i, Just oft Third Avem 118 tth SI. Ph. Orders Hi? ORMES DRUGS IT'S OUR j FIRST BIRTHDAY ! ! And to Celebrate We're Offering You 20 OFF ON ALL RADIO KEI'AIKH UNTIL FEBRUARY 61 h CAM. IH.I'K !!! iriip RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Klue 9!t3 PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO P.M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M.- AD V ERT1SINO IN THEliXlLY NEWS ' BRINOK Rfm ru KLi A1JVKRTISINU CUl'i Wll.l. aubJL " "-c.v.ullM . Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till C p.m. FOR Highest Quality in Professional mi liusiim come again and he proceeded to trim Alderman Casey's wings, ' The city was unable to expand its utilities and that is why Nor- them B. C. Power Co. stepped in. it cost us .ouu.uuu to improve the utilities. Where would the city get that much money? Bar - I ring the power, .sewers, streets and other improvements would 1 drain the city's finances. And i where would the city obtain suf- ficient money to finance the pies- ent plant?" j Alderman Casey remained sil- ent throughout the barrage. ' As far as a hydro engineer is concerned," Alderman Black hot- iy added, we don t have to hire anyone. The Utilities Commis- sion does that anyway and at no .... ... .uoau tan for approval by the commision No one argued. i ; i . !3?l?l .i.eiSiiSiiiuj " A 1 4 ! 1 vy;;; 'is aiivtrtiitmim ii fiol puW.iktii ei d PUyed b) I L'0oi Control Board ar by iht Goernfr. '-'.it'l Calumcii. p m Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Ktlic-ient Service, also agents fur Canadian Liquid Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding bupplics. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited . Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. HUO I'lioncs WJ and (IS - 11 ' Cattabtan Thu aUvuUscmcuf is m. puWisdcJ.r or Uie Oovcruiiienl which is shut off during the afternoon in. the area. , So that the Prince Rupert Gen eral Hospital might have dec WATER CONSERVATION While the Power Company is taking arbitrary steps to clamp down on the wasters of electrl ! "W- me city engineer has been running off large quantities of water for the purpose of preventing (hit llnnn t . . 7.' ,T, "mpf g.,thelr watr ' 8u numer"s are freeze-ups on Clty s IaU,ral wator 'toes Uiat the effort 10 thaw Uif out have ueen practically given up. "They freeze up as rapidly as you thaw them out anyway." declared one harried pipe thawer. CFPR Radio Dial 12W Kilocycles (Subject to Change) WEDNESUAt e JA. 4:00- Bemle Braden Tells a Story 4:15Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30-Marrgie Muevlns 4:45 Young Man With a Sons 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Rendezvous Rvom 5:30 Tlic Question Box 5:45 Keyboard and Console 3:00 -Supper Serenade 0:15 English Favourites 0:aj-MuSit;ai Varieties 6:45' Saddle noeklu" Hhythm 7:0f-CBC News 7:10 CBC News Rounduj) 7:30-Jasrha Splvakosky, Fianist 8:00-Oeoffrey Waddlnf-ton : Conducts 8:30 The Heart of Midlothian 10:00-CBC News 10:10--CBC News 10:15-Thes! Five Writers 10:30 -Collector's Items 11:00-Weather and Sign Off THURSDAY A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock. 8:00 CBO News 3: 10 -Here's Bill Oood 8:15 Mornhig Song S:30-Musle for Modems 8:45-Little Concert 9:00 - BBC News and Coin'ty 0:15 -Morning LH-votlon.i 9.30-Mornlni! Concert 9:5Tlrae Signal 10:00 - F.llen Harris 10:15 Morning MelodieJ 10:30-Melody Time .0:45 Scandinavian Meloaif 11:00 -Air KlndorsurU-n 11 :15Roundup Time 11:30 Weather Kepoit 11 :31 Message Fcrlod 11:35-Recorded InU-rludc 11:45-Personal Album r.yi. 12:00-Mid-Day Merodles 12:15-CBC News 12:25- Program Resume 12:30 -B. C Farm Broadcast 12:55-Recorded Interlude 1 :00 - Afternoon Concert 1:30- CBR Presents . 