Prince Rupert Daily Newt Saturday, January 21, 1950 TODAY 5 7 p.m. -Iin-"SEABISCUIT" SUNDAY MIDNITE ONLY 30 Bach Cintsnary Series UO-Starlimu 00-CBC Vancouver String Orch. 30 Vesper Hour 00--CBC News :10-CBC News 15 A Scot in Canada 30 -Prelude to Midnight 00 -Weather and Slyu Olf f F P P Radi Dial VI 1 i i24o Kilocycles tSub.ied lo Chutigei M -EBc News mid C!n.(lidf:tary 15 Memo from Lak Success 30 Harmony Harbour 59 Time Signal 00 D C. aardener 15 Jujt Mary 30 -Way of the .Spirit 00 CBC News 03 Capi'ol Report 30--Religious Period 00-N.Y. Philharmonic Orch. 30-Chure!- o. the Air 00 Salvation Army Program I : i : I i ! 9 : i 10; : in 10; 10: 11 I j ! 1-i 8 8: 8: ! ! B a. I 9 9; 9: 3: ; 9: : i 10: 1 10: til: 111: 11: i I 2: 2 ! 3 I 3 :30 Critically Speaking :00 John Fisher Reports : 15 CBC News : 17 How About the Weather Lynn Kul.cri i,,,,, 1. ALSO: in "Lightning in the F0rcst ! 1 rrxTjnrTTira mm I "lr - x ii X J & - )' ' ' . . r. . pf m SATURDAY -PM. 4:30 -Sports College 4:4i Musio for Mock i ns SfOO-Miislc from the Films 6:30-Prairie Schooner 6:00-CBC News C:05-Natlonul Hockey i Broadcast 7:30 Organ Music 1:45 Armdale Chorus 8:00 Musical Program 8:30 Current and Choice 9:00Byng Wliittekar Show C:30 A sons; in the Air 10:00--CBC .'V3 10:10 CBC News 30:15 -Harmonaircs 1Q:30-Dal Richards Orch .li; 00 Weather and Sign Off SUNDAV 8:0- Recital :27 Weather Report ; 3 3 I ! 3 9; 10: 10: tm minn niiiiii f and ifil'od'.dKi Nt (,i-i5,4 Hi". i4 hi Mt)lu K A UWflir.M iMKNUli'j'im wvi :30 Vancouver Symphony Orchestra :30 My Uncle Louis :00 National Sunday Hour :45 The Old Songs ,10: ; 4 ; 5 ! 5 3 n n 6 MONDAY AM 00-Musical Cock 00 CBC News 10-Here's Bill Cloud 15--Morning Sonn 30 --Music for Modems : 45 Little Concert 00 BBC News & Comty. 15 Morning Devotion 30 .Mormng concert 59 Time Signal 00 Ellen Harris 15 Carson Robison and His Buckaroos" 30 Melody Time 45 "Rita Martin's Musical Kitchen" 00 Kindergarten .if the Air 15 -Roundoup Time 30 Weather Report 31 Message Period 35 Recorded Interlude 45 Personal Album I'M. 00 MW-cav l.ietoulcs 35 CBC wews 25 Program Resume 30- B.C. Farm Broadcast : 55 Recorded 1 1 t erlude : 00 Afternoon Concert : 4 5 - Comra en t.a ry Pioneers 00 B. C. School Broadcast : 30 Records at Random :45 Melody Matinee 00 Stage "wr MUN Til iT 1 Tl'ES a 7 ! 7 7 : 00 CBC News : 10 Week-end Review :20 Special Speake. 7 p.m. -ha HII 10: 11 11: 11: 11 11: 11 12: i2 : 12; 12 12 1 1 AM U rj n tcr NEW LIGHTHOUSE TENDER Here is a picture of the launching a few days ago from the Bur-rard Dry Dock at North Vancouver of the new 11 ghthouse tender Alexander Mackenzie which will replace the present tender Birnie operating out of Prince Rupert. The Alexander Mackenzie is 150 feet long and is diescl powered. She is to be ready for commission here by the end of April. The vessel will carry a complement of 120 men. iPlcture, Courtesy Vancouver Sunt I 11 I jy. .'OA. iMMI-Mti- Wb . We've Done It Again! PEOPLES STORE Colossal Sale GIRLS AND INFANTS WEAR RUPERT PEOPLES STORE THE FA Mniic . 2 2 2 AND VmaXJ'?1 Waterfront - - Whiffs pos-slbie traffic flow, road improvement plans, International regulations, loading slips, hotel faculties etc. Officers of the United States defenc department at Washington ' are re-jorted to be . studying designs for two car ferries which would operate between Prince Rupert and Haines and possibly be used In hauling fuel and supplies bc- ACTIB CIN( I "FAUST 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 - Don Mexser's and His Islanders 3:30 International Com. 3:40 Divertimento 4:00--Bnrnic Braden Tells a Story HIGHLIGHTS FROM Famous tier OPFBftS 1HC1UDING 'MERRYVIW ' tween. 'Prince Rupert and Haines lloat Buildins Slack These Days Ice Bad On Skecna Winter Hits Waterfront nilAKER CU". 