1 Corps Inspected Prince Rupert Doily Kew3 Saturday, January 21, 1950 hy Reflects ... Wants More and iiciniiusws r: r ' - Sea Cadets I .. . i ...... Trttii I'll nilllfnn rirtllftra atnlan K-i "Although the Prince Rupert division of the Royal Canadian i,pr in me iwc ........... . Navy Sea Cadets arc a fine group fid ,l W c?i v, i-i fv !! I would Jike to see more of the tiii here joining." xtated Lt. Cdr. i I v ; v , mm Man.son, area officer of Sea ; f boys boys I ' G J j Cadi Cadets ? o uiictiiig in a hurry in the away in laundry bags. Statements ' il' darkness of early ay!nft the robbery might have Jeh belter than to been a conspiracy are not be- " ',. llevdd. .In other words, they n.vll. won t wash. ,. hen old and graf we j t.o to the Pacific CoaHj naVir,g a neavy surpiug 0f teg. ntlod to rest by the sltfh ctaWe8i lnc united Slates ofrer :lrific at Horseshoe Ry '0 hundred pounds or potatoes lor ,iM. However, the news ne lone cent We ljkc spudSi but ,. British Columbia bliss- rtoL that lnuch , us cause for alarm." . ..ments the Ottawa Jouf-j for British Columbia from j Vancouver, who inspected the division in the Naval Drill hall j Thursday night. j Complement for the Prince Ru- ' pert group ls 50, the officer stat- j ed and at present only 27 are in the division. He pointed ouk that j NO-CO-RODE is GOOD for Life years. occasion for t,iat anx" During the past lor ty havinj tourists Sauntering along Second i i What we're Sea Cadet training is invaluable as both sports and naval know- ledge such as splicing, knotting j bends, hitches, rigging and sail- I ing boats and rifle firing, is in-' structed. During the summer, camps are held. Cadets from the R C.A T. CREW TO MAKE 23.000-MILB FLIGHT -"Join the air force and see the world" has never been a recruiting slogan of the R.C.A.F., but It Is proving true for the officers and men shown above, who flew External Affairs Minister LB. Pearson on a 23,000-mile Journey to Ceylon early this month. Mr. Pearson U representing; Canada at the meeting of Commonwealth foreign ministers there. The North Star aircraft from 412 iransport squadron, Rockcliffe, will Wuch at such far-away points as Gibraltar, Malta, Iraq, Colom, Delhi .Rangoon, Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Wake Island and Honolulu. v a novel temperature. Avenue jwssibiy misled seeing ,. it analn In years, If some of the available nlghls, but I i no, one, ever neglected that three . floor, frame building,. , perched I I Sj)t.i,' no frozen water away on top pf an enormous rock. 1 , inien pipes, no blow No one could quite guess what' ' , fire: a temple still atop went on up there. Anyway, out c rock. And life wags on! came the cameras. , I B.C. and Alberta area are taken ; for a two week trip to Camp La- There's a whole lifetime of trouble-free act-vice in no-co-rod root-proof pips. Soil settlement won't crack or break it, freezing or thawing won't affect it. Tapered joints prevent leaks, keep out roots. NO-cO-RODE saves you time, work, money. Use no-co-rod root-proof p:pe for House-to-Sewer or House to-Septic Tank Connections, Downspouts, other underground non-pressure uses. Get no-co-rode perforated pipe for Septic Tank leaching beds, foundation footing drains, soil irrigation, field , drainage. Both types are backed by a 40-year record of out- m Standing service. ' CALL 51 PHIIPOTT EUITT tona on Oambier Island. The Empire Sea Cadet camp held with success at Shoisee, Que- , i