Prince tlupctt Dailp 2etoai Saturday, September 18, 1948 j THE Moose Whist Drive and Dance 1 every Saturday night at 8:00. . (220) C. W. Michiel, well known Terrace merchant, left by air this afternoon for a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. M. Jensen, who has been t Local News Items . . . Cash for old gold. Bulger's. i King Edward P.T.A. Tuesday J. J. Payne returned to the SePtember 21 8 P-m- (222J city by air Friday afternoon af- V.'Evitt C. Is expected In the ter a business trip to Vancouver, city next week from Nanaimo visiting here with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. V Civic OrcKestra Resumes Practice Prince Rupert symphony orchestra has resumed practices at the Civic Centre following a summer recess and is open for new members. Practices' are being held every Tuesday night under direction of Neville Ger-rard, conductor. Membership in the orchestra numbers about 20. No plans for the winter program ee Food Market Trevor Hill, is sailing by the Catala this evening on her re turn to Vancouver. Mrs. O. L. Sullivan, who has been paying a visit here wltn her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Clapp, Atlin Avenue, is sailing on a visit to his local business. Mrs. Annette Mansell return' ed by air Friday from a busi ness visit to Vancouver. H BASEBALL Savoy vs. Rest of League, Sunday. Roosevelt ore by the Catala this evening on .. her return to Vancouver. have yet been announced. Arrivals m aiiiwuuun8 a pleasure itantial Price 1ECREASE ny staple lines St. Peter's Sunday School Park' 2:30 P m- U) atnTi" clock. PaSS September 19M E D. Forward left on this af-o Utternoon's plane for Vancouver Mrs. C. S. Von Auron is arriv-1 where ne wil1 attend sessions of .ing in the city by this after- ithe General Council of the Uni-noon's Diane from wnrrti,i.I,ited Church of Canada. SHIFFER-HILLMAN Made-to-Measure SUITS and Topcoats EXECUTIVE MEETS Attention A meeting of all1 men 10 Pin Bowlers, Rex Bowling Alley, Sunday, Sept. 19 at 2:30 p.m. All Interested please attend. (220) Miss Shirley McCaffery of Ottawa arrived in the city yester STAFF OF CENTRE Prince Rupert A. J. Millard, Vancouver; F. Barnsley, Vancouver; C. Morrison, Vancouver; D. Morrison, Victoria; A. E. Fletcher, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Vancouver; Miss D. Murie, - - vuumuu a i E. H. Haynes and J. M. O'Brien California, to attend the funeral of her mother, the late Mrs. R. who have been stationed here Organization plans for the A nurai is in laito with H M f a rhtham an coming winter season's activi Our ties at Prince Rupert's Civic day on the Princess Louise for a week's visit with her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kergin. Centre were presented late yes place tomorrow afternoon. 'sailing tonight on the Catala A. R. Short, Canadian Pacfiic i f r Victoria-Air Lines maintenance superin- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Avis of tendent, is a week-end visitor , North Parifir- ranni. sail- Vancouver; Miss C. Murie, Vancouver; L. N. Dyer, Carlisle; Mr. and Mrs. A. Briss, Port Es-sington; H. Davidson, Vancouver; John Maxwell, Vancouver, terday afternoon when the Association executive conferred Mr. and Mrs. A. Hampton, a visit here with their son with the ODeratine staff of the in the, city, having arrived here. ing this evening by the Catala from Sandspit where he is sup- after having spent the summer Centre. Dr. R. G. Large, presi- Mr- ana Mrs- Mckenzie, .Burns and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hampton, are sailing by dent of the Association, was in Lakei c- E. Lefever, Vancouver. the chair. General objective is - civiaiHg tecnnicai work at the , on the Skeena River. the Catala this evening on their y AND SCARRY PLAN jis possible and we cordially 'I public to drop in at our flight little store at island air base. return to Vancouver. K. F. Harding