Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, January 25, 1950 At 8:45 p.m. Saturday, city am- t : bulance took Mrs. Edith Heal, 209 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prini'e Rupert A .Vilrong, 8. SItog, E. Jensen, E. Llkness, I. Hauger, N. Fiddler, CAREFREE Plans For Relief 'Sewer line -Work Under Way Tenders Called Sixth Avenue "East, to General 'Hospital. Announcements Salvation Army Native Home. Birthday Tea and Sale, Jan: 26. O. Hanson, Capt. E. LilUe. R. a, Attention LO.BA meeting Steen, E. Eikonger, H. Hanson, H. Thursday night cancelled. (It) A letter from i. G. Alley, pres- Tenders for the installation of j TIMIii;lt x !ss: SEALED TENDERS will be received by trie District Forester. Prince Rupert. B C not rater Jdcnt of the Vancouver branch of a 1880 foot sewer outfall, 145 feet WINltn DRIVING f.i ! 52.50 Ij.CHAiM McDonald, F. J. Hull, R. M. Gosse than noon on the 33rd day or J J. H. Harvey, W. Chambers, Vancouver; Mrs. J. Jorovich, ' Canadian Legion Card party February 1. Card tournament, Catholic Hall, February 2. Felmiary. laao. tor the purcruwe of Licence X-48874 near Takush Bay. Smiths Inlet, to cut 1,04.-000 feet of Cedar, Hemlock Balsam and Other Species of Sawlosa. Shrine Band Concert, Civic Fire Department responded to ,the Young liberal Association of , west of the -easterly boundary of a eall from the King Edward .British Columbia, was read to McBride Street, down Third ' School at. 8: 30 p.m. Monday. A member of city council Monday Avenue to Cow Bay iwere ordered fire in the chimney was quickly jnifiht, suggesting that this city called for at a meeting of elty extinguished with no damage paVAy Premier Byron Johnson in .council Monday night. Diimetei don. I Victoria, of any projects in Prince of the pipe wUl he 42 inches in- , , , Rupert or municipality whk-h creasing to 8 inches at Cow Bay. ?ef J ZT. qualify for assignee un-, Two 2 years will be allowed Oentre Auditorium. Friday Feb. tiw ri-.mi.val -if tttn rwl i J Further particulars of the ruury oia Hi o.ia p. m. iicseis Irom members. I - save Wo 'Mick""- n,.n ?;:".'- ." " . ... .. .:ill il Chief Forester. Victoria. B. C or the District Forester Prince Rupert, B. C. (It) Lutheran Tea and Home 26. 2:30 d. m (20) tne Dominion Municipal Im Cooking Feb. 11th. CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlargina. Flash Photo; Taken at Home Phone Green S8 216 4th Si PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Boy Scout Concert, Civic Cen AIR PASSENGERS rut 1 I'lliMlP - , , , ( I :'-mT l! I tre, Feb 17. Canadian Legion Easter Sale April 5th. Cathedral Sale April 13. St. Peters Spring Sale April 20. E. T. Applewhalte, MP. '. for Skeena, returned to the city on the Coquitlam yesterday afternoon from' Stewart where he spent the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Applewhalte will be heading for Ottawa again soon to attend the new session of Parliament opening in mid-February. provements Assistance Act of 1938. The Association, alarmed by the increasingly argent unemployment siutatlon in British Columbia, wired Premier Johnson recently and suggested he approach responsible Dominion officials with a view to instituting imediate Publi Works pro- Fashion graft ; Made To Measure To Vancouver (Tuesday) D. R. MacKerracher, S. Woods, J. Roaf, R. Gosse, E. J. Morris. To Sandspit (Tuesday) Mr. and Mrs. D. Richardson, D. Lucko, Mr. and Mrs. D. Schoficld. From Vancouver (Monday) Mrs. Morris, A. B. Chambers,' R M. Gosse, R. R. Kelly, S. Harvey, H. B. Vogul, F. Hull. mmam SI7 lfiiflK'liili'illillS m SUM PHONE 363 For Estimates and Supplies Attention. RuDert P.od and iect in this province either PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR CLOTHING Advertise :n tne uuily Newsf Mitchell & Currie Lid. Gun Association members (Sen- j through use of the above men-eral meeting Thursday, January tioned 1938 Act or through Dom-26, Civic Centre ? p.m. Pictures ! inion planned projects to the toot ihowi. 1 21! lvalue of $138,000,000 on shelf. 