rabca-ij r wuol The Vu:Ui S;ate U putujig tlie & eve o.i Prince Ruperl Daily News ia'-wS' cr JO izt i. rt. The Aura'a. ar.4 c:her aujcr Trie' ry as Victoria Report . . . by J. K. N'esLiu Conservative Fijjht is on for Fair . Covemment Hou.- to Glitter Again rarr. -sra eerrsialy ap. Jo: Oi cousa&ers of Cs rki s.cs certainly go; Joed. The technique i$ fiir.ple. A, all the- big wool a-jcUoi-j JO'S men were en the Job. They open cc-ir.tnr. ta set up a c of Joint Organization. The new JO weald pinion out wool, much as jgar and othrr scarce eomniocliiics .ere pt-r-tior.ed out in the Hr.ler ir. Th Aa UxJepntfent C::y r.ewpsifer aeTov to the ob'-Jir.g of Pnne Ecpert ar.d northern ar.3 central British Colsnxbl Member of Canadian Pre a sit Burnu of Cireutionj Canadian Di"y Newspaper Aivxlation O. A. ETTITTER, Vcalrn Editor. H- G. PERR7. War.artr.g Director SUBSCRIPTION RATES I J r ed U;e tidamj. No wool was acli ajc'.ion si.e system would be except at a level acove their I.oor suspended. ran s end I j-.K.r r.:c.-v was no a i:xea D ... . v. 5 By JIM XESBITT ifv-fj. but .laceeft up from tLxe to By Crrter. rr Week, zoc; f-w Mor.ih, 75c; rrr Tear, ; 13 00; E7 Mil). Per Ifonth 50c: Per Year 15X0. IS.'-:. up from Australia. Ta wou d be Interfering w;h ordinary te- tlate on the basis of what the trails would bear. j ternational commerce. The free oOo aucuca sa.e sy.em is ot my TH2 WORLD SURPLUS OF IlTOJIIA. The fight is on for Tory leadership gy ELMORE FHILPOTT between Chieftain Herb Anscomb and W. A. C. Ben-! WHO'S jnett.M.L.XforSouthOkanagan : WOOLV-HEADED? j After hearing Bennett speak here the other day there's no doubt in my mind that he hopes to unseat My wife has just com? -t ar.rt . r Mental Bullying oai at the end of liter's war wa equivaier-t to twenty years , 00 mrnua inter natkafial trace ta; ' HOW COKE IT Is permissiole wool. But so successful was this to interfere with the law of JO Tyfi i r-v r.f f,-ir", mf - ' . tailors. ! Anrcomb at the Conservative convention in Vancou- home from the store with EOYC r . .i . , , r, ' . --s. supp.y 1 ana aemana wnen &o.-ne- the news that the wool sn k nwuiiett uuoun a- buttle- . . fc I ...... T.t-k that n- fa rov. f,-r w) ""3 .ics uu. uses for knitting1 has gone fc' vet all wror.-j when the time increased. MEN'S i The entire 20 year' surplus conjes to hold them down? ; ver r.ext mcnth. Eer.r.ett ciin't meat Ion Ar.v-j corr.b by name but y-vj coulrf m he was bias-tin? the leader be. ' cau-e the Tories lost sestj in the eerw-'a! election tf I I'd say that Bennett wC; bid j lor BC. Tory leadership tn a : platJorm that includes a "don't-j lct-the-L;terals - fool - us. any- rr. ire" plank. - ; up twenty percent! September 19. M ! Sh ' V uie out of t Mi.ss Mae Murray cf the City ! explanation by tne cleric: Kail staff retimed to the city; ' ,Jh Ru4iUn are bi:in? on the Prince Rupert yeterdav aa-" e wa sold off in five years. Her . And lest anyone thin? that th is what the 1950 Encyclopedia Aa.;jiei are any di!ferent from it Yeir Book says, page 738: , tne rest of us our own govern-;-In addition to dtsnosir.B cf ' nser.t now ha 3Jt mii.ion Russians are to b'a.ne for mot of tne m clips, the Unit- ; poncs of butter, bought to hold I: cm a vacation tr.p to Van-cous er. many things. But the high price Kjngaom Dominion Wool, ! P- of wooj is hardly one of tnem. DL-.poaji Limited reported tht Readers wi.i recall that, start- ii tucs were aocut 4SOA00JKK) j Bennett lears Antio.Tib, when ejection time com again, nruht A special meeting called irig in I exposed In this lbs. !ej& than