MIIH THIS AND THAT LEGION TO AID . INJURED PLAYERS Saturday, 'September 13, 1948 LATLIN ROAD . COMING UP YE! 1 Baseball Scores National Iearne Pittsburgh 2, Boston St. Louis 4, Brooklyn 2 Cincinnati 5. New Yo-it 3 Chicago 3, Philadelphia American League Boston 9. St. Louis 3 New York 13. Detroit 5 Washington 1, Cleveland 4 Philadelphia 9. Chicago r,. Pacific Coast leaeue .111 Ifltda: 3e per word per insertion, minimum charge.. Me. Birth Kotlot: '60c; Card of Thanks, Death .Notices, Funeral Notice, Uamaga idid Engagement Announcement: (2. bFECJAL QJSPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE JlatMfled Advertising is payable la advance. Please refrain from telephoning.. FOR RENT Series of .Events Planned Foils-win; Fexrtball AecMent A special meeting of the executive committee of the Canadian Legion was held on Thursday night to discuss plans for raising funds to assist defraying hospital and other expenses ot Doug Christison ,the Legion centre-forward, who suffered a badly fractured ankle In last Sunday's football match for the Stuart Shield. The accident will keep him from his work for a considerable time. The meeting decided to assist the Prince Rupert Football Association in putting on a bonefit football match on September 26, a week from Sunday afternoon and to co-operate with the Navy in arranging for a dance on oetoDer wnen a special door prize is contemplated. In addition to these two events the Legion decided to hold a social evening in the Legion Hall on October 1 at which members and their wives; and members of the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian .Legion will be eligible to attend. Legion Billiard Tourney Planned The CanaGiin Legion entertainment committee has arranged for a series of handicap English billiards tournaments for the coming winter. The first of the tournaments, whtch svul be played monthly, is scheduled to start on October 2 and entry BIRTH NOTICE S PEERS Born to Mr. and Mrs.. . Eric Speers, 101 Eighth -Avenue East, at Printe Rupert General Hospital this morning, a son, Ronald Gordon, 6 lb. i Both doing well. It FUNERAL NOTICE MeLEOD-At Terrace Thursday, September 16, 1948, Christina Janet, age 66 years, beloved .wife Of Mr. -Roderick Angus vilcLeod, of 852 .Ambrose Ave. Rev, Canon Rushbrook will conduct services at Qrenville Court Chapel at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, fitptember 19. Interment following in Fairview Cemetery. ,B. C. Undertakers in charge of arrangements. (It) tUK SALE FOR SALE Beautyrest Mattress and springs, excellent condition, single, reasonable. Green 706. 222i FOR SALE 1939, Ford Sedan 1 ... J t "Oh i-So that's the emergency brake! Why didn't you show me before?" r c CI a PPOft bhotS 5S oan rrancisco 4-8 Portland 2-9. Los Angeles 4-2, Seattle 2-8 Oakland 12, San Diego 3 Sacramento , Hollywood 1. Train Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday. Frlday-8 p.rn Prom the Easu- Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday-10:45 pit, I I WW o)0?TO o flflF) MVal OELIVESCO rRCEl phone ' 654 IRON FIREMAN STOKERS GET 30 MOII MIA7 SMITn & ELKINS Phone 174 . Boi 274 good shape, new engine last'jrQR rent A clarinet-playing Zulu fight- ci kuu tiir uritrt lauicr iiuiii ut: guerre of Baby Batter fights a white man for the first time next monLh in Britain. Batter his real name is Willie M'Bata brings a red-hot reputation into the ring. He won 31 of 32 fights in- South Africa, but was Innt allawprt tn mt, TTnlnn' AND. GET j ARijr.' BOW! Bit I SI join,, TlH!ii e now posted in the club s leading European boxers. Nw, having traveUed 7.000 miles t0.blI'i'ird room-93'beat the'eoior bar, he goes into' . against Glasgow'. Ginger Stew - jart. Champions .from six eoun- tries decorate the Manchester' ' card cam, tODDed topped oy bv the tne British Rritkh Fm Em- Pe' P"'d F" ring name? He iving. but!T5C Batter lntenlis to dwnon. . 