f PHONE STAR CABS OVINCIAL Li ,T?ARY 1 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest.' VUL. XXVII, No. 220. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENT8 jstimie Crisis Ds Before The Umiifcedl N ations Israe I Government Is IN SERIOUS SHAPE AFTER KNOCKOUT MET WITH M0L0TOV WHO WILL IT BE? Principal contenders for . Progressive- Candidate Leaderships 'Gather Here For id Trip To Juneau BULLETINS PHILADELPHIA, tPi Bill (Chicken) Thompson, 21-year E ndeavoring to Round old heavyweight boxer, is still Boards of Trade and Chambers of f mice, Hazeltpn, Smithers, Telkwa, reported in a critical condition today following a head operation for Injuries sustained when erhool, rort c James ana rnnce Anolher Session of Western Envoys With Soviet Foreign Commissar MOSCOW, Oi-Three western envoys met again today with Foreign" Minister V. M. Molotov, the Unite States embassy announced, in continuation of the Moscow four-power negotia INCREASE DEFENCES LONDON In view of the threat of the international situation, the British govern-men thas decided to recruit 45,000 women for the territorial force and 10,000 special police for duty in the event of an emergency. he was knocked out In a bout with Johnny Haynes of New. York. He was rushed to hospi-! tal immediately after suffering! mblinp in Prince Kupert this week-pnibark Monday aboard the steam- Up Bernadotte Killers TRUCE CONTINUES SAYS NEGRO DR. , RALPH BUNCHE WHO TAKES OVER FOLLOWING MEDIATOR'S ASSASSINATION PARIS (CP) Secretary-General Trygve Lie placed the critical Palestine question before the full incau where, the annual convention a severe beating by his opponent who outweitait iiim 210 to 180 pounds. LONGSHOREMEN GET BOOST tions which have been going on VANCOUVER Fifteen hundred British Columbia long tor 51 days now. Meantime at Frankfurt, Ger I f V ' r r til of the Associated Boards of i Trade of Central British Colom- hia. It will be a memorable ln-' ternatlonal event, marking a l j innovation, probably unprecedented In Canada, whereby an organiation of this kind goes outside of the country to hold ! such a session. It will be a con- many, the United States Air Force disclosed that It has sur membership of the United Nations today. Meanwhile Israel government forces in Jerusalem have been ordered to'round up all members of the Stern Gang and shoot, if necessary, in doing so. Large scale ar veyed possible sites for addi tlonal sites to augment, If necessary, the air lift to Sovlet- rests nave Deen made in Jer biockaded Berlin. Locations of the potential new air fields SURRENDER IS ACCEPTED Government of India Preparing to Take Over From Nizam of Hyderabad NEW DELHI. P Indian troops of an armored column which advanced from Schola-pur today accepted the surrender of Hyderabad state forces which capitulated yesterday under cease fire orders from the shoremen have received a 15c an hour boost, Peter Hughes, business agent for the International Longshoremen and Warehousemen's Union (CIO), said today. The hourly rate is now $1.55. LAWYER DROPS DEAD VANCOUVER Denis Murphy, Vancouver barrister and son of the late Mr. Justice Denis Murphy, died suddenly from a heart attack in his were not disclosed. IS COMMITTED FOR MURDER I I crete and tangible demonstra- A:i 18 year tion of the close community of .st Shopp. is interest that Is being developed t winner and between the territory of Alaska Hiss Amerl- and the of prjnce RUpert i a farm and Centrai British Columbia. k S!ie as To make the party complete an 3 usalem and curfew has been imposed. Foreign consuls in Israel report having received a note signed by the so-called "Splinter Group" of the Stern Gang saying: "We killed Bernadotte because he worked for the Brit JOHN DIEFENBAKER His hat is now in ring. Mrs. was - WHITEHORSE, 0) -Annie Haydon, aged 60, jwdLia aim international flavor from th. RECORD SALMON SHIPMENT HERE The largest cargo of Alaskan canned salmon ever to be unloaded In Prince Rupert arriv committed fpr trial here after she told a preliminary hearing very outset a delegation Is flying In from Ketchikan this weekend to Join the group. Represen office yesterday. CHILLIWACK ASHORE ish and took their orders." The Israeli government said they would uproot the criminal gang responsible for the murder. Nizam. The government of India Is understood to have set up Arrangements for civil adminis ' & I t ed here tnis morning aboard 'Xl.issing 54 Hants. She ft while at ) the farm to t eliers that - u as the -. JSr.e is not I until she lars of age. that she had shot net 22-year old husband, John, at, thei-cabin home on Wednesday because she feared her life was in danger. . .t - Mrs. Haydon, Indian 'wife of Guns were siient in Jerusalem tration of the state. Whether this morning as Count Berna this will be temporary or not is not known. dotte achieved fleetingly in death the Holy Land peace he a veteran trapper and runclm. had cherished during life. PORT ALBERNI Frank Waterhouse freighter Chilli-wack went aground at the mouth of the Soma.ss River yesterday morning but was refloated later in the day. FIGHT POSTPONED NEW YORK The fight between Gus Lesnevich and Jersey Joe Walcott, scheduled for next Tuesday night, has been postponed because Lesnevich has broken his toe. tatives of the provincial government and Vancouver and Seattle interests are also coming. Up t othls morning, the members of the Ketchikan delegation had not been ascertained here. Tiie bookings up to noon today were: Prince Rupert Mr. and Mm. E. R. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Skinner and Sandra, W. J. McLean, O. A. Hunter, Thomas Mc-Meckin John Gurvich, Beit Yesterday Bernadotte was formerly of Kalamazoo, Michigan, said her husbar 1 had beaten and kicked her ..n shs refused to do the ftoornlp chores. He left the cs ' 'i the Northland Transportation Co. freighter Chief Washakie which began discharging 170,000 cases at the ocean dock. The cargo, worth some four million dollars, will "be shipped to midwest and eastern American distributing points. The Chief Washakie, Capt. Otto H. Karbbe, will return to the Alaska ports to reload. The vessel also carried four carloads of lumber for rail thipmeiH to the U S. shot as he sat in his car by gun IIP Tobey Retires As Manager of P.G.E. W. H. Tobey, formerly Cana men who snarled and said nothing. He was shot In the she grabbed a rifle and a& heart and the chest and said dian National Railways superintendent at Prince Rupert and returned, she shot him, nothing before reaching ,.The shooting occurred at'" for the past eight years gener p franfisco itrd frnm ver Citv Klnane Tjiltr ir 0 al manager of the Pacific Great AiaJ P. M. Ray. A. E. Smith, Vn,oMn. t-Morgan,. j J. H. Jefferies, L. M. FeUtcn- Eastern Railway,'' has"" retired from the latter office. His Suc man, United Nations officials.! Highway, ' ' Jewish leaders and rjolitical .v.non m; thai E. T. ADDlewhaite and NEW GOVT UNDER TEST Mrs. Haydon is now beruig. hlo heads expressed shock and dis )nke down cessor is John A. Kennedy, who has had 43 years experience in in custody of the police pending ' ' trial. Mil Tex.iilii GEORGE DREW Slill to be heard from. may over the assassination. ; In Canada Acting Prime Minister St. Laurent added his TO HAVE HER BABY AT HOME J. T. Harvey. Terrace Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Little, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Mc-Adams. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dock-rlll, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Kerr, the operating branch of railroading, 18 with the Esquimalt and Nanaimo and 25 on the western lines of the C.P.R. It an Islam from San south af- PARIS, W The fate of Pre mier Henri Queuille's new cabi voice to the shocked regret. THINKS HE'LL ' net rests with 42 members -of r. f I I pte, had to Responsibility for the Ber the National Assembly's finance 9 stpamer Mr and Mrs- T- Sundal- Mr Elizabeth Going to Bucking- Us understood he will be with ham. Having No House of Own,tne p.G.E. for only a year or so lb nadotte - Serrot killings was committee. The body, repres claimed by a group signing it .'until a younger man is trained. enting all parties, is to vote on LONDON, (P Princess Eliza ought here and Mrs' 3- bmUh, Mrs- c- J-towed to Norrington, Mrs. C. R. DeKer-" will un- Rommeaux. Mrs. Martin Miller, 'So far as known, Mr. Tobey s a plan to raise 80,000,000 francs self 'Fatherland Front" in Hebrew notes slipped under the em s uauy J win ui uuin auuuM. , . . , n nno Vi Qua r. ct hoan onnnnnnprl by additional direct and indir mid-November and the birth- " ' ect taxes. An adverse vote would doors of consulates and Jewish liaison offices last night. scrap the sx-day old coalition. Meanwhile Dr. Rarph Bunche, be new cha: :? LOCH SHELDRAKE, .' ' Back in 1939 Marcet Cerdan had a contract to figtt Kenry Armstrong for the welterweight belt in Paris. The war , intervened but Marcel has been thinking about world championships ever since. . He and his entourage may be the only ones who think he will beat Tony Zale next Tuesday but Mrs. Hans Koch, Mrs. W. C. Osborne, Mrs. Will Robinson and Charles Adam. Cedarvale Morris Dahlqulst. Smithers Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Greene, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bu-chart. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ford. place will be Buckingham Palace, a Palace official said yesterday. Decision that the baby, the first grandchild of the mon-archs, will be born at Buckingham Palace has been taken be- chief of the United Nations Palestine secretariat, has assumed complete charge of the United Nations Holy Land mission following the slaying of Count Folke Bernadotte. He Miss Anna Carr. R.N. and Mrs. Allen' cause Elizabcn ana ner nus- Hazelton Mr. I mil f-Cfop NATIONAL SPORT 30DY ADVOCATED MONTREAL, in Sidney Dawes, president of the Canadian Olympic Association, today advocated the formation of a National Sports Congress such as the sports federation which governs and promotes amateur sport in Sweden. said that the slaying did not void band, tne uuite or aniDurgu, still have no home of their own. Benson. Telkwa Mr. and Mrs. C. P. they are serious about it. Cerdan has asked for a change in contract to enable him to make his first crown defence in Paris ins:ead of the United States. 0 Bussinger and F. J. Thorp. Burns Lake Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Nourse, Mr. and Mrs.1 Walter Wilson and Miss Grace Clark. Vaiulerhoof Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. H. Day and Mr. and Mrs. George uierenoaker Is Candidate Announces Definitely That He is in Field For Conservative Leadership OTTAWA John Diefenbaker, colorful M.P. for Lake Centre, Saskatchewan, announced last night that he had thrown his hat into the ring as a candidate for the leadership at the forthcoming convention of the Progressive-Conservative party. He had been askeo- by many persons to stand, Diefenbaker said, and he had no desire to shirk. He believed, he said, that he had something to offer. Asked if he expected Premier George Drew of Ontario to be a candidate for the leadership, Diefenbaker said he did not liuuw. However, he told newspapermen he was confident he would be able to beat Drew in a contest if the latter did offer himself. "And that is something I wouldn't have said two weeks ago," said Diefenbaker. Drew, although frequently mentioned as a candidate, has yet to say definitely whether he will contest the leadership at the party's national convention here from September 30 to October 2. Already announced as lead the United Nations truce In Palestine and added: . 'The truce will continue." Bunche, 43-year old international civil servant and former employee of the United States Department of State, has been working on the Palestine problem since he came to the United Nations service early last year. Bunche, a negro, has been regarded as one of the United Nations most competent FAMOUS GERMAN BIOGRAPHER DIES NEW YORK, W Emil Lud-wig, aged 67, famous German biographer, died yesterday at Asconia, Switzerland, his literary agents here said. - Sarvp.sUnc tm Jf)i'lly moving teion for this r ""! of good ".t of the -k except in a tiirt the Pcac 'e.S'-neral rains ' 'ayod (,pPra. jt. harvesting 'l?ot br- corn's bi'Rinning of t t' the fin.il Depurtmer !:'lic Canadian I t yields turnin-r Ogston. Prince George Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stvenson. A. M. Patterson and W. H. Crocker. Vancouver W. H. Brighton. Daniel Shaw, Jack Burkeridge and E. B. Harkness. Victoria J. T. Gawthrop. 0. C. Football English Leasuc (First Division) Aston Villa 3, Huddersfield 3 (tiei Bolton Wanderers 2, Blackpool 2 (tie) Burnley 2, Birmingham City 2 (tie) Charlton Athletic 0, Newcastle United 0 (tie I Everton 1, Liverpool 1 (tie Manchester City 1, Portsmouth 1 (tie) Preston North End 3, Chelsea 2 Fheffleld United 2, Manchester United 2 (tie) Stoke City 3, Middlesbrough 0 Sunderland 1, Arsenal 1 (tie) Wolverhampton Wanderers 2. Derby County 2 (tie) Second Division Barnsley 1, Luton Town 2 Brentford 0, West Bromwich Albion 0 (tin) Coventry City 3, Sheffield Wednesday 4 Fulliam 1, Blackburn Rovers : (tie) Grimsby 4, Queen's Pai-k Rangers 1 Leeds United 3, Lincoln City 1 Leicester City 2, Chesterfield 2 (tie) Nottingham Forest 0, Carditf City 0 (tie) Southampton 2, Bradford 2 (tie) I Tottenham Hotspurs 3, Bury 1 THE WEATHER j o ) . u ) U.S. RAILWAY STRIKE LOOMS CHICAGO Wage talks between United States railroad.! and their 1,000.000 non-operating strikers collapsed yesterday and a union spokesman said: j"We are taking immediate steps for a strike vote." . Under dispute - settling -provisions of the National Railway Labor Act either side can ask for mediation by a board of Intervention. The railwaymen are not asking for mediation but ar3 Seattle D. C. Knapp. secre tary, Pacific Northwest Trade Association. Synopsis Cool showery weather extends over the northern half of the province with