1 :45 --Coiuly. Deeds 2:00 - B. C. School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random 2:43 -Behind tin- Scenes 3:00 -The Music Box 3:15 Western Five 3:30- International Comment. Avail yourself of our expcriv-iHce and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. BESNKR BLOCK Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 Dm. and Sunday Your Printing I'UONK 234 13S The '50 FORD j iiiavc nrn- HOLLYWOOD cafe setting rearranged family meal hours. Downtown restaurants and' beer parlors were thrown into afternoon darkness but have been f allowed four hours of light in the evening. Stores carried on in late afternoon in state of semi- I darkness. There was little suspension of normal activities. The moving picture theatre func- I.VNU llt(.lTKY ACT RE: C'trUficale of Title No. 32110-I to Lot One (1). Block Tlilrty-wven 37. SccUon Seven (7, City oi Prince Huwrt. Map 023 WHKHEA5 KutLslactory proof of loss of tin- ubovp Cirtllicate of Title l.wutKl In tliv name of Levi Frrc-st:i(l. lia.s biiii filed iu thLi brtlw. notice ls lwR'by given that 1 sholl Ht tin' fxpiratlon of one month from the dutc of th first publication lien-of. itv'.ue a JTovl51oiil Ortlflciite of Tide In lieu oi Siiul lost C:rmtrU unli-:.s In the meantime ulld objee-tiiin Ik' macte to me In ititUiK. DATED at the Land Keglstry Of-lue. Pruieo Kuprrt. B C. this lBth Uny of January. IMdO, A. D. Andn'W Tliompwju Deputy Ktgistrar of Titks HEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From nouie f 50 Rooms-Hot water and Cold ' WUNCE RUPERT, B.C. ?hone 2151 P.O. Box 1B6) 1 ! 1 1 ,lisPl.i,c,l hy Hie I icguoi UpUoI houi i of lintiili Colunibi. Alderman H. F. Glassey rose to "Do you mean we can uet an other firm to instal a plant? That is what 1 wanl to know." DOLCIN EASES THE PAINS OF Hern is m messas of importuned to nil wh uflpr the pains and dincomfort of rthritu nd rheumatism. Thousand of victim oi those diseases report that, they have beo dlile to nwume their norma! occupations and unco moro enjoy the fullness of living by taking OOl'IN. Go to your druggwt today rid net. IKHX1N which is a skillfully romixjuodetl product tjrsignet to bring prom pi rWiof of pains due to arthritis, rheumatism, ciatira and neuritis. Profit by the expericmt of many thousands. I faults are what count. Whether your rhrumaimm orirthnii mild ir iM-vcrt. don't, delay! Get your IXJLCIN tahlclit tuday from your drurcist . . . foi prompt and prolonged relief from the paim snd misery of rlimmmtism, arthritis, lumoaeo, sriatica mid ut-unlis. There is no reason Cut I yu to sutler pnin that my lie completely nrcdUtta. fP DOI.CIN cost Hmannrly ttl( 1 line (iiiiiurrtJ prcdou tablets coat only $.:U . . . the tare, rouiuniv-sir.o bottle of OC I t.ililftfl only $1(MX). The sooner you uns j ljOl.i'lN, the itotmer vnr ron.htion may bs ! unproved. Get your DOLl'lN today I holiiii Limited, Toronto 10, Ontario. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPKt fdspfMrr Qood Food 1 For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Rex Cate i ;!ihI Ave. p. Kliprrl Hotel i i 7:00 am. tj 3:30 a in. Phono 1711 fur Outside Orders JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue .v.w.w-.nrwv Always Prompt and Courteous ? We're Hen; to Serve YOU Commodore Cafe 'Hospitality and Good Food V e 17 for Send-Out Orders- 3rd Ave. David Chow, Mgr. f 5 For Complete ' Sheet Metal Work o CALL BLACK 884 o SERVICE WORKMANSHIP DEPENDABILITY T H OM 5HEET METAL LTD MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY OI'I N IKOM 3.3(1 I'.M i,i 3:30 A.M. We Specialize In. Chinese Dlshei CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN or. M fl . Vt ' t. m ' 1 Whtekq 111 ' ' ' " ' ' " im iim mm' Tii'i' i . Catherine Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co ) Phones: Green 6G7Duys New Residence Phone Number Red 'J04 Bytown Machine Work; Sales Service and Pails Simplex Uas Engines h p. 185 h p. Cumiiiins Dependable Dieseh G5 h p. 5,r,o h p. Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service SIDNEY GONIGK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment DR. GARNET E. II. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 025 P.O. Box 12)0 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture lu all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone Cf5 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 750 972 10th East DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 705 P.O. Box 1101 QUALITY REPAIRS for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Becond Ae Newspaper iiilverllsln:; lays oil In dividends. MATTSON'S UPltOUSTERINQ Phone Blue 818 P.O. 330 Second Aveni Pr!nc Rupert, Btj 1 FOR YOUH ROCK Si CONCH ETE CALL BLUE 930 M. J. SAUNDI New, Modern Equlpi. All Work Cuaranti': A.P. GARDNER & CHARTERED ACCOUNT A. L. Bell, U.A., Prince I Hotel Approx. Itinerary Jan. 13-31 -v Prince Rui Eeb. 1-10 Ocean Falls, Bella Feb. 11-Apill 15 Priuci pert, Terrace PWrt' MARGARET McL OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDIN PHONE BLUE 593 P.O, BOX 1184 GEORGE .ROME & Publio Accountants and torn. Income Tax Rctur compiled O. L. RORIE, AAK S, B. LAIRD, B. Coiiiin Besner Block Phone HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACT. Building and Rrpalra oI kinds I ROOFS CllIMNf OIL BURNERS! PHONES l:!,irl; r.t (.). Uux I07t) Ii ?, W I'RANSI '"rl Wwd. Cellar. o'i Kuidlint; wikh.1 Otic per - PHONE RED 183 KAIEN TRANSFER I'Oit Rt ii'K ANI DIRT f'IL'' BASEMENT & LAWN W Phone Blue Will or Black !' For Outside Orders PflONE They're NEW w . , ifor HI HII ill XI li1'LjwnrTrr w yii' j Lyon . . . , tin: yaaoline, Can be automatically, will Require, no I'm hisuiu'nce Price (Liberal .RUPERT t trr v LOCKER HALIBLT (chunks) Excilli'iit dipped in butler nrt '.ried In dei p f;il or boiled anil wmfl Willi iihi.s'iiooiu or to- lunli ;::MM'', 14 so different today I 1 ikij r 1 -'a. Fire Extinguishers Kcieiitific way of .smothering electrical and wood fires thrown at I lame or will woik LYON Fire Exlin;;-uishers not freeze or deteriorate. servicing. Approved hy Fire Underwriters everywhere. $5,00 Complete Discount to Dealers) 1 w , f mm m wmmrwfc SUPPLY HOUSE PLANT FILLETS of lttD COD H4! lb HOl.K ;t(((: i, IIAI.IKUT !.!; Ill HA(,M'N 4'le ll falii linp Meat ',a 10. Ujc IVl' f.rii.(Niiu H,ike have ihm uribntliihln f.r,.,- Shi. (U,v.,r i Po,,W, bory-.,l,ln '"" Tli ii.ovIH- noiifl.tinJ,.,a ,wy. nn .,.!. -mWiiI ,.Muiiiir, 0f mrbuhrilmlM ""' -inrttU .,,.1 oibw f0J e..iitk bt .ii.llr .rrl( io r. ,,,,. vuuf 1... Raiding tlio ttorc-room .(. .,i n. -nmti A ill lrrn I'i'.iic.r Bin I. nl, i i m. I- id jiiiuir r fur ill In i-inj I'u.r, i, ,. kIioiiIiI In ins ii" rriiii. ,u iii ril iiirr run ll'Ml u llli lll'.llllilill, ll-.l.l, i,,, jl. ..'i,.. ll, ,l, h'i pi ik, I fur jIhj li.-ixi'. ii ut, A rtu.k. RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. 2.'l( Ind Ave. l'lione Red 37 lri.Nui, Jflk.