i f Vttmt niiuert Dai! tttto Tuesday, December 13, 1913 HOTEL ARRIVALS Frince Rupert Mdeod COAL Announcement W.O.T.M Card Tournament, December 15. All Welcome. Civic Centre Bridge Dec U. -I Mrs. Eric Richardson was a will spend the Christmas and. passenger aboard the Camosun New Year holiday season visit-Sunday night going through ing wRh ner parents, Mr. and from Tlell, Queen Charlotte Islands, to Vancouver where she Mrs- R- H- Bhockley. a. Dixon, Courtcnay; R. C. Scotch Dance Oddfellows Hall Emory, city; D. B. McLcod, Van couver; E. R. Carswcll, Kiver IT'S HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BURNING 4 Christmas Trees, all sizes, delivered, reasonable. Phone Black 889 or Black-937. (294) A. M. Martinusen returned to the city on Saturday afternoon'.! plane from a trip to Vancouver. December 16th. Moose Christmas Tree, Dec. 17, Moose Temple 2.00. Oddfellows ReDekah Christ For Biater Service Phone Skecna Grocery 951 or 581. (292) M. Girardet of the Department of Transport left by the Camosun today tor Bella Bella on a brief business trip. I For H. O. Perry, who has been on jjcr Now Mans Christmas a .: j u Bathrobe maite it & Habit! Look in Sheardown'g windows for Spcc- inas Tree, December 20. Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary bridge, cribbagc and whist December 21. Regular Cards. Catholic Hall, January 5. Regular meeting of Ibert & McCaffery I LIMITED Moose, Tuesday a trip to Vancouver to attend a meeting of the advisory council of the British Columbia Liberal Association of which he is president, is arriving In the city on the Prince George tomorrow morning and, after a few days here on Dally News business, will proceed to h's home at Prince December 13, 8.00 " (292) T. A. V. Trcmblay of the Columbia Cellulose Co., left for Vancouver aboard the Camosun today on business. p.m. i Initiation of candidates. (It) 1'HONE 118 ( oAI,l.t'MBi:il BUILDING SITI'LIKS Your Locker Plant operators at 230 Second Ave. operate a George. Canadian Legion, regular monthly meeting Pure Wool Flannel Dressing Oowps in Plain. Colors and bright Tartans. $18.50 to $27.50 Mrs. M. M. Roper, secretary of win. election or new members, Wednesday, December 14, 8 p.m. (291) retail meat and fish counter for service or the general public, tf Gordon and Anderson have just received another, shipment of oil burning heaters. Get yours now and be warm this winter. (291) Place your order at SHEAR-DOWNS now for fresh-killed turkey' from Smithers for Meeting of Men's Bowling League and New Mixed Bowling Ieauc Wednesday 8 p.m. ranee Rupert Bowling Alley. (it) the Prince Rupert board of school trustees; C. W. Alger, Terrace secretary, and A. Muhelm, Smithers, arrived In the city on the Coqultlam Sunday evening from the south after attending a conference In Victoria of secretaries from all parts of the province. Mr. Alger and Mr. Muhelm proceeded to the interior on tonight's train. ' jdvrriiMiiK i iJrtjauii; in auvaucc. ricasc refrain from Lounge-Ease Dressing Gowns Designed to Give Comfort and Smart Appearance. In fine Poplin Fabrics with Vertical Stripes. $18.50 (ft fj Classineas. ic per wora per insertion, minimum Birth Notices 50c. Cards ol Thanks, Death Notices, 1 I ...... n II n C .1 1. 1 i. ......... I A.... . ... REAL ESTATE i Christmas. Price will be right. Splices, wanub- "-" -"b(i.Mn.ui, niiiiuuiieemcnt. ji. Sl'tCIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE When a blaze started in a paper box filled with sweepings LOST AMI HHNU MM)! THANKS (290) Gifts of good used clothing lor needy persons are solicited by the Salvation Army. Please call Black 209. We do the rest. (298) at the residence of C. Mclntyre, LOST 5.25 x 16 Tire Chain. 544 Eighth Avenue East, the ui cxiirc.ss our sin-uli'in to our many -EXTREMELY Well Built Home on three lots, six years old. 5-rooms and attached Karaite, concrete foundations and basement. Hot water heating. Pembroke bath and shower. Brick tile construction with stucco finish: anioie storage lockers and cupboards in kitchen and bedrooms. This must be seen to be appreciated and bein sold for below replacement cost. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or (eves) Green 297. (295) fire department was called out .iKUillv to Dr. cjieen, Ambrose Ave. or Sixth IS. Kinder please nolilv K. Woodward, co Citv Stores, or Phone Green 710 after 5 p.nr. (tf) at. II 2(1 Thnrsrinv nlfht. Thi I ' 1 Pfe; s General meeting of the Com at the death ol our: Fashion-Plate Dressing Gowns in light weight Flannel, Plain Colors of deep blue and maroon. $12.50 flames were speedily extinguished ,llh,.r. AIM our uei-u- with a minimum of damage, Enjoy lh tuctllcnl appointmtnti, tit dtliciout food, and tht uncxctlitd Htvic of en of tht An thipt. Prince Rupert Sailings Southbound . Wednesday, Dec. 21 Wednesday, Jan. 4 Saturday, Jan. 21 For information and reserva . tions contact H. H. Davies General Agent VVANXRW ' 'S Advertise In the Dally News. ! munity Ratepayers' Association will be held in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, Tuesday, December 13, at 8.00 p.m. All members and ratepayers Invited to attend. (290) lit uu rioN. RrSiSKLL DUTTON. FOR SALETWcll located Duolex dwelling Vith two attractive four room apartments. Full basement with automatic oil furnace serving both suites. t.Ut.Nh DUTTON. Esmond Cloth Robes In colorful patterns. fun salt. i . - -1 i M 1 WANTKD Small furnished housekeeninu rom. close in. for ciuict wcnimr eirl. Box 804. Citv. (290) WANTED Furnished living room and bedroom for cuuulc permanently employed in Government Service. Aouly National Emultivment Service. (290) WANTED Furnished apartment consi.stinu of two bedrooms, living room, kitchen and bath-room. Auulv Box "033 Dailv News. (291) t Miius irrcs. itiiv ,,v. u el Phone Black l vi r Ed. Coughlln. local provincial welfare officer, left on last evening's train for Smithers, accompanying B. McLean who wfll be installed as welfare officer there, succeeding Miss Eleanor Mathewson who is resigning to be married. Mr. and Mrs. McLean An excellent investment for the man who wants to cut down expenses. Five room house verv centrally located. Cement footings, oart basement. Yours for $2000.00 down. Modern four room house on Alfred Street close to stores and schools would be ideal for f-B.ibv buuev $17.00. fB.wer Place. (294) House Jackets in plain colors with trim. i X-ScIIiiik out Have w uiece ouk uin-n suiie. Chesterfield FOR RENT small family. arrived on Saturday afternoon's plane from Victoria r Large four wartime close to bus line and school, has ex 3-ROOM Suite .for rent. Centrally located on Third Ave. New stove and bedroom suite, radio, washing machine and Misc. M15.00 cash. P.O. Box 1531. (295) cellcnt view. includes oil a! raiiio. brass twin ,1 and chair, etc. 831 jsrect. (290) W)ne kitchen ranee 5 tick oil burner and .,111 oil tunic. ApdW j. Ave. (i!91) i-Simmons bed. commit Uiescr and live vst Call 340 Sixth (291) heater. Full price onlv $2,350. For information or inspection of these listings see Robert E Montador Limited. (295) Come Out froin Under the Shadow of FOR RENT Sleeoing rooms.' Also garage. Phone Green 4:i8. , (295) FOR RENT SleeuiiiT room or , board and room. Phone Black i 600. (til U 1947 Monarch (.h1 condition, six rKRSONAl IV id rubber, any oiler. Seen at Bill s sution. (292) PLUMBING and Heating Sheet Metal work, tar and ravel roofing. Phone 543 or call (;29. Sixth Ave. West. H. ,Yoos l SALE 40 ' troller. H2. 