on June 3d. 1H risers cf ; ieaving only 300.000.000 los. coiumn one of the greatest hold to be sold out of an original! tmb total 01 3.000 000,000 los." ! formula-Uoeral CoalitionUts in - hospital board said racial Liberal ricings. Conservative tareweil to Matron- Mra. R. H. ' Coajitioniau in Conservative nd- Bedford formerly Mia Jean !in. Mr. Bennett savs. and Harrier. who is leaving after rlgbtlv so, that Tories won't get 15 years of service. up in ail history that Is the price boosting arrangement whereby woal price were hoisted ; to the highest point in history at the very time when the law cf THK difficulty often about argument or well intended critic-i-m relative to the actions of Huch people za governrr.ent heads, politician?, labor leader? or the like is that one who enapes in such argument or crkicl-m is at once aceusefJ of being aataoni-tic. So it is that the more vocal spirits in many movements and organizations are able to intimidate or talk down the more quiet and submissive by making them think that any variance of opinion represents disloyalty, lack of understanding or some such . condition. : Too often the rank, and file will accept a view or f a cause not because they believe in its righteousness ' but for fear of a challenge of loyalty, popularity or even intelligence. Too often it may not be a case of agreement but unresi.-ting acceptance. Possibly the sober and unassuming person in a world that cries for leadcrship'and too seldom gets the right type fails to express, mucji less act upon. hi$ own opinion. Every opinion in a democracy should be made to count but, unfortunately, that is seldom the case. Is it just a case of lack of interest, laissez-faire or plain inability to express one's individual convictions? oOo NOW COMES the pay-off and i the question: Who wooiyjsead- j Witn the armament race In ' play ail the nations are ; brought price tumbung down, j j.j i oOo j j an ywnere that way, especia Jy , ; no that there are enough Lib. j , erals in the House to run ' the , i government on their own. with- i icut any Tory help. ! PKINIINd l-OR tVtRY PURPOSE . . . We'll follow your instructions lir.p;.'Xj or, if you wish, add a creative touch that will lend distinction to your printed mar Moderate prices. Call us Phone 234 ! iH SsfUKY ts tnere lor ar.v- i a tart ' r one to fee in any good library ge-.detie survey of Prince . lR(.f.r ,M ir itJl A? "Duff Pattullo would say the Tories n ''' rwrar cy ine govern-. are ham-strung and , Brttanniea year 1&45.1950. ;ho3 tied. Bennett and his crowd mnt lmr oxt has been oo, For perfectly legitimate REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED i don't like it and want to b it: 'n on 'or P lew 04Tf- reasons Britain purchased the A meeUns? in the City Hail . entire mi, (farm iAnscomb and his crowd tc.erte . time wool clips cf war ever.jni; w organize a series Au'tra-ia New Zealand and i it. nomr.z lor some miracle J Anscomo u meeting with mor f f bn:Urd n,at"hM elected the south Africa, opposition than at first seemed twJna cfficerT Honorary ended these When the wr tour interested R. E. Mortimer 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRl Pres. John Euli'er; Honorary countries set up an agency to posiibie. So strong a rank-and 3rd Street STATIONERS Vice-President vwe-rres.aep.i Oiier uner PRINTERS filer as Aid. Waldo Skillies of aesner, thwart normal working of the 'M oiTia THAT APPEAL FOR PEACE victoria in against the chief. He rnaiuem-rv.:l1,u n.jr. ksaid at a Bennett meeting here President Bert Morgan: Serre-ithat