'SFRIWG CHKKf, f and possibly be used In hauling ' fuel and supplies for some of Mhe- bases ' alone the Alaska The boat building and repairing industry' in j nishwy. i I.AMi 1U I.IMKV M T ! HE: Corltflcnlc of Title No. 32110 Of XI" .FOR "PACUACCI Highest Quality in Your Printing I to Lot One 11. Block Thtrty-I seven 137). Action Hevrn (71, CI-! l.v of Prlnrc Rupert. Map 023 1 I" WHEREAS satisfactory proof of cf tin- iibovi? CVrtlllcutr of Title issued in the name of Levi Freo-! st-nd. liiis been filed In this office, i notice is hereby given that I (shall ! at the eNplmtlon of one mouth from j tiie (Into of Hi first publication hereof, issue ii Provisional Certificate oC I I'M U- in lieu of said liwt Certificate. 'Miles;; 111 Ihe mciinttnie Ytllid ohjec-I tiou be nii'cie to mc in writing. I DATF.U at Ihe land Registry Of- lice. Prince Kuprrt. 11. C. this lath r'ny ct Jiinunry. 1950. A. D. Andrew Thompson Prince Rupert is presently a t an almost complete j : " - standstill as no major construction or overhauling at Kawked i" ....... J . Havln been late in leaving job is bemo; done by any of the various boat ti, shops, j Vancouver wedesd'ay night be-Tony Crawley, owner of the Cow Hay Boat Works, cause of au accident when a blames the -slump on. the lack of fish in IMS and the , 5SubS5rk hel'after'S exlrenie cold vm.Uier so far this - :-T and knocked It down as the Ca: year. uw travelliiiB public, he is sur.jnwsun ,.avj'ng the com- "The fishermen (han't make Vived by a widow In Vancouver. ; pany , cjociii Union steamer a large amount of money last j rjhlleotln, Capt. Harry McLean. year and, therefore, the cle- Th(, cur u,rl.y pi.oJ(,ct along j did not arrive In port until 8 mandator overhauling is not so th(; Inside paJiS!Jije between 1 o'clock last evening from the great," he said Prince Rupert and Haines, 1 south, The Chilcotin was carry- Avail yourself of our cxficricnpcc and vrrsalilily. DIBB PRINTING CO. V. 1 ' I BKSNKR BLOCK PHONE 231 r'iuly KcB!.'rur of Titles (4a) HOLLYWOOD cue crawicy s boat snop is ai pre- . . k wo..1(. hnk thc ln short makeshift after CIVIC CENTRE WED., FEB. 8rh 8:30 ! Reserved $.!iC. $ 25 Aiiuil.s $! ()') - Slu.! i T 1CKETS AT ')RV.i;3 AND CIVIC CENTRE jvlth several higlily interesting Hut Xrnzen ii) ur hs pictures. Ihe water oil Although he has been with- A.-i.iliiig la 1 1 ir- fcr.i . nit running water since Christ- yropasak bv the n-, -nas In the long frcc.e-up W hicn terms of lit () Iimi 'las hit the water front as well ni'-nts which arc mt as the uptown coiiiniuiiity of tion. Alex OurJo:; Prince RiiM'rl. Caretaker Jim aent ( I the I'mi'd F. Vtoffat reiMHts that "All's Weft" anil Allied Welters' f: U the Prince Rowing and Yacht Vancouver, has born 21ub There arc some thirty w.tli the lM-yl Xcm ooats wintering afloat at the ihe past week One au MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFK IN THE CITY Slaena River Highway and the mast pending replacement of Haines Cut-Off, thereby pro- the regular steel stick at the viding an alleinai ivo or cotnple. conclusion of this voyage. Tlie ment to the Alaska Highway, is Chilcotin sailed at 4 a. for not a dead issue although the Mussel Inlet points and wi'll be sent completing two 13 foot powered tenders for Department of Fisheries patrol vessels. The Kaien Industries bojit house, also at Cow Bay, is repairing Clarence Campbell's halibut boat Joan Baker. OPIN FROM 3:30 P.M to 3:30 A.M. j Qk I.AMI uii.ivntv ACT UK: Certifllllte of Title No. 31007-1 lo llloik r'our (41. Hulxllvlslon of I hi), four Theiii:uind One Hundred mid Kijjuleeu (11 IB), llaniie Klve l.'i. Cuiibl Uistrlet.. said to con-l;iill One neelnlHl fcilx Nine (1.6U) neres. more or less. Mtip 1402 H'HKKfc'AH satibfnetory proof of loss of the ntiove Certificate of Ti utilities of United States fed- back here tomorrow to sail at eral budgeting may make the 9 p. m. on her return to Van CHOP SUEY-tHOW