"Vir AVOR BIGGER FORCE (Continued from Page 1 Frince Rupert Doily Hew j Saturday, January 21, 1950 as secretary. A a frw more rC jMens Bowling j League Schedule Jan. 23 Ambassadors vs V.I. Stages, Oddfellows vs Grand The idea of having, a sand pit gulley at Ninth Avenue and Con-, rad Street filled in to provide a playground for Conrad Street filled in to provide a playground for Conrad Street School will- be taken up with city council and school board. A committee was delegated to study the power question in the light of the Northern British Columbia's application for a franchise renewal. . Robert Ferguson, president of Three Stars of Lofty, Bearded House of David Basketballers Schedule For ID-Pin Bowls Basketball Time Table Basketball league schedule for ( the remainder of the 1949-50 sea- j son Is as follows: ! Jan. 21 Stones va. Sea Cadets,', ' High School Rupert Hotel Fashion vs. North Star, Bo-Mc-H. I vsl Co-op. Jan. 24 Sea Cadets vs. Boy Sertuts, Dom's vs. High School, North Star vs. Merchants, Co-op ve. Brownwoods. Jan. 23 Kinsmen vs. Stones. Rupert Hotel vs. Hov Scouts. To shion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods i vs. Bo-Me-HL Jan. 30 and 31 House of David vs. Rupert Jets Series. I Feb. 4 Stones vs. High School, , oca uaciets vs. Kinsmen, North Star vs. Fashion, Co-op vs. Bo-Ma-Hi. Feb. 7-Rupert Hotel vs. Stones. High School vs. Peoples. Mer- ' chants vs. North Star, Brown-woods vs. Co-op. Feb. 11 Kinsmen vs. Boy ; Scouts, High Schotl vs. Sea Cad- i ' ei.s. Merchants vs. Fashion, Bo- Mc-Hi vs. Brownwoods. Feb. 14 Stones v Boy Scouts. Dom's vs. Peoples, Fashion vs. North Star, Bo-Me-fli vs. Co-op. Feb. 18 Rupert Hotel vs. Sea Cadets. Kinsmen vs. High School, North Star vs. Merchants, Co-op vs. Brown woods. ' Feb. 21 Sea Cadets vs. Stones, High School vs. Dom's, Fashion vs. Merchants, Brownwoods vs Bo-Mc-Hi. Feb. 2& High Schuol vs. Boy Scouts, Kinsmen vs. Rupert He ; el, North Star Vs. Fashion, Co-op ?z. Bo-Me-Hi. Feb. 28 Peoples vs. High School, Merchants vs. North Star, Brownwoods vs. Co-op. March (J Grand Cafe vs W. I. Stages, Manson's vs Triple C's Undesirables VS C.P.A., J. C's No. 1 vs D & S, . C's No. 2 vs Stones, Crescents vs Blain's, Cold Storage vs Rupert Motors, Philpott Evitt vs Oddfellows, Mallets vs Ambasadors, Scotians vs Can. Legion, Thorn Sheet Metal -vs Commercials, brownwoods vs Home Oil. It's business wise to advertise. Ifou Saw It In The New! enrolled as canneries, oft " " " 'iurn to Dan r.n... ' : i An M l :J whi'e. the w' ; 's in 6mt ' afipr by ice no,, 'A DAt i FATHERS $ But it sure hc. Just tre. OPS rcc HAMRIItr -At. Ml 111 OPEN 6 a.m.m Jittt off Thir msih si. nJ si TO DRIVE CAR ACROSS ATLANTIC Karl Moench, former airplane constructor of Berlin, Germany, has built this amphinfcm rsr, a small prototype of a larger model In which he flays he hopes to drive and sail to America. Here he tests his amphibian car in a Berlin pond. FINE PRINTING REGAL ran v.w.vmwwmwvwuv.vvwvavjw.v.,.w;i Under New Management j I Ihc stork shoppe j i BEE GRANT $ f. 303 3rd Ave. Blue 810 tfy3 PHONE 21 222 Se3 ProfcssionaLtmi Umi SEE MANSON'S JEWELLERS Stock Reducing Sale NEARLY ALL rftn AA S( ' ' MERCHANDISE JV INCLUDED IN THIS SALE as