there's no longer a Conser- fair-Treasurer Joseph P. Hut-. Jvative party in B.C., only an chinson. ' , A as comb party. ; j When Bennett Is introduced to ', i his audience TRIPLET CALVES by an admirer his OXBOW. Sask. 0S calves Uife and work are recited from , , cradle to the present moment .tnree years is the enviab.e But record of a Shorthorn-Hereford ; never mentioned is the f.ip he 0& cow- when she was; jliop did l&4wnen he r l signed his South Okanagan seat 13' shc gave ,blf h to 'wtn8; 11113 ! rhone 203 T is one of the easiest things in the world to pet the average person to sipn a petition for what (feCereaiwfthfttiif BOTH in one paetaae! DOOY KaiOQOt NfW CKEAI delicious, tender sweet-fruit raixina together with KelloRg-ehmp bran flake. fUh in iron, bountiful in good grain DouiishmenC It's Kellogg' nr.w double treat! IJouhle delicious! Double nutritiouu! Get xogg's baisi bran plakk today! You'll be glad ear ne oumho nerse x ana pro- in the : Legislature U) run in tne 'Yale Federal dy-election to be duwd trlP- The all-male trio , v"a"e 2' "d are doin defeated by Owen Jone, of the, ( Sc. c.p. , i For Elccirical Wirit A?c Service you did! j ' When Ans-omb's Introduced by an admirer It's never men-! tioned he f ir;-t not Into the leiz- li,lature In 1933 as an Indepen- '&a$ "Run i i I mm 4. 5 dent. Even so staunch a Tory as ne wouldn't run as a Conferva, tlve then, ber-ause the Tor.es v.ere down and out, alter the 'ive-year Tolmie debacle. So. all in ail. it's easy ti see there's goin? to be a mighty Interesting tu:le at next month? convention, with lots ol mud-slinging and plenty of plotting in smoke-lllled hotel bedroejms. NORTHERN B. C. POWER PRINCE RUPERT STEWART! PHONE 210 appears to be a pood cause and what better cause could there be in these clays than the preservation of world peace? It is therefore not surprising that 87 Canadian clergymen have put their signatures to the Peace Petition circulated by the Canadian Peace Congress. The wonder is that so few signed it, for there are some five thousand clergymen in Canada. One of those who signed the petition, was ho less a personage than the Pkev. A. J. Wilson, D.D., editor of The United Church Observer, the official organ of that demonnation. But he has since come to regret it, and has made an open confession of his mistake in a letter to the Montreal Gazette, which he has reproduced in an editorial in the Observer. Dr. Wilson says he signed the petition in good faith, as its statemeit was "one to which any peace lover might honestly subscribe." ''However," he continues, "a day or two after I signed it, to my consternation, my picture was published under a six-column banner heading in the Toronto Communist paper, The Canadian Tribune. This demonstrated a close tie-up between the sponsors of the petition and the Communists . . . Had I known of the tie-up between the petitioners and the Communists . . . I would certainly have had nothing whatever to do with it." Dr. Wilson concludes by warning "ministers and members of the Church tyhat they may expect if their passion for peace Old time brilliance will be re- It's nicr to be able to say "Charge It" If you enjoy the reputation of paying your bills promptly, all you have to do Is say "Charge it." CREDIT BUREAU OF PRINCE RUPERT i torJ to Government Houie i when Clarence Wallace and his j wi.'e move in early in October. l , fx X fr ? j Plans are afoot to double tho j staff, which means there's going .to oe plenty 01 entertaining. j It's not easy to get expert Help! V J these days, so Victoria