MEIN , undertaking wait over for at ; couvef and waypolnts. Ice Conditions on the Skcena ,cxst another year before the River are making hazardous Fur Outside Orders PHONE IIS JaS green light for Us financing can Thc Department of Fisheries be given. Meantime, Col. John : has has Issued issued a a ' special special reprint reprint facht Club and all are In " good held on Tuesday nirt n uid another i I fhape , Only , one of ... he vessels , v eek from Canadian Geographical Journal of. an article on "The," cf'nK "s tfJ T ,h,s.Sul Noyes, head of the Alaska Roac Commission is following thc mat- iiiulay. Details : ut twice daily. Immobile these po.sals arc not being They're NEW The '50 FORD cold (lays, the pit asure- vcs-iel pending final (Jul have been drained although in presentation to the tcr up and is endeavoring tojSkeena River Salmon Investl-have the Canaalan authorities , gallon" by Dr. A. L, Pritchard, keep the Canadian section of thc ( who carried out the lnvcstiga-Haines Highway open during; tioji for many years and during 'most cases heaters are being Hubert Miinti'.oni'iv is the approaching certain locations. Still in Prince Rupert are two school teachers from Port Essington who have not been able to return clue to the chunks of frozen water. The Hillside, Capt. George Currie, attempted to deliver the teachers to Es-singtorj. twice during the last two weeks but was forced to return. Thin, sharp edged ice flows would cause considerable damage to the unsheathed ves- xept going steadily, the owners of the local Union a jo-operating with the caretaker CardiU'r is secretary by giving close personal at the winter in future so tha trucking operation, which com the past year was moved from this coast to Ottawa where he is now director of fish culture WAYS NEW menced during last year with tention with calls night and day. de issued in the name, of Milton Allison has been frhxl In this office, i.otice is hereby Riven that I shall, j't the expiration of one month from the dntc of first publication hure-hereof. Issue a Provisional Certifi-cute of Title In lieu of said Lost (Vrtificiitp, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to mc In writing. IJATF.D at the Land P.retstry Office. Prince Kupcrt. B. C. this 10th day of January. IftiO. A. D. Andrew Thompson Deputy Rcylotrur of Titles (40) MITICl; OF t u.i.A'i ion of iii;m;hve Notice is hcrebv given' thut the reserve against the disposition of crown ictroleum anc aHUural gas on Queen Charlotte Islands will be lifted at 12 o'clock noon February 1, 1950, af-ler which time applications for permits under the provisions of the 'Petroleum and Natural Clas Act'' tnuy be submitted to the Superintendent of Lands. Deportment of Lands and Forests. Victoria. Ciroriji; P. Melroao Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands and Forests : Victoria . B. C. January 111. luuO. ' (25) goods .reaching the coast at I for the Department of Fisher- Lack r ' of tho !es. The article, , e giving a u stalls- j I w"tfr ,nany normal i.nrmi rti. outlets Into (I,.. ...nt.. Prince Rupert, from the United along the water- tical and historical background! States, may be carried out The & Wis aaim. i - s-r sel. On the .Hillside Thursday prince Rup0rt chamber of Corn- Southbound fnim St tcr a regular f i r! nigh voyage, CP.R. ;.U amor Norah, Capt. Graham i-due in port at 3:45 Hit-and will sail at 5:30 : Falls and Vancouver. made the regular weekly trip of the Skeena salmon fisheries, ! " '"-"B - discusses' various problems of j "'f fr operation of some the fishery and Is illustrated ! 