favoring some relief for heavy hours which the force Is now required to work. In the cours? of a lengthy discussion on policing generally, the question was raised as to why there should be any move for a return to straight policing. What were Aid. Casey's reasons? The road situation in Rush-brook. Heights was discussed and the view taken that improvements which are planned there should be financed by the city 1 as a whole rather than by ths kwul Improvement method. There j have been no signatures to a pe-; Ution for a local improvement i bylaw. ! The ability of a dlesel-englned pumping outfit which was ordered recently by city council to re-I place the olU steam plant at Sha-j watlans Lake in the city water I system was questioned. The As- : sociation will communicate with I the city council with a view to ! obtaining full assurance that the j ; plant is capable. The council will also be asked by the Association U give lull i and adequate length of time Iwhen tenders are being called for by the city. Further information will be i sought from the city as to whffrc new sewers are to be built and details ns to'chares that the city may propose making for sewer 'service. The city will also b. ask- j j eel to compel residents adjacent to sewer lines to hpok up with' same as a means, as far as possible, of eliminating sep le tarfks which H was felt. ml'rt constit ute a menace to health. ffMf ROYAL WELCOME BY EX-REBELS During their tour of the Aegean Sea Islands aboard a Greek navy destroytr King Paul and Queen rreder-ica of Greece were accorded a royal welcome by the inmates of the Leros teen-age rebel reformatory school founded by the queen early . this year. In the -school, the ':-r all under 20 who were. ; ptured by Greek armed fof-c are re-educated, taught a trad and given opportunity to become peace loving citizens again. The teenagers had been kidnapped by the rebels and forced into guerrilla ranks. Here a group of the youthful reformed rebels carry their queen aloft .Always Prompt and Courteous? We're Here to Serve 1'Otr i fCommodore Cafe ."Hospitality and Good Food" fPlmne 17 for Send-Out Orders Mid Ave. David Chow. KW A WORD TO THE WISE Call For the best in Guaranteed Radio Service KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue !Hr2 Cafe, Blain's vs C.P.A., Stones vs D & 9, Manson's vs Thorn Sheet Metal, Crescents vs Ritpvrt Motors, Scotlaru vs Brownwoods, Philpott Evltt vs Triple Cs, Mal- i lets vs Cofd Storage, Undesirables jvs Can. Lesion, J.C.'s tfa. 1 vs j Commercials, J.C.'s No. 2 vs Hom Oil. , Jan. 30 Sections vi Cofd Stor age, Undesirables vs iifibwssad-ofs, J.C.'s No. 1 vs Can. legion J.C.'s No. 2 vs Commercials, Cres cents vs Home Oil, Thorn Sheel Metal vs Brownwoods, Manson's vs D St S, Philpott Evltt vs ftu pert Motors, Mallets vs Trtplf C's, Oddfellow vs W.I. Stages Blain's vs Grand Cafe, Stones v. CPA. Fet. ft Blain's vs TV. 1 Stages, Stones vs Grand Cafe, t St S vs C.P.A., Mallets vs Rupert Motors, Scotians vs Triple C's, Tho:i, Sheet Metal vs Cold Storage, 3 C's No. I vs Ambassadors, J.C.'