12' 4' beam. New SHERIFF'S SALE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CARIBOO HOLDEN AT PRINCE GEORGE POLLARD BROS. LIMITED Plaintiff HAROLD SPIDEL Defendant Under and by virtue of a Warrant of Execution Issued from, the above Court and to me directed against the goods and chattels of the defendant, Harold Spidel, I have seized one D4 Caterpillar Tractor Serial number 759091 WSP, with' Hyster Winch, serial No. 44RX1356, Angledozer and attachments and on Thursday. December 22nd, 1949 at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon, at the Sheriff's Office, Court House, Prince Rupert I will offer for sale at public auction all the right, title and interest of the defendants in the above tractor which may be inspected at the garage of Bovill Motors, Smithers. Will consider bids received by mail. Terms o fsale: cash, and this sale is subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. The highest or any bidder not necessarily accepted. There Is a vendors equity of approximately $2,555.00 unpaid on this tractor. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C, this ninth day of Decem-i her', 1949. , , M. M. STEPHENS, . '.. . Sheriff of the County of Prince Rupert. (294) Letourneau and Sons. UI " HKI.F vv.vvru) iim'I less than year w-uimie direction mialic Dllot. troll- 1 rv DOLCIN Tallcls for prompt relief from ARTHRITIC and RHEUMATIC pain... Try DOLCIN... get a bottle of 100 or 500 tablets from your druggist TODAY anrl join I he thousands of relieved sufferers who by taking DOLCIN have come out from under llie, shadow of Pain . . . Most druggists carry DOLCIN. If yours does not, write direct lo s. halibut winch. ' Must sell to sat ORMES DRUGS WANTED Qualified janitor and wife lor employment ! (both) in new Canadian i legion Building and to be; resident on the premises.; yrs Rvtown Macli- WviCKERS' i DRUGS Phunc 211. P.O. (293) -Several thousand i sbnnir cushion GIN chairs just removed following theatres: Resent. Victoria. Columbia. Cinema Veteran preferred. Suite provided, together with light, heat, water, electric cook stove and floor coverings. Write fullv stating ages, experience and wages expected, to P.O. Box 628 Prince Rupert. B.C. ' (295) WANTED IMMEDIATELY -E x o e r 1 e need stenographer wanting steadv employment. Must know shorthand and be pcxxl tvolst. Aoulv The W H. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 8 A.M. TO 9 PM SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 P-M. 7 P.M. TO 9 P.M. VICKERS It OISTIUIB IN CANADA AND II OltTlltUTIB IvCalVrtt DOLCIN LIMITED no. Write or phone La . Salle" Marine Granville St.. Van- Toronto 10 Ontario, rhis advertisement is not published or dis-plcd by the Liquor Control Hoard tit bf (lie (jovernnient of British Columbia. BC. (292) 1 ta.M,w' TSH Calibre converted Emergency bicycle delivery from 7 p.m. till 9 D.m. and Sunday Dally car delivery service from 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Malkin Co., Ltd. ra sporting niles; models; six and ten Dealers. Monev-baek : FOR SAI.E 48 rounds am- n w on Large assort- rifles, shotguns. ' FOR SALE One steel baby crib a I mat tress. Onlv two months old. Phone Red 24.. siirhLx.pl e Write )r latest folders and Si'iiiv. CI .... Tl.: i'M'l. Ollawa Ont. I FOR SALE Two 14 .oiuo I v fi hoker e lanililons. AUOiv itf) Let's go sightseeing row Cabs 640. Teinlcrt u.111 lv ri. MOTOR OVERHAUL I" Ihi- iinilcrxlimetl in, 'II ol Tursflnv J:inu- lor Hip oiircli'iMP Block II Snhd Itii-ks 'Hl I). District Lot I "1 12110. Dclltal.hiht FOR SALE -Mich Power Oer- man field Masses API) V I.. Ross. Emuress Hotel. FOR SALE Nc & V Vunl-turc. Hardware it Olfice Fixtures Jilectrlc toasters. Cups and saucers, sinner bewii r Machines. China Cabhicts Press Irons. Cribs. Diss ton Hand Saws. New LoBKjn? Jacks Hoavy 3-1 ly Root Ins Piwr New Tci. Wasons, Brilmmi Kuiis. TyiKwrlter i.ur,Ti Boots. Battleship Wueen tHarlotte! 