12 L -. i .. . . i Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, November 30, 1950 I would be "for it" also. Their names were on the Communist company. There is a long standing and deep seated distrust :r i PjncpcrDaly News indent dally newspaper devoted to lheb"u:iding of Prince Rupert and northern and central British Columbia Icr, Tcr Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year I By Mail, Per Month, 50c; Per Year, $5.00. ' """J dtelike between North and South blacklists" for having been mix- rx As 1 -vi I i i jr.-l v See L2) it Koreans (Just as in U.S.A.) A led up in the aemonstrations In northerner can Instantly be de- j the north, tected in the south by his speech. ouo There were hundreds of thou- i ' Living Cosl j At New High WASHINGTON, DC. '9 The United States government's cost-of-living ind-ex rose yesterday to an all-time hip;h. ' The new index, covering prices as of October 15, was 174.8 percent of the 1035-39 base 100 an increase of 0.6 percent since September 15. Nearly one million workers whose wage contracts are tied to the rise and fall of the index ! sands of northern refugees in WHEN THE KOREAN boy: were ordered deported they es southern Korea. The government was a cruel dictatorship, thinly caped in a manner more herorjc disguised as a democracy. It was than any comic strip. They s.p- ic Interest By ELMORE PHILPOTT KOREAN BOYS FREE AT LAST the Canadian arated and worked hard to ean their living. But when the Korean war corrupt and terroristic. The policemen were the self same thugs who had been the Japanese puppets. Their whim was law. broke out the government felt win receive pay increase of two ! government has done the Social conditions were 'actually that it could take no chance tha to three cents an hour. decent thing and let the jtwo Korean youths go ifree. Three Months for TtlAVA A .FAI.lt worse than in the north. Thus tha j they might turn out to be spies boy refugees found that they had : or saboteurs. Jumped from the frying pan into i myself gave the boys my word the fire. j Df honor that if they voluntarily 0" surrendered they could be sure THEY STOWED away on a Can- of a square deal from our govern -adian ship and reached Vancou- ment. Many a time in went ver. For months they lived here months I askd myself if I was in almost complete freedom. But i justified in doing that. - Pong and Young are Car! Edward Fry, who pleaded again at the Fraser Valley home guilty to a charge of indecent where they found refuge' after assault following recent episodes one of tlK-ir several escapes. But in -the Capitol Theatre here, was this time their liberty is legalized always was the fear that they But all's welk that ends well, would be deported. They always Two boys, who might havrberu sentenced to three months' im- by Canada. The B.C. friends of prisonment by Magistrate Mc- these two lads have posted a bond Clymountin city police court of , $1,000 to assure the govern- Knew inai wan was coming in among the thousands killed n Korea. Th6y also knew that, t jl The Oonf Matihfw A Harm Vrwf. nr fevent of war their personal posi weaneacuy munuiig. Fry s record ment that they will not again was checked and it was found take the law into their own he had committed a similar hands. lion would be desperate. "Good Heavens! You mean they're non-breakable too?" now have a chance to learn what Canadian democracy really means. I WEEKS from today Prince Rupert, like most r cities in therovince, will be holding its lection. A considerable number of candidates Jready announced their intention of seeking jj to the aldermanic board and there will be no Jty in getting that filled. ere is a dearth of candidates to date, how-I the less spectacular and less publicized board jol trustees which has a big continuing job on vis in the extensive building program now -way. Fortunately, however, it is understood f least the retiring incumbents, who have done f job, are willing to carry on. lere is also the newly elective parks hoard in ittle interest appears, so far at least, to be jjThis body has a function to perform which has been very much lacking. d, while we arc talking of candidates, we j&lso comment on the lack of general interest jems to be taken in civic affairs, about the lies who seem to concern themselves at all Jie Ratepayers' Association and Junior As refugees from the north they would be suspected as spis in the south. But if the north won the whole country th?y offence atf Vermillion, Alberta, and also had a trreft conviction against him