'piissidvertlaernent i not oubllahedet -tratj. at Mnct,r ih Manchester that It llapi.yed by theUquorCrmtml B.d nas no connection wiln a child bu,eoornmentoiBritincoiumb year, souu. isw uoage coupe. excellent condition,-$550. 1932 Ford Sedan, good shape, $375. 1938 Chev Sedan, $675. 1937 Ford Light Truck, as is, $350.' Dan's Service Station, Green 605. 222i FOR SALE wartime House, i lour rooms, . $2000. ...Prince Ru-J pert Realty. (tf) FOR SAL E 4 -room Wartime house. , well decorated, on lot.r vrtth half-basement possible. Full price $1800. Apply Rober' E.Montador Ltd. (220) FOR SALE Mahogany bed-1 room suite. Phone Black 528. (220). : FOR SALE-35-ft. troller. fur.y . equipped. Apply Canadian Fish & Cold .Storage. (221 FOR QUICK SALE 28-ft. trolling boat "Emu"; 8-ft beam. 7 b.p. Vivian engine, In good I y n tm-beball 7, r , star or a new kind of i k Unei8ht title contest nour mix other fi nU on the between Toronto s m Artha j Manchegler mtfh Kmg and Britain s Billy Thomp- ; Norman Tennanl 0 &,ut. land against Louis Sckena. fiy- ! weight champion of France, The. 28-year old Zulu, fighter, 'and Ronnie Clayton, British who speaks perfect English and I feather champion, against Bel-531 holds a degree in social science. 1 eian- titlehnlrW. Jn M.r,t-' nut? uuif unu LADIES SCORED Individual scoring in the Ladies' "B" Bowling League fir-tures this w?ek was as follows: BELMONTS Lewis 166 105 139 - Andrews 182 121 124 Tubt 123 165 144 T Scharff C-Via, 123 123 136 Anderson 104 173 161 Totals 698 686 704 1 BROWNWOODS Donaldson 113 43 107 1 Kresgy 106 147 by 122 168 - Rands .- 96 68 Brown . .. 133 139 Totals ... 570 505 572 NOBLE & WICK MeChesney 131 143 ,n- ??o Petersen 89 124 112 Petersen 196 143 Holkestad 140 127 92 Morrison H8 117 30 Totals 674 654 BUS YBEES Heleerson 77 109 Ctewart 136 108 j,8011' 75 7! I Ewart 101 85 6tij Davidson 118 135 160 Totals -489 512 TOILERS M. Wide 144 138 Menzies 162 148 181 Ellison 89 111 McLeod 76 86 134 Hill 165 94 Totals 636 587 7Y BIG SISTERS . Gomez 148 167 Bond ISfi 135 115 Smith 132 120 pr,,!,-.)! ii 149 288i i onri ea 87 Totals " Rfi 658 627 1 - fpr-R KuiA LtEH Boulter 159 170 111 - Basso-Bert 118 151 Vuekovich 212 85 185 j Smith 79 133 Warren 217 151 n Totals 785 6S0 742 MILLER BAY j Peterson 229 134 J64the Roberts 135 139 173 Asholl 193 180 139 Heep 109 148 79 Totals 758 736 658 BOOSTERS Newton 198 163 132 Lhartrand 134 101 180 D- Kemp 67 64 55 Cole 141 103 120 Denton . 138 142 184 Totals t. 678 573 671 STAR Maclntyre 207 78 - ifpart -eays io Ib 145 M. Catderoni 147 150 M- Nesbitt 91 Dickens ' 147 96 Totals 787 660 llnrk. OCEAN DEPTH The average depth of the world's oceans is 13,000 feet. will go 10 rounds against Siew-105 art If e he hopes to take on such top-ranking welter-120 weights as Ernie Roderick and Eddie Thomas. In his last fight Batter knocked out Alex Mak-,ele, the one man who holds a de-146 cision over him. Batter swung the havmaker in trip 10th rnnn.i Associated Boards of Trad f B. C. to be Asked for Support JUNEAU Everyone In ,Atlln will tell the visitor that -what the country needs most is a road to connect with the Alaska Highway. Back this week. from a fishing trip that turned , into a Board 'of Trade meeting, Norman Ban field and Dr. R. H. Williams pledged to assist Atlin in -any way possible. Banfield is in charge of local arrangements for the Annual eonvention in Juneau, September 21-23 of the Associate-! Boards