I y ) -U- I 5 Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, November 30, 1950 1 Way and For One Scot Girl Fraser and Payne Specials For One-Shot Girl RHIDORRACH. F e r t n shire, Scotland Q Scotland's dangerous Davil's E.bow road will be kept open this winter to allow on girl to go to school. ; The 2201-foot road, one of the NYLO M HOSE ' :. J" ... W & . i , hinhest public highways in Scot The product of one of the best known fo:turers. ' land, will be kept clear or snow GIFT TOWEL SETS TOWKLS SETS CHRISTMAS PACK LARGE BATH TOWEL and WASH CLOTH Per &;t . LARGE TOWEL and TWO WASH CLOTHS Per Set for a three-mile stretch to allow 11-year-old Margaret Nairn to go to school. chance to buy several pairs at a big saving. l-oo . , ; 1.59 ( ; Vsl It is the lirst time in au years OE DAYTIME BEIEER children have lived In the iso A specialist in th (uminttioa of cyctighL Thorough vlraal tntlyiii by your Optometrist end hit skilled cowikI ncury In ltjuidins your mod priceless oiio . . , gam vlsloa. lated district not far from Royal 97c 1.39 FINGER TIP TOWELS Pastel Shades rAGE EVENING SHEER Deeslde and Ealmoral Castle. A house on the road was taken iLl- 1... Anrmr.. MolrTl ' for hir over tnis year uy '5c his wife and four children. .New Shades. 8Vi to 11 NOVELTY PILLOW CASES Ail while. MEN'S NYLON SOCKS Hand drawn with embroidery. Per Pair 2.69 ( Dr. J. FL. Hughes, who has j been practising chiropractic here for the past yea or so, will sail Sunday night on the Coquitlam for Vancouver. He may spend the winter in the United States. . SI'BS. ASSORT D SHADES AND DESIGNS All Nylon 'and Wool and Nylon BHOES ARE HER HOBBY Some women, when they are feeling blue buy a new hat. But Gisele, Canada's beautiful singing star, makes shoes her hobby. There's nothing like a pair of high heels to give you a lift, she say and In her wardrobe at all times she has at least 32 pairs of Canadian shoesthe right shoes for every costume and every occasion. Here's the girl Canadian shoe manufacturers would gladly elect Miss Canadian Footwear for mi. i k,AR LENGTH At' Sizes 1.19 LOVABLE BRASSIERES All Nylon and Satin NATIONALLY ADVERTISED. "I 00 Regular and Strapless styles EACH AVV W LENGTH All Mlzes PAIR 1 mm cation at Powell River before he comes here. These dates, decided toy the members o! the association last night, are a week prior BOYS' DRESS PANTS CF.lJ GABARDINE I Music Festival Dates Are Set BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS to tentative dates originally set. iii-. Kurth, as well as having id front,, drop loop. zipper fastening. Wine, 5-95 TWO-TONE DOESKIN. 2-Pocket Style Sizes Small, Medium and Large F.AC a . t "'v 1.95 experience with the Department Green. Bown. 8 tt 18 FAIR MONTREAL, Nov. 30th My crystal ball tells me there's a cold winter coining . . . with sniffles and sneezes and cold miseries threatening. So why not be prepared with the new antihistamine discovery ANOHIST1 Taken on exposure or in first 24 hours of a cold. Anohist can stop cold I , Adjudicating at the Prln.ie i Rupert and District Music and Drama Festival will be the superintendent of music for Vancouver schools. Burton Kurth, it of Education, is a church organist and choir director, with good recommendation as an "ideal man for children," the executive explained. It was agreed that the adjudicator will be paid $125 plus expenses which is about the same rate as asked by the adju mittee, said that all contestants : and 10 years, for whom it must rhould obtain detailed informa-llbe writte vividness orieinalitv Story With a Canadian Background" for its annual literary competition this year. il Wants tion and rules from the secrc-. . aimnHrU - ,.wm announced at a meeting in The lne competition, competition, open open to to any any ' tary-treasurer of the club at To- J " H " fl ! the Civic Centre last night. Mllllt. non-proiessional writer residing ronto, 69 Bloor Street East, be- "r lacwis i uie juugms,. Final dates set by the execu " '. Jin Canada male or female fore submitting a manuscrirjt. results of which will be an- symptoms in a single day! Ana tins prompt renei cosie miy ahout 3c per tablet in the Super-Economy Family-Size bottle of 3C Anohist tablets. So get Anohist at your druggist's today 1 Remember: all antihistamines are not alik. They vary greatly in performance. Anohist in the antih'istamine formula recomviendcd for family use because of its success in actual clinical tests. Vur Money Won't Crow Wing and fly way heu you hve TO P The Wonun's! carries a $100 first prize. -Entries this year will