in the East. Seattle Gunman For Action, Advertise! oOo THE STORY of these two boys reads like an adventure book by Henty or Kingsley. They were born and brought up in North Korea. When Japan was defeated in the recent war thev exnected the dawn of a new Gets $12, AIR PASSENGERS" MEN'S SUITS WATERFRONT Frcm Vancouver (Tucjdav) SEATTLE K A methodical day. At first they were well satis gunman escaped with $12,000 E Gurnmei. Mr. a'na Mrs. RP; fied with the-rule of the Con' i.um u.e magnuiia oiaie eann ; Mathews, J. McCullosh, R. Cos- here yesterday after looUn: BOYS' WEAR BOYS' .UNDERWEAR i Union Suits $2.25 ! BOYS' SWEATERS Plain i colors, V-Neck, from. .. $1.50 ; BOYS' SHIRTS In plain shades, from $1.50 COiNAFORTERS., I Lovely satin combination com- j wan, Mrs. E. Magnuson. E. Ma- Expertly tailored . . . latest in style . . . Single and' double breasted, perfect fit. From $37.50 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S TROUSERS nuson, J. W. Jackson. J. K. Wood three separate cages. He escaped on foot. munists in North Korea. But soon it became clear that there was no real freedom. When the government tried to (substitute Russian for English as L. Stanley, E. V. Hanson, Mrs. Mclnnes. Watson Island cellulose mill received 350 tons of cement, eight tons of steel plates as well as a general cargo of machinery from the Frank Waterhouse freighter Island King, Capt. Walter Holm-berg, yesterday afternoon. The Island King was first in Prince the second language in high Toronto Bank is Robbed of $10,000 To Masset (Wednesday) R. Williams, L. Widen, Mr. -and Mrs. G. Price. To Vanrnuvpr (Wprinrsrlnvt New designs . . . Semi-draped, forters. Dandy selection for also standard cut . . . Perfect double beds. From $5.95 ! fitting. Real savings at these CHILDREN'S COMFORTERS j prices $6.00 to $12.00 in nice designs, from ... $1.75 . jis apathy to civic affairs is an unfortunate TORONTO 0) -Three armed In. c. Navlor. R .r Kask n Rupert at o a.m. Tuesday, un- schools and universities student riots broke out. The two boys, then unknown to each other, escaped ' into South Korea. oOo THERE THE boys met and became friends, for misery loves loading 35 tons of structural steel men held up a branch of the f Adams, C. Shaw. J. A. Brown, A. nd is not conducive to the best and most astic of civic government. Even the members m mm tor tne Dominion Bridge, 50 tons i Canadian uanK 01 commerce Watson, G. F. Pike, E. V. Hcnson. of oil for the Home Oil, 150 tons here yesterday and escaped with jjw tr. Walden of coal for Philpott, Evitt & Co., ' $10,000 in cash. Bank officials ,.- and 28 tons of eeneral r.areo. described the hold-up as a j SHOP and SAVE al civic governing boards themselves welcome and helpful interest on the part of the pub-;h, of course, does not mean that personal Mm. Boat and common lumber as well "smash and grab Job." There as cannery supplies is the cargo w&s no shooting. pnntl are so welcomed. iui iiuiaun Diw, cannery at rurwi Edward. Continuing on her way north to Alice Arm Friday the I freighter will unload ten tons of I Briefs grinding balls, 15 tons of steel w rss Is m'ver final and failure never fatal. It's courage piaics, 43 tons oi nme oarreis ALLACE i i r; 1? .i i it i A M A A , 3 A n & I and 100 tons of concentrate. counts. jrom Britain BURY ST. EDMONDS, England f A sneak thief raided a local shoe store. Puzzled -clerks after a check-up said that two left boots were missing. Kraft paper loaded at Ocean Falls will balance the ship's capacity on her southbound trip to Vancouver1. PHARMACY riNfi DUCK H the international situation as it is today, tH - MA' ''Ki8 . Arriving at Prince Rupert on the liner Prince Georee. dockintr LAVENHAM, SUFFOLK, Enrv the negotiation of 1000 miles presenting fd iculty than did that of 100, 50 years ago, it here yesterday morning from land W Dairy larmcr n. Vancouver, were J. M. Sloan, Mrs. ' Knox decided to move from his ' M. Johnson, Mrs. J. Gilmour, R. ! farm in Scotland because It rain- I V. Richards,' D. M. MacDonald, : much there. When he got A. Windatt. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. '. here it was pouring. j wiui onui t-miitvu iu imagine lucil eu vciou cwi this country is adequately populated by a HOURS: WEEK DAYS: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SUNDAYS: 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. p H 0 N E 7 9 Kullander, R. Anderson, A. L. ,4 millions. Canada would be like a sitting Rogers, Jack Eng, T. Sorenson.j LONDON W Banquets have Mr. and Mrs. M. Davis, Mr. Sur-i hgjtj in London for centuries an enemy country. tees, H. Hansen, Mrs. C. Chandler, but now they're really booming. solution is, to bring about a substantial in- LS'4r .Seagrams In population. A larger population, too, would Statistics show an average or xa. 000 persons every week attend such get-togethers. Mrs. H. Stanley, R. Eveleigh, A. P. Nickol, H. Larsen, A. H. Tor-roff, H. Christenson, J. Chambers, M. O. Gormely, Mrs. George bettor and faster development of our vast resources, something that must be done if is to survive and flourish in this fast-moving, Kings Plate : Hours of special bank opening in Prince Rupert to accommo Hill, Miss P. Hill, Mrs. C Hill, Mr. and Mrs. S. Behnsen, B. Williamson, T. S. Harrison, E. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVEME date Columbia Cellulose mm( Kn..nfinn n.-ririrpr in the. Meagle, Mr. Collison, J. Donald competitive wond. - re must be devoted to the direction of new as son, R. Leighton, C. Kofoed, G.J; t f tneu. checks wiU be D. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. K. g t B7.30 pm Fridays. The, Ogdahl, Gloria and Jean; Mrs. fal arrangement for the eve- J. Mulroney, S. P. Woodslde, Mr. oDening of the banks has f both when they are here and before they Get Your... 0T Seagrams Sure id Xmas Today, the majority of immigrants land the first idea of what the country is like, aintest knowledge of its people and customs. soil (Ont.) Tribune. aim mi . a. . - j,een made in view oi me Smith, Jonna Schlater, Mrs. E. that tne men are now working Tcrner, J. Elliotson, O. J. Hansen, 1 48hour week and have no op-P. Stephens, M. McFadden, J- Jortunity to get into the city This advertisement !s not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by thu Government of British Columbia. Mcraaaen, i. oi,oi;iiuaie, j. jiuring regular banning nours. Cards Mow! ErlCKSOn, J. w. jonnston, j. Eaves, Mrs. V. Giraud, Mrs. H. A. Pearson, Don Olsen, Reg Mawer, Geo. Peratovich, R. tlghton, H. G. Perry, P. Wilson, V. Grant, G. Royals, Mrs. B. Smith. The Prince George sailed last night for Ketchikan and will return here tonight southbound. 938B CHRISTMAS GREETINGS j teat liSi Ub6U BEFORE if STARTS... INSTEAD OF AFTER IT APPEARS Pharn: 231 FRINTERS Prince Rupert OITICE SUPPLIES 3rd Street STATIONERS The herring quota for the East coast of Vancouver Island having been caught, the herring fleet is now prospecting in. the central sub-district in the Prince Rupert area. Over 40,000 tons is the quota for the central sub-district listed in the Fisheries ' - CHRISTMAS IS COMING! regulations. s ! 5 SATIN-GILO ENAMEL T'Hwnliim1 the new ningic Ingredient of Sat!n-Glo f namel, ha four limes the hiding power of white 'd . . . Is Insoluble even in boiling sulphuric acid . gives new improved Satin-GIo Enamel greater covering capacity. Also, special plastic gums give a hard tile-like fiiuHh that's almost unscratchahle, thai . . i ; i. . 1 .ml urniihea like a 'The Imperial motor tanker Namu arrived In port yesterday PHONE morning from Vancouver. She sailed for Ocean Falls after leav LET US BAKE YOUR CAKE now 643 i 5 ing here. . -rf I U RUPERT BAKERY LTD. hiaji uriK'Hr iwii((ci ehina plate. Pee the lovely colors at your Bapco dealer. '..S,i..i.J1r.,I,?iSiiS,i...iSl-.3.3.SlSi.iiii.itMi9ik," mass j r Make This A . . RECORD Xmas THESE) Thi famout formula, developed by the University of Illinois Foundation, caused enormous interact in dental circles because of its promising method of attacking tooth decay. In preliminary tests conducted at the University, can after case of reduction in the incidence of tooth decay was reported. Now the manufacturers of Listcrine Antiseptic make this same formula readily available to you and to your family. Use Listcrine Ammoniated Tooth Piiste regularly, as directed, morning and night and right after eating. Lambeft Pharmacal Co. (I anatta) Ltd., Toronto. ' 1 n KERRY fHRIU f Chamicat action rsduc.t f m'ih ncHi'. Mnth scid-ity eneourotces decay. The Most Popular . Artists on COLUMBIA' DECCA CAPITOL MERCURY See Our Complete Stock of Christmas ALBUMS and CAROLS FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL &CURRIE LIMITED Builders & Contractors action cliom sur-g 2Machanical (aifs hs teeih are brushed helps break up and remove decay-breedinu deposits. BUG CROSBY Mod In Canada RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC ,! Chtmicol action chcV acid-fu.-mins bacteria a major cttuse of decay. LICENSED BY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION! Thompson Hardware Co. i