of Trade of Central (British Columbia and affiliated memDers irom AiaKa. me, matter ei the road will lae . pres ented to tliis convention. PERSONAL KLEEREX" Over 20 years a dependable family remedy for skin ailments, ; Psoriasis, Eczema, Pimples, Itch, Boils, Poison Ivy, . Ringworm, Impetigo, Hives, Burns, Barber's Itch. Two strengths medium, strong. Two sizes 59c, $149. At all druggists. lti BABY SITTER Phone Blue 701 (221) FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE In the interior, stop at Telkwa M. Hotei, 244 miles.; rom Prince 'D Ruwrt, lust half wav to Prinrie 'P. ' M. George. (tfl E. PERSONAL The Termina' . Lunch and New-stand Open L. all day, every day, to give you m. sae Dest. we can Jn every way. D. And now the best coffee too. D G. (tf) PERSONAL Rugs & Chester; 1 fields cleaned. Reliable service. B. Phone Black 705. (225) E. M. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES A. L. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS PREPARE NOW for Fall examination. Write M.C.C. Civil T. "vv U1.11UUI, ova cuuci mil V Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba. K. Il THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA . IS PROBATE IN THJE MATTER OF THE 'J. "ADMINISTRATION ACT" B. and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ! E. J. OF REGINALD ' GILBERT UPTON I TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Hlsj Honour Judge W. o. Fulton, made the -7th etay of September, A D. 198. I B. was appointed .Administrator of the E. Estate of Reginald Gilbert Upton de- M. ceed r A IA PARTIES bavins claims aealnst the said Estate are hereby required to iwrnisn same properly eri:ied tr I me on or before the 20th day of October. AD. t48. after which date - claims filed inay be paid without rel- erence to any claims of which I then L had no knowledge. B. ALL PARTIES indebted to the sato M. state are oereky -required to pay the J. oukjuui, ui fcuvir lnaeoieuness to mo forthwith. DATED at the City of Prince Rupert. B. In the Province of British Columbia, this 8th day of September P. AD. D. GORDON' PRASER FORBES E. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert " BC. (224 a O. TIMBFR SALE 4WlS Sealed tenders will be recere the Minister of Forests at Victorli BC, not later tf an 11 a.m.. Monday. T. 27th ay of September. IMS. .for th A. purchase of Licence X46218. to cuti 3 800.000 f bm of Spruce. Hemlock. SSf.r1' ,SBm- on aa Q area atluated on the North shore of t Steamer Paanaye bno s f-.. , . District. Fe . 5 1 years will be allowed for removal of Umber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C., or IMstrict Forester, Prince Rupert. B.C. NOTICE TO CMKIIITOKS WILLIAM HF.RY PIERt E DrTF.tl.En - ,"OTICE 18 HEREBT OIVF that Estate of Wllllnm Henry Pierce, de- cetosed. late of Prince fijinert Rrithh Columbia, who died on the 13th day of April. lSna are hereby required on or before the 16th ly of Octnher 1048. to deliver or aend by prepaid' letter full particulars of their claim. duJy verified to the undersigned et r u. box oo, prince Rupert B.C.. as Executor of the said Estate ' AND TAKE KOTICE that after the last mentioned date I will proceed to distribute the assets of the de-eaaed among the persons entitled thereto having regard oiilv to the claims of whtch I shall then have had notice. DATED this 7th day of September lft8. RICHARD GEDDES LARGE, Executor of the Estate of William Henry Pierce, Deceased. (224) XOTICF. OF .tPlt.ir 4TION FOR -0SF;T TO IRlNHf tH )1 -BUKLKIAkK NOTICE IS HEREBY given that oa the 18th day of October A D 1948. the undersigned Intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer of .Beer- License. .No 