mainly clear weather In southern areas. A rapidly .developing storm 700 miles west of Vancouver Island will bring strong southerly wind and rain to the Queen Char- IMMIGRANTS FROM FRANCE OTTAWA, P France, the latest nation to gain Canadian immigration concessions, may help the Dominion In a drive for an expected total of 110,000 immigrants this year. A government authority said that W. lottes tonight and intermittent ership candidates are J lm- skeptical France still contributs spreading the strike vote rain to Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland tomorrow. PARTY MAY YET SURVIVE NORTH THE PAS, ) Hope has not :icipaUd and about 2 nor--Manitoba and 81 need heavy l"P a molsturs & are expected fly dry con-' I 'Valley report,;. utth little rain. le"it is about out 80 per cent Bas moved. The fclntosh apples Dr but, a, is ex Bbl' Portion of Hanna, an Ontario M.L.A., and Garfield Case, an Ontario M.P. Neither of these are regarded as serious contenders. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast today with in termittent rain this morning and continuous rain this after yet been abandoned for the. safety of five persons aboard a United States Navy plane who have been missing since Sunday on a 450-mile flight from Port More Netherlands Setllers Arrive noon and evening. Sunday- more than 60fc or 700 in 1948. mediately. Red Shield Drive Is On With business men giving their active co-operation and support by assuming responsibility for the canvassing of owntown areas and Army officers operating in the residential sections, the Salvation Army's 1948 Red Shield campaign gets under way at the first of next week. Overcast with frequent showers. MONTREAL The last of some 8,000 Netherlands farmers in storauo diiii lliS Improve. Churchill to The Pas. Air Force officials at the growing search operational base here said that people have been missing in the Northern Manitoba bush for more than six Argyle 0 West Hani United 3, Plymouth Scottish League Cup Division "A" Clyde 0, Celtic 2 Hibernians 0, Rangers 0 (tie) to emigrate to Canada this year passed through Montreal Friday night in a special Canadian National Railway's boat train Light winds, Increasing to southeast gales (40 m.p.h) this afternotfn and shifting to westerly (30) early Sunday morning. Little change In temperature. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow: Port Hardy 50 and 56, Bassett 50 and 56, Prince 4 J STAFF jTRIKF , enroute to Toronto. The group. Albion Rovers 0, Motherwell 1 1 numbering nearly 500, arrived at, Quebec on Friday on thejRUpert 50 and 56. TERMED TRAITOR Jacques Duge, Count of Bernonvllle, as he appeared in uniform of Chasseurs Alplns, world-famous French fighting corps of which he was regimental commander during Second World War. Closely guarded by Canadian immigration officials at Montreal, the Count is fighting deportation to France where he has been sentenced to death in absentia on grounds he collaborated with Germans duilng French occupation. Yesterday lie was refused bail. Falkirk 2, Dundee' 3 East Fife 4, Hearts 0 Partick Thistle 0, Queen of South 0 St. Mirren 1, Morton 1 (tie) Third Lanark 1, Aberdeen 1 (tie) The objective is $2500 and campaign heads express sonfi-denre that this will quickly be reached and exceeded. Those desirous of making donations may forward them to the Prince Rupert Realty Co., the Bank of Montreal and to Salvation Army officers. district and waterfront are P. II. Llnzcy is eneral cam- C. G. Ham, Alt Rivett, R. E. Montador arid A. P. Crawley. The Chinese population will be canvassed by Earl Mah. .. , P. H. Llney u general "ram - paign chairman with E. T. Applewhaite, secretary, and G. i - Nurses had fcl serve meals th"- regular I J11 the Sum-1 (spltal after rtomestic statr Pke f0r higner ,f 01 grls were fe t" do other days and have come out little the worse for It. A moccasin trail is being added to the aerial trail today in a widespread search in the wilds of northern Manitoba. Aboard the craft when It left Churchill were five persons including Captain Sir Robert W. Stirling, naval attache at the British High Commissioner's office Ui Ottawa. steamer Kota Inten. The farmers will settle In agricultural areas' throughout Canada under arrangements made by the Canadian National Railways colonization and agriculture department In co-operation with the Netherlands and Canadian LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) Sunday, September 19, 1948 High 1:45 20.2 feet 14:04 20.4 feet Low 7:54 4.3 feet 20:11 4.5 feet There are two rare white buf Canvassers tor the business R. S. Blackaby, treasurer.' falo living in the United states.. governments.