bee, last summer was hoped to in Holy Land Continuum Job for 1.2V. ic Relations ion Night : i ' i " " --v It) IS- ' Ih1 editions as publicity medium to be mailed to various polnU lii Cjiitiada and the United States. Mr. Olasscy stated 40 copies have been posted so far but considerably more will be sent away this year. Secretary Olassey in hia report, exhlbted letters from be held again this year but, up . to the present time, the officer I said, no word has been given to j that effect. The camp was the first attempt by the Navy League j of Canada in conjunction with I the R.C.N., and included 165 cad- , ets from Canada, the British Isles, Sweden, New Zealand and I cns Special Edition ' d as Publicity Medium Pilnee & Co. Ltd. LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES resident of the prsortfl In all parts of Canada and Australia. The Sea Cadet move- information Public Relations councii the U.S. requesting J,ment In Canada is hoping one of j these countries will stage a sim d Mussallem, elected to about this city. ,a.iiy during a moetlng! ; , . uncil in City Hall Thurs- f " ws-suggested that Algoma , us"d as an flul camP-, Were: t. Oiher elections ilar camp, but so far no move in i that respect has been taken. I Prince Rupert Florists The secretary staiea ne wouia Plans are underway, Lt. Cdr. Flowers for All Occasiore Williams, vice-president; iassey. secretary-Vreaa- furnish the council with lnforrria Manson stated, for another camp. 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 77 . i if in rpiiiriniitr h wm iihdii ii.v 111 i Fnur Mixed Armistice Commissions, each with a United Nations Representative a chairm, r on the job in Palestine t help Israel and her neighbors maintain the but for Canadian cadets only. , Two will be picked from divis - Moore, - " -i ticoiiie Neewy In of external affairs, Property. Ed Williams came up , II your subscription is in arrears and you do noi receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the new boy or the pom office. JTur ao a little Klrit!hi talking u yourself. Cd-operatlon of subscribers in this :egaio woulc be appreciated, lt would save a lot, of irouHe and everybody would be nappier. Subscriptions are payable in 7 1." ions across Canada on basis of MacLeod, chairman of Wlln wl tuvaul v' for the purpose of a tourist camp, i rHv"rth.recama.n of soldiers' bodies from unmarked jH.. ..,k. ih were temporarily buriea. SAW merit and be given a two-week holiday at some eastern location. aflitirs ear of the cotincU was acsert sr - He Mated his home town was cranted this type of land on Lt. Cdr. Manson arrived in ;ber, , by Chairman Mu - whlrh . , ,0ufU)l traje M built.'-.." T rtl " T T the c g who explained that Si- nn.m,nonM An ..... I IIC UIUW IU he oreanizatlon accom- mom W. L. WOODS, Pron. PHONE il P.O. BOX 1397 . JfRASER STREET is expected to be held at some lotge an estimated $3,000. With !" ' " - , Inspection trips at Fort AiDerm time during the middle of Feb- only $6,000 coming tack from Victoria and Nanaimo. He eft Zly w 11 be given to the five insurance, the organization will oSanU It is reported Gillis have to practically begin for Vancouver by plane yester-Royer was the major victim from scratch. Dort Forward, di- day enroute tfor inspections at losing persohal effects Which he rector of the Civic Centre, has Nelson, Trail and Penticton. cherished more from sentimen-1 nffrd the use of the common t much last year, a still ".tJ tJ Lodge Finance he would work on the Idea. For Quick Relief Beyond Belief . . . ar lies ahead. ins release of the Dally cial edition last Novem-pouncil decided to use ' Moose Survey Position After Less of Lodge Temple This Week Classified ads bring results. ! It's business, wise to advertise. tal value. In addition to losing lounge for future lodge meetings. many fine clothes, he parted cause of the fire nas noi been - Of the $25,000 total damage to with between $200 and $300 in definitely proved The the Moose Hall Thursday morn- cash. Eddie Hildebrand, who is ion that a blow 'torch sent the in a th lodffp will receive oniv to be married soon, also suf- building up in flames is ques- r ri bmeihing To Talk About nM t I.,.,. nr. fered heavily. He lost all furni- Honed. The theory is now ad- From the pain of ARTHRITIS, ," RHEI'MATISM, M.UKI'riS, or SCIATICA... gel a boltleof DOI.C1N '' tablets today. DOLCIN ha relieved the pain of thousands of sufferers. 1)01X1 N tablets are riot harmful, easy-to-luke, rea sonaliie in tiK-t 100 tablets for $2.39; ihe large economy-size bottle of 500 tablets, $10. amount, announced secretary ttire which he was storing In .-rt thal 8n explosion in the Herb Wliiffen, was nearly spent toe building. furnace sent flames into the dry The New MARGENE . (or reconditioning purpiuses prl- .' Duriiis the last three month.; oa-seraent. -. or to tlie blaze. rewirin, hew fixtures, plumb-. -- . EBY & SONS Contractors BEPAlKj - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the M.H.A. fhotir Green 883 Box 5 ing and cleaning has cost the ) i..-!-n ! Advertise In tr. Uaiiy News 4ADA'S FINEST MARGARINE - TASTES DELICIOUS SPREADS EASILY AND IT'S ECONOMICAL The eecutlve held a special meeting at the home of Harold f .la.' Cherries, i lb. Coconut., lb. pkt. Money Thursday night to make AKKETS plans for the future. No detinue conclusions have been ar Almor.d Paste, lb. . .. , ins. i:nf MIX. U) Ujflfllvl bourn L B JmmSViVlmm Jl They. Tt enjoy Dates, iaii'cv. 1 lb. pkt. 1 tkvoiess Raisins, 2 lbs. M i seeaed Kaisins. 2 ids -2?:SJ:elled Walnuts, V2 lb. Sliellcd Almonds. 6 oz. - I .shi-llfri HrayilM. 6 m. ... rived at but negotiations arer under way for the possible pur- JananPse KeeV .... phase of another building . mm anas. lb. I Apples, cooking, 31b. .. The lodue decided to stage ajp.inev Macs, 3 lbs. .... ...- ... ijMiim lump !al. doa i1 DOLCIN LIMITED 'Toronto 10-Oilirio 42 IT Y& f r.iancctiE ( !hillirl Rinzils IA ih benclit aance ior me uve 1,11 1 GraVefrult 3 for .29 victims who lost all their be- o,aa..es (Navei .. .22-.i Imioinos in the blaze. Entire Dates , 2i mC.T1 Yeteiaoies A PRODUCT OF CANADA PACKERS LIMITED proceeds from the dance, which' COLD or HOT! MMSW'-"SBVilMW j jaiiir I ure. Sirawberrv. 24-oa. 59 a- .oeirv. 24 ov. 4! Blackberry. 4-lb 8i Cherrv, 24-oz .54 Peauh. 4 lb. 83 Aoricot. 4-lb. iS SOUDS Canned Sonns ' is to .2' Meat Tmkpv .... .fi5-70i: .10-.13 21 10 05 .15 . .Ik. .19 Celerv. lb. Khunarb. 2 lb Beet, bunch Farslevi bunch tiiniin.s Soinaeh. 2 lb. cello Rartishes. buncli 05 fti,!ist,iii!' Chicken, lb 02 Heart Lettuce ': ..." 13-18 riK)kiiff Onions. 3 lbs 29 Ham. boned and rolled, lb 90 Ham. ree. lb. , 70 (liiililhiwei'. lb. ... 15 H.iliitMia lh 45 Asuotheir Wine "BROWNWOODS" Tomatoes. Colif. lb - i Weiners 4a ! Cabbnte lb. in nrue Sau.saee. lb 58; uniiHiOfS. wo. 1 lb 33-38 nacon, pkg V- lb 50, ! Potatoes. 