7973 issued in ract of premises, beii, . part of the premise . known as Ui Commercial Hotel situate st the corner of First Avenue and EeightS Street. In the City of Prince Rupert province of British Columbia, upon the lands descried as Lots Thirteen (18) and Fourteen (14) In Block Nme (9) Section One (1). Map 923 Prince Rupert Land Registration District, from Panko Mlchalczuk of Prlnce Rupert, tt Harold Wlllard Helgerson of Prince Rupert, tne Trariaieree. DATED at. Ft in oe -Kprt B C. this 16th day of September A D. S48 HAROLD WIIXARD HELGERSON (24) RUPERT MARINE REALTY condition. Owner leaving town HELP WANTED Wanted im-next week. Apply New Floats.! mediately. Girl for telephone (221) and some bookkeeping. Apply FOR SALE Two"evel lots .8 ln n handwriting to Box minutes from Post Office! 9' Clty' ly 23t-and' sav his connec- 57jtions. Makele was still in hospi-1 FOR BENT Two room Apart - xnent and single sleeping room. Apply 211 Fifth Eas.. t231i FOR RENT OR SALE 3 room partly .furnished cabin, 7th j Ave. West. Phone Green 447 between 7 and 9 p.m. (222 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. 801 Borden Street. tfi FOR RENT -Flat in Rand Block. Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweler. (tf) FOR RENT 5-roem duplex apartment, unfurnished; vacant October 1. Apply 735 5th West. (2201 HAVE COMFORTABLE front bedroom for rent overlooking the harbor. Cean and nicely furnished, which would be suitable for business woman. Close to town, across from Borden Street School. Enquire after 5:30 pjn at 895 Borden Street. (tfi Nicely furnished three roomed suite, private Dath and entrance. Ground noor Oilcook stove. Apply cottage b&ck 0l Washington mock Phone Black 490. z 4 220 . FOR RENT Sleeping room, suitable for two. On bus line. 650 7th Ave. East, phone Red 471. (tfl WA.YTC.D WANTED Ooart homes for ten lovely afghans. Apply Mr. Hicks, Fraser House. (tf) WANT ED Car Batteries, car radiators, brass and coooer: paying good prices. See BC . NITURE CO.. Black 324 WANTED TO BUY Good violin Phone Green 507, between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon. (222) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Fully experi- enced service station attend ant no other need apply. Rnx 4fM riairu Nat: iWi '. 1 '.HELP WANTED Driver. Apply 112 Taxl- (tf) FEMALE HELP WANTED Refined woman of good ap- pearance, ambitious and energetic for profitable sales work. Apply Box 399 Daily News. (220) HELP WANTED Female. Ward maids for Prince Rupert General Hospital. Salary $75.00 per month an dboard. Also a housekeeper. Starting salary $85.0O per month and board. Apply to the Matron. (220) HELP WANTED Girls for gen 'era! laundry work. Apply Pioneer Canadian Laundry. tf) SALES HELP WANTED ' SALESMEN-CREW MANAOFRS Patented tool multiplies I 'mans strength 31 times Thousands around you wait-, ing lor convincing 2 minute demonstration. 'Amazing possibilities. Write or wire. Pal- coseel Co. Ltd., Cornwall, Ontario. ut LOST AND . FOUND FOUND Bunoh of keys in front of Government Liquor Store. ' Owner may have same by call-i ing : at the . Daily News and .paying for this advertise-: ment. (tf) LOST One girl's shoe, - newly half-soled. Phone Red -471. ttf) MACHINERY tR SALE TO SAW better lumber . more economically use the modern fand up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills monafac- tured by National Machinery t Company Limited, Vancouver, iBC. f METAL WORK PLUMBING Installations and repair.. SHEET 'ME T A L ; WORK. Tar and Gravel Roof-' Ing. Letourneau it Sons, 629 Bixth West. Phone 543. (tf) t" with concussion when Bat ter sailed for Durban August 15. ! Benny Singh, an