0"('t hl-r ullh Im-l "Uiglit this wiiy fot- k tour of Averafcetown I Canadian io n or city shat might be the one you live in ! "You'll see it as you never aw it before . . . hear the heliind-tlic-seenes story of some of ila must important landmarks . . . see sights that will give you new faith iu its future. AH set? Lrt'agoP its situate thereon and! Having Us Overhaul "Your Engine is Like Turning the Mileage Indicator Back to Zero, for your car will hum along the road as if it had just left the assembly line. DRIVE IN NOW! TO OUR GARAGE hip con mentis to be DV 1h niiri'ltupr nn where is husis TerniK ra-.li. Highest or anv Hot ni'ciKS:il'llv af. F Kiolici; riffii-i'if lr'H"i'. Aclininlstritttir Miioleiim, JSUKht y used .Radios elf. at the lowest prices. B C Furniture Co.. Black 324. Iii:i l.ie of Tliomas King. l( ''"i t House. Prince BC- (292 1, "On Our right havf a pplm.lid new high irhnnl, with mnilnn lighlinii. air-rnnditinninii nd a hoM of ollirr iniirnvrmrnU lhat fiv- Minimis a 'lifl'. It was liuill with ill aid of life imuranre (Inllars, invpslnl for policyholder!, in municipal bonds." FOR RALE- 1949 Ford. Uad'o. healer, and seat covers very Lood condition. Plume Or. en 819 or call 343 Seventh Ave. East. !!l 30-30 Winchester ime tester: Wcst- I'on AO lit 2 "Not th bridg arc coming 10 now. Sre how wide, smooth and sala 11 is ! Motorists for miles around blest I he day it w as built. Bui few know thai life insurance dollar! played Rt 8,)4 alter 6 p.m. (290) A LOVELY DISH SPECIALS i. ion I..IUI I . tx . . vital part in building this, too 1 llt,L. Will- '"'W. . I'hone 543. Call Kmas J' Are. W. (in tLF. r-r - -r ij r-ofrt Knrrlnr 4 "On Our left you see Average town's new waterworks. And you guessed it life insurance dollars are tt work here loo. helping lo pump and purify the water. That's a big job for the water is used at the rate of thousands of gallons per minute!'' r. . ' 1UU1 oefrosters. Onlv plolit nil's 3. "Her'$ the town' biggest industrial plnt. It shows another way in hirh life insurance dolhirs are invesled. Imagine what this plant means in its thousands of workers! Imagine how it'i helped to expand business all through Averagelown !" I'nnjnij. Good eondi- "'Mill. Ma; Wit. B.C. (292) m,rival tvwwrltcr. tod "" Combina- r i,,i, i "u wn c Grpo,, U''"iann, piano. 5. "How those life insurance Hollars do get around ! Here they've helped to build new apartment building that means a miiiii-uevdi'd lioi'.ie.tu scores of people." (290) Urai-lii "Sorry that' all we can show you now. But life insurance dollars also helped to build Average- town's electrical power plant, aewage system, recreational park and many of its homes. "They're a boon to farmers, too helping to build highways end rural electrification systems. 7 fciiont because I am a life insurance representative. And I hope that now you too can ce that life insurance serves you ftco ways. "It makes the future financially secure for yourself alld your family. And it helps create jobs and raue lining standards in your community !" Torchiere Floor Lamps $14.10 3 Light Trilight Lamps with silk shades $16.10 Table Lamps $4.95 and $6.95. G.E. Mantle Radios, assorted colors .... $19.95 G.E. Washers with pump $149.50 Floor Model Glad Irons- $129.50 Noma Tree Lights from $1.40 Noma Bubble and Bird Lamps 25c Noma Extra Lamps 03c to 15c Electric Irons $4.20 to $23.50. Waitic irons $10.95 Electric Toasters $7.20 to $32.50. NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. ' Phone21- Besner Block PUIN'CE RtPERT. B.C. STEWART. B.C. is: I II ll..r....j "v.".'" ion u... . . 'oia uros. 1 W-dntenancA pnrnf , Clumshcl I'm vul'l Urannlex: These aids lo heller living are founded on the work of III lift insurance representative. It is largely because of his efforts that so many people buy life insurance and pay premiums - the major part of which is invested in vital projects that benefit Canadians from coast to coast. Thus your life insurance rcprexeritalive is more than a i..i.,r..l udvisor on financial security. Ua'a a rV ,V( A, NEW HOME Plan to Build NOW I'or Plans and Estimates H's GREER & BRIDDEN The Men Who Know " CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RED 561 P.O. BOX 7E1 Rem,,., 'Pr Stockpile ni,i.e.mt"al: Rice Port. ii-?- helpful citizen, loo 1 IT IS l.OOl CITIZEXSHIT. TO ernrLIFE INSURANCE A mesmfi from tiifl Life Insurance. Companit in Ctinrf mid W Representative ' sS f- National 0 (it) I