left today by air for Vancouver enroute to Dr. and Mrs. M. Soothe of St. Announcements All advertisement i ui column Ottawa and other eastern Can-Heiena, California, riding adian and American cities on a SKI. HIGH IN QUALITY VALUE STYLE Fine English Worsteds. Imported Tweeds. large and handsome station wag to broaden the scope of com prehensive activities of interest and benefit to the community as a whole and the program is a diverse one. Rowland Miles, newly arrived program director from Vancouver, was welcomed. E. D. Fo'r- business trip. on wiiich has oeen attracting fell much interest among motorists W. A. Andrew, assistant sup since its arrival on TRursday wm 09 cnurgea lor k full month M 26 cent word Boy Scouts and Cubs W.A Bazaar, Sat., Sept. 18, Conrad Street School Basement. Booth Parent-Teachers Meeting, September 22. erintendent for Canadian Pacific Air Lines, British Colum are leaving this evening on the Catala for Vancouver enroute ward- general Erector, and Miss fr.1 , . ... ! Marearet Slinn. physical train- train bia, left Friday by air after a brief business visit to the local iiuiue. 1 1 it' v ramp nprp nv man.i " J - j "'O Cambrai Chapter I.O.D.E. Tea Imported Gabardines. way and made a side trip from Vanderhoof to Fort St. James where the fine trout fishing was enjoyed. company office. Lewis's fresh-killed boiling chicken. Phone Black 949. (220) ing instructor, was also present. The executive also dealt with many matters of general business including the forthcoming membership drive. Tuxedo and Dress Fashion Show, September 23. Dance every Saturday night. Oddfellows' Hall (233) Third Ave. W. I Iare our prices are our produced- i t I aition only a few of the many xibuys available at the BUSY IBEE Presbyterian Tea September SURPRISE SHOWER FOR CITY GIRL 30th, Mrs. J. McL eod, 833 Borden Street. Bridge Party, Civic Centre, Honoring Miss Stella Topo-rowski, whose marriage to Montesano will take place on Cloths. The new fall fabrics are dis-tinctive in weave, color and finish, surpassing any season's howing since 1940. , Martin,' Mrs. B. Ewald, Miss N. Sylvester, Mrs. M. Kuslk, Mrs. A. Geary, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs." P. Dvornek. October 1, 8 p.m. Catholic Bazaar, October 6 and September 23, Mrs. L. Martin, (230). Mrs. J. Martin and Mrs. P. Support the RED SHIELD APPEAL United Church Tea, October 7, Dvornek were joint hostesses at home of Mrs. Withers, 715 7th', a surprise shower held at. the Ave. West. Dvornek residence at 1363 Sixth Lutheran Ladies' Tea and I6""6. fast; ., . . . . . was spread with a lace cloth, (221) , !9- centred with a silver basket of I "omato Juice 2 fr 15C V and Beans 2 for 35c iberriesflO-oz. tins 23C :4 39c I Juice 2 for 33c 1 2 for 27c Anglican Cathedral annual roses. nanked by silver candle- GET RID OF TRUSSES uiili h Prrwt Spin (iuuRe Hls lrul H-sli Make Ytiu Srr-voiii! Fifl Tired Don't Hold Make Rupture Worse. KNOW Hweilv Relief with New and IMfferent RICK "KB l.l'Xll" Kuppnrt. With It a NKVt' ERA lias opened for the Noii-Kurgl-lal care of a dlstresstne and dangerous ailment. Hundred fortunate enough to have learned about and used It report "freedom from Ruptuie distress." TOKAY, while your Rupture dwelling still ran dis con g r e gauon ai inanKsgiving sticks. The room was decorated with pink and white streamers. Dinner, Wednesday, October 11. Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Evening entertainment. Queen Mary i.O.D.E. Bazaar, enhanced by bouquets of sweet j peas. Serving were Mrs. B. Ewald, iMrs. E. Colussi, Mrs. A. Geary, IMione Red 400 518 3rd Ave. W. October 20. j Mrs. J. Martin and Mrs. P. Sons of Norway and Soula Fall Dvornek. The guest of honor Bazaar Oct. 22. appear, take advantage of thi Modern Achievement to obtain cut a decorated cake after Rebekah Bazaar, November 3. which she thanked her friends relief from an aliment whii'li when Improperly eared for af- JpnUL BRITISH COLUMBIA 3 NEWSPAPl'U for their thoughtfulness. She lerts physical well-being and Piano Concert by Mr. Josoph Franky, Presbyterian Church, received a number of lovely mental poise. Write now for FKKfc Book on "Hupture Care. W. A. Williams, Dept. PRN-1 November 3. Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar, , pi November 10. HI East Adelaide St., Toronto I Out. (Formerlv tv. H. KICK CO.) Ormcs Drugs CR1PTION CHEMISTS BS-WEEK-DAVS, 9 A.M. TO 9 F.M. -AND HOLIDAYS -IS NOON TO 2 P.M., .vi 1 P-M. TO 9 P.M. V . presents which were brought in In a decorated buggy by the hostess. Major part of the evening was spent playing court whist with prizes going to Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. L. Amadio and Mrs. O. Vaccher. Those present were Miss Stella Toporowski, Miss Elsie Tym-chuk, Mrs. A. Montesano, Mrs. L. Martin, Mrs. A. Bomak, Mrs. J. Basso, Mrs. D Santerbane, Mrs. G. Ciccone, Mrs. J. Rosin, Mrs. M. Montesano, Mrs. G. Colus, Miss R. Montesano, Mrs. L. Griffens, Miss E. Cavalier, Mrs. L. Amadio, Mrs. O. Vaccher, Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. L. Colussi, Mrs. E Pettenu.zo, Mrs. J. r--v r5f Tall us fnr -f- Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23. 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambrai Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. . - - Orange Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. " United Church Bazaar, December 2. CCF Bazaar, Sons of Norway Hall, December 4. St, Peter's Fall Bazaar, December 9. A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. A Good Place to Buy SEE THE WONDER MOP at our store. It washes, drys and wrings without need of placing your hands In water and, no need for bending. Phone 775 S27 Third Ave. ROUGH, DIMENSION and FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOOD,. WALLBOARD, SHINGLES etc. Stocks are now fairly complete ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Emergency bicycle deliver from 7 pjn. till 9 p.m. and Sunday ttf wrylce 'Jl 6 p.m. CHILDREN'S Fine Quality PULLOVER SWEATERS Sizes 8 to 14 from $2.95 to $4.75 Sizes 2 to 6 from $2.50 to $2.95 FRENCH BRASSIERS Sizes 30 to 42 Moore's 206 6th Street PHONE 81 FOR EXPORT Utiliiinj waste turplut tulphui gases from its mtllutgicjl operations, Cominco produces, in its $55 million chemical plants, upwards of hall miilicn tons of fertilizers year. GOODS FOR YOU! AND FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM MEAN DOLLARS i . I A"-'-jig .5 w T m m .JJ.f rji IIB1 "Nittepfills" Is Consolidaled's trade nam for ammonium nitrate fertilizer In specially pelleted form. Prilling process produces compact, neatly spherical pellets which are ftet-flowins, t quality widely accepted in fertilizer trade. 1 1...' 1 ' MEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold .. Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Because of seasonal demand for fertiliiers, lar9e storage space is necessary. Cominco', plant at Trail .:an store 100,000 tons. When required for shipping, fertiliiers art place'd in jute sacks or paper bags. Daily shipping capacity Phone Ml P.O. Box 191 CANADA'S dollar ihortase helped" substanlUHy V i -Mi., ii- I. l is over 2,000 tons. and exported to United State, chemical fertilizer, produced by Ih. 9-.t qu.ntiie, of bl, are by Cominco and paid for in American dollar,. and other commod.t.e. to obUin more dollar, to buy needed American manufactured 9ood, Ammonium a.,pn.t. .no rno p...v. .U. A.,m PKn,oB.te, for the Prairie,, JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST i John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Of th t wc ill mrM iMnoAnn S. for Pacific coasl citru, crop, and Hawaiian .., rr . ror retmw v , r , nJe, anrJ h Orient. Thi, mean, The Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company of Canada Limited