1 In 1938 Dominion surveys were Jack Higglnbolham of Hov made in thU areai wiln a view o! Westminster, district lieutenant eomrneucjng projects should un-govenior of Gyro, arived in the mp,oyrnPr,t become serious, cjty on the Prince George today - Builders and Contractors MR. PILE SUFFERER During 1949 PYLTONE has become a symbol of success among pile suKcrcrs from coast to coast. Nver o our knowledge as chemists, has PYLTONE been equalled in the fine results it gives everywhere. PYLTONE TREATMENT la liquid taken by mouth) is compounded from special gums, balsams, and herbal extracts. It goes directly to the inner trouble, removing the cause of piles, restoring ii fvnrw Vti !iriiitf f r nntj an rf f t r i o 1 VANCOUVER and Intermedial Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Mr, and Mrs. Pierre Le Ross sailed on the Coquitlam yester- visit to the local club and insta' ' its officers tonicht. An P3te-ii. dav afternoon w a trip to Van live luncheon was held today in rfinnr-f'tmn u'HVi lite vicit jnrl In-iCOuVtrT. MAUCIIANO OIL HEATERS VORTEX OfL MJRNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS dumbing & Heating Alterations i inflamed and broken tissue to a normal healthy state. Some ctisiiKe i the taste but results count. Your first bottle proves this or price re- It's business wise to advertise. 1 funded at once. $1.15 at your druggist's. His wholesaler has it. w BUY YOUR SUIT NOW DURING THE FASHION-CRAFT SALE, AND SAVE $1500 TO $20.00. morrow night there will be a Gyro party at the home of President-elect A. J. Dominato before Mr. Higginbotham sails on his return south. For Reservation! Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, BC. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. BOX 274 I'HONK 17 Cassi.-.ttl acu. oet results. It's business wise to advertise. iww?3 O Smart Styling O Fine Tailoring Your Choice of Fabrics' At GRATLY REDUCED PRICES SSa ill .( 4 ' . I 1 a r y , ALUMINUM WARE by "SUPREME" THK FINEST AVAILABLE TODAY Improves the flavour of SOUP PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATH ALL'S Photo Finishing PANS For Ixilling, sauces, frying, baking, etc. SKt' THEM TODAY Simply mix a pinch of Oilman's muiiard with a little cold water, let it stand for a few moments, then mix with soup before serving. You can taste the improvement! ! Vj EVERYTHING your dog needs for sturdy growth, bound- 'f l I less energy ond all round tiptop condition is contained w V i I i SAVOY i- t 1 Dr. Bollnrd's eterinorioo-tested (ormulos. I I For free recipe book, "Culi CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Fb.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for . Appointment HOIKS nary Art", write to Reckitt & Col man (Canada) Ltd., Station T, Montreal. And everything your dog s oppet.te croves m way o irtef.f 0R y0UR pT BETTER GET sotisfymg goodness is r.ght there m Dr. Ba lofdj famous pet rvn . - I foods Ensure your pel s well being by ( him ONLY i "" ' " - -, , - I ( mm, W. L. WOODS, Prop. 1,1 vp. Box l up iua m I ur. Bollard s meiooamainmtitr.itMii-.ui lit hrmc Bona Concert, rcD. A, vivic .enrre 10.30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3 to 5 r.m,. EVENINGS Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. for PHONE 31 P.O. BOX 1391 FRASER STREET those unable to come during the day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoon. PRINCE RUPERT 1 ? B-O"-, .r! Sot'd metal dog too enaraved wilK your dog name ond iiSTPj ,J j' j address for ANYTHREE DR. BAUARD'S labels. Moiling .in- SI aJT-r u! -T ' - L'i Z' ' ' - A ! f. 4.' j4A A ' X frti-:in Is pavaDie In advance. Please refrain from Classifieds. 2c ner word per insertion, minimum Something To Talk About The Mew MARGENE CANADA'S FINEST MARGARINE . TASTES DELICIOUS O SPREADS EASILY .. AND IT'S ECONOMICAL v COLD or HOT I . gl f Birth Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices, iices, Marriasie and Engagement Announcements: $2. SPECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE LOST AMI FOUND F0K SALE IE A home that will';"" LOST Jenco wrist watch with They all enjoy mi h roum With .