0 "le lndUh;trils to say nothing i of thc people who live In boau 'ymm'm0. I and waterfront shacks. Water I II C III ft f l A I ) I carry'nB ls l!lc rlvr of the clay. mercc and E. T. Applewhalte are using their influence with the same end In view and have been afked to provide information for Col. Novcs in regard to L 5 i MEW ROYAL Some of thc oil plants are el- Classified ads brli.i rmfiini mmm A - to Skeena slough canneries with supplies, and no great difficulty was encountered. Other canneries in the Skeena River f lough are being endangered by iloating ice piling up against the wharves. Some damage bus been done and, should a sudden break-up occur the situation mgihl oeonie critical The seining for herrinj; commenced again at 1 a.m. Friday at Surf Inlet after a week's lay-off due to the. in-. tense cold weather. I'd QRMYA HOTEL A Home Away From fioino 60 Rooms Hot and Cold water JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue . DRUGS REAL ESSTATL INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURN'S PREPARED f PIUNCB RUPERT, B.C. K. E. MORTIMER 34 2nd Ave (Neflr CFPR PRESCRIPUON LlIEMiSTS SlORt UOVPS-WcZK DAYS, 9 AM. TO f- von mkk ritoi IX'TION INSTALL Lyon Fire Extinguishers . . : . the scientific way of smothering gasoline, elect rienl and wood fires Can be thrown at flame or will work automatically. LYON Fire Extinguishers ill not freeze or deteriorate. Require no servicing. Approved by Fire Friday afternoon. Hie catch totalled 2!M)0 tons from Ft sets. Surf Inlet is the only sc'.nins operation at present. SUNDAYS AND ) v:S-- 1J NOON T) J 7 I' M ro If 1' M r. . r ii Dally car delivery servire ror tompieie i . iiieririt'-j t'"7''1' from 7 p ri: till nnj tiunila Insurance Underwriters everywhere. from 8 am till p in Not much oeam trawling is being carried on at the present time. A few of the vessels left port a short time ago and only one,' "Here No. I", Capt. Fred Vinberg has been out for more than a week and a half, from the bridge of the Cana- For the latest in ' IDEAS and modem MATERIALS . x V . , ' . j BEE - ' ISLAND CITY Gtoeral Builders' Supplies 005 McBr.'do St. Blue 82u Price $5.00 Complete Liberal Discount to Dealers) PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE A solemn ceremony took place Be Thrifly in '50 I dian National Steamship Prince 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 Phone 032 J Sheet Metal Work o CALL - - BLACK 884 o SERVICE 9 WORKMANSHIP 9 DEPENDABILITY IospwijTr mniJ Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices ( liinrsr Dishes a SporiuHy CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Rex Caie 2nd Ave. Opp. Rupert Hole! 7:Ut) ii. in. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders tor th: MrAL THAT'S- 7 ! lillMV LOCKER PLANT liNG MOU I ILLLTS of Ar4D DOWMRIG'1 DELICIOUS George as the vessel approach-j led Ketchikan on tier weekly' voyasc when, in accordance with ' i the ( expressed wishes of do ( ceased before he died, Ihe ashes of Charles Oswald, a member of thc steward's department of the ' steamers Prince George and Prince Rupert for many years. 1 ; were scattered to the waters of : Tongass Nanows from the hands of Capt Ernest Caldwell. Oswald, who was forty years of age, died in Vancouver on New 1 Year's Eve after having been ill for some t;me- Well known to HALIIILT" (chunks) KMi'llcnt (llpii'il in bulter uiul rird in (li'. p fat or boiled uiKl wrved Willi iiiuliruoin or to- mnl't sullrr. .340 111 title II) II) 4!lf II) i;ki) cod aui.K HAI.lliUT A I, Mi IN Moving, Paekiug. ( rating, Mjippinj uud (ieiicrMl Cartage aod Storage Complete Reliable and Kfiic-ient Service,- also agents for Canadian LUjulu Air Co. Ltd., for Oxygen. Acetylene. and all welding supplies. Lindsays Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est 1910 . Phtmes GO and C8 IIT II Oysters 'slit. 4-jc. Hiinnip Meal. -i In. ',) THOM SHEET METAL LTD. a v m.'t iK.i.t;u hS1; MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGE A Product of Canada Packers Unn' RUPERT FREEZING CO. LTD. I 230 2nd Ave. , Phone Kcd 307 I i I. in ...mi i mi l.i i, .i