and Van. ; CHAMBER VICE-PRESIDENT couver are being combed for Homer Zwicker of Lunen- , ewks and maids. Under the ! burg, N.S.. was elected national Wallaces, Government House vice-president of the Canadian Just Arrived! A beautiful selection of Rhinestone Jewellery . . . Necklets, Earrings, Bracelets. GEO. COOK, Jeweller B - i i I mi ! win nave a nousekeeper, tnree : cooks, five maids, a butler, a j valet, a lady's maid, a chaulieiiri j there'll be three limousines), a; j .social secretary. Most of the ser- ' Extra comfort and less work for you with a Coleman Oil Heater Low in Cost Efficient in ' K ' Operation ;:'ii:; Chamber of Commerce at the annual meeting at Banff, Alta. This position normally leads ot the presidency the following year. Of United Empire Loyalist stock, Mr .Zwicker was born at Cambridge, Mass., In 1804. He Is "general manager and secretary of Zwicker and Company, Ltd. '(CP Photo) ! vants are paid for personally by j tne lieutenant-governor. The ! government pays the house- i keeper,, Hie office staff and the ' X GOING TO TERRACE? '.should lead them, as it led us. to siim the peace ! gardeners. Available now at-r ' 1-.- L.-t.'i" ii iti it ' Tne Wallace regime Is expect- .oetition, which is being widely circulated and has ed l0 be as brimant as that cf ? ""CI tome to be known as the 'Stockholm Appeal'." jlhe Hamber's (1935-51.) Hon. and Mrs. W. C. Woodward, while they cntortainea a great deal. I By y-fc. had to face wartime restrictions. Hon. and Mrs, C. A. Bunks have prelerred to live as quietly 11.30 4 ( McBride Street. Phone 311 I tartiPlfefflfeffipl 4.00 P" 5.30 r Leave Prince Rupert Arrive Terrace Leave Terrace Arrive Prince Rupert 10.00 Pi J Yes We Carry Express!! ? Phone 555 for Information ? WATSON ISLAND STAGES IT ; L AN "INSIDE STORY" j , Ji-Jl . J Ljjh j L i Ornnd ma's cooking that married, she already rx &k .T ' ' ' j py--'i Ii f .Vt' f'i iCc3i' l drew thecrowds. She had knew how U enjoy life JgLiOV ""f , ' LsmriTpS r-H nC?l the first aluminum sauce- with aluminum. She ipo xKjfv " ! i I f kjiSiKW 11 pan in town! In many brewed Dad's coffee in an AjVfef ' ' i ' -ti- tr , , JL f II w3 other Canadian homes, aluminum pot ... cooked Jl ' i" fr ' l I w? jrjts -: yfH tbi wan the begin- thotte big family mtals fl ilifrl W 1 J I' r f 9S T L TtP ninK of a bright, new era more easily in quick, Vui i-'IBH ' tffwmaBmsr " Ji of better cooking utennils, even-heating aluminum. tjH. J Furniture Fashions SPECIAL Prices for SPECIAL Furniture -FASHIONED AND FINISHED IN OUR FACTORY HERE IN PRINCE RUPERT We are offering a limited number of indivi- dual pieces of furniture (some used) at Bargain , Prices. : O MAPLE BED and MATTRESS VANITY and BENCH KITCHEN ; CABINETS O CHAIRS ; Support Home Industry and Save Money ; by Buying Direct from ! CHRISTIE'S Woodbilt Products ITAerTs natAffll more thrilllna I f.L V 1 JWS l?,;TrK: BITOT TO THE HOUSETOE i lyjDIAMONU f - - lVV?M "aluminum age". She en- mimiw you ee aluminum on the " , D 1 O ' I et ' ' 'y" xet election "t mUf of a fwd W druik, there's u N I r ' nrl aluminum utensils. This ti atery" ef alll nd ouritv: Is-.! & SEE THESE SPARKLING BEAUTIES TODAY AT ySPVi TiC "food-friendly" metal also AIoininuin uteMil. cI!an cai(iIy. To l rWfy A. -5 U i S- protects the flavour, quah- remove natural deposit left by fda an j ffWMW it f WT f ty and purity of the foods waUr, iuw a UWpo..ii of vim gr K fSA'iynl ? Sp u J llluy laboUlng water. ' '' 1 4 S f ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD, j anson's : Cor. 1 st Ave. & McBride Phone Blue 720