- rented $15(10 cash si' i' Kent from rooms blacK sirao Detwt-t-u and Fraser Street and Third Avenue. Phone Red 588. 120) 3 Ti man nav the nav- Sce T 'Norton" R-M Estate and In- .JSAf U KV 1-ZSMS-rW KXf MAnGCIJE (fill PERSONAl new nuinc u. ...... . yy i w. K71 cT v.rt N IH. W,.. I :- nn.,ar tnn rnlrt 1 f " M m T" llfiil I II I , IWi I 1 V ill M A PRODUCT OF CANADA PACKERS LIMITED (20) SALR-Cream kitchen and table. Red 471. (tf) Ofrers for cabin Kiidon will be received . Jasiuarv 31. Twentv- Hlan to Buna p-yy 'js 7'J ; For Plans and Estimates Its , -4 . I iajr rStfyr V . : - PERSONAL Have vou seen the new Rexair humidifier and air conditioner? It is the most effective vacuum cleaner thai has ever been oroducecl. This "s the first time it has been offered for sale in Prinee Ru-nert A oleasant sumrise awaits vou For free demonstration aoDlv Box f.43 Daily News ' ,1)4. News. pnoonnoT nil Rurner Snc- ;w loim, i;o h.n. Uni- 1 1 -nae I . GREER & ; u LTl y 'iitinc. Can be seen h'- Wub. P. O. BoxlooO. (23) U Police dog pups . Midland Pines 1401 St. Phone Black 22) vStZ'Z nH Renalrs. 1 nnriiri.-.R! AHin - ni -n I V II fj D Ronson. Phone rJiatjc f'.nt trawllno DOB. ul' ALE- 23 i!b veni'c i rt r.u 001 .... wf' - -'f r, ''Si" II ..... 4 10-1 u-i Msinone en- ;,.'.,- rt Heatins lied 500 m l& 9 m m , m M aa W, "L .". i ,.r Phone 543 or I KT-ttr Ar Ail KVti rl i I I uiin vv - : Mf...4 ii mil r29. Sixin Ave. wwi. (tl) i 4 UMourneau iinabont.. I it's sure to he good 1 i fmar i I -" ' ;A;I.V kmiwn NAMEf 'Ml Sijccdcr Shovels ('rad.-r.s; Littleford Bros. J '0 Huud Miinlonance 'Bieut; own Chimshel stud I( Granules; fii ii Concrete Mixers; TT iy A 4j- k ' , nin Ti iCn Hd 300, yMi I r I FOR RENT w ifflf. I Coofced tiecrrKuiiy U L1K,SnlwREHT 2 sleeping rooms. pYwitThorne. 843 9th West . . . . -''T i D. itnfa nm 1 Ci-ntrifimai Pumns: Na- 'f.."rK1.i'e Scrapers and Uvo ovMTfttiUe. Bav Ap- HV I NO-CO-RODE is GOOD for Life There's a whole lifetime of trouble-free service. in no-co-rodi root-proof pip. Soil settlement won't crack or break it, freezing or thawing won't affect it. Tapered joints prevent leaks, keep out roots, no-co-rodb saves you time, work, money. Use no-co-rodk root-proof pipe for House-to-Sewer or House-to-Septic Tank Connections, Downspouts, other underground ine St11 ANl't;Slee! artments. good bachelor pre- Cuius; 5S. J.LL: j ry Screens mi,. r..,.,,.. i'mation from Va- FOR RENTpne . large room , Seal Cove Machinery Co. Ltd.. cabin. Furnished. Llglit flaky pastry, cakes and puddings tender juicy meat and luscious baked dishes . . . everything you cook turns out better cooked electrically! Invest in a brand new electric range and turn "cooking" into "culinary art". You'll be thrilled with trie many features that take the guesswork out of cooking. (21) w. b. ;. (tf)', Phone Blue Mt. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABtl ie Blue 022 (24) JL1 38; ,,.,itj rnn BlfNT RleenlnB room 6?U SALE New s of ,w7, ""rt "i" mL p i,, (tt) oortable writers "rnnriVtMn FOR RENT Electric ruas: sewlna machines. a3."",, new loettlnij jacks "'ores hi iu;. ijr.;: month. Call w omn non-pressure uses. Oet no-co-rode perforated pipe for Septic Tank leaching beds, foundation footing drains, soil irrigation, field drainage. Both types re backed by a 40-year record of outstanding service. CALL 651 PIHLPOTT EUITT (tf) ine Centre. i i orices. B. C. .-"-. oiacK 324. (U) . n.rr r-ll I . r rflftnl flT &r- Three1 0 dtiiv t mw?-.-Tw?pe4 vrrrTZTTTrrhthousekeep- l,,.. ; oaic. uc - suitable .,r.,',i,ia tnr for one one. l'-ater Honw ri.ttv ine room, (20) I -r-Y-k fYimTTTTk lTY.1 1 1 I art I "w t 1 ( limn i .' t T ;' t io-o rtrirtrtw r' HTavV duty'. rob. AkB & Co. Ltd. LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES .'.'nLDlWcs. What offer? FOR SALE .At "far . less than CABS York Hotel, 3rd Ave, ' b.. w v ims cash. New Cost, a Dracntuiir ; Urt jnKai IU,0Prt Mo" 1949 Plvmouth 4 door DeLuxe ! John E. Davev Rciv KoHn f!nmDletelV eaulppeo Stand: cb, ?cc hunert. Phone', Phone 211 or eves. Black 24. (20) Ika,.- -- ltt)