.i No. 2 vs Can. Legion, Crescents vs Commercials, Philpot.L Eviu vs Home Oil, BrownwtxHU vs Manson's, Undesirables vs OdJ- fellows. : Feb. 13 J. C's No. 1 vs Odd-j fellows, J. C's No 2 vs Ambassad ors, Crescents vs Can. Legion Philpott Evitt vs Commercials woods vs Cold Storage. D & S vs Mallets vs Home Oil, Brown-1 Grand Cafe, Manson's v C.P.A., Scotians vs Rupert Motors. Thorn Sheet Metal vs Triple C's, Undes irables vs Blaine's, Stones vs W. t Stages. i Feb. 20 tSt 8 V: W. I. Stages CPA. vs Grand i,'afe, Manon' vs Cold Storage, Thorn Sheet Metal vs Rupert Motors, Undes-1 irables vs Stons. J. C's No. 1 v Blain's, Mallets vg Commercials- , Scotians vs Home Oil, Brown- ; ; Woods y Triple C's, J. C's No. 2 , vs Oddfellows, Crescents vs Ambassadors. Philpott, Evitt vs Can. i Legion. i Feb. 27 Crescents vs Odd fel ilows, PhilDott Evitt vs Ambas , sadorsi Mallets Vs Can. Legion Scotians vs Commercials. Thorn Sheet Metal vs Home Oil. Cold storage" vs Triple C's, J. C 's No. 2 vs Blain's, CPA. vs W. I. Stages Manson's vs Grand Cafe, Brown-woods vs Rupert Motors, Undesirables vs D & S, J. C's No. 1 vs Stones. i 'id V:SX LIMITED VICTORIA CD 12 4 S r - M GEORGE lM)KKSO r t r f sir ' . ,f 3 L 4 ... d HOB IIAI.I.ISKY 1 r?-o i ii- ItOH P.()TTKXGFR The famous American bearded House of Davicl basketball team which has lost only one of fifty-five games played since Autumn on a tour through the Middle West, will be in Prince Rupert January 30 for a series of two games with local All Stars in the course of a barn storming tour of Alaska. The pictures show three of the top stars of the House of David: George Anderson .manager and guard; Bob Ilallisey, captain and guard; Bob Bottenger, guard. All but one of the nine members of the IIou.se of David men are six feet fir more in height and one of them is six foqt,slx inches. To Advertisers To insure publication of display or classified advertising, copy for same miiKt, be in the office of the Doily Nes by 4 p.m. the day previous to advertising. Requirements of the mechanical department make this rule necessary. s( Friday Seetiun) Jan. '27. City Transfer vs. A E. Smith, Mugwumps vs. Para-mounts, Cloverleafs vs. Leftovers, Thorn Sheet Metal vs. Oyro. Feb. 3 Paramount vs. Gyro, Cloverleafs vs. City Transfer, Mugwumps vx. Thorn Sheet Metal, Leftovers vs. A. E. Smith. Feb. 10 Mugwumps vs. Cloverleafs, Paiumounts vs. Leftovers, A. E. Smith vs. Gyro, City Transfer vs. Thorn Sheet Metal. Feb. 17--Thorn Sheet Metal vs. Paramount. A. E. Smith vs. CluVOituafs, Leftovers vs. City Transfer. Gyro vs. Minwumps. Feb. 24 -A. E. Smith vs. Mugwumps. Leftovers vs. Thorn Sheet Metal. Gyro vs. Cloverleafs, Para-mounts vs. City Transfer. (Sunday Section) Jan. 22 -Grotto vs. Liquor Control Board. Savoy vs. Pr. Rupert Plumbing, Royal Hotel vs. Commercial Hotel, 03 Taxi vs. W.E.A.C. Jan. 29 Pr. Riipor-t Plumbing vs. W.E.A.C, Royal Hotel vs. Giotlo. Savoy vs. 99 Taxi, Commercial Hotel vs. Liquor Control Hoard. Feb. 5 Savoy vs. Royal Hotel. Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs. Commercial Hotel, Liquor Control Board vs. W.E.A.C, Grotto vs. 99 Taxi. Feb. 12-99 Taxi vs. Prince Rupert Plumbing, Liquor Control Board vs. Royal Hotel, Commercial Hotel vs. Grotto, W.E.A.C. vs. Savoy. Feb. 19 Liquor Control Board vs. Savoy, Commercial Hotel vs. 99 Taxi, W.E.A.C. vs. Royal Hotel, Prince Rupert Plumbing vs. Grotto. Fob. 2G- Grotto vs. W.E.A.C. Pr. Rupert Plumbing vs. Liquor Control Board, Savoy vs. Corn-Hotel, Royal Hotel vs. 99 Taxi. Mar 5 W.E.A.C. vs Com Hotel, 99 Taxi vs. Liquor Control Boaril. Giotto vs. Savoy, Royal Hotel vs. Prince Rupert Plumbing. r5 lw onfc.