be! nounced about April 26. All dicator of last year s festival. In response to the membership convener, Miss Elizabeth Holmes, reuuesting that fees be paid, a tive for the festival are May 2, 3 and 4, which wiu allow Mr. Kurth to complete an adjudi- Club oi iuiuiiwj t '' Mrs. in . ii. Mcuuiiougn, con- juagea ior tneir appeal to cnu-; manuscripts must De aenverea if subject a iauuaTKii a vener oi the competition com- i dren between the ages of seven by February 1. motion was passed that organizations and individuals be notified that the set date for payment of fees will hi January 31. J ,JP . I I WE'VE fcOT K L A V THESES NOAI i ' ' ( wePOPTS yVSfvL V home rfflfl It was believed that this annual account at the BANK Or MUMltMU wucn you pay your bilLi by BofM cheque your stubs are an exact record of your expendilures. And the cancelled cheques, which the B of M will send you every month, act as your receipts. It's such a neat 'n' tidy such a convenient way of keeping your finances in order . . .no wonder it appeals to so many women I knowl What's ' more it's taje! For there's no need to keep loose j-uclt lvinir Aronnrl thp hnuftp Or in VOtlT DUrW. So wtlV date would be easier for -mem beis as well as help the drive for membership subscriptions, instead of the past seasonal payment of fees. The fees will remain the same. liforUer that all entries nuy not open your account tomorrow at your nearest BofM branchT You're sure to find friendly people, eager to help you, on the other aide of the B of M counter. j yLViMiiE teSC '54 1 ' Here's A Special Offer, Motherl Handy Plastic be prepared, a motion was made that the lestivai syuaDus published in the newspaper De Cap Covers that fit over the tops cember 16. On the committee to investigate advertising sponsors are R. G. Moore, Henry Pluym, one young. r&ck -hsummm V . I i -V juuus. co vou pewter mMM 1 I "SckVv C ?2!5B ") " I oi'HEIh Z. BABY FOOD ' tins when baby doesn't eat a full tin at one mealtime. Simply Rudolph Olson, Fred Conrad, Mrs g Cook a:id Mrs. C. P. Balaano. Since arrangements had al ready been made for an adjudi cator, a letter of application from L. R. Cluderay, a Victoria organist, will be answered by the secretary thanking Mr. Cluderay for his offer to adjudicate the local festival. I If You've Been Try!"! to shortcut your washdays with some of. those no-tinse chemical suds, but found you've short-changed your hands instead change to DUZl Dus gives you beautifully clean, white washes . . . and leaves your hands soft and white, tool That's because Dus and only Jis lias this combination of rich, real soap and two active detergenUI And there isn't a soap I know thas gives me a cleaner, jweeter-emelling wash I Yet Dus is safer for the pretty colours in your was than any no-rinse chemicals yo can buy I Once you've tried i you'll join the Dus "Fans" every- , where who are saying, "Dus doe Every th ing so beautifully I " It's So Much More Fun to b ; leave the balance of the Baby Food in the tin, cover it with this plastic cover and store it in your refrigerator. Good Heini Baby Foods are well worth saving to the last, tasty morsel I M-mmmt How bahy loves those luscious Heini Cereals and the extra-appctizinit variety of strained meat products, soups, vegetables nd desserts I So-don't waste 'em I ... simply wrile to me Barhara Brent, 1411 Crescent St., Mont-leal, P.Q.or this special offerl . . . 3 Plastic Cap Covers ASP S Baby Food Saves (jor scooping out the last good morsels of Heins Baby Food from the tin) are pours jor just 10c in coin or postage stamps and 3 Heins Baby Food labels. A Utile Weary from Christmas Another letter read by Miss Yvonne Larson, secretary, from W. Emerson Scott of the Scott Music Co., Ketchikan, asked an explanation of the "open'' entries cn the programs already tent to districts, if entries may be made for viola, 'cello and clarinet, and if it is permissible to enter from a private school of music, instead of from a pub it'i : : v I 1 re: I f VtN(S ) Jlrv (WELL in J I (tmEVUE PlavinG) . V,VoTrLE rJ7 THE KITCM6N LJ. . L Pl" THE TA"- S " i Th;S FTfcRNOON-J 'W 'l lf$S.yi ri il I O - ( On the DONKEY 1 shopping f then here's a dinner Biitriroatinn 1 h A t'n lic school. In reply, the chairman, R. G. j the Belle of the Ball ... so try this! wear W o o d b u r y's new p o w.d e r shade 'COQUETTE" with ' mm - red "Co quick 'n' easy, yet &Li Moore, vice-president of the association, instructed the secre just rutin ior oig appetites. It doesn't take more than minutes to rrepare a heaping tary to reply that "open" referred to any age; it was permissible for private music schools to enter the festival, and th.it there are no entries for viola, 'cello and clarinet. The regular meeting of the association to be held in December was cancelled, leaving the next meeting to be held In January. plateful of luscious AUNT JEMIMA READY-MIX PANCAKES! Just add milk or water stir and pop your Aunt Jemimas on the griddle. Then in seconds, when they're a rich, golden brown, put them on a hot plotter with sausages and bacon and serve with butter and syrup. M-mmmt Makes me hungry just to think about it t- Aunt Jemimas are so delicious . , . and another thing about them they're one of the best ways I know to keep food budgets balanced! So treat your family to Aunt Jemimas at breakfast, lunch or supper . . . they're an exciting surprise-dish at any time of day! quette" lipstick. Lovely! No mat or mirror ever saw your skin glow with such entrancing colour I For "Coquette" powder is a warm golden rachel becoming as a blush. You'll love its velvety texture, its lovely fragrance, its longer cling. It gives you the kind of sheer flattery that brings sincere compliments. (There's a . unique ingredient in Woodbury Powder that gives your skin a satin-smooth sheenwith no "powdery" look!) You'll love the way the creamy "Coquette" lipstick harmonises with the powder so beguilingly ! Choose the powdet in 20c, 37c or 65c siie and tha lipstick is just 49e. "What's Cooking, Mum?" You'll get lots of approval ' P '-ll VkvlJlB;:" nAJs- Representatives at last night's meeting were: Rudolph Olson, Sons of Norway; Henry Pluym, Dooth Memorial School; Mrs. C. P. Balagno, Catholic Women's '..cEKue: Mrs. G. Cook. Borden Savoury Soup on a Street School; Mrs. Hardy, Parent-Teachers Council, and Joseph Goscoe, King Edward school. Steaming, Itr-B 1 i cold November evening ... there's nothing better, ia there? And here's a soup that you'll find extra satisfying because it's flavoured with the beefy goodness of BOVRIL1 when it's a luscious CANNED SALMON dish that's cooking for the family. And I've discovered that Canned Salmon is not only a family "flavourite" . . . it's a hostess's Best Friend. So luscious in colourful, flavourful casseroles so appetising in salads and sand Olof Hanson East After Son's Death Following the sudden death of his son, Olof (Bllli Hanson jr., In Toronto yesterday, Olof Hanson, former M.P. for Skeena, was jL,t . LD-, vou 'PS to pill it up 7 AND ITTook ) , n FWra -YTW - ;.-.- on his way East by air today, ac rlT; JSr -VrT all piGMT.Sn lu' CTITTf cording to word received in the city. . Just try this tasty, tangy Creole Soup recipe by Eileen Rodger, the Bovril Dietician: 3 tbspns. butter a tbspns. chopped green pepper 1 tbspns. chopped onions 1 cups canned tomatoes 2 tbspns. Bovril 1 cup boiling water 14 cup rice 12 tspn. salt Cook green pepper and onion tn butter until tender. Add flour and blend well. Add tomatoes, Bovril and boiling water. Allow to simmer gently for ten minutes. Add cooked rice and season. Serve with toasted crackers. Makes six servings. S. B. Howlett, who has been manascr for the B.C. Power wiches! With Canned Salmon and a little imagination, it's such fun to conjure up e. quisite party delicacies. Mix Canned Salmon with mayonnaise, chopped onion. Garnish with chopped olives, chopped pickles, pimento or cuts of asparagus. Canned Salmon is so versatile . . . AND so economical! It's all food there's no waste. So keep a supply of Canned Salmon always on hand for hot, delicious, economical meals . . . and for gala dishes. Commission at Terrace' and is now transferred to Merritt, and Mrs. Howlett sailed on the Prin cess Louise Wednesday after noon for Vancouver enroute to their new home. Wonderful for 'A Party special treat for youngsters and grown-ups, too . . . delicious home-made fudge I Especially if it's fudge made rich-flavoured and creamy-smooth with BAKER'S UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE. When you use Baker's Chocolate, you get real, honest-to-goodness chocolate flavour, for there s nothing added, nothing tllS,.s7j. -,r- TUTTI-FRUTTI FUDGE Ploin Freize Cloth SHOW PAtlTS GKEEN ,- BROWN NAVY MAROON . Sizes 3 QX THE STORK SHOPPE Blue 810 303 3rd Ave. W. So"11 VMti SpW", tin. cut can- tUS fftit 4 tbspns. raisins (rmsed. thor oughly dried and finely cut). a Ji.T- , mint- nlioe ever low heat. Cook until mixture is smooth nd lose? lis SlSs Add fruits and nuts. Turn at once Into greased pan. S i 4 ineLs. eVor.V wlto addiUoMl Irurt. Wbn col cut in N'im, tui M urn iMf . . J r;