l , NOW POPULAR DELICACY " SYDNEY, Australia ?, ! Jtrallas despised and 'l ; shelled macadamia nut ha, be emmtscences lnrrr.,..- By wj. Reflections uevi "pensive ce icacv in North America, and a 1 ? dollar-earner for Hawaii, lt" announced recently. Ex , describe them as the -(Z table nuts ever produced - 2- Vimtt Rupert Oaflp J3ctos . Saturday, September 18, 1948 - - - Published t7 afternoon except Sunday bT rrmee Rupert Daily News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, British Columbia Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. An InclepeiKieiH aauly newspaper aevoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert ana u communities comprising northern and central British Columbia riiUJSor1"Secon1 Cias5 MHil- Post Olf lee Department, Ottawa I MEMBEH OP CANADIAN PRESS ACDfT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CAKABIAS DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES . City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, S7.00; ES -lTTT iljSai By MaU. Ptr Ueaih, 40c; Per Year, 14.00. Death of Bernadotte ver yair U a tonic. Among du -ant peaks, lakes, streams and woods, In counUees ways and In all directions, the master ar- tist is giving glimpses of fairy-j land. I A Governor General In town, years ago was by no means an unusual event. For a while, such occasions even gave promise ol being regarded as commonplace. First, there was Earl Grey. He was welcomed by William Man- m son, government agent. The Some of the old timers, evi-1 viceroy called at a time a late denliy. were prepared to debate anything. Once, a hotel man was refused a license renewal August day in 1908 when the city was so new one could almost hear the varniah crack. TO KNOW S ce of. business VCJ " because his plai The Puke of Connaught was re- was within 311(1 fpt ceived with due deference and That was contrarv Tl. -.i.l.li dignity before the First Great law. The proprietor. maintained r - -,r . I r- J ,f yl 4 ,J."-; , I ... ..u...mffa roan ), l . - HP lh of Ufa i " M,J he mu. h d,r, Mulj I M.d iiU.illr.l. " J war wa raging. later, in tnei there actually was no church il , T - - - ; story of Prince Rupert, the, for the UDuer Dart of the build-; ' ri'MWr,'-, a "XLVT-TJI ! portly Devonshire came and ing took in lodgers. Foxv old then the great soldier Byne. I fellows, thrvse He found Prince Rupert bask-'ever, the nlea did nt. ti.ir ir loncr utile to Krure it. , " 1 .lrd .. j lib. .y""-" ing in warm sunshine and hiscauld not be said, though, that CmuuU jMif Mvuwl Lifa uj ouiue wa auuieuuiig ust mat me argument lacked ingenuity THE UNITED NATIONS organization could have no greater or more serious challenge to its authority than the deplorable murder in Jerusalem yesterday of its No. 1 official, the peacemaker, Count Folke Bernadotte, the U.N.'s own mediator for Palestine. Regrettable and dastardly as the crime may be, the killing of Bernodotte is, in fact, nothing more than a culmination of many .overt and challenging events that have been going on in Palestine and which made so difficult, the courageous and patient efforts of the same Bernadotte to restore order in that troubled land. The United Nations will be expected to take forthright and prompt action once and for all to clean up the situation in Palestine. Fortunately both the Arabs and Jews themselves have officially deplored and repudiated the event. Quite possibly the assassination and martyrdom of Bernadotte may be the signal to arouse an indignation out of which will be implemented a real desire. and determination to clear up the whole desultory yet tragic Palestine ouestion. wnen ne sjiook nancis witn scores of war veterans drawn up on the wharf. His presence Gardening a.t Purl has penalties as well a rewards The postmistress hut managed fwidimg life lAftfrooce fvic kik ISe made one think of an old sol diers' reunion, instead of some to develop a tiny plot after the thing official and perhaps a laborious gathering of scanty shade stiff. Lord WUlingdon, ,rou earth in fruin injuu among tuiKMis rock rocit crevtee crevices KFfKKSKNTATIVKS: . U1L lean and j . , , Wted ... h1S arable and m with m high hat and bowed to the And T JUi lation. If the p7iSri " of cheered. t They hardly ever do. Kn n . Itiehard Sephton, Ditri.t Artnt ' v, Ullt It. K Mtiur it . b . , mwm f"TiWIIIlllV Hill Kobiason tK. T. Keniw, nj) mi ... . Ml iWI Willi uiiiuftuiia. Ulc 1 The raorninff was dull and . The eighth anniversary of the Battle of Britain is to be noted by special church parades by the HCAK across Canaaa inu coming Sunday. German bombers left their mark on British cities, as shown by the above picture of bomb ruau around St. Paul's, but Hitler's airmen met their first major defeat in September, 194U. when staggering losses inflicted by defeiuhn" fighter squadrons forced them to abandon their daylight nutss bombing attacks. 7' !help to adjust th baUace. Seediinga &hw tUrough the A7o1l urtu n (rrnunri fiva Havn ati v.) r r-A w Vjhnt tn fivnaoM I-J - ri o r, LIXfi. So. hri i 11 1 f.liriet a rt Di.tn. ever told a buffalo hunter, a Rupeft. others have little pfob-grain grower, the late Louis ,ems too! BUY PAPER PARACHUTES NAMED FOR SPANIARn HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS Ti Riel, a railway builder Ui or tho Quuaed over the air, Thurs TJ , ", rf , oij.ivuui.jvi w tsweaisn The Philliuine Islanas were uwor ut ine ea mver vai- . genueman irom parachutes, paper used for named for Philip II Kin- of ley" that some day Manitoba Ne Zealand said he had come 'dropping supplies, have now he- Soain uimilri hnact rf a fnllt. fl.,w,i to Canada hnnino- tr anr,n: l ... 1 , - - ikui,cu v iCmuli, KUU lu wiu a maiitei anrod it naval port, with real warships for he regarded this as a land was announced recently The buzzing around, he'd nave been ftowin "wik and honey. ' French army In Indo-Chin. btarea at ana pointed to. The . rara. jrou have a recently bought 3 000 of the destroyers Nootka and Haida. Pre"y fair domain too, having parachutes, wnich are less ex-through snow flurries and oc- ( shipped to the Dominion nine ptiwive than silk, casional fog, sailed across Hurl- 'iluon ppunds of hulter. Ever - - - - Flnv last hear Of (ll&4.ma im .. .. Son uaolr anH rn hn, roarin. f i L-v;x Choose your wardrobe with care. Be Smart-Be Practical See Sweet Slxleii's eetion of BLAZERS SWEATERS SKIRTS and BLOUSES You'll want to see our new shipment of lovely TAFFETA DRESSES swish for dancing J -ww. ' fc MKU UII -A I ' i . ' " ...... j,., , day berthed at Port Churchill, Manitoba the first Canadian fighting ships ever seen there. Speaking of Terrace ther are many who nurse the notion (hit it ,uno :l The site of the Premier Hotel J .r once a popular place of rest stee, that " ' " lu and refreshment, is the wape near r.t u,hi, PnHn ,h,. "! hue settler was seen there SAWMILL EQUIPMENT "Ultle Giant" Portable Saw- raUls with 3 swes in caniats. "LitUe Giant" Edgers for 2 and 3-saw arrangement and the "Little Giant" Improved 4-sided ball-bearing Planer, complete with heads, knives belts and shaving exhauster, acS thrrTuway rr've wJS c" t0 erreCUn-to W" the yards and the BtaUon w" And to protect you In fall and winter weather . . . GABARDINE COATS. WIiick, greys, greens. - We li. !Cdppen wasfSr; ' T IT f""" Heavy blasung was going on at Tat fs f Terle !f " a " 'S S the time and v iw rnWe highip Use Our Personalized Bl'DGCU smashed a dining room'window. CSS A few fell handy to Crippen's Tt firt rim Rt tf mSt ,0 , back . , table, l asked for bread and ye far gave me a stone" he blandly re- ' enUgh thuey may discov'-marked Smene W3S there belorc and ordered another ' No InterestNo Carrying &j HAVE VOIR HOT 'VATKIt OR STEAM HEATING I' NIT INSPECTED NOW! We'll send a man to your house now to make a complete cheek-up on your furnace. He'll make repairs wlire necessary and then, com 3 the first day of cold weather, yeu'U be ;i set -no troub, no worry, just light Uu fir. Saanich Plumbing AND Heating Mt Brule and Fourth Blue 840 cup of coffee. The Skeena Highway, remark- d 3 " turned motorist the other Something got into the papers 'lately iS The diction-senger "P'f" concerning the pas boat, the General Sm?the fLT16. means "navi" 6' U Wi" just ito.ever run on the St. John , In Stock and Ready to Shirt We carry a complete line of Dodge Steel-Split Pulleys, Steel Belt Lacing, Ball - Bearings Saws and Power Units, both gasoline and diesel. Truch Winches, Boomers, Power Take-offs and Sleel Cabi. Your inquiries will receive prompt attention. MACHINERY DEPOT LTD. 1029-30 Tenth Ave. West CALGARY, ALBERTA River, a century ago. Horses ' w T lng north to en8a(?e captain were ued instead nf m power. power. Horses Horses used used tn to h. be so an crew a a Prudent preUmin- WE'LL MISS 'ADELAIDE' TOURIST OFFICIALS in Vancouver are "howl-I ing with rage" at the announcement of the Canadian Pacific Railway that the Princess Adelaide . is to be withdrawn from service and the Vancouver-Ocean Falls-Prince Rupert service and scrapped. A prominent official of the Vancouver Board of Trade has added his voice. We had in mind to do some protesting ourselves in this matter so we can subscribe to the indignation that appears to have Jbeen so vehemently expressed. in Vancouver. ZL Prince Rupert will miss this local service between Vancouver and Ocean Falls which, has been "vin institution for a quarter of a century and on awhich we have relied and, incidentally, supported veil. We will miss the Adelaide's friendly "J ' blast m Monday afternoons and evenings, the courteous officers and crew members who since the early . days of schTaldtime vessels as the Princess Bea-J. tvke, Princess Royal and Princess Mary have be-: come such familiar and regular visitors that they seemed almost part of our community. There will be a sort of lost feeling, indeejl, on our local water- front after the Princess Adelaide has made her last sailing. Itjs to bo hopexl that, if the old Adelaide is ; proving herself too costly a unit to operate on this run, a more economical vessel and possibly one of a type better adapted to the run may b obtained to , continue the service. But, of course, we are not de- dent upon the Canadian Pacific to provide us with vice adequate to our needs. The two other coast-'- ? ,lnes-Canadian National and Union Steamships . Ltd. are now better equipped with vessels than , they were before and can and probably will step f into the breach if the C.P.R. leaves us in the lurch ; and gives them the opportunity. i :red shield appeal ; I ET US GIVE spontaneously and-generously to t L the Red Shield -appeal of the Salvation Army ; which is on again in Prince Rupert, a city which i has long known the good works of the Army in places where other 'religious and welfare organizations often fail to reach. Prince Rupert receives many appeals and is known for the generosity and : completeness of its response to every worthy one. v.. Certainly our people will never let the Army down Well do we know that whatever the trouble! .. whatever the cause, no human being in need is :;: hopeless to the understanding heart of the Salivation Army. 7 T the Army' the man or wnian or child wasted , by hunger, haunted by fear, afflicted by poverty enslaved by moral weakness ... the innocent child wronged by circumstances . . . tne old person, or iorgotten . . . each of these is a human being await-; ing reclamation. . Every minute someone- needs and receive tlie . material and spiritual ministrations of the Salva-.' tion Army. In its annual appeal, the Army once ; again seeks the support of OUR dollars in carry-; mg on this necessary work. ' We would do well to "Give Generously" and even before we are asked. ary step. handy. Back in the 'seventies, UHtin U,iU - i . iHS1, ujjiiaju was Strug- STOCKHOLM CTOrwHnr m tt . ho! a Hunters elins with what wt,s m a great newspaper, the Mont-' a?hem.en roawed. the for' reaj Star, he had lean pickings 6StS . fntral Sweden 6'000 Before he could buy newsprto ' yearS b5l0r Chrlst' Ste F-he had to find the cash 7rm young Swedish scientlst sald in the previous day's business. The fv pa'- ?"b Ted he? recent: cost of power was nmhihin Iy'. The flrst traces of Peasant so Hugh leased nr hn,,ht iCuiture appeared about 3JD00 old erpv maro r.n, . i"- C he said. " - ' ' J L v J &i Wl I it would enter the pressroom and climb aboard the improvised "nrett " Tk. ...... . AIR PASSENGERS LT vancouver-C. W. Michiel, opment was the appearance of the editor and financier t ?; Hardin D- A- Brown. D. bringina down hk hnrt u'rorwara' A- - Pettlen,. Mrs. M. - fciic flank of the Dress, wnnin noit Tw sailimts per week foi VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, S p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM out "giddap." M. Roper, D. Odowchuk, Miss C. Murie; Miss D. Murle, P. Vancin, D. W. Gordon, A. Dixon, J. H. Trudeau, R. L. Brown. Perhaps nowhere in Canada, ouauitys, iu p.m Consult ua ior your needs In all types of printing work. Everything in high-clas stationery. Fountain Pens Cards for every occasion Mill! Printing BESNEIt BLOCK THIRD AVENUE- R. M W 1 T - tl" 1 11 ( McBride Street nJ save in British Columbia Is Sandspit-P. Mathews Raine- h Wilson- there such an enchanting hmi. ; r. .. PVnm XJannrxttttf t J. Payne, day season as autumn. Nowhere Mrs. A. Mansell. From Sandspit J. Maxwell, can be felt uncomfortable warmth or enervating heat. In sect pests have vanished. Tlw FOR QIEEN CHARLOTTK ISLANDS 8.s. Coquitlam, Aug. 10, 21 11 p.m. FRANK J. SKINNER P,?ce Ruoert A(ent th,, Third Ave. Phona 568 T. Walters. KEEP THE A - nlF YOUW Aim? Don't discard yolaj WIUTHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING rtevelopinr, Prhuini QUICK sllvfocB . Amateur aud t, FrtftsiiiMuU Suwlka furniture! U H fW to new We SZ23J FROM YUKON TO OTTAWA Mrs. George Black. Will Travel Furthest to Reach Convention George Black, MP. for Yukon, and Mrs. Black will be passing cost. .. m nesprW.1 wen reupnoister uiem, i'"- k reps'" Besides Upholstering and Woodwow Drapes , to order and recover i - ....... . ennnffe iuw riastanide seat covers aim OVIN'I W . .... MfS' UrsJ Next to CFPR ' (Now operated by Mr- all,d Holly wood Cafe Newest and Most Up-To-Date Cafe In Prince Rupert Open from 5:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS For obvious reasons, the principal one being increaned eost of production, it has become nesary fr the Daily News to annune a twig ueierred but small inreae in eirculation rates to be efleetive on and after October 1, 1948. The new rates will be; CITY CARRIER DELIVERY! Per Week. 2C; per Month, 75c per Year, $8 BY MAIL Per Year, $5; per Month, 50c Payment may be maoe up to and including September 30 of any arrears or of advance subscriptions at the present rates of 65c per month and $7 per year for city delivery and $4 per year by mail. Thereafter both arrears and advance payments will be at the advanced rates. tal.SibW ' dVised t Chtek UP their nt. and take advantage of the old rates as lung as they last. 0, uirougn rnnce Rupert early j next week enroute to Vancou-.! ver, from which city they will' leave for Ottawa to be present at the Progressive-Conservative, eonvention September 30-Octo-! ber 2. Next Monday they will' set forth from Whltehorse and; will be here Wednesday after-' noon on the Princess Louise bound for Vancouver where they will take the first train East. It will take more than a week , to reach the capital. No other woman In Canada will, travel as far as Mrs. Black mJ order to be in Ottawa in time1 for the opening of the conven-j tion. GREER & WEATHERPROOF YOl'R ROOF FOR WINTER First protection against winter's cold blaU is to see that your roof is in tip-top condition. For expert repair or for a whole roofing job call 363. For estimates and materials consult . . . Mitchell & Currie Limited Builders and Contractors wmnrff? AND CONi We. specialize la Chinese Dishes CHOP SUEY Repair. - Con.truction J FOR outside order Phone 133 CHOW MIEN Floor Sanding Phone RED 561 1 " ,"4 Mtrumfm tfim s -- rvt u)"jt ,rrr tvsarr