Indian, has! (J. CLAl SEN Si SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QC1CK SALES OR CHARTERS 181been Batters manager (without I contract i ior n years. But he i 118;says humorously that the part-f i nership may break up at any time; Batter persists in playing clarinet at night. (Just East of Llpsett s, Waterfront) Phone Green 'B 975 V kVaw 7 VrrrrrrrV,., ' 'M "l A SAVOY c a inv TSh wy i ( When the trouble lies JSfXL j deep in the motor of S7 A sw' --VVx j N your auto, you can de- U Sf jVl tr FW ( pend upon our expeii- hL,' j VS" ool1 5 1 enced mechanics to git Wl) ' ll to the bottom of it. v'-r''W I Drive In today for a M ff '7"4f ! complete check-up. L W& i Vll )o Friction Please! Has the Oil Filter on your car been changed at the manu ) ) ass (xZmj(teS!B& i 1 facturer's recommended mileage? And while on the subject 'f nva nU U .. 1 : I ...... Cheap for quick. sale. Phone Blue 773 or call 1228 Park Av enue- 222) FOR SALE Are you looking for I a furnished suite? $800.00 buys a complete outfit of fur- muire -in excellent condition Including Dining Room, Bed room. Chesterfield Suites, Washer, Cabinet Radio, Stove, Rug, Kitchen Furniture, Mttc. Reasonable .rental for newly redecorated downstairs suite. Write P.O. Box 1566, City. (J22) FOR SALE New and Used Fur aitare, -Hardware and Office Fixtures. High grade quality '. slightly-used Chesterfield Suite; Bedroom Suites; Tri lights;' Electric Lamps;- Oil Burner Kitchen. Stoves; Sew ing Machine; Kitchen Sets Circulating Heaters; Rifles, highest ouallty; Underwood ,Typwriter. perfect condUlor.; -new British India-Rugs. Every thing at the lowets prices. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black '324. tf FOR SALE Cabin cruiser. Apply caretaker, Yacht Club. (224 FOR SALE 1933 Model B Ford - Sedan in good running order and with good tires. $360 casn. Phone-Green 157 after 6:00 p.m. (2501 FOR SALE 6 room house, solid foundation, just painted, in excellent condition. Best location at 216 4th East. Pric $4,000.00 or best cash offer. .Phone Red 154. (221) TOR SALE Chenille Bedspreads ,4.99 ea. At wholesale price, first quality beautiful Chen illes, well tnfted. In all colors, for double or single beds $4.99 each. Full 90x100 spreads with t basket ,of flowers design, completely covered with Chenille for $8.98. Also-Habitant hand-hooked rugs 18"x36," well made, 3 for $4.00. These articles retail . at double the - price. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. Money Immediately refunded if not satisfied. Handicraft "Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, Que, (S) H0 TEL Carl Zarelli, pr0p. Phone 37 p.c. Bs (44 FRASEK STREET Prince Rupert overlooked even by the owner car lubricated regularly. as these services become due. Frozen Investment ( UPpp-s asIOTMEP J1 . SET r!ic5?iVGET OP iit an uiuer pomus lequirmg penoaicai attention such as; Wheel Bearing Repack Change ( Transmission Lubricants Cleaning and Re-Oiling of Air Cleaner te ' ' forJ, i It's tb e 1 ! k. : (iff been taken care of according to the instruction book? li Many 01 these details are who conscientiously has his We remind our "Regulars" i ... for Tasty Meals ' A? Vrj O ChopSuey O ChowMein Lj&ZJ ! Ifg Chinese Dishes a Specialty I Fli Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel j jX 700 a.m. to 3:30 a m. Bv CHICK YOUNG j , LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. PHONE 866 O BLONDIE MAY V."E uayr A DIM? FOP fw FiFTEEM GEE, IT WAS N!CE AWRJLiy J Ml opr mama IVck nice 1W.HAT .' --.v VI ICEP?EOlM -vtTA (CENTS - CONES. DADOy?Kv V) iTMPEE VTZT THEM j 1 mimi i 3 rf 6ACM TWO CONES ) y-i-ri f r F mmm mm . 4 6011 'f.r rii , .,,