-- v an '& -One blanket on your bed to keep you in "Just-Rijtht" deeping comfort all niffht Ion automatically no matter how cold your room gets. That's the amazing feature of the new G-ls Automatic Itlanket. On chilly nights too you can enjoy the luxury of getting into a prewarmtil bed wilh the safe, easy-to-wash G-K Itlanket . . .he only blanket that gives you the warmth you want without the weight you don't want. (Jome into our store and see them on display. Three models to choose jgf. from in three beautiful S- irVb ',nadcs, all wilh rich satin- wJiSj hound edges. GENERAL ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC BLANKET 1. 1)01 BI.E BED one control $39.56 3. DOIT.I.E BED two control $49.50 1. TWIN BED otie control $37.50 ea. NORTHERN B.C POWER CO. LTD. Besner Block Phone 210 53 : N CABS Slant! : York Hotel, 3rd Ave. .' r ' w r ft tJ J. g it 1 B & W Tit Cord Wood, Cut KlndlinR wood PHONE EE ; KAIEN TR' FOR ROCK AND: BASEMENT b I Phone Blue Ml MATTS' UPHOLD Phone Blue 111 ! "i . 330 Second! Pr!nce Rnp FOR V. rock St com: CALL BU M. J. SAU: New, Modern a All Worlt Cd A.P. GARDN!: CIIARTCRED At A. L. Bell, C A.! flof Apprnx. I' Jan. 13-31 -Prir Feb. I-lOOaf Bfll. Feb. 11 -April 15 pert. Trrrae MARGARET ' OPTOMff STONE BC PHOS! ' RIA'K P.O. BOX GEORGE 0 Public Accounts" tors, income COBIP1 n I. ROBS s. n. LAlBft', Besner BIock- TTAWTffl GENERAL COtt kind C' r.newa - OIL St" P. 0.B I I DR. P. J. CHENEY DCNTT3T 8UITE 5. 8MITH BLOCK Phone 789 ' FX. Box 1401 QUALITY RKPAIR3 for Downtrodden Heels 1 , and Worn Solei MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Seeond Ate. Catherine Laurie PUBLIC i STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co Phones: Green G67-Days New Residence Phone Number Red . 064 Bytown Machine Works Sales Service and Parts . 8implex Gas Engines 'Vh.fr - 185 h p. Cummins Dependable Diesels ; 05 h p. 550 h p'. Inquire about our long term : Warranty and. Service SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual AnalysU OFFICE HOURS . 8 a.m. to 5 p nt. 23 Se 24 Besner Block TetepTlone 21J Evenlnex by Appointment DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 , . p.o. Box i21 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches MM th 8treet Phone 655 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI , Phone BLACK 758 : 872 loth East I Newspaper advertising pays off In dividends. At lionu" iii any company. . . And a I'tth hole winner on any course for its distinctive, im-llotv-lirewrtl flavour and downright satisfying taste. Trtdy the beverage of moderation llie perfect cxrircion of genuine hospitality that is so much a part of ' our Canadian Burton Type Ale it s gnod is, if not better, than any imported tie. Only $2.47 t cafe, including tax. life. BURTON I ALE "PRiPEOF TttSPACtFtC" BREWERIES NEW WESTMINSTER VANCOUVER This advertisement is not publtihed 1 or displayed by the Liquor Control Board Or by the Govtmment ol British Columbia.