10 lb 47' Bacon, side, uiece 85! ; Cucui.ibers.. lb. .21 cottace Rill, lb 72, PROPAGANDA DIET East Berlin may be short of food and suitable housing, but there is no scarcity of propaganda bulletins. Here a poster of East German President Wil-helm Pieck tops that of Stalin. The occasion was Pieck's birthday which gave the Communist government opportunity to subject the population to such slogans as: Stalin Keeps His Word and German Patriots Greet Their President. VANCOUVER VICTORIA i SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., Chllcotin Tuesday,, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlani ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. FOR SOUTH QUEEN " CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Chllcotin, January 27 V 10 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chllcotin, January 20 10 p.m. FRANK Jl. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 Veeeiaole Marrow, lb Oi i,,ver aausase, lb 52 'inuaah. lb. ... 16'a f r(sh Pork Ham. lb 65 ! Canned VCkexaMes ; portc Choos. lb 68 I Dill Pickles, sal ) .6S : wk Sausaw. lb 62 Cut Green Beans, fev 17. steak. T-Bone. lb. 7a No. 5 Peas, fancy 19 !rak. round, lb 7c ! Miprt Vegetables .23'Prk Tenderloin, lb. 98 'hi' Heer m'r tiri"'; 12 'There mav be variations in , S t?Xw choice " 21 nrlees in various stores cleoend- SSJd l' whether special or earroi'i'Ho'M on nd il0- carrots ' H onalilie listed.) mnkhf standard are p. 2 1 for ! ?edk,&aVVw:"iui":r: Mar. 4-Reserved for any post-: aaked Beans, 15-oJ. Un en. ..; .14 ponements. Senior Bo-Me-Hi ! Tomatoes 28 oz. .....: .1 vs.. Brown wods. ' A new home built right is never too cold or too hot Plan to Build NOW For Plans and Estimate? It's GREER & BRIDDEK CONTRACTUS AND BUIIJDERS RED 561 ' P.O. BOX 111 STARTS to work J Emm 1 1 r . uiiia ! Quart : .-, -25 Pint -13 i cream. A oiiU '- Kees Medium cartons 53 Pullets,- cartons 2 Hotter j First Grade, lb. V Lli, IIIIIMI i ThW, I I - - - ! 10WIS1 MIC" , f JW J W OFF MARCHAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS OFF STARTS Jan., 23 IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Marearine. 10. Cheese Canadian Cheese lb 53 Miik Evaporated Milk. 13-oz. tins, i lot - Case - .7 50 Flout Pastry Flour, 7 lbs '. 66 flour, 49's, No. 1 hard Wheat 3.60 Flour, 24's 182 Tea and Cofiee rntt Ih 6282 riumbing & iTeatinr, Alterations 4 V-Tll NOW AVAILABLE jl SMITH & ELKINS LTD. 'a TO Va OFF REGULAR PRICES BOX 274 Tea DcLuxe auantitv lb ...1.05 jiirces . Ctranait Juice 2 Blended 33 .19 .18 ..24 .5 PHONE 363 All Sales Final No Refunds or Exchanges THE SALE YOU'VE BE til WAITING FOR Cone in IIOW to ADOPT HOLLANDER' Mrs. Marie Jamieson, 53, of Brant' ford, who has adopted Jan .29 .34 . is. mil Hi v For Estimates and Supplies Crrauefruit Tomatoes, 20-oz. ea 28-oz callon Annie. 20-oz. tin. 2 for 48-oz. Canned rrults Pineapple, crushed Pieces, 20-oz Aurlrota. 20-oz Cherries, aney, 20-071. .. I.oftanberries. 20-or. ; Peaches, choice ! Lard PUre. lb , , EhortcnlnR ... 55nan fnrp hnr . t SM . .. I m H II IM LM W .33: .4) i .30 . .38 . .29: .24: . w .31 i 13 -n Lemers, a 28-year-old Dutch farmer because in 1945 the Hollander cared Ior her son's grave at Groesbeck, near NiJ-megan. Lemers wanted to emigrate to Canada but hadn't enough money. He will manage Mrs. Jamieson's farm, the job planned for Cpl. Harold Jamieson, Mitchell & Currie Ltd. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Builders and Contractors .10